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09-13 投稿



idiographic 发音

英:[??d???ɡr?f?k]  美:[??di???ɡr?f?k]

英:  美:

idiographic 中文意思翻译



idiographic 短语词组

1、idiographic nomothetic ─── 具体法

2、idiographic approach ─── 个人特质研究法

idiographic 同义词

idiographic 反义词


idiographic 相似词语短语

1、idiograph ─── n.商标;标记;个人签名

2、biographic ─── adj.传记的;传记体的

3、idiographs ─── n.商标;标记;个人签名

4、isographic ─── 等高线

5、infographic ─── n.信息图(information+graphic的组合。)

6、digraphic ─── 数字的

7、radiographic ─── adj.射线照相术的

8、diagraphic ─── 图解的

9、ideographic ─── adj.表意的;表意字构成的

idiographic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Idiographic technics and flow were put forward in order to provide technical foundation for utilizing cottonseed oil material. ─── 提出了具体的研制工艺和流程,为棉油脚的综合利用和硬脂酸产品的产业化提供技术依据。

2、The main content of demurrer and its standard and measure in idiographic implement are different from country to country about the law prescript of patent approaching demur and judicature practice. ─── 在不同国家关于专利侵权抗辩的法律规定及司法实践中,对抗辩的事由及其具体实施的标准和尺度都存在着很大的差异。

3、The experimentation has the strongpoint of idiographic and visual, but it has the disadvantage of long period and high charge. ─── 在实验室中进行模型实验,虽有直观、形象等优点,但通常存在费用高、进度慢等缺点。

4、it is a long-term course of shrinkage and creep influence on the structure, the reasonable end time of shrinkage and creep should be determined according to the idiographic types of structure; ─── 混凝土收缩徐变对结构的影响是一个长期的过程,应根据结构的具体形式确定合理的收缩徐变效应计算终止时间;

5、Just Resolution of Idiographic Cases ─── 略论具体案件的公正解决

6、We suggest humanities courses should be setup according to dissimilar courses module and should constitute idiographic implementary measure and plan. ─── 建议将人文课程按照不同的课程模块进行设置,制定具体的实施措施和计划。

7、This article expounds Chinese savvy art of lay more particular emphasize on spiritual than formal form Chinese humanistic value which stress on sense, false and true, idiographic image. ─── 摘要汉语承载着中华民族博大精深的传统文化和蕴藉的悟性艺术,汉语的人文性彰显着它的强大生命力和创造力。

8、At first, the article summarizes the correlative theories about scheme of real estate, and then it exercises the scheme's flow chart of real estate with an idiographic item. ─── 文章首先对房地产策划相关理论进行了简要地论述,并就具体的策划流程进行了总结。

9、On the basis of criticizing orthodox economic growth theories,Daly has formed his idiographic thought of ecological economics. ─── 在批判主流经济增长理论的基础上,戴利形成了自己独具特色的生态经济思想。

10、Optimal choice for patients to undergo hysterectomy should depend on idiographic clinic circumstance such as patient condition and preference, the gynaecological surgeon's skills and so on. ─── 结论:3种术式均为子宫切除的有效术式,各有利弊,应根据医师和患者的具体情况选择适宜的术式。

11、Design and Application of An ActiveX with Idiographic Encryption and Telecommunication Functions ─── 具有独特加密功能的通信控件的设计与应用

12、In the course of historical and practical development, Lingnan culture has formed its idiographic rule. ─── 岭南文化在历史与现实发展的过程中,有着独特的内在规律。

13、In the end,feasibility advice for structural design is taken by analysis and research for the idiographic project Nan-tong Olympic Stadium . ─── 笔者通过对上述具体问题的分析和研究,获得可行并有益的结果,为相关工程的设计分析提供可行的若干建议。

14、Therefore, it is necessary to penetrate complicated policy phenomena and surpass idiographic policy process and abstract a value objective which will dominate all public policies. ─── 就是要透过复杂的政策现象,超越具体的决策过程。于其中提炼旨在主导一切政策与决策的基本理念。

15、Idiographic character ─── 变革表征

16、At the same time, in accordance with the suggestion of the experts and the real condition, the idiographic implement way is mentioned in the point of view of quality. ─── 同时,参考专家建议并结合实际情况,从定性角度提出具体的实施方案,使方案的提出和实施更具科学性和可行性。

17、History is an idiographic discipline, studying events that cannot be repeated. ─── 历史是一门独立的学科,研究永远不会重复的事件

18、Based on the test training of the idiographic NN training function, we can get the basic information of jig control process and based on these information we can deduce a conclusion of the tramp of waste and the state of the jig bed. ─── 根据神经网络训练函数的具体试验训练,可得出跳汰控制过程中的基础信息,根据这些信息可推断跳汰机矸石错配物情况与跳汰床层的分层状态。

19、Finally, some idiographic examples are used to prove that the three-dimension material selecting method is operable and applicable. ─── 最后,通过具体的实例验证了材料选择三维方法的可操作性和应用性。

20、The reasonable choice of the structure form must be decided by the idiographic condition of the project. ─── 具体结构形式的选择需要根据工程情况确定。

21、Firstly,the designed inimitable crossover probability and idiographic mutation one designed,can find ... ─── 最后给出了算例以验证算法的有效性和正确性.

