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09-13 投稿



imminence 发音

英:['?m?n?ns]  美:['?m?n?ns]

英:  美:

imminence 中文意思翻译



imminence 相似词语短语

1、imminently ─── adv.紧急地,迫切地

2、imminency ─── n.迫切;急迫

3、immergence ─── n.浸水,吃水

4、prominence ─── n.突出;显著;突出物;卓越

5、imminent ─── adj.即将来临的;迫近的

6、immanence ─── n.内在;无所不在;固有;含蓄

7、immittance ─── n.[电子]导抗

8、immanency ─── n.内在;内在性(等于immanence)

9、Eminence ─── n.显赫;卓越;高处

imminence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To analyze the characteristics Of environment landscape waters as well as the present situation of its pollution.indicating the necessity and imminence of scenic waters treatment? ─── 文章分析了环境中景观水体的特点及其水质污染状况,表明景观水体处理的必要性和迫切性。

2、BWS has gained substantial scientific acceptance &will aid trier of fact in deciding facts in issue, that is, reasonableness &imminence when testimony is offered in cases of self defense. ─── 受虐妇女综合症的科学性被广泛接受,将帮助确定哪些是事实,即,当自卫案件中提供证言的合理性和迫切性。

3、The emission observed while holding at the proof load provides another piece of information regarding the imminence of failure . ─── 在验证载荷施加期间,检测声发射还能额外地提供有关破坏临近程度的信息。

4、Imminence of Rectification of Agricultural Eco-Environment. ─── 整治农业生态环境刻不容缓。

5、The imminence of negotiations thus probably spurred rather than delayed his decision. ─── 因此,谈判日益逼近这一事实很有可能不是推迟而是促使他下了决心。

6、85. The emission observed while holding at the proof load provides another piece of information regarding the imminence of failure. ─── 在验证载荷施加期间,检测声发射还能额外地提供有关破坏临近程度的信息。

7、Thus the promotion of bilingual teaching in colleges and universities is of great importance and of great imminence. ─── 因而高等院校开展和推进双语教学的重要性和迫切性日益凸显。

8、Discussion on the imminence to breed maize of drought tolerance and high yield in the dry area of Heilongjiang province ─── 黑龙江省干旱区耐旱丰产型玉米育种的迫切性探讨

9、The imminence of their exams made the students work even harder. ─── "考试即将来临,迫使学生们更加用功了。"

10、At first, this dissertation has introduced the background on which the problem of agricultural pollution arises and indicated the imminence and necessity of disposing agricultural pollution. ─── 本文首先介绍了农业污染问题产生的背景,指出了农业污染治理的紧迫性和必要性。

11、Should imminence be an absolute condition of going to war, and preventive war thus be deemed always and everywhere wrong ? ─── 难道危机情况是发动战争的必须条件吗?甚至因此认为预防性战争总是错误的吗?。

12、load imminence ─── 负载导抗

13、Health Ministry of every country in the world paid more attention to rational drug use.The importance and imminence of rational drug use had become the common responsibility of medicine circle. ─── 合理用药是目前世界各国卫生部门高度重视的问题,强调合理用药的重要性和迫切性,已成为医药界刻不容缓的共同任务。

14、He had doubt about the imminence of war. ─── 他不相信战争已迫在眉睫。

15、Analysis of characteristics of urban landscape waters as well as present pollution status indicated the necessity and imminence of landscape waters treatment. ─── 摘要分析了城市景观水体的特点及其水质污染状况,表明景观水体处理的必要性和迫切性。

16、Thus the promotion of bilingual teaching in colleges and universities is of great importance and of great imminence . ─── 因而高等院校开展和推进双语教学的重要性和迫切性日益凸显。

17、So how to not only achieve the persistent development of animal husbandry in order to satisfy the requirement of people but also assort with environment, this is an imminence problem. ─── 如何实现畜牧业持续稳定的发展以满足人们需求的同时,又能与环境相协调,这是一个亟待解决的问题。

18、Abstract: In this paper, the resource of kalium at home and abroad was expounded and the imminence of using hard dissoluble mineral of kalium in our country was pointed out. ─── 摘要:本文通过对国内外钾矿资源的阐述,指出了我国对难溶性钾矿资源开发利用的紧迫性。

19、negative imminence device ─── 负导抗器件

20、With the development of internet's technology, how to build an excellent platform has became an imminence task in Distance Education. ─── 随着互联网技术的不断发展,如何构建一个良好的远程教育平台已成为远程教育发展中迫切需要解决的重要课题。

