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09-13 投稿



grouser 发音


英:  美:

grouser 中文意思翻译



grouser 短语词组

1、grouser shoe ─── 履带链板

grouser 相似词语短语

1、groused ─── n.松鸡;雷鸟科的猎鸟;怨言;vi.埋怨;n.(Grouse)人名;(英)格劳斯

2、grouse ─── n.松鸡;雷鸟科的猎鸟;怨言;vi.埋怨;n.(Grouse)人名;(英)格劳斯

3、rouser ─── n.激励者;唤醒者

4、carouser ─── n.大喝大闹的人

5、arouser ─── 唤醒器

6、grouter ─── n.[建]灌浆机

7、trouser ─── n.裤子;adj.裤子的

8、grouper ─── n.石斑鱼;鲶科鱼;鲈科之鱼

9、grouses ─── n.松鸡;雷鸟科的猎鸟;怨言;vi.埋怨;n.(Grouse)人名;(英)格劳斯

grouser 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、grouser effect ─── 抓地齿作用

2、grouser boxes ─── 履带节盖板

3、junctor grou fprame ─── 联络线配线架

4、But armed grou are still believed to be holding doze of foreigners captive in Iraq as bargaining chi . ─── 但一般相信武装分子仍在伊拉克挟持着数十名外国人质,作为谈判筹码。

5、The incidence of severe anemia and severe nausea/vomiting was significantly higher with VC than either of the docetaxel arms. However, other toxicity was comparable between the 3 grou . ─── 严重的贫血和严重的恶心/呕吐的发生率是VC组显著高于泰索帝2个组。但其它毒性的发生率在3组相似。

6、Journalists grou expre ed concer the proposed law would add to the ychological burden of reporters and said drafters should list which news-gathering activities would amount to a stalking offence. ─── 新闻从业员担心这条法例会加重他们的心理负担,并表示希望有关当局能列明那些新闻采访活动会构成缠扰罪。

7、Experimental results show that the pull of a singe track shoe is approximately between the two theoretical values including and excluding grouser effect. ─── 实验结果表明履带板的推力介于考虑和不考虑履剌效应的两个理论值之间。

8、12 SD rats from each grou p were furtherly divided into 2 subgroup according to the different sacrifice ti mepoint. Evans blue injected 1h prior to sacrifice. ─── 余 36只(各组 12只)按处死时点 (处死前 4h、24h),各组分为2个亚组,处死前 1h注射伊文氏蓝;

9、sodium grous ─── [医] 钠族

10、ecial reductio are available to grou 12 at all performances. ─── 所有演出对12人以上的团体给予特别优惠。

11、Method The test rest re-gion which is densely populated by mi ce has been divided into testing grou nd and comparing ground. ─── 方在试验场区达乌尔黄鼠密度较高的地区,作为试验区和对照区。考核方法为查盗开洞数法。

12、Standards Promotion and Application Grou ─── 标准促进应用组

13、braid grou ─── 辫群

14、grouser bar ─── 履带销

15、Well Quality, exactly deliver Time, reasonable Price as well as attentive Service is our Motto and our company will according to the strict Management System to grou up continuously. ─── 我们始终坚持:良好的品质、准确地交期、合理的价格和热情周到的服务,秉承严格科学的管理体系,使公司不断地成长。

16、aggressive grouser ─── 人字形着地筋

17、sulfhydryl grous ─── [医] 硫氢基

18、Single shoe with high grouser can effectively increase traction and adhesive performance on sticky soil. ─── 单、高刺形式的履带板在粘性土壤上,可有效地提高其牵引附着性能。

19、sulfanilamide grous ─── [医] 磺胺类

20、Results The plasma level of GMP 140 was much higher in the acute myocardial infarction(AMI) and unlimited angina pectoris(UAP) group than that in the control grou... ─── 结果急性心肌梗死(AMI)和不稳定性心绞痛(UAP)患者血浆GMP-140明显增高,GMP-140与心肌酶学及心肌梗死和心绞痛缺血面积均呈正相关。

21、zymophore grous ─── [医] 酶簇

22、Our company is Asia's No. 1 leading online property group, with leading property websites in , , Hong Kong, , and the, and is part of Australian Securities Exchange-listed IPGA Limited. The grou... ─── 区:马来西亚-|专业领域:营销学和促销学|行业部门:房地产和出租行业|实习开始时间:一月2009|实习种类实习工作

