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09-13 投稿



digressive 发音

英:[da?'gres?v]  美:[da?'ɡr?s?v; d?'ɡr?s?v]

英:  美:

digressive 中文意思翻译



digressive 网络释义

adj. 枝节的;离题的

digressive 词性/词形变化,digressive变形

副词: digressively |名词: digressiveness |

digressive 短语词组

1、digressive curve ─── 偏曲线

digressive 相似词语短语

1、digressively ─── adv.题外地;脱节地

2、egressive ─── adj.(发音)呼气的,外呼的;外出的;n.外呼音,呼气音

3、digestive ─── adj.消化的;助消化的;n.助消化药

4、depressive ─── adj.抑郁的;压抑的

5、digressing ─── vi.离题;走向岔道

6、ingressive ─── adj.进入的;表示动作的开端的;n.吸气音

7、degressive ─── adj.[税收]递减的;下降的

8、aggressive ─── adj.侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的

9、digression ─── n.离题;脱轨

digressive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His poems are endlessly digressive and there are often echoes of other poets in his writings, though these always come lightly at the reader, as though they were scents on the breeze. ─── 他的诗歌是那么的不着边际,中间或夹杂有其他诗人的一词半调,但轻轻地来到读者面前,就好像风中的一丝气息而已。

2、I'll tell you a funny story if I may digress from my subject for a moment. ─── 若是可以离题的话,我愿意给你们讲一个有趣的故事。

3、So in judicial area,it is not intolerable that the practitioner digress from the malapropos statute law moderatel... ─── 因此,司法实践中司法者合理地违背或游离于某些不合时宜的程序性规范之外就成为可以理解的事情了。

4、Don't wander from the subject: stick to the point, ie Don't digress. ─── 不要离题,要针对这一问题谈。

5、a digressive allusion to the day of the week; a tangential remark. ─── 附带提及那个星期的那一天;附带评论。

6、Never digress into personal or family difficulties, and don’t talk about problems you’ve had with supervisors or peers. ─── 永远也不要跑题到个人或家庭困难哪方面去,也不要谈到你跟上司以及同僚之间的问题。

7、Being the river of the world,One will not digress from constant virtue,And will return to being a baby. ─── 守其黑,为天下式。为天下式,常德不忒,复归于无极。知其荣,守其辱,为天下谷。

8、But I digress, what is your management story? ─── 看我说的跑题了,你的故事写的怎么样了?

9、amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things; a rambling discursive book; his excursive remarks; a rambling speech about this and that. ─── 在对妇女时尚的抨击时可笑的偏离到其他问题上了;一本离题、枝蔓的书;他那离题的评论;这也说说那也说说的漫谈。

10、To digress from the subject ─── 脱离本题

11、We shall not digress into the history of mechanics ─── 我们不去深考力学的历史。

12、Let me digress for a moment and tell you a short story. ─── 请允许我暂时离开话题一会儿,我给你讲个小故事。

13、digress from the subject ─── vi. 离题(涉及枝节)

14、The question caused the teacher to digress. ─── 这问题使教师扯到别的地方去了。

15、a digressive orator ─── 离开本题的演说家

16、To ramble; digress. ─── 离题;转话题

17、wander (or digress) from the subject ─── 离开正题

18、To digress, in a corrected Baumol parable, each industry “puts into” the pot in value-added what it takes out. ─── 说句离题的话,一个修正的鲍莫尔的比喻,每一个产业部门把它所拿掉的价值增值“放入”壶中。

19、Not sure what that says about the Clippers defense this year, but I digress. ─── 不知道快船队今年的防守如何,不过我好像离题了。

20、digress too far afield ─── 离题太远

21、My thoughts were beginning to digress. ─── 我的思想开始开小差了。

22、Study of gear digress machine joggle parameter optimization ─── 齿轮减速机啮合参数优化设计

23、digressive allusion to the day of the week; a tangential remark. ─── 附带提及那个星期的那一天;附带评论。

24、stray from the subject; digress ─── 离开本题

25、I'll tell you a funny story, if I may digress for a moment. ─── 如果我可以暂时离开一下话题,我将讲一个有趣的故事给你听。

26、digress from the point ─── 离开要点

27、Don't digress from the point at issue ─── 不要离开争论点。

28、But I digress. ─── 不过,我跑题喽。

29、Don't digress too much;keep to the point. ─── 别东拉西扯,还是言归正传吧。

30、Let me digress for a moment and explain what had happened previously. ─── 让我岔开一会儿,解释原先发生了什么。

31、DIGRESS, I know, but it's the third quarter, the game already out of hand and I've got another hour or so to kill before the Lakers have officially demolished the Nuggets. ─── 我知道我跑题了,但是在第三节比赛就失去了悬念,我必须找点事来消磨时间,直到湖人正式摧垮掘金。

32、I will digress for a moment to discuss another reason this day is so special. ─── 我离题一会儿,讨论这一天是如此特别的另一个原因。

33、But I digress, the movie has a strong environmental message. ─── 抱歉我跑题了。这部电影包含了一个明显的环保讯息。

34、to digress from the point at issue ─── 从论点上岔开

35、to digress to a new field ─── 转向另一领域

36、And along with change of investigating time, the mental obstacle occurrence rate of the medical college students had a digressive trend. ─── 而且随着调查时间的推移,该医学院大学生的心理障碍发生率有一个下降趋势。