22、The general principle is looking the patients as the center and the idiographic principle includes facility, shortcut, nicety etc. ─── 设计的总原则应以患者为关注中心,具体原则包括方便、捷、确、适、明礼貌和可评价。

23、So government publicity is government ontic being, but not public entity or idiographic publicity. ─── 因而公共性是政府的实体性存在,而非公共实体和具体的公共性。

24、But then he introduced some basic knowledge of web making through idiographic examples.The students began to understand the theories, and satisfaction appeared on their faces. ─── 但接下来主讲人结合具体的例子给大家介绍了网页制作的一些基本知识,同学们也开始理解前面的理论知识了,脸上开始露出满意的表情了。

25、It is reported, the 2nd day when the website holds water, on its home page " object Baidu " idiograph has been as high as 200 many; ─── 据悉,网站成立的第2天,其首页上“反对百度”的个人签名已经高达200多个;

26、In our study on air combat, we should pay more attention on taking the thoughts and methods of NCW as a reference, not the idiographic forms. ─── 在空战研究中应吸收和借鉴网络中心战的思想和方法,而不是采用其某些具体的形式;

27、idiographic method ─── 突出个人特点的方法

28、The word idiographic is not to be confused with ideographic, which is the adjective formed from ideogram ─── 不要把研究特殊性的一词与表意符号的一词混淆,后者是衍生于表意符号的形容词。

29、Thirdly, the paper discusses the bodily idiographic presentation in modernistic sculpture through the argumentation of examples. ─── 再次,通过实例论证身体在现代主义雕塑中的具体呈现。

30、idiographic approach ─── 个人特质研究法

31、Based on the above mentioned, thesis embodies the idiographic application of fact prejudged. ─── 基于此,具体分析了预决事实的具体适用情形。

32、In this paper,the author aims at discussing the key problems that the high-tech enterprises confront with,and proposing the idiographic countermeasures for high-tech enterprises marketing innovation. ─── 对我国高科技企业营销面临的关键问题,提出了高科技企业市场营销的创新策略和高科技企业营销创新的具体对策。

33、Keywords goal theory;nomothetic approach;idiographic approach;personal projects;personal strivings.; ─── 目标理论;一般规律研究法;特殊规律研究法;个人计划;个人奋斗;

34、From the point of middleware technology, combined with the enterprise application"s idiographic characters, I ascertain the paper"s researchful goal toward EIHDR. ─── 从中间件技术出发,结合企业应用的具体需求,确定“企业异构数据源集成”为本文的研究目标。

35、idiographic psychology ─── 特殊规律心理学 特殊规律心理学

36、As for the property of Human Dignity, it is not a sort of idiographic constitutional rights, and it is not a principle as the equality. ─── 就其性质而言,它不是一项具体的基本权利,它与其他基本权利的关系也不完全类同于平等权与其他基本权利之间的关系。

37、Just Resolution of Idiographic Cases' is an aim that modern International Private Law re-searchers seek for. ─── 摘要“具体案件公正解决”是现代国际私法学界所追求的一个目标。

38、idiographic network ─── 独特型网络

39、Finally, we discuss the idiographic measure of corporation culture constructing and how to improve it. ─── 最后对企业文化建设的实施具体措施和如何进一步完善的方法进行论述。

40、Our idiographic business includes: seek goods, book ship, store, transfer, container FCL and LCL, apply to customs, apply to check, insurance, land-carriage and relative inquire service. ─── 具体业务包括:揽货、订舱、仓储、中转、集装箱拼装拆箱、报关、报验、保险、陆路运输及相关咨询服务。

41、Some idiographic strategies should be used, such as open question, created emergent context, record and self-reflection. ─── 实施中的具体策略包括开放性提问、创设生成情境、记录与反思等。

42、Meanwhile establishing the idiographic station can make the control object concretion.This can establish the program system based on object. ─── 同时建立具体的工位对象,使控制对象具体化,从而创建基于对象的编程系统。

43、This paper lucubrates two representative arithmetics of polygon-cut,realizes the two arithmetics using C language and lists idiographic examples to consult the execution of the two arithmetics. ─── 本文深入研究了多边形裁剪的两种典型算法,用C语言实现了算法,并列出具体实例来参照算法的执行。