23、Besides, when the court fails to find other laws as grou nds in the course of trying civil and administrative cases, it can choose apply constitutional standard act as judging basis. ─── 另外,法院在审理民事、行政案件找不到其他法律作根据时,可选择地直接适用宪法规范作为裁判依据。

24、One holds that birds' brai make the same kinds of internal co ectio as do mammalian brai and that intelligence in both grou arises from these co ectio . ─── 一方坚持认为:鸟类大脑内部联系的方式和哺乳动物大脑一样,而鸟类和哺乳动物的智力都来自这种大脑内部的联系;

25、sulfonic grous ─── [医] 磺酸基

26、sapophore grous ─── [医] 生味基, 生味团

27、The U.S.State Department dro ed Vietnam from a list of "countries of particular concern" due to their treatment of religious grou . ─── 美国国务院把越南从因对宗教团体的态度而需“特别关注的国家”的名单上除名。

28、And, finally, significant improvement in several quality of life parameters were noted to both docetaxel grou as compared with the control regimen. ─── 并且,泰索帝2组的生活质量参数与对照组相比有显著改善。

29、The main active area f or this grou p of large shocks is along the mid-western segment of the Yinshan-Yanshan seis mi c belt in North China. ─── 这一强震组发生的主体地区为华北北部的阴山、燕山地震带的中西段;

30、Once again, Master, please accept our deepest feelings of respect and gratitude and highest regards, and express our sincerest appreciation to the other grou. ─── 再次请您接受我们深切的敬意与感激,并向相关人员表达我们最诚挚的感谢与问候。

31、partial grous ─── [医] 部分抗体群

32、zymotoxic grous ─── [医] 酶毒簇

33、stone cells grous ─── [医] 石细胞群

34、In the second comparison of DCb versus VC, the overall, median, and 1-year survivals between these 2 grou were equivalent, as were the re o e rates of 24%-25%. ─── 在DCb对VC的比较中,2组的总生存、中位生存期和1年生存率相当,缓解率也差不多(24%-25%)。

35、infrared detection of ground temperature and grou ─── 地温地热红外探测

36、the serum MDA and the plasma ox-LDL contents were declined evi dently by GSPE(MDA,1st to4th weekend,P

37、According to Liu Kehzi 76 countries and regio are currently involved in receiving grou of Chinese tourists. ─── 中国国家旅游局国际司司长刘克智称,中国游客出国旅游的国家达76个。

38、prosthetic grous ─── [医] 辅基

39、porphyryl grous ─── [医] 卟啉基

40、The proliferation index was much higher in WKY+PPG grou p than that of WKY control group. ─── WKY +PPG组大鼠较WKY对照组大鼠PI增高。

41、grouser cleat ─── 履带抓地齿

42、reference grous ─── [医] 参考组

43、IMDb Resume: Do you represent Yasuhiro Yamamota?Add a resume and photos to this page ... grou. ─── ps boy isteriku randy dave lolicon 女保姆被主人狂干 AV 铃木杏里迅雷下载地址 ...

44、Christian grou lead the rally as Hong Kong witne es its biggest public demo tration since the handover. ─── 香港举行了自回归以来最大型的游行,由基督教团体打头阵/头缆。

45、translatina grous ─── [医] 平移群

46、A high MRP expression positive rate 72 6% was present in the breast cancer grou p,23 1% in the breast tissue adjacent to cancer group and 18 2% in benign bre ast tumor. ─── 三种组织阳性率分别为 :乳腺癌 72 6% ,癌旁正常乳腺组织2 3 1% ,乳腺良性肿瘤 18 2%。

47、Love makes man grou up or sink down. ─── 爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。

48、We observed the time of coma and tic,infection of diaiepam,course of diseases,creatine and alanine aminotransferase in two grous. ─── 对照观察两组的昏迷时间、抽搐时间、安定用量、病程、肌酸激酶和谷丙转氨酶。

49、Lateral grou of nephro are affected more than central ones, leading to patchy atrophy with variable degrees of severity. ─── 侧组肾单位受累较中央组为重,而导致严重程度不等的斑状萎缩。

