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09-13 投稿



impassive 发音

英:[?m?p?s?v]  美:[?m?p?s?v]

英:  美:

impassive 中文意思翻译



impassive 词性/词形变化,impassive变形

名词: impassiveness |副词: impassively |

impassive 短语词组

1、an impassive face ─── 冷漠的脸

2、impassioned impassive ─── 热情洋溢的

impassive 相似词语短语

1、implosive ─── adj.闭塞音的;n.内爆发音

2、impassively ─── adv.无感情地;缺乏热情;冷淡,冷漠

3、impassible ─── adj.不觉痛苦的;不能伤害的

4、impassion ─── v.激起……的热情

5、impactive ─── adj.冲击的;有不良影响的

6、impressive ─── adj.感人的;令人钦佩的;给人以深刻印象的

7、impulsive ─── adj.冲动的;受感情驱使的;任性的

8、massive ─── adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的

9、impasse ─── n.僵局;死路

impassive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、[Marina says nothing. She continues to give him an impassive stare. He menacingly points a finger in her face. ─── [M没说话。她继续冷漠的凝望。他恶狠狠地用一根手指指着她的脸。

2、She keeps her face impassive, though her heart rate has increased. ─── 她努力保持面无表情,但她的心律却加快了。

3、deliberately impassive in manner. ─── 故意漠无表情的样子。

4、He was rigid, erect, and impassive ─── 他一动不动,笔直地站着,脸上毫无表情。

5、For a long time I knew that God is not the impassive, unresponsive, unchanging being portrayed by the classical theologians . ─── 长久以来,我就知道神不是神学专家所描绘的那样被动、木然、死板。

6、"Kafkaesque fantasies of the impassive interrogation, the false trial, the confiscated passport . . . haunt his innocence" (New Yorker) ─── “冷漠的质问,虚妄的审判,被没收了的护照等卡夫卡式幻想,侵扰着他简单的头脑”(纽约人)

7、her impassive expression/face ─── 她冷漠的表情/面容

8、His face, what little of it I could see under the visor, was impassive. ─── " / 他的脸,我可以在面颊之下看见什麽它的一点点, 是无感情的。

9、be impassive to ─── 对 ... 冷淡, 对 ... 无动于衷

10、an impassive expression ─── 冷漠的表情.

11、She went out of the room with the tray, her face impassive and unchanged. ─── 她端着托盘离开了房间,脸上的表情一如既往。

12、Skilled, impassive buyers can get a great deal more with silence than they can with vocal manipulations. ─── 有经验的冷漠买家用沉默可以得到比用语言更多的东西。

13、His face remained impassive, so strong was his self-control. ─── 他依然是面无表情,自控能力是如此之强。

14、seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive. ─── 表面上不受快乐或者痛苦的影响;冷漠。

15、1.aloof and indifferent; unmoved; untouched; unconcerned; hard-boiled; insensible; apathetic; nonchalant; callous; impassive 2.without (the slightest) compunction3.to remain firm; to stand pat; to sit by ─── 无动于衷

16、It seemed rude to speak of death to the dead, and I kept checking Robin's face, to see how she was taking it, but Robin remained impassive. ─── 当着死去的人谈死亡未免过于不敬,我一直不停地打量罗宾的表情,想看看她到底是怎么了,可罗宾的表情无动于衷。

17、The saga over Sudan shows how sensitive the Chinese authorities have become to criticism, despite their impassive reputation. ─── 尽管中国冷漠的声誉,在苏丹问题上的举动显示了中国当局对于批评是多么的敏感。

18、5.Her face remained impassive,studying the Belgian as he completed the form. ─── 她不动声色,仔细观察正在填写表格的那个比利时人。

19、He listened with an impassive face. ─── 他面无表情地听着。

20、He still wore the same impassive and preoccupied air ─── 他仍旧有那种心情缭乱而力自镇静的神气。

21、She did not share the same life as her brothers.She would have been good-looking, save for the impassive fixity of her face, 'bull-dog', as her brothers called it. ─── 她独自一人,过着与她兄弟们完全全不同的生活,她本有着姣好的容貌,但由于她脸上一成不变的表情令人望而生畏,“斗牛犬”,正如她兄弟们叫她的那样。

22、Val glanced sideways at his mother's impassive face; it had a hunted look in the eyes. ─── 法尔斜看一下母亲神色不动的脸色,眼睛里有一种无可奈何的神情。

