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09-13 投稿



intercommunion 发音

英:[??nt?rk??mj?nj?n]  美:[??nt?k??mju?nj?n]

英:  美:

intercommunion 中文意思翻译



intercommunion 词性/词形变化,intercommunion变形

动词过去分词: intercommunicated |形容词: intercommunicative |动词第三人称单数: intercommunicates |动词过去式: intercommunicated |名词: intercommunication |动词现在分词: intercommunicating |

intercommunion 相似词语短语

1、intercommunal ─── adj.社区之间的;社团之间的

2、interdominion ─── adj.英联邦自治领之间的

3、intercommon ─── 公地共牧

4、intercommune ─── 社区间

5、intercommuned ─── 相互交流

6、intercommunication ─── n.相互联系,相互沟通,互相联络

7、intercommuning ─── 互通

8、intercommunes ─── 社区间

9、intercommunity ─── n.共同性,共通性;共有

intercommunion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sino - foreign intercommunion ─── 中外人员交流

2、The cooperation between INRIA and ACT will be a great promotion for scientific intercommunion between France and China. ─── INRIA与ACT的交流合作将对中法之间的科技交流起到重大的推进作用。

3、Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Personnel Talent Intercommunion Center ─── 浙江省人事厅人才交流中心浙江新世纪人才开发有限公司

4、Science Department: Cooperating with Information Department and Holding intercommunion meetings on practical items as well as lectures from MS experts. ─── 科技部:与信息部合作,举行了实践项目经验交流会,趋势会,ms专家讲座等

5、This measure makes intercommunion between mobile terminals or mobile terminal and data server become more safe and effective. ─── 该措施使得移动终端之间或者移动终端与数据服务器之间能够更好的进行交互。

6、Design and Realization of Intercommunion Subsystem of Virtual Network Laboratory ─── 网络虚拟实验室交流子系统的设计与实现

7、Good faith doctrine could take a play in this area.By regulating intercommunion of the court and parties, it could make action to develop in assistance and good faith. ─── 诚实信用原则能在这一领域发挥作用,它通过调整诉讼主体之间的相互关系,使诉讼在协作、诚实、善意的协同关系中进行,并以此实现诉讼的公正。

8、The political barrier obstructs the intercommunion in experimental theatre between two places. ─── 政治上的隔阂使得两岸小剧场之间缺乏交流。

9、To academic information service ,sharablity is the basis of intercommunion, and the intercommunion is the ensure of the service, thus, a platform is needed in order to provide effective service. ─── 对学术信息服务而言,共享是交流的基础,交流是服务的保障,服务需要建立在一个平台之上。

10、The learner can comprehend the culture characteristic of this field through the intercommunion > collaboration and conversation between the learner and experts or teachers and accompanier. ─── 学习者在与专家、教师、同伴的交流、协作、会话等活动中领略该领域的文化特点。

11、Intercommunion of accounting knowledge and correlated code and policy. ─── 会计知识交流,会计相关法规政策交流!

12、Information Intercommunion in Management Information Systems Using Email ─── 通过Email的管理信息系统信息交流

13、The main current of the culture is from the West to China in the cultural intercommunion in the Late Qing Dynasty. ─── 晚清中西文化交流的主潮流向是从西方流向中国。

14、Preprint System: the Important Platform in the International Science Intercommunion ─── 预印本系统:国际学术交流的重要平台

15、With the rapid development of internet, there has been a new style of intercommunion in campus, we call it "online love affair" ─── 伴随着网络的迅速发展,大学校园出现了一种全新的亲密交往方式,我们称它为“网恋”,

16、The public believe that human and nature are closely linked and they use kinds of activities to reach the aim to "control or monopolize the intercommunion between nature and earth"and be in harmony with nature. ─── 民众相信,人与自然界息息相通,并通过各种活动来达到“绝地天通”,与自然和谐交融的目的。

17、Achievement of her enrolled into "world who's who" Published by China International Intercommunion Currents Press (China roll) of the volume two. ─── 业绩被编入中国国际交流出版社《世界名人录》(中国卷)第二卷中。

