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09-13 投稿



rapture 发音

英:['r?pt??]  美:['r?pt??]

英:  美:

rapture 中文意思翻译



rapture 短语词组

go into raptures

1. 欣喜若狂

She went into raptures at the news.


1、fibrous rapture ─── 纤维断裂

2、rapture world ─── 狂喜的世界

3、fatigue rapture ─── 疲劳断裂

4、appropriative rapture ─── 占有欲

5、jazz rapture ─── 爵士乐狂喜

6、frantic with rapture ─── 欣喜若狂

rapture 词性/词形变化,rapture变形

动词过去式: raptured |动词第三人称单数: raptures |动词现在分词: rapturing |动词过去分词: raptured |

rapture 习惯用语

1、fall [go] into raptures over ─── 对... 着迷, 对... 欣喜若狂

2、rapture of the deep ─── 深海晕眩 ─── 【医】氮麻醉(法)

3、be in [go into] raptures over [about] ─── 对... 狂喜, 对... 欢天喜地

rapture 相似词语短语

1、capture ─── vt.俘获;夺得;捕捉,拍摄,录制;n.捕获;战利品,俘虏

2、raptured ─── adj.欢天喜地的;销魂的;v.使狂喜(rapture的过去分词)

3、enrapture ─── vt.使狂喜;使着迷

4、captured ─── v.俘虏;用武力夺取;捕获(动物);引起兴趣(或注意)(capture的过去式及过去分词)

5、rupture ─── n.破裂;决裂;疝气;vi.破裂;发疝气;vt.使破裂;断绝;发生疝

6、recapture ─── vt.夺回;拿回;再体验;政府征收再经历;n.夺回;取回;政府对公司超额收益或利润的征收

7、rapturise ─── 绑架

8、rapturize ─── 狂喜

9、raptures ─── n.兴高采烈;v.使……狂喜;使……着迷;(基督再临时)提送(信徒)升天

rapture 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When the angels are sent forth to gather the elect at the second coming( Matt.24:29-31), some have wrongly interpreted this as the rapture. ─── 当天使在耶稣第二次再来时被差遣去聚集选民时(太24:29-31)一些人错误地解释这是复活。

2、8. It involves yearning and longing when the beloved person is not there, and rapture and excitement abut through with doubt and anxiety when the lovers are together. ─── 它表现在:两人不在一起时表现出万般的思念和渴盼,而一旦在一起时,痴迷与兴奋的宣泄中又夹杂着疑惑和焦虑。收藏指正

3、The Toad's misery turned into rapture as he eagerly scrambled up into the cab of the engine. ─── 于是,托德三步并作两步地爬上司机室,他的满腔哀愁一下子变成狂喜。

4、Oliver sat by one of the windows, listening to the sweet music, in a perfect rapture. ─── 奥立弗就坐在一座窗台旁边,听着美妙的音乐出神。

5、Astride the merry-go-round,the baby yelled with rapture. ─── 孩子骑在旋转木马上,兴奋地大喊大叫。

6、The following is a list of scriptural proofs that indicate the rapture will be Pre-Tribulation. ─── 底下是这些支持灾前提的经文清单。

7、He gazed on her with rapture ─── 他销魂似地看着她。

8、In the midst of his rapture, he was interrupted by his father. ─── 他正欢天喜地,被他父亲打断了。

9、But it passed and he was left with troubled joy, and echo of rapture ─── 可是它转眼就消失了,剩下的只是几分不安的喜悦,一丝心醉神迷的回味。

10、He fall into rapture over classic music. ─── 他对古典音乐喜爱若狂。

11、3.Rapture (piti).Because the yogi has too much samadhi, he feels rapture, and this is kilesa. ─── 喜:因为修行偏定而感觉喜,而这是染(烦恼)。

12、To fill with rapture or delight. ─── 使痴迷,使狂喜

13、Why do you always gaze on her with rapture? Do you fall in love with her? ─── 你为什么总丢了魂似地注视着她?莫非你爱上她了吗?