44、From the composing and foundation of quality control system, idiographic work of how to found the laboratory quality control system was particularized in CDCs. ─── 摘要目的本文从质量管理体系的构成和建立为起点,阐述建立疾病预防控制中心实验室质量管理体系的具体工作。

45、Therefore, the paper starts with the idiographic illogicality, and carries out the positive research in order to provide thought for the pressing settle of the material. ─── 所以本文从具体的矛盾问题出发来进行实证性的研究,为具体问题的切实解决提供思路。

46、Keywords Idiographic individual;Education evaluation toward idiographic individual;Education evaluation toward abstract man; ─── 教育评价;生存论;具体个人;具体个人教育评价;

47、After these, study the idiographic principium and integer frame compose of the all electrical brake system, and contrast it hydraulic pressure brake system. ─── 之后研究了全电刹车系统的具体工作原理和整体结构组成,并对全电刹车系统和液压刹车系统进行对比。

48、This paper presents two kinds of multicast authentication technologies, describes the idiographic authentication scheme, and gives the compare of each scheme. ─── 本文介绍了两种应用于多播的基本认证技术,描述了具体的认证实施方案,并对方案的特点进行了比较;

49、Matchmaking industry exists as a kind of spirit, even it is immaterial, but you will definitely feel it idiographic and tangible through our discreet service and prominent management. ─── 虽然企业精神是无形的,但在聚贵苑的管理和员工的言行中却得到了具体的、有形的体现。

50、Fourthly, developed the theory of democratic centralism and strengthened it"s each idiographic system. ─── 第四,发展了党内民主集中制理论并完善了民主集中制的各项具体制度;

51、The word idiographic is not to be confused with ideographic , which is the adjective formed from ideogram . ─── 不要把研究特殊性的一词与表意符号的一词混淆,后者是衍生于表意符号的形容词。

52、The drumbeating and education of AIDS in prevention and cure should be improved, and the content of education should be more systemic, accurate and idiographic. ─── 今后应加强吸毒人员艾滋病防治的宣传教育,并且使培训的内容更系统、细致和具体化。

53、This paper introduces the idiographic methods of operation concerning how to usethe altimetry of electromagnetic wave to ... ─── 实践证明:该方法操作简单、自动化程度高、精度可靠,是一种值得推广的方法。

54、As for the property of Human Dignity,it is not a sort of idiographic constitutional rights,and it is not a principle as the equality. ─── 就其性质而言,它不是一项具体的基本权利,它与其他基本权利的关系也不完全类同于平等权与其他基本权利之间的关系。

55、Complete discharge. The interior raise plates and discharge plates are mounted in a stated angle, and the idiographic discharge mechanism can ensure complete discharge. ─── 出料彻底。内部扬板与出料板以一定的角度安装,加上独特的出料机构可保证出料干净;

56、idiographic science ─── 突出个性科学

57、This article describes a design and the implementation of automated testing system of tires, put emphasis upon studying idiographic application of OPC technology in the system. ─── 文章描述一个轮胎自动化检测系统的设计和实现,重点研究了OPC技术在系统中的具体应用。

58、human nature is complicated, idiographic and changeful. ─── 人性是复杂、具体而富于变化的。

59、Therefore, it is necessary to contrapose the idiographic object and the idiographic situation for the concrete analysis in the estimation. ─── 认为找矿前景快速评价的有效途径选择难度较大,评价者必须针对具体对象、具体情况进行慎重的研究和分析。

60、Many scholars, at home or abroad, have brought up the idiographic models such as Virtual Organization, league of strategy, combo of enterprises, etc. ─── 国内外学者提出了诸如虚拟企业、战略联盟、企业联合体等网络组织的具体模式。

61、Its connotation is nonfigurative invariance and consistency.At the same time it is idiographic variability and otherness. ─── 其内涵,既具有抽象的恒定性和一致性,又具有具体的变化性与差异性;

62、Using these characters, we have palmmprint recongnition, fingerprint recongnition, face recongnition, speaker recognition, iris recongnition, idiograph recongnition and so on. ─── 基于这些特征,人们已经发展了手形识别、指纹识别、面像识别、说话人识别、虹膜识别、签名识别等多种生物识别技术。

63、An idiographic process flow which only needs adding two lithography steps and four implantations in the standard CMOS technology is given. ─── 提出了具体的工艺制作流程-在标准工艺的基础上添加两次光刻和四次离子注入工程,并成功进行了流片试验。

64、idiographic acoording doctrine ─── 具体符合说

65、Finally, display the system interface, the flow and result of reasoning based on idiographic instance. ─── 并结合具体事例展示了系统的界面、推理流程以及推理结果。

66、With the need of idiographic project, the hydraulic characteristics of adjustive pool is thoroughly discussed. The diagnostic expressions is obtained,and is analysed. ─── 结合工程实际,对水量调节池的水力特性进行了较深入的探讨,推导出已知变进水量调节池的特征公式,并进行了验证和分析。