18、The translation activities in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty is of great sense for the history of cultural intercommunion between China and Western world. ─── 明末清初的翻译活动在中西文化交流史上具有重要的意义。

19、The deeper intercommunion among the correlative subjects and a flood of new thoughts would accelerate the study of decoctions. ─── 多学科交流协作的加深、新方法的涌出会为复方的研究带来发展。

20、According to the most of net-friend's request, for convenience intercommunion in English, We establish English communion field today. ─── 应部分网友要求,为方便大家用英文交流,今日起开通英文交流区。

21、Kunming Educational Technology Forum aims to provide the researchers with a serious, free and au pair platform of intercommunion. ─── 教育技术2009昆明论坛旨在为研究者提供一个学风严谨而平等自由的互动平台。

22、The rapid development of transformation and communication technology for digital images promotes the realization of the multimedia intercommunion. ─── 数字图像处理和通信技术的高度发展使这种多媒体通信方式成为了可能。

23、Using the system can save each intercommunion record between user of the system and customer into library of task activity through working task as carrier. ─── 通过使用此系统,可以使得用户跟客户的每一次交流记录通过工作任务为载体存储在任务活动库中。

24、Using database technique, the invention associates intercommunion records between task and customer according to integrality of entities referred. ─── 一种关联任务和客户交流记录的系统,本发明采用数据库技术,以实体参照完整性为依据达到关联。

25、strengthening the communicating and intercommunion, osculating the relation of the doctor and patient; ─── 加强沟通交流,密切医患关系;

26、intercommunion platform ─── 交流平台

27、The political barrier obstructs the intercommunion in experimental theatre between two places. ─── 政治上的隔阂使得两岸小剧场之间缺乏交流。

28、It’s inevitable that digital signature and identity verification will intervene in the intercommunion and coordinated working between compamys, subsidiary companys and departments. ─── 企业与企业之间、公司与子公司、部门与部门之间的通讯交流,协同工作,也不可避免的需要数字签名及其认证系统的介入。

29、Ebaymmo.com is intercommunion and trade flat roof of World of Warcraft Gold, dofus Kamas, 2moons dil, Silkroad, flyff,shaiya and so on online games. ─── “屈臣氏 广告设计公司 平面设计找到我们的时候,这个拥有百年历史的品牌正处在一个转型的关键点上。”

30、It is an important form to study and discuss in principals training .The deficit in aperations impacts the effect of intercommunion. ─── 摘要研讨交流是校长培训的重要形式,但在操作中存在一些不足,影响交流的效果。

31、Dr. Song School is a free school on study, discussion and intercommunion for the scientific researcher in order to promote the development of science and technology. ─── 宋博士学堂是给科研人士学习、讨论、交流的一个自由学堂,促进科学技术的发展!

32、peer intercommunion ─── 同伴交往

33、Many experts took intercommunion with Mrs. Liu during the meeting. ─── 会议期间,中国营养协会部分专家领导与刘总进行了亲切交流。

34、TENET: helping the oversea chinese make a better evolution both in Canada and China, and promoting intercommunion allround between multi level of both sides. ─── 宗旨:协助华人在中加两地更好地发展,同时推动中加之间多方面,多层次的交流。

35、Japanese architects have started up their study and regress to the space tradition of Japan, so it is very important for us to pay attention to this point in the intercommunion time. ─── 日本建筑界已开始了对自己传统空间模式的研究和回归,在国际交流频繁的今天,值得中国建筑界借鉴。

36、Language is a practical subject, and it is also a tool for thinking and communication.With the reinforcement of the international intercommunion, communication function is gradually emphasized. ─── 任务型教学法是将任务引入教学中,使学生在完成任务的过程中习得语言的一种外语教学方法。

37、The Distinguishes and Intercommunion between Formal Linguistics and Functional Linguistics ─── 功能主义与形式主义语言学的区别与对话

38、hehe , You can mark as Answering in Chinese and English, I think it can make us comfortable in intercommunion. ─── 呵呵,可以注明用双语回答就可以了,我觉得这样大家都比较舒服了。