14、Forensic assessment of ovarian rapture after injury ─── 卵巢破裂与外伤关系的法医学鉴定

15、I sat on his desk and observed with rapture his flourished signature, convoluted and swirling like the trills of a coloratura soprano. ─── 我坐在他的书桌上,满怀欣喜地仔细察看他潇洒的签名,盘旋缠绕的字体就像花腔女歌手的颤音。

16、And my heart beat with a rapture new, ─── 心儿在狂喜中萌动

17、It passed and he was left with troubled joy, and echo of rapture. ─── 它转眼就消失了,剩下的只是几分不安的喜悦,一丝心醉神迷的回味。

18、The trance, frenzy, or rapture associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation. ─── 出神,昏厥与由神秘的或预言性的兴奋有关的昏厥、发狂和出神

19、He quaffed the swelling rapture of life from the foaming goblet of the infinite ─── 他从那穹苍的起泡的杯中,痛饮充满生命的狂喜。

20、She listened with rapture to the sweet music. ─── 她着迷地听着那美妙的音乐。

21、His face is shining with rapture. ─── 他脸上显出全神贯注的表情。

22、At load speed, variation of load leads to mechanical rapture of NBR macromoleeular chains, but no tribological chemical reaction. ─── 在较低的滑动速度下,载荷的改变不会引起丁腈橡胶摩擦过程中摩擦化学反应的发生,只是产生简单的分子机械断裂。

23、Power was singing to him, singing of the thrones of the mighty, the rapture of desire fulfilled. ─── 他听到了权力的召唤,这召唤,来自于王权,这召唤,来自于愿望达成的狂喜。

24、blanche had read it: the language of the eyes expressed her admiration and rapture at the performance ─── 布兰茜读过了。她的眼神把她的赞美和喜悦表现得淋漓尽致。

25、With the farming of a verse Make a vineyard of the curse, Sing of human unsuccess. In a rapture of distress; ─── 在诗歌的牧场培育诅咒的葡萄园在困厄的喜悦中歌唱人类的挫败;

26、"Oliver would sit . . . listening to the sweet music, in a perfect rapture" (Charles Dickens). ─── “奥列佛坐着倾听那甜美的音乐,心情极为欢喜” (查尔斯·狄更斯)。

27、But the rapture soon subsided, as differences re-emerged over how fast and far countries should cut their greenhouse-gas emissions. ─── 可是,这种狂喜的激情很快就消褪,因为各国对于减碳量速度和幅度的歧见又重新浮上台面。

28、It involves yearning and longing when the beloved person is not there, and rapture and excitement abut through with doubt and anxiety when the lovers are together. ─── 它表现在:两人不在一起时表现出万般的思念和渴盼,而一旦在一起时,痴迷与兴奋的宣泄中又夹杂着疑惑和焦虑。

29、Because whether you are taken or left behind in the soon coming rapture of the Bride of Christ will depend on how you respond to the exhortative teaching presented. ─── 因为在不久的将来,发生基督的新娘被提时,你被提或被留下,将决定在你对这个另人兴奋的教导的反应。

30、To any one who has been, during the hot summer months, pent up in London, there is in the first taste of rustic life a kind of sensuous rapture scarcely to be described. ─── 对于在炎热的盛夏之月里禁锢在伦敦的任何人说来,在初次尝味的田园生活里,自有一种难以描摹的、感觉上的喜不自胜之情。

31、Conclusion:Sandostain is effective ,safe in treating bleeding of esophageal varicosis rapture. ─── 7%,平均止血时间明显优于垂体后叶素。

32、He lifted up his little hands in rapture at the sight. ─── 他一看见那景象就高兴得举起小手。

33、When the film was shown in a Soho cinema to, among others, Lord Longford and Mrs. Mary Whitehouse, they did not receive it with rapture. ─── 当这部电影在索霍的电影院上映时,朗福德勋爵和玛丽·怀特豪斯夫人等人并不热烈欢迎。

34、Creatures that lack motivation, that find it easy to slip into oblivious rapture, are likely to lead short (if happy) lives. ─── 生物没有动机的很容易滑进不易察觉的极度欢喜中,这有可能导致短暂的生命。

35、Keywords Brake hub of a working machine;Rapture;Failure analysis; ─── 作业机刹车轮毂;断裂;失效分析;

36、As essayist, they are enthusiastic, show rapture to some kind of fragrance sometimes, and often, it is evil-minded scorn. ─── 作为评论家,他们是狂热的,有时对某种香味表现出狂喜,而经常的,是恶毒的轻视。

37、Filled with joy and rapture at the thought,"I see the Ten-Powered One; and it is my good luck to hear him say "Come!"" ─── 心中充满喜悦和欢欣,想到:“我看见了十力者,那是我的幸运听到他说:”来!

38、There was on his face an expression of solemn and holy rapture, as if he were revealing to me the mysteries of his religion. ─── 他脸上洋溢着庄严和神圣的狂喜,像是在向我启示他所信奉的宗教的玄理。

39、gazing in/with rapture at the girl he loved ─── 喜不自胜地注视着他心爱的姑娘.

