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09-13 投稿



Waldenses 发音

英:[[w?l?densi:z]]  美:[[wɑl?d?nsiz, w?l-]]

英:  美:

Waldenses 中文意思翻译



Waldenses 词性/词形变化,Waldenses变形

Waldenses 相似词语短语

1、goldenseals ─── n.北美黄莲;白毛茛

2、waldoes ─── n.沃尔多(男子名)

3、flenses ─── v.从(尸体,尤指鲸鱼尸体)剥皮,剥取脂肪

4、lenses ─── 柔性焦距透镜组

5、walruses ─── n.海象(walrus的复数)

6、hand lenses ─── 放大镜(等于handglass)

7、walleyes ─── n.玻璃梭鲈;斜视;角膜白斑

8、condenses ─── v.浓缩;使缩短(condense的三单形式)

9、Waldenses ─── n.韦尔多教派

Waldenses 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Walden stood at the fence watching the train. ─── 沃尔登站在栏杆旁看着火车。

2、"Wherever a man goes," he said in Walden,"men will purse and paw him with their dirty institutions." ─── 他在《华尔腾》里说,“不论哪里,人们总是跟着你,用他们那套下流货色纠缠不休。"

3、He went to Walden Pond “to remember well his ignorance. ─── 他去了瓦尔登湖“来铭记他的无知”。

4、"Mary the Earl of Walden," her father said abruptly. ─── “嫁给沃尔登伯爵,”她父亲出其不意地说。

5、Walden Pond ─── 沃尔登塘(美国马萨诸塞州东部的池塘)

6、Walden recalled that Churchill, at forty, was very young to be in charge of the entire Royal Navy. ─── 沃尔登想到邱吉尔才四十岁就统帅整个皇家海军也是太年轻。

7、"Marry the Earl of Walden," her father said abruptly. ─── “嫁给沃尔登伯爵,”她父亲出其不意地说。

8、He had tasted the waters of Walden Pond. ─── 他已经尝了沃尔登湖水的味道。

9、He had not seen the car go in, so presumably it was Walden's. ─── 他没有看到汽车开进去,所以大概是沃尔登的汽车。

10、I am no lonelier than the loon in the pond that laughs so loud, or than Walden Pond itself. ─── 比起那湖中长笑的潜鸟,还有那湖,我并不比他们孤独多少;

11、When Thoreau wrote that line, he was thinking of the Walden Pond he knew as a boy. ─── 当梭罗写下这行诗的时候,他正沉浸在童年瓦尔登湖的美好回忆之中。

12、Aah, that's not so bad, Walden thought. That we might be able to manage . ─── 啊,这还不错,沃尔登想,这一点我们也许能够办到。

13、I wanted to live near Walden Pond and commune daily, in nearby Concord, with the wise ghosts of Thoreau and Emerson. ─── 我向往能住在瓦尔登湖的附近,在康科德的周遭,每天与梭罗和爱默生睿智的幽灵交谈。

14、His secretary, Henry David Thoreau wrote Walden, a source of inspiration for hippies a century later. ─── 他的秘书亨利·大卫·梭罗的著作《瓦尔登湖》,是一个世纪后嬉皮士们的灵感源泉。

15、Instead, the Harvard man seemed to spend most of his time loafing in the woods near his hometown over near Walden Pond. ─── 但是,这个哈佛毕业的人似乎花费了他大部分时间在他城市外的树木中闲逛。

16、But I can assure my readers that Walden has a reasonably tight bottom at a not unreasonable, though at an unusual, depth. ─── 可是,我可以确切地告诉读者,瓦尔登有一个坚密得合乎常理的湖底,虽然那深度很罕见,但也并非不合理。

17、"That's marvellous!" Walden said. ─── “太好了

18、Tao Yuanming and Thoreau were deeply in love with their life in nature, on the basis of which, they wrote their masterpieces "The Peach Blossom Spring" and "Walden". ─── 归园田后的陶渊明和居住在瓦尔登湖畔的梭罗深深热爱着他们的自然生活,并以此为据,写出了千古传诵的佳作《桃花源诗并序》与《瓦尔登湖》。

19、They plainly fished much more in the Walden Pond of their own natures, and baited their hooks with darkness. ─── 在瓦尔登湖中,很显然他们能钓到的只是自己的多种多样的性格,而钩子只能钓到黑夜而已。

20、Walden needed time to reflect, now. ─── 沃尔登现在需要时间考虑如何做出反应。

21、I have noticed that a portion of Walden which in the state of water was green will often, when frozen, appear from the same point of view blue. ─── 我注意到瓦尔登的一个部分,它的水是绿的,一俟冻结之后,从同一观察点望去,它成了蓝色。

22、"I've never felt better going into a season," said Walden, who shot up the world rankings from 35th to 20th last term. ─── “我从没有在征战新赛季初有如此好的感觉!”沃顿说,上赛季他从世界第35一下跃升至世界第20!