39、On the base of that the new curriculum looks teaching process as the process of the intercommunion and actively intercourse and development together. ─── 基于此,新课程把教学过程看成是师生交往、积极互动、共同发展的过程。”

40、In each part, although the author emphasizes the theories and practice alternatively, the author always pays attention to the intercommunion between practice and theory. ─── 虽然每一部分理论与实践有所侧重,但始终注意理论与实践的不断交流。

41、Deng Xiaoping and Luo Ronghuan are having deep friendship, intercommunion tens of year, two people bosom friend is very close. ─── 邓小平和罗荣桓有着深厚的友谊,亲密交往数十年,两人相知甚深。

42、Drawings can be separated to competent suppliers and intercommunion in technology; ─── 将外发图纸准确的发给恰当的供应商制造并进行技术交流;

43、The cooperation between INRIA and ACT will be a great promotion for scientific intercommunion between France and China. ─── INRIA与ACT的交流合作将对中法之间的科技交流起到重大的推进作用。

44、purpose of the festival is performance art exchanging, intercommunion, art research, so that to make progress of performance art. ─── 艺术交流,来往,互动,艺术研究等等以促进行为艺术的前进是我们的目标。

45、Positive Research on Information Intercommunion of Teacher Lecturer in Study ─── 大学教师科研活动信息交流实证研究

46、The most important factor of whether an enterprise is successful or not is the financial administration, and correlated intercommunion! ─── 一个企业的成功与否最大的一部份因素应该就是财务管理,财务管理方面交流!

47、The establishment of special administration and academic groups makes wider intercommunion and improve together. ─── 四、成立专门的行政机构和学术团体,交流互动,共同提高。

48、Affectional intercommunion ─── 情感交流

49、Cultural intercommunion has never been unidirectional,however, the Chinese culture also spreads to the West as the West learning spreading for the East simultaneously. ─── 但是,文化交流从来就不是单纯的单向流动,在西学东渐大潮下,中国文化也向西方逆向传播。

50、The aim is to develop staff with transferable technology such as critical thoughts, intercommunion skills, and art of leadership. ─── 目标是发展拥有可转移性技术的员工,例如他们的批评性思维、人际交流技巧以及领导艺术。

51、Objective To promote intercommunion and development of Chinese traditional medicine and Korean traditional medicine. ─── 目的更好地促进中、韩传统医学的交流与发展。

52、With the reinforcement of the international intercommunion, communication function is gradually emphasized. ─── 随着国际间的往来日益加强,外语越来越强调其交际功能。

53、Intercommunion With Computer ─── 人机交互

54、Speaking good English is no at difficult as you think.We knew learning English needs persistence.This column will give you a best place for study or intercommunion. ─── 说一口流利的英语并非象你想象的那么难,我们都知道学英语就是要持之以恒,本栏目正是一个大家学习和交流的好去处。

55、With the development of computer and Internet, a multimedia intercommunion method combined with characters, voice and visible images are much more preferred than traditional character intercommunion. ─── 随着计算机和互联网的迅速发展,传统的文字交流已经难以满足人们的需求,一种集文字、语音、图像为一体的多媒体通信方式更受青睐。

56、It uses WAP PUSH technology to achieve function expansion of the Web network library,enhances information intercommunion between reader and library. ─── 利用WAP PUSH技术实现了Web网络图书馆的功能扩展,增强了读者与图书馆的信息交互。

57、Factory Director, Wang Changyou with all his associates welcome domestic and abroad friends to visit them for intercommunion, cooperation in achieving a brilliant future together. ─── 厂长王长友携全体员工,竭诚欢迎国内外同仁光临指导,真诚合作,共铸辉煌。

58、We intercommunion each other over the network. ─── 2.我们通过网络互相交流。

59、A positive culture ecosystem means the fusion of the different culture and equal intercommunion; ─── 一个良性的文化生态意味着不同文化的融合与平等的交流;

60、When bringing convenience to people in intercommunion, mobile phone short message also brings some unexpected problems, one of which is the rumor message. ─── 摘要在手机短信给人们交流信息带来方便的同时,也出现了人们所没有预料到的问题,谣言短信便是其中之一。

61、Emotional design is a trend in furniture design.It takes spiritual and emotional intercommunion between the furniture and its users into account in furniture design. ─── 家具设计中应考虑家具与人之间的精神与情感的互动交流,体现人们情感的表达,这是家具设计的趋势所在。

62、intercommunion asynchronous motor ─── 交流鼠笼异步电动机

63、All members of the contents are purely intercommunion in forum; the forum only provided a platform for intercommunion and does not take any legal responsibility. ─── 本版所有会员所发内容,纯属交流,本论坛只提供交流平台,不承担任何法律责任!