40、"Oliver would sit... Listening to the sweet music, in a perfect rapture" (Charles Dickens). ─── “奥列佛坐着倾听那甜美的音乐,心情极为欢喜”(查尔斯·狄更斯)。

41、Keywords anterior cruciate ligament rapture;reco nstruction;postoperative rehabilitation;isotonic muscle strength assessment; ─── 前交叉韧带损伤;重建;术后康复;等张肌力测试;

42、When the film was shown in a Soho cinema to, among others, Lord Longford and Mrs. Mary Whitehouse, they did not receive it with rapture. ─── 当这部电影在索霍的电影院上映时,朗福德勋爵和玛丽·怀特豪斯夫人等人并不热烈欢迎。

43、8 Make me full of joy and rapture; so that the bones which have been broken may be glad. ─── 8求你使我得听欢喜快乐的声音,使你所压伤的骨头,可以踊跃。

44、She was in the seventh heaven of rapture. ─── 她欣喜若狂。

45、He was absorbed by a rapture in which all fear and doubting were smoothed away. ─── 他沉溺在狂喜之中,恐惧和疑虑消失殆

46、Rapture without company is loneliness ; loneliness with company is rapture. ─── 孤单是一个人狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单。

47、Or, ideally, a violent post-smooch rapture. ─── 也有人接吻后欣喜若狂。这是最理想的情况。

48、But rapture was glowing in my soul and it overcame my terror. ─── 但我内心里的狂喜,压过了我的恐惧。

49、There is a pleasure in the pathless woods;There is a rapture on the lonely shore;There is a society ,where none intrudes.By the deep sea,and music in its roar; ─── 只有几个没有加的是因为分数太大,我的权限只能每次加15分,只有麻烦超班来加,最近一直没有见超班所以事情一直没有办,但是说要加肯定会加。

50、An impressive pile forms. Heywood bends down and inhales deeply, smelling the aroma. Rapture. ─── 一小排香烟。海沃德低下头使劲地闻着香烟的气味,高兴不已。

51、With joy and rapture will they come; they will go into the king's house. ─── 他们要欢喜快乐被引导。他们要进入王宫。

52、"It's an ecstatic moment," said Mrs.K., mother of three, with a look of rapture when she recalled the pain. ─── “那是一个令人欣喜的时刻,”生有3个孩子的K夫人说。 回忆起当时的痛苦,她一副心醉神迷的样子。

53、And by the week Andy was due back, we had enough rocks saved up to keep him busy till Rapture. ─── 到安迪要回来的那一周,我们已经攒了足够的石头,足以让他忙活到死。

54、Charles listened with rapture to her singing. ─── 查尔斯兴致勃勃地听她演唱。

55、Misdiagnosis of Obstructive Atelectasis Caused by Trauma as Bronchial Rapture ─── 外伤后肺不张误诊为支气管断裂

56、There was on his face an expression of solemn and holy rapture, as if he were revealing to me the mysteries of his religion. ─── 他的脸色庄严而虔诚,就像是在向我透露他的信仰中的奥秘似的。

57、His cup was (full), and he hugged her to his heart with rapture. ─── 他高兴到了极点,狂喜地把她搂在怀里。

58、O bewitching night, exquisite rapture, O delightful memory, mad elation, sweet dream! ─── 哦,令人心醉神迷的夜晚,明亮的星群,哦,温馨的回忆。狂醉的欢乐,温柔的梦乡!

59、"It's an ecstatic moment," said Mrs.K.,mother of three,with a look of rapture when she recalled the pain. ─── “那是一个令人欣喜的时刻,”生有3个孩子的K夫人说。回忆起当时的痛苦,她一副心醉神迷的样子。

60、The children gazed at her in rapture. ─── 孩子们欣喜若狂地看着她。

61、It was a mistake, too, that I looked at her with rapture; I ought to have controlled myself, as it was my rapture frightened her. ─── 我欢喜莫名地望着她,也是一大错误,应该克制,要不然,我的高兴会把她吓坏的。

62、The younger folks were in rapture. ─── 年轻人个个欣喜若狂。

63、The children gazed at her in rapture. ─── 孩子们欣喜若狂地看着她。

64、She recalled the rapture with which she had flung herself into his arms. ─── 她重温了使她投入他怀抱里的那种狂热。

65、In a spasm of rapture he tears off his chains. ─── 他狂喜之下挣断锁链。

66、To enchant or seize with rapture. ─── 使着迷使陷入狂喜,销魂的境地

67、"I give myself over to my rapture. ─── “我沉浸在巨大的喜悦之中。

68、listen with rapture ─── 凝神静听

69、As a loving hind and a gentle doe, let her breasts ever give you rapture; let your passion at all times be moved by her love. ─── 她如可爱的??鹿,可喜的母鹿。愿她的胸怀,使你时时知足。她的爱情,使你常常恋慕。