37、I would like to digress and pose an interesting proposition to the media. ─── 我现在想先拉开话题,在媒体面前提出一项有趣的提议。

38、Amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things. ─── 在对妇女时尚的抨击时可笑的偏离到其他问题上了。

39、Last but not least, the“digressive style”which separated from principal plot, adjusts the narrative rhythm and adds appeal to the language. ─── 再次,游离于情节之外的闲笔大量引入,调节了叙事节奏,增添了语言情致。

40、digress from ─── 偏离; 离题

41、But we digress. ─── 唷,我们跑题了。

42、While we are talking about certificates, we want to digress briefly on a crucial point - certificates expire. ─── 在我们讨论证书时,需要暂时转移到一个关键点证书期满。

43、I usually become digressive when I am exhausted or bored. ─── 通常我疲惫厌倦时,就会离题。

44、I usually become digressive when I am exhausted or bored. ─── 通常我疲惫厌倦时,就会离题。

45、His essay digress from the main subject. ─── 他的文章离开主题。

46、Please allow me to digress for some time. ─── 请允许我花点时间说些离题的话。

47、I digress; ─── 余离题;

48、Stray--to deviate from a moral, proper, or right course; err; to become diverted from a subject or train of thought; digress. ─── 偏离偏离道德的、恰当的或正确的道路;犯错误;分心偏离一主题或思维;离题。

49、To digress in speaking ─── 拉拉扯扯

50、Consequently we digress momentarily in this section to review some well-known definitions and operations ─── 因此在这一节里,我们暂时离开正题,来复习一下一些熟知的定义及运算。

51、One could further digress to say, if the creator gods honored, what were they doing manipulating DNA let alone creating a slave race? ─── 你可以进一步地问,如果创造者众神是尊重的,是什么让他们操纵DNA、单独去制造一个奴隶族?

52、Don't digress (from the subject) when lecturing. ─── 讲课时不要岔开(主题).

53、digress into collateral matters ─── 扯到枝节问题上去

54、amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things; ─── 在对妇女时尚的抨击时可笑的偏离到其他问题上了;

55、Don't digress when lecturing. ─── 讲课时不要岔开.

56、digress of fredom ─── 自由度

57、The old professor used to digress from his subject for a moment to tell his students a funny story. ─── 老教授过去常常暂时离开一下话题,给学生们讲一个有趣的故事。

58、digress from the subject under discussion ─── 离开所讨论的主题

59、That makes me so digress? ─── 使得我如此离题?

60、Now to digress for just a moment, ─── 现在我说点题外话,

61、The 600 looks much nicer, but I digress. ─── 600看起来的感觉很妙,不过这是题外话。

62、1. Don't digress (from the subject) when lecturing. ─── 讲课时不要岔开(主题).

63、There is no need to digress further on the sensuous plane ─── 没有必要更多地扯到灵感层次上去。

64、Don't digress from the point. ─── 不要跑题。

65、This is meant to be a discussion course.One factor that will legislate against this aim is the instructor's digressive wordiness. ─── 这表示本课程将以讨论的方式进行,设此目标的原因之一,是为避免本人讲课聒噪,常离题的情况。

66、Duh.Anyway, I digress. ─── 先学后交钱,学会了再购买。

67、[Informal] to cut in on a conversation or statement; to digress widely; to interrupt ─── 打岔

68、5.I'll tell you a piece of sensational news, if I may digress (from my subject) for a moment. ─── 如果我可以打岔一下,我要告诉你一则耸人听闻的消息。

69、Like I needed to tell you who played who, but I digress... ─── 我好像应该告诉大家谁耍了谁,但那样的话我可就跑题了...

70、To address the second stage of registration, we first need to digress into one of underlying features of the.NET Framework. ─── 要解决注册问题的第二部分,我们需要放下正题,首先讨论一下.NET框架的一项基础功能。

71、Er, I digress, teacher, you can not because this but knot I dispart? ─── 嗯,我离题了耶,老师,你不会因为这样而扣我分吧?

72、Before jumping into the meat of the article, let's briefly digress with a discussion of the philosophy involved. ─── 在跳到本文前,让我们简要的离题去讨论一些复杂的问题。

73、It would be proper at this time to digress for a moment to point out the various ways with which the mystical and spiritual training of Jesus were effected. ─── 这将是适当的在这个时候离题了一会儿指出的各种方式与该神秘和精神培训耶稣被生效。

74、I need to digress for a few moments to discuss perhaps a slightly sensitive topic: Chinese drivers. ─── 我稍微偏离一下主题,讨论一个稍敏感的问题:中国司机。

75、a digressive allusion to the day of the week; ─── 附带提及那个星期的那一天;

76、You may have said to yourself as you were reading it, "Gee, isn't this sort of digressive?" ─── 你可能阅读的时候你对自己说:“哎呀,难道这不是离题了吗?”

77、There is no need to digress further on the sensuous plane. ─── 没有心要更多地扯到灵感层次上去了。

78、digress from your subject ─── 岔开主题

79、When writing about aerosol one is continually invited to digress. ─── 在描述气溶胶时人们经常离题。

80、David Spade and Chevy Chase, eat your hearts out.Actually, just retire.But I digress. ─── 唐不断的去寻访旧情人,希望能够得到儿子的消息。

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