64、Influence of Peer Intercommunion on the Ethnic Culture Cognition of Southwestern Minority Children ─── 同伴交往对西南少数民族儿童民族文化认知的影响

65、Tibetan-Yi-Corridor is not only the important channels of ancient ethnic migration, but also the important channels of cultural intercommunion and goods trade. ─── 摘要藏彝走廊既是古代民族迁徙的重要通道,又是民族之间文化交流和商业贸易的重要通道。

66、Objective Enhanced the ability about the high resistant and infective pathogenic microbe disinfection by conclusion and intercommunion in the suspicious case. ─── 目的通过对可疑污染案例的实践,总结交流应对高抵抗力、高传染性病原体消毒处理措施的工作体会和讨论存在的问题。

67、The pointer of constitutional government is ensuring human rights and controlling influence. Right and influence start benign intercommunion. ─── 宪政指针:保障人权与控制权力。权利与权力走向良性互动。

68、Most of Hong Wen Xue Shies came from the different areas,kins and ranks,the breaking-in and intercommunion of the poitcs notion among them stimulated to form the uniform poitics thoughts. ─── 弘文学士地域的复杂性和身份的多样性,必然导致他们有不同的诗学观念。在弘文馆这个平台上,他们之间诗学观念的碰撞与磨合,直接促成了唐初融合南北、文质并重文学思想的形成。

69、Associator has the application right of taking part in intercommunion, tournament, compitetion with others outside of Organization, and hold various activities in the Associator identity or in the name of Organization. ─── 会员有以会员或组织名义进行与外界交流、比赛、切磋的申请权和举办活动的申办权。

70、3 teaching methods,we need more researcher on teaching methods and more intercommunion; ─── 4.教育思想问题,教学评价教育管理中存在思想僵化、教条主义等问题;

71、The Application of the Intercommunion to Detective Interrogation ─── 沟通在侦查讯问中的运用

72、Strengthen the intercommunion between clinics and laboratory medicine in order to establish the total quality control system ─── 加强临床实验室与临床的交流建立全面质量管理体系

73、production of intercommunion chain ─── 交流链产品

74、Objective To promote intercommunion and development of Chinese traditional medicine and Korean traditional medicine. ─── 目的更好地促进中、韩传统医学的交流与发展。

75、With the information ages and the advance in international position of china, the intercommunion in culture become more frequent between china and the other countries. ─── 随着信息时代的不断前进,中国国际地位的不断提高,我们与世界各国间的文化交流活动日益频繁,因此,对我国交响音乐的研究也变得迫切起来。

76、In the author's opinion, the due legislation procedure has two essential characters: one is the consistency based on intercommunion and compromise among of different citizens; ─── 真理一致论中的立法程序,既要求形成合意基础上的主体间性,即有着不同利益需求和价值取向的公民作相互的交流、表达、妥协,以及基于此上而形成的一致性意见;

77、The Clever Long-distance Education Net mainly includes abundant contents such as synchronous teaching, synchronous tutorship, intercommunion online, resource online etc. ─── 科利华远程教育网主要包括同步教学、同步辅导、网上交流、网上资源等丰富的内容。

78、Welcome any one team come here for intercommunion ,welcome friendly match!!! ─── 欢迎世界各地的球队前来交流,欢迎友谊赛!

79、Thus, user can search out intercommunion records related to customer expediently by using task as search key so as to find out valuable information rapidly. ─── 使得用户可以很方便地以任务为检索关键字检索到与相关客户的交流记录,从而快速地发掘有价值的信息。

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