23、If electric stimulation does not have reaction, it is the flesh that do not have a face or viviparity namely in namely impassive control. ─── 如发现纤维颤动电位则表明面肌存在,但缺乏有功能的神经支配。

24、His face remained impassive ─── 他的脸仍然毫无表情。

25、The impassive earth seemed to have swallowed her up without an effort, without a tremor ─── 似乎那无情的大地毫不费力地把她吞没了。

26、14. Dark gingerbread sort of coloring, with ordinary hair, and a face disquietingly impassive, save for his very dark, very large eyes. ─── 他的脸上毫无表情,以至令人感到不安,只有那双大而又极黑的眼睛不是这样。

27、She would have been good-looking, save for the impassive fixity of her face, 'bull-dog', as her brothers called it. ─── 本来面容姣好的她,因一脸的木讷被哥三个叫成“斗牛犬”。

28、Javert was impassive,his grave face betrayed no emotion whatever ─── 沙威是铁面无情的,他严厉的面容,绝不露一点慌张的颜色。

29、her impassive remoteness; ─── 她冷漠的疏远;

30、Lifeless expressionless stony impassive unanimated blank empty vacant inexpressive ─── 无感觉的,无表情的,无生命的

31、”Bagration, a short lean man, not yet elderly, with a resolute and impassive face of oriental type, came out after the commander-in-chief. ─── 巴格拉季翁,身材不高,一副东方型的表情呆板而端正的脸孔,干瘪瘪的,还不是老年人,他跟随总司令走出来。

32、He's a large, languid man with a round and impassive face. ─── 他是一个无精打采的大汉,长着一张毫无表情的圆脸。

33、He searched Hill's impassive face for some indication that he understood. ─── 他在希尔没有表情的脸上搜寻着一些他理解的迹象。

34、those impassive butlers who appeared to know nothing, ─── 看上去面无表情,一无所知,

35、Val glanced sideways at his mother's impassive face; it had a hunted look in the eyes ─── 法尔斜看一下母亲神色不动的脸色,眼睛里充满了恐惧。

36、Of us all, Roger put on the most impassive front ─── 在我们所有人中间,罗杰最装得若无其事。

37、And he would be left glaring ,wild-eyed ,at the impassive panels longing to drive a fist into them to reduce the impassivity to splinters ; ─── 而他会留下来,瞪着眼睛,怒目而视那冷漠的门板,就想出拳把它们的冷漠击成碎片;

38、I looked back, my face impassive and expressionless. ─── 我也看她,面无表情、不露声色。

39、Don Corleone listened like a priest in the confessional, gazing away into the distance, impassive, remote. ─── 堂-科利昂象个告解室里的祖父一样听着,向远处凝视着,没有表情,冷漠。

40、he was so dull at parties; a dull political campaign; a large dull impassive man; dull days with nothing to do; how dull and dreary the world is; fell back into one of her dull moods. ─── 他在晚会上很沉闷;沉闷的政治活动;非常沉闷、冷漠的人;无所事事的沉闷日子;这是个多么沉闷的世界呀;她的心情陷入了沉闷。

41、A crash in Egypt had left one of his eyes badly damaged and one side of his face impassive. ─── 他驾驶的飞机在埃及坠机之后,他的一只眼睛受到严重伤害,另外他的半边脸也失去了知觉。

42、His face is impassive ─── 他脸上表情冷漠。

43、A quick moment lapsed before Rukawa managed to recover his impassive expression。 ─── 流川花了一小会儿功夫才恢复他漠然的神情。

44、Impassive clock! Terrifying, sinister god, Whose finger threatens us and says: "Remember! The quivering Sorrows will soon be shot Into your fearful heart, as into a target; ─── 冷漠的时钟!这可怕而险恶的神,用手指威胁着我们:“记住!颤抖的痛苦很快就将射进你充满恐惧的心,犹如射入靶中;

45、He shook his head again, looking at their hard impassive faces ─── 他于是又摇了摇头,望着他们铁青冰冷的脸。

46、Its complexion changed from red, to orange, to gold, to impassive yellow. ─── 从火红、到橘红、到金色、再到清冷的浅黄,其容颜都在不断更易。

47、Tu Hsin-to, still impassive and undisturbed, chewed silently and meditatively; Lin Pei-shan, leaning against the back of Chang Su-su's chair, was absorbed in her own thoughts. ─── 杜新箨还是不动声色,侧着头细嚼嘴里的点心,林佩珊则细腰微折,倚在张素素坐的那张椅子背上,独自在那里出神。