21、In chapter 4, designates the imminence of controlling the institutional risk of China stock market, and points out some measurements to evade and settle the institutional risk of China stock market. ─── 第四部分指出了治理中国证券市场制度风险的紧迫性,并提出了解决中国证券市场制度风险的治理对策。

22、On the other hand, the imminence of negotiations increased the PLO's ambitions for a role. ─── 另一方面,在谈判即将开始的情况下,巴勒斯坦解放组织更加野心勃勃地想担任一个角色。

23、Perhaps the imminence of her own mortality had helped her find this precious balance and perspective. ─── 也许是她所面临过的失败帮助她找到这样精准的平衡以及观点。

24、the imminence of death ─── 死亡的逼近

25、The imminence requirement is extremely important in international affairs. ─── 这种紧迫性的要求在国际事务中是极其重要的。

26、The competition in online game tends to be fury after year's growth.Thus the reasonable competitive strategy will be imminence for many online game firms who attempt to be successful in this domain. ─── 经过几年的发展,网络游戏产业竞争日趋激烈,因此选择合适的竞争战略对于大量涌入企图获得成功的网络游戏厂商显得尤为迫切。

27、The management of the knowledge flow is the imminence requirement for enterprise. ─── 除了对传统的物流,资金流进行管理以外,对知识流的管理也成为当今企业的迫切需求。

28、It concludes and summarizes the essentiality and imminence of Problem Management and Service Level Management in Mobile Commnunication Technical Service Manangement. ─── 归纳和总结了问题管理(Problem Management)和服务级别管理(Service Level Management)在移动通信技术服务管理中的重要性和迫切性;

29、3.The imminence of their exams made the students work even harder. ─── "考试即将来临,迫使学生们更加用功了。

30、The imminence of death is reflected in every last power - stroke and grab of the great money bosses(Dylan Thomas) ─── 大财阀最后的权利运作与攫取反映出死亡的迫近(迪伦 托马斯)

31、research of drug safety is imminence to all of us. ─── 药品安全形势严峻,研究药品安全相关问题非常迫切。

32、However, affected by the imminence of filling up a vacancy and diversity of vacant positions, superiors would be subject to 4 types of decision constraints. ─── 但主管尚会受到职务出缺时递补时间的急迫性和出缺职务内容多样性的影响,而产生四种不同类型的决策限制。

33、Analysis of emergency treatment of 1266 imminence patients ─── 急诊危重患者1266例的救护分析

34、It has a gradual tendency toward the online reference service, emphasizing on its imminence and accuracy, and having a good sense of user's informational need and behavior. 4. ─── 三、逐渐走向线上参考服务的趋势,强调资料的即时取得性与正确性,并掌握使用者之资讯需求和资讯使用行为。

35、The black clouds and the lightning show the imminence of a storm. ─── 乌云闪电预示着一场暴风雨的来临。

36、The international situation is on the threshold of a great change, whose imminence is sensed on all sides. ─── 国际局势已到了大变化的前夜,现在无论何方均已感到了这一变化。

37、Through analyzing the limitation of traditional visual information retrieval technology, this paper describes the imminence and importance of contented-based retrieval. ─── 通过分析传统视觉信息检索技术的局限,阐述了基于内容检索的迫切性和必要性;

38、Radical change will have to wait for the time when the magnitude and imminence of disaster is visible to everyone. ─── 也许只有等到所有人都面临灾难,这种状况才会真正发生改变.

39、On the imminence building soft circumstance of econnomy development as well as the countermeasure ─── 经济发展软环境建设的紧迫性及我们的对策

40、The people's courts at all levels shall fully understand the austerity of guaranteeing the public security and intensify the sense of responsibility and imminence to do a good job; ─── 各级人民法院要充分认识确保社会公共领域安全的严峻性,增强做好这项工作的责任感、紧迫感;

41、1. The imminence of their exams made them work harder. ─── 考试即将来临,迫使他们更用功了。

42、The public has now endured a decade of dire warnings about the imminence of a terrorist atomic attack. ─── 公众已经承受了十年关于一次恐怖性质的核袭击就在眼前的威胁警报。

43、Only this time he did not urge its imminence. ─── 然而这次他并未表达对千禧年王国的急切性。

44、It was found that the fused quartz exists in reality and imminence for application in the investment industry due to its advantages of price and properties. ─── 由于熔融石英在价格和性能方面的优势,在我国精铸行业的推广应用具有迫切性和现实性。

45、With the development of distance education,how to build and achieve the resource sharing has became an imminence task. ─── 随着远程教育的不断发展,如何进行教育资源建设,实现教育资源的共享,已成为远程教育中迫切需要解决的重要课题。

46、Sth. unexpected may happen any time, people have trouble good fortune imminence. ─── 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福.