70、In such lines I could sense the rapture and the anguish of a boy in love. ─── 在这种字句里,我可以体会到一个男孩子在恋爱中的狂喜和苦痛。

71、"O Tabitha!"cried he, with tremulous rapture, "how shall I endure the effulgence?The gold!--the bright, bright gold! ─── 塔比莎从炉边烟熏火燎的凳子上起身,将酒瓶搁在彼得跟前,紧挨着那盏古老的铜灯,这玩意儿也是他大闹旧宅的战利品。

72、His cup was full, and he hugged her to his heart with rapture, saying ─── 他万分激动,兴高采烈地把她搂在怀里,说

73、mon Dieu, I hear her!"She stretched out her arm to enjoin silence about her, held her breath, and began to listen with rapture. ─── 她伸出手臂,叫大家静下去,她屏着气,听得心往神驰。

74、It points out different psychological trends in face of gradual disappearance of self expression as well as the rapture of memories in expressing history,individual or collective,decorated or changed. ─── 强调了个人在自我表述的同时的隐退状况,以及这种隐退状况中包含的个人史和历史记忆表述的断裂、个人史的修饰和改写、个人对历史/个人史的内在切割处理等不同心理趋势。

75、There was no significant difference between PHACO group (7.4%, 18/242) and SICS group (5.4%, 6/112) in posterior capsular rapture (P>0.05). ─── 后囊破裂发生率,PHACO组7.4%(18/242),SICS组5.4%(6/112),二者差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

76、Young love, that first fine careless rapture, comes for most girls not with a crush on a pop star or the gym mistress, but in a passion for ponies. ─── 对于大数女孩子来说,最早期的迷恋对象不是歌星或体操明星,而是小马类的小动物。

77、In rapture some little boys and girls were listening to an interesting story. ─── 一些男孩和女孩正非常高兴地听一个有趣的故事。

78、Few videogames have presented as dark a dystopian vision as BioShock, 2K's atmospheric first-person shooter set in the failed underwater utopia of Rapture. ─── 很少有视频游戏像生化奇兵一样呈现出这样一个黑暗的反乌托邦视觉,2K的大气“第一人?”

79、You've only got to bottle up your rapture, and keep Beth quiet till that blessed lady gets here ─── 你呢,只需按捺住自己的欢喜,使蓓丝保持安静,坐等那个神圣的夫人回来吧。

80、Nor can we pretend to describe the rapture with which Mr. Harding was received by his daughter. ─── 我们也无法妄图来描写哈丁先生的女儿接待哈丁先生时的那份欣喜。

81、When that work is all completed, He will gently call you Home; Oh, the rapture of that meeting, Oh, the joy to see you come! ─── 当应做的工已完成他会轻轻地唤你归回哦,这欢天喜地的聚会只因喜乐地看到你回归!

82、Jay Snell authored eleven books proving the healing, prosperity, family well being, eternal security, pretribulation rapture and salvation provided for Christians in the Abrahamic covenant. ─── 我们仍然可以治愈和繁衍. 耶稣的血付出一切. 不愧为我们正在为他的血. 我们洗手. 关于作者:Dr.

83、"as a loving hind and a gentle doe, let her breasts ever give you rapture; let your passion at all times be moved by her love." ─── 她如可爱的??鹿,可喜的母鹿。愿她的胸怀,使你时时知足。她的爱情,使你常常恋慕。

84、His speech was received with rapture by his supporters. ─── 他的演说受到了其支持者的热烈欢呼。

85、Oh rapture blest! ─── 哦,幸福欢欣!

86、The fractography of this alloy is changed from dimple fracture into cleavage fracture and inter-granular rapture with the extension of aging time. ─── 另外,该不锈钢的CVN冲击试样断口形貌随着时效时间的延长由韧性断裂机制的韧窝断裂为主向脆性断裂机制的准解理断裂和穿晶断裂为主变化。

87、Believe me, Georgiana, I even rejoice in this single imperfection, since it will be such a rapture to remove it. ─── 婚后不久的一天,阿尔默坐在那儿端详妻子,神情越来越烦躁,终于开口。

88、If she could be translated to Heaven tomorrow, she might be expected to ascend without any rapture. ─── 哪怕明天就能升天成仙,料想她也不会欣喜若狂。

89、His cup was full, and he hugged her to his heart with rapture, saying: ─── 他万分激动,兴高采烈地把她搂在怀里,说:

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