48、Her face as she came down the stairs was impassive, gay, with a furtive trouble in the eyes ─── 她走下扶梯时,脸色泰然自若,快快活活,眼睛里有一种隐隐的痛苦神情。

49、Best heart is to see a little weasel face, the intent of all, another little weasel, is impassive no response. ─── 最大的心碎就是看到一个小人儿满脸的热切,为其倾其所有,另一个小人儿却表情冷漠没有任何回应。

50、One of them was a plain simple fellow, almost moronic, silent as the dead and with a face as impassive as an Indian. He had the wiry small build of the typical Sicilian before they ran to the fat of middle age. His name was Calo. ─── 其中一个牧民是一个平淡而简单的人,简直是个低能儿,像死入一样沉默,面容像印第安人一样没有表情,他的身材就是典型的西西里人刚健瘦小的身材,他的名字叫加洛。

51、Kafkaesque fantasies of the impassive interrogation,the false trial,the confiscated passport.haunt his innocence(New Yorker) ─── 冷漠的质问,虚妄的审判,被没收了的护照等卡夫卡式幻想,侵扰着他简单的头脑(纽约人)

52、He turned to the impassive woman. ─── 他转向毫无表情的女人。

53、He was content to stand by as an impassive spectator. ─── 他满足于站在旁边做一个冷漠的旁观者。

54、"I admire Enjolras," said Bossuet."His impassive temerity astounds me. ─── 博须埃说:“我佩服安灼拉,他那沉着的胆量使我惊叹。

55、The impassive negotiator is purposely unreadable. Inscrutability isn't the exclusive domain of the Chinese; it's been successfully used by skilled negotiators around the world for centuries. ─── 冷漠谈判者故意使自己难以理解,深藏不漏。莫测高深并不是中国人独有的专长。几个世纪以来,世界各地谈判专家们一直在成功的使用这种方法。

56、He pushed his coarse brown moustache upwards, off his lip, and glanced irritably at his sister, who sat impassive and inscrutable. ─── 她坐在那里,面无表情,令人难以捉摸。

57、It seems to all be there: The phallic tank weaponry, the death-bringing explosions, impassive soldiers dealing out destruction. ─── 似乎都在那儿了:对于坦克类武器的“生殖崇拜”,致命的爆炸和大肆破坏的冷酷士兵。

58、he no longer held any power. They all took their fleeting glances to check Hagen's reaction but his face was impassive. ─── 汤姆 - 黑根下台了,他不再掌握任何实权了。 他们想看看黑根的反应,但是他毫无表情。

59、The Collie should instantly appeal as a dog of great beauty, standing with impassive dignity, with no part out of proportion to the whole. ─── 柯利犬必须尽显犬类的美丽,带有冷漠的高傲,没有任何部分不符合整体比例的均衡。

60、Snape looked back at her, quite impassive, as she turned slowly away from him again. ─── 斯内普非常冷漠地盯着她的后背,在她再次转开的时候。

61、"Don't worry, Gabito," he answered in an impassive way. ─── 但是太阳一出来,这些想象就融化殆尽,踪迹全无。

62、Behind his impassive kulak's face lay intense self-scrutiny, adamantine moral and physical courage and a sometimes unsettling disregard for the smaller and softer things in life. ─── 他不是托尔斯泰也不是陀斯妥也夫斯基。索尔尼斯琴的书里总是有这样的人物特质:一根筋的嘲讽基调,细节繁冗。但是他的不可毁灭性,多年来,给了他一种预言家的嗓音。

63、Devoid of emotion; impassive. ─── 缺乏感情的;冷漠的

64、The defendant remained impassive as the judge sentenced him to death. ─── 当法官宣布被告死刑时他始终毫无表情。

65、After a certain point, she became impassive, detached utterly from him ─── 过了某一点后,她变得冷漠无情,对他没有一丝恋眷。

66、he was so dull at parties; a dull political campaign; a large dull impassive man; dull days with nothing to do; how dull and dreary the world is; fell back into one of her dull moods ─── 他在晚会上很沉闷;沉闷的政治活动;非常沉闷、冷漠的人;无所事事的沉闷日子;这是个多么沉闷的世界呀;她的心情陷入了沉闷