23、Moreover, in summer, Walden never becomes so warm as most water which is exposed to the sun, on account of its depth. ─── 在夏天里,瓦尔登湖因为很深,所以也不同于一般暴露在阳光底下的水。

24、The butler offered Walden a cigar, but he sensed that he was finished here. ─── 仆人给沃尔登送来一支雪茄,但沃尔登示意他不需要。

25、Walden clutched at the back of the sofa. ─── 沃尔登紧紧抓着沙发后背。

26、Walden noticed the bodyguard scanning the woods on either side. ─── 沃尔登注意到他们的警卫不停地扫视着两边的小树林。

27、Walden opened his mouth to speak then closed it abruptly. ─── 沃尔登刚要开口说话又立即闭上了嘴巴。

28、Walden's online B.S. in Instructional Design and Technology program prepares you to design effective learning experiences and training programs. Whether you a... ─── 在教学设计及科技计划沃尔登在线学士学位准备你设计有效的学习经验和培训计划。无论你是在高等教育工作,企业培...

29、Walden liked a man who could shoot straight. ─── 沃尔登喜欢坦率正直的人。

30、Walden was excited about Alek's counter-proposal. ─── 沃尔登对阿列克的反建议感到十分兴奋。

31、A severe cold of a few days duration in March may very much retard the opening of the former ponds, while the temperature of Walden increases almost uninterruptedly. ─── 三月里严寒了几天,便能延迟其他湖沼的开冻日了,但瓦尔登的温度却几乎没有中断地在增高。

32、Walden shook his callous hand. ─── 沃尔登握了握他那长满老茧的手。

33、Walden rang for a footman. ─── 沃尔登按铃叫仆人。

34、Walden gave a thin smile: he preferred not to be reminded. ─── 沃尔登淡淡一笑,他不想叫人提起那回事。

35、Walden saw Churchill at the Admiralty at twelve noon. ─── 中午十二点沃尔登在海军部见到了邱吉尔。

36、Long-term written records suitable for climate studies are rare in North America, but in Concord, botanists had completely catalogued the plants around Walden several times in the past century. ─── 在北美洲很难找到长期的记录来研究气候的变迁。但是过去这百年来,植物学家已经把华登湖附近的所有植物一遍又一遍,完完整整的科学归类了。

37、"Wherever a man goes," he said in Walden, "men will purse and paw him with their dirty institutions." ─── 他在《华尔腾》里说,“不论哪里,人们总是跟着你,用他们那套下流货色纠缠不休。"

38、Walden looked into the room. ─── 沃尔登向房间里张望。

39、Draper Fisher Jurvetson、Kleiner,Perkins,Caufield &Byers、Kodiak Venture Partners、Sequoia Capital、TL Ventures、VantagePoint Venture Partners和Walden International。 ─── 2004年的其它风险投资记录还包括,13家风险投资公司参与了4笔投资的、、24家风投参与了3笔投资,有2笔投资的75家公司,以及仅有1次投资的272家公司。

40、Walden stared at him. ─── 沃尔登注视着他。

41、If I had a son, Walden thought, this is how I would explain things to him. ─── 我要是有个儿子,沃尔登想,我就这样教导他。

42、er -I saw your advertisement in the Saffron Walden Reporter ─── 呃,我在Saffron Walden通讯上看到一则您招聘广告

43、Walden saw Churchill pushing through the crowd toward where they sat. ─── 沃尔登看见邱吉尔在人群中向他们坐的地方挤过来。

44、Walden got a loaded plate and sat down to eat. ─── 沃尔登端着一个盛满食品的盘子坐下吃起来。

45、Walden surveyed the breakfast table. ─── 沃尔登看着餐桌上摆好的早餐。

46、Donald B. Percival, Andrew T. Walden, Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis, Cambridge, 2000. ─── 张树京,齐立心。时间序列分析简明教程,清华大学出版社,2003

47、But such was not the effect on Walden that year, for she had soon got a thick new garment to take the place of the old. ─── 可是这一年,瓦尔登没有受到这种影响,因为它立刻穿上了新的一层厚冰,来替代那旧的一层。

49、Thoreau, Henry D. Walden, ed. J. Lyndon Shanley (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971). ─── 徐迟译,瓦尔登湖,吉林人民出版社,1997.