67、In this paper, it summarized the differences between traditional teaching and interactive teaching in information environment, at the same time , it introduces some idiographic modus operandi. ─── 本文总结传统教学与信息环境下互动教学的不同,同时介绍了我们在互动教学中的一些具体做法。

68、Study on the structure and idiographic space model of expedite city ─── 畅通城市结构和具体空间模型初探

69、idiographic flow ─── 具体流程

70、It is estimated that the person would like to sign a personal idiograph on this money, then assume this banknote will always belong him as a matter of course. ─── 估计这个人想的是把这张钱签名画押了,这张钱就永远是他的了。

71、It will damage court’s neutral status if court executes any idiographic administrative act, and will be against offeree’s remedial rights. ─── 法院行使强制执行权有损人民法院居中裁判的崇高地位,更不利于相对人的救济;

72、The measurement of individual change: A didactic account of an idiographic approach Sean Hammond and Margaret O'Rourke ─── 个别变化测量:从说教到给出一个办法

73、In the process of sparseness, it needn't to consider the surface idiographic features, so it brings out much convenience for practice operation. ─── 由于稀化过程中不需要考虑曲面的具体特征,给实际操作带来了极大的方便。

74、At the same time,the method provides the idiographic measures in carrying out the optimized function of gas pipeline and suppl... ─── 同时,为实现管道最优运行采取具体措施和新管道的设计提供了辅助决策。

75、There are a lot of idiographic methods in SCM, this thesis primarily introduces three kinds of them, Quick Response (QR), Efficient Customer Response (ECR) and Electronic Ordering System (EOS). ─── 供应链管理的具体方法有很多,本文主要介绍三种:快速反应(OR)、有效客户反映(供应链ECR)和电子订货系统(EOS)。

76、The author introduce a idiographic method of the relaxation therapy in detail which is suitable for the injured and disabled patients, including the suggestion of the implied treatment. ─── 文中详细介绍了一种适合伤残患者放松训练的方法,以及对他们进行暗示性治疗的建议。

77、The system of priority lacked uniform and idiographic criterion in the modern lawmaking of China although it was appeared long ago. ─── 中国也在很早有了优先权,但在现代立法中却没有统一的具体规定。

78、The thesis introduces the three key links which decided the hospiatlization insurance work favorably and their idiographic request. ─── 本文主要介绍了决定医保费用结算工作顺利进行的三个关键环节及各环节的具体要求。

79、digital idiograph ─── 数字签名

80、Furthermore, the thesis predicts and analyzes the development of the satellite town real estate market of Dalian scientifically by using idiographic indexes and statistical data. ─── 同时,通过使用量化指标和各项统计数据,科学预测了大连市卫星城房地产未来的发展趋势。

81、In principle, methodology of international politics can be divided by four levels: philosophical level, disciplinary level, idiographic studying methods level, and composing research paper level. ─── 摘要国际政治研究方法大体上可划分为哲学、学科、具体方法和研究成果撰写等四个层次。

82、On the basis of criticizing orthodox economic growth theories, Daly has formed his idiographic thought of ecological economics. ─── 在批判主流经济增长理论的基础上,戴利形成了自己独具特色的生态经济思想。

83、Acoording to the elemental technologies and functions of WSN, an idiographic WSN meet to meet the demands of construction and the application of WSN in UMT is established. ─── 摘要在分析无线传感器网络的基础技术及基本功能的基础上,针对城市轨道交通工程的实际应用需求,构建了无线传感网络的具体模型。

84、The idiographic computing examples indicate that the genetic algorithm has preferable efficiency and satisfactory accuracy. ─── 具体算例表明所建立的方法对压气机叶片排序问题有较高的效率和满意的准确度。

85、Idiographic plan ─── 具体规划

86、Through the idiographic anatomy to heroism and take out it's distillate in the paper will have active meaning to perfect the hobbledehoy's personality and cultivate their individuality. ─── 文章通过对“侠义英雄主义”的具体剖析,认为取其精华,将对青少年人格的完善与个性的培养有积极的现实意义。

87、the fifth, to introduce PFF as an example, analyze the idiographic production company in the market environment. ─── 五、以PFF公司为例,分析食用香精行业市场中的生产企业。

88、On the base of consulting the overseas advance technology, combining the domestic idiographic instance, we establish the technical flow to manufacture thick film heater on stainless steel. ─── 在借鉴国外先进厚膜技术的基础上,结合国内的具体情况,制定了不锈钢厚膜加热器件的生产制造工艺流程。

89、Compared with a kinship family, a nuclear family has its own idiographic strong points. ─── 和大家庭相比,小家庭有一个独特的优点

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