67、Of the riders in the tumbrils, some observe these things, and all things on their last roadside, with an impassive stare; ─── 死囚车上有人注意到了上述种种和自己最后的路上的一切,却只冷漠地呆望着;

68、Her face is impassive as she listens to Miller dictating the warrant for her arrest ─── 她毫无表情地在听米勒口述拘留她的证书。

69、At this point a meeting is the only way to go in order to resolve the impass. ─── 现在唯一的方法就是通过会议解决这个争论。

70、But she finished her task with perfectly impassive face, the young doctor watching her interestedly all the while. Then she went out. ─── 然而她没有任何反应。年轻医生别有兴致的望着她完全面无表情地做完她的家务然后走出去。

71、Esme and Carlisle both said a quiet goodnight. I could see them stealing quick glances at their impassive son, much like I was. ─── 埃斯美和卡莱尔都向我无声地道了晚安。我发现他们也不断偷瞥他们过于安静的儿子,和我一样频繁。

72、Her face remains impassive as she reloads. ─── 当她重新安装子弹时,仍然面不改色。

73、Mabeuf had been anything but the calm and impassive agent of Providence in this connection. ─── 可是马白夫先生在这里只不过是上苍所遣的一个平静的无动于衷的使者罢了。

74、where Narcissa sat rigid and impassive, Bellatrix leaned toward Voldemort, for mere words could not demonstrate here longing for closeness. ─── 不同于南希莎僵直冷漠的坐着,贝拉瑞克斯则向伏地魔靠近,言辞并不足以表明她想靠近的欲望。

75、A seller who is impassive creates in the buyer's mind a sense of insecurity that the sale may not be "permitted" or that a competitor will get it instead. ─── 冷漠的卖方在买方的心目中建立一种不安全感既:这笔买卖可能不许他做,或者另有竞争者提到他得到这笔买卖。

76、We should aim to be as calm and impassive as possible when exposing the young animal to new experiences as they will be all to aware of any nervous tension that we might display. ─── 我们应当尽可能沉着镇静地将小马驹带入新的体验,因为我们表现出来的任何紧张它们都能意识到。

77、The impassive buyer also causes the opposition to go to extreme lengths to please. ─── 冷漠的买方也使对方为取悦他费尽心机。

78、said Tu Wei-yueh bluntly, his face as calm and impassive as ever ─── 屠维岳斩斩截截地回答,脸上依然是冷静得作怪。

79、Sam's face was impassive revealing, as had been the case all morning ─── 萨姆没有任何表情,从他脸上什么也看不出来,整个上午他都是这副模样。

80、Appears as dog of great beauty, standing with impassive dignity, with no part out of proportion to whole. ─── 苏格兰牧羊犬体态优美威严长高标准,身体的任何部分都能与整体构成和谐的比例。

81、Federal Service Impass Panel ─── 联邦服务未通过面板

82、He arrived, riding a shaggy horse, wearing a high-collared woollen coat against the cold, his face weather-beaten and impassive. ─── 他骑着一匹鬃毛很长的马,身上穿着一件高领大衣,他的面孔看上去饱经风霜,没有什么表情。

83、His servant was quite impassive and waited for his orders ─── 仆人无动于衷,等候他的吩咐。

84、A smile transformed her usually impassive face. ─── 一下微笑让她平常没有表情的脸上煥发生气。

85、Manet's girl is being approached by the somewhat sinister figure in the top hat: her reaction is to withdraw behind an impassive expression, but her discomforture is plain to see. ─── 莫奈的女孩遇到了一个戴大礼帽的有些阴森的人物;她的反映是摆出一副冷漠的表情进行防御,但她的不自在是显而易见的。

86、where Narcissa sat rigid and impassive, Bellatrix leaned toward Voldemort, for mere words could not demonstrate her longing for closeness. ─── 纳西莎则冷漠僵硬地坐着,而贝拉克里特斯的身体倾向伏地魔,好像光是语言还不足以表达她对与伏地魔亲近的渴望似的。

87、This is the origin of his shame that determines Levi's impassive and objective status. ─── 李维将自身置于冷漠与客观的状态,这正是他的羞愧之来源。

88、Again I was impassive and expressionless. ─── 我还是面无表情、不露声色。

89、Appears as dog of great beauty, standing with impassive dignity, with no part out of proportion to whole. ─── 苏格兰牧羊犬体态优美威严,身体的任何部分都能与整体构成和谐的比例。

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