47、Should imminence be an absolute condition of going to war, and preventive war thus be deemed always and everywhere wrong? ─── 难道危机情况是发动战争的必须条件吗?甚至因此认为预防性战争总是错误的吗?

48、Requisition for Accelerating Urbanization has Become Imminence in China ─── 中国城市化亟需提速

49、Xu Zichun's Experience on Diagonsis and Treatment of Severe Imminence Difficulty Diseases ─── 许子春疑难急重病证临诊治验拾萃

50、The article analyzes the stern situation SINOPEC is faced with and expounds on the significance and imminence of accelerating technical innovation and science and technology progress. ─── 分析了中国石油化工集团公司所面临的严峻的形势,阐述了加快技术创新和科技进步的重要性和紧迫性,提出了2000年科技进步工作的重点及任务。

51、How to do these upwards, how to achieve the user's satisfaction, is the imminence question which need the company just online attention. ─── 如何完备的做到以上这些,获得用户的满意,成了刚上线企业迫切需要关注的问题。

52、They were contacting teams and suggesting trades and dropping hints to reporters about impending deals, all to create an atmosphere of imminence. ─── 为了营造气氛,他们四处联系球队,鼓吹交易,向记者们暗送秋波。

53、Comment on the imminence statements. ─── 關於主必快來的經文。

54、The Imminence and Strategies on Building the Customer Loyalty of Mobile Telecommunication Carriers in China ─── 培养我国移动通信运营商顾客忠诚的迫切性及其策略

55、"The imminence of death is reflected in every last power-stroke and grab of the great money bosses" (Dylan Thomas) ─── “大财阀最后的权利运作与攫取反映出死亡的迫近”(迪伦·托马斯)

56、For China being used to planned economy in long time, the importance and imminence of manpower resource management of public sector stand out much more. ─── 对于长期习惯于计划经济模式的中国来说,公共部门人力资源管理的重要性和迫切性更加突出。

57、The imminence of negotiations thus probably spurred rather than delayed his dicision. ─── 因此,谈判日益逼近这一事实很有可能不是推迟而是促使他下了决心。

58、imminence glaucoma ─── 前驱期青光眼

59、A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger ─── 忧虑感因危险的出现或迫近而产生的不安或焦虑的情绪

60、stood on the brink of the cliff;in an extended sense it indicates the likelihood or imminence of a sudden change( ─── 站在悬崖的边缘上);在一个扩展的意义上它指一件突发事变的可能性或临近(

61、The imminence of exams made the students work even harder. ─── 考试即将来临,迫使学生们更加用功了。

62、Dark clouds and thunder showed the imminence of a strom. ─── 乌云和雷声表明暴雨即将来临。

63、Main Problems Existing in the Economic Growth Way and the Imminence of Transformation ─── 经济增长方式存在的主要问题及其转变的紧迫性

64、On this basis, it deeply analyzes the imminence to clearly define and farther expand the exception of copyright applied in digital library community. ─── 在此基础上,深入剖析了明晰、扩大数字图书馆享有的著作权例外空间的迫切性。

65、negative imminence inverter ─── 负导抗变换器

66、That said, I also sense that the relative imminence of polling day is raising Mr Brown's spirits and forcing him to focus. ─── 不过,我还感觉得到,相对紧迫的选举日正在为布朗先生提气,并迫使他集中精力。

67、Imminence and feasibility for building network dummy laboratory of collegial physics ─── 建立大物网络虚拟实验室的迫切性和可行性

68、Caring for others will make us great in the eyes of God and will reveal more His imminence in us. ─── 关爱他人将使我们在上帝的眼中变得伟大,会更多揭示上帝在我们身边。

69、In his regicide tracts, he urged the imminence of Christ's Advent to usher in a terrestrial fifth monarchy. ─── 在为弑君辩护的文章中,密尔顿恳求基督速速降临,在这个世界兴起第五王国。

70、Evacuation during imminence of war ─── 临战疏散

71、Stood on the brink of the cliff); in an extended sense it indicates the likelihood or imminence of a sudden change ─── 站在悬崖的边缘上);在一个扩展的意义上它指一件突发事变的可能性或临近

72、These nouns all denote the agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. ─── 这些名词都含有因危险的出现或迫近而引起的不安和焦虑之意。








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