50、"Walden Capital representative said. ─── 华登资本代表表示。

51、He went to build a cabin and enjoyed his living, reading, listening,planting beans, cooking on Walden Pond.Thoreau established a paradise from the urban life. ─── 他想以此来证明,人可以生活的更简朴、更从容,不必为追求物质文明的发达而放弃人为万物之灵的崇高地位。

52、They shook hands, and Walden sat down. ─── 他们握了手,沃尔登落坐。

53、Mr Walden hopes to expand the scheme with the help of the Australian Institute of Country Music so students will be able to take a degree in country music at the local university. ─── 沃尔登希望在澳大利亚乡村音乐学会的帮助下扩大办学计划,这样学生们可以在当地的大学获得乡村音乐的学位。

54、Napoleon went to St.Helena;Quoil came to Walden Woods. ─── 拿破仑到了圣赫勒拿岛,而夸尔来到了瓦尔登森林。

55、On Thursday he had sent a note which Walden had ignored. ─── 周四他派人送来一张便条,沃尔登不予理睬。

56、We made that small house ring with boisterous mirth and resound with the murmur of much sober talk, making amends then to Walden vale for the long silences. ─── 我们使这小小的木屋中响起了大笑声,还喃喃地作了许多清醒的谈话,弥补了瓦尔登山谷长久以来的沉默。

57、How large a body of Walden water would be required to reflect a green tint I have never proved. ─── 我从未找到证据证明要让瓦尔登的湖水略显绿色需要多大的一块面积。

58、"It takes practice," Walden said. ─── “这需要磨炼哪,”沃尔登说。

59、Suddenly Walden realised that he was enjoying himself. ─── 沃尔登突然感到十分高兴。

60、Walden left him to his reverie. ─── 沃尔登丢下他,叫他一个人出神去了。

61、Walden did not like to be pushed. ─── 沃尔登极讨厌别人催促他。

62、Walden's rule ─── [化] 沃尔登规则

63、Walden put on a dubious face. ─── 沃尔登脸上现出一副犹豫不决的神色。

64、Walden roared: "You damned villain!" ─── 沃尔登咆哮道:“你这个恶棍

65、"No, mate, it's only the Earl of Walden" he walked on. ─── “不是,老兄,那是沃尔登伯爵。”他说完就走了。

66、Thoreau, a Harvard student excellent both in conduct and academic performance, chose to live beside the Walden when he finished his schooling. ─── 品学兼优的梭罗从哈佛大学毕业后,选择了静静的瓦登湖。

67、"There he is!" Walden yelled. ─── “他在那儿

68、He compares today's Walden Pond with that of Thoreau's day. Wilson will use such comparisons for the rest of the book. ─── 他把与进行了比较。威尔逊将继续这样比较余下的部分。

69、Walden pretended to be disappointed. ─── 沃尔登装作不高兴的样子。

70、Ah, the pickerel of Walden! ─── 啊,瓦尔登的梭鱼!

71、are themselves small Waldens in the animal kingdom, Waldenses. ─── 在动物界之中,它们自身就是一个个小瓦尔登,这许多的瓦尔登啊!

72、Walden asked impatiently. ─── 沃尔登着急地问道。

73、I am no more lonely than the loon in the pond that laughs so loud, or than Walden Pond itself. ─── 比起那湖中长笑的潜鸟,还有那湖,我并不比它们孤独多少。

74、Walden saw immediately how difficult, challenging and rewarding the task would be. ─── 沃尔登立即意识到这项任务将是困难的,有争议的,同时也是值得一干的。

75、Walden Hotel is situated at the junction of Wanchai and Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. ─── 华登酒店位于湾仔与铜锣湾交界,毗邻湾仔商业区及铜锣湾购物、娱乐及饮食热点;

76、Walden was struck by a thought. ─── 沃尔登心中突然一动。

77、I was determined to begin my writerly life in the spirit of Thoreau’s proclamation in Walden: “Give me that poverty that knows true wealth. ─── 我决心秉着梭罗在瓦尔登湖宣言中“ 给我明了真正财富的贫穷 ”的精神,开始我的写作生涯。

78、Walden looked more closely. ─── 沃尔登走近看了看。

79、 双语使用场景

80、Walden felt a surge of pity for him. ─── 沃尔登对他十分同情。

81、WhereI Lived, and What I Lived for Walden Pond from Pine Hill, by Herbert W.Gleason,circa 1900. ─── 在我们生命中的某个时节,我们习惯留意每处可作为居所的地点。

82、On the VC and PE, Bishi of China is "prehistoric state," Walden's early investments in Little Swan, Skyworth, and so on, not only in traditional industries, but mostly state-owned enterprises. ─── 对VC和PE而言,彼时的中国是“史前状态”,华登早期的投资是小天鹅、创维等,不仅在传统行业,而且大多数是国企。

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