50、The three, who maintain they are i ocent, were scheduled to be killed last August, but were granted a last-minute reprieve amid protests by Christian grou and an a eal for clemency by Pope Benedict. ─── 3人原定在8月底被枪决人,但他们一直声称自己无罪。由于基督教组织的抗议和现任教皇本尼迪克特要求宽恕的请求,3人被允许缓期执行。

51、In Europe ,as elsewhere, multi-media grou have been increasingly succe ful; grou which bring together television, radio, new apers, magazines and publishing house that work in relation to one another. ─── 在欧洲就像在其他地方一样多媒体集团越来越成功了,这些集团把相互关系密切的电视台、电台、报纸、杂志、出版社组合到了一起。

52、At the fifth minute the treated groups (0.2?ml grou p and 05?ml group) were injected with 0.2 or 0.5? ml of carbonic acid buffer by abdominal cavi ty,respectively. At the third hour,all the rats were killed by decollation. ─── 方法 4 0只SD大鼠被随机分为阴性对照组、阳性对照组、0 2ml碳酸缓冲液治疗组、0 5ml碳酸缓冲液治疗组。

53、China's designation of most of Europe as an "a roved destination", taking effect on Wednesday, is expected to trigger a flood of tour grou to the region. ─── 中国将欧洲大部分地区指定为“获准旅游目的地”,并将于周三生效,预计这将引发旅游团蜂拥至这些地区。

54、Appraisal of Tower Grou nd Stability of Aerial Transmission Line at Mined-out Area ─── 采空区架空送电线路塔基稳定性评价

55、saccharide grous ─── [医] 糖基

56、grouser shoe ─── 履带链板

57、An introduction is given to construction of a super shallow buried subsurface excavated underpass in Wuhan, and the control of grou nd settlement. ─── 介绍武汉市常青路地下人行通道超浅埋暗挖施工以及控制地表沉降的技术和方法。

58、Faced with such a situation, the HA formes a working grou on Medical Waste in December 1992 to look into the issue. ─── 面对这样一种形势,医院管理局于1992年组建了一个工作组专门调查这个问题。

59、Analysis of Grouser Height for Traction Machinery on Gravel Work Surface ─── 砾石作业面牵引机械履带履刺高度分析

60、okesmen for the two rebel grou renewed their demands today (Monday) as peace talks continued in Abuja, Nigeria. ─── 两个反政府组织的发言人星期一再次提出了他们的要求,同时,双方在尼日利亚阿布贾继续举行和谈。

61、magnetic space grous ─── 磁空间群

62、tin grous ─── [医] 锡族


64、Among the earlier reports at the meeting was a Swi study suggesting that in some patient grou the Cypher stent of Joh on &am Joh on posed even higher long-term clotting risks than Taxus. ─── 在会议早期的报告中有一个来自于瑞士的研究结果,它显示在一些患者群中,使用强生制药厂的CYPHER支架比使用Taxus支架有更大的长期血栓风险。

65、The plasma level of NO mar k erly decreased and less tissue damages with highly survival rates in AG grou p. ─── 术中严格无菌操作,术后伤口缝合并妥善固定各插管。

66、platinum grous ─── [医] 铂族

67、proteus grous ─── [医] 变形杆菌群

68、This deposit is hosted within the metamorphosed submarine bimodal volcanic rocks of the Kawabulake Grou p (Pt2). ─── 已发现 的2个矿体呈层状、透镜状产出,产状与围岩地层一致。

69、Analysis of Grouser Height for Traction Machinery on Gravel Work Surface ─── 砾石作业面牵引机械履带履刺高度分析

70、salmonelia grous ─── [医] 沙门氏菌群, 副伤寒肠炎杆菌群

71、thionamide grous ─── [医] 硫氨基

72、In either case, those dogs selected BOB and those selected BOV each advance to their grou . ─── 无论是那种情况,被选为BOB或BOV的犬都是他们组内最优秀的犬。

73、Few apoptotic c ells,a few of Bcl-2 and Bax positive cells were observed in normal control grou ps. ─── 正常对照组有少量凋亡细胞 ,Bcl 2和Bax阳性细胞数少 ;

74、precipitophore grous ─── [医] 沉淀簇

75、Purpose of the position1. 2 ASU 21000 daily operation Principal responsibilities1 As a member of three-person shift grou...... ... ─── 公司名称:林德集团工作地点:浙江省宁波市发布时间:2009-7-10

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