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09-13 投稿



inducts 发音

英:[?n?d?kts]  美:[?n?d?kts]

英:  美:

inducts 中文意思翻译



inducts 词性/词形变化,inducts变形

动词过去分词: inducted |动词第三人称单数: inducts |动词过去式: inducted |动词现在分词: inducting |

inducts 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、By reforming management system for regional leaders to induct correctly surprise the action of regional government institution innovation. ─── 完善地方政府领导管理体制,引导和规范地方政府的制度创新行为;

2、induct ion ─── 归纳

3、The TCM can work through regulating the unbalanced metabolization of LH,FSH,T,INS so as to induct ovulating and resume the balance. ─── 中医药治疗是通过调节患者的T、LH、FSH、INS的代谢紊乱而发挥作用,并能改善子宫、卵巢供血障碍,使患者的代谢和生殖功能恢复正常。

4、To be able to model the requirement of the pervasive usability, this paper inducts perceptual control model. ─── 为了能够建模普适可用性的需求,引入感知控制模型。

5、Induct new staff in the job role and standards ─── 培训新聘员工适应工作角色及标准

6、This paper induct the major benefits of using spodumene in sanitaryware glaze. ─── 利用锂辉石在卫生瓷釉中的应用及其优点。

7、The facility, due to induct its first engine in 2009, will comprise approximately 23,000 sq. meters (250,000 sq. feet). ─── 2009年上半年第一台发动机进厂大修。

8、Category of Felicity" urges and inducts people to get closer to it, meanwhile, it refers to the efforts for seeking felicity and attaining such kind of satisfaction and balance in this process. ─── 幸福范畴在人类社会生活中不仅引导激励人们努力向它靠近 ,同时 ,它能够接近某种既成的幸福观念去生活和努力 ,并在这种努力中得到一种满足和平衡。

9、To induct the situational context by the means of the body language ─── 三、运用身体语言引导情景

10、“the good beginning is successful half”, inducts is more splendid, more can attract the student attention, therefore optimizes inducts has the important meaning。 ─── “好的开端是成功的一半”,导入越精彩,就越能吸引学生注意力,因此优化导入具有重要意义。

11、On the contrary, it should regularize criterion, adjust and induct the connection of cohabitation, regarding it as a community between the male and female that is the exceptant of legal marriage. ─── 对于这种态度,作为自治法的民法不应该加以禁止,而应该通过法律的手段规范、调整和引导,视同居关系为法定婚姻关系以外的一种男女生活体;

12、If so if, why the website collects fees the behavior that inducts a member, should pass the red head file that saves a Consumer's Committee to inform? ─── 如果是这样的话,为什么网站收费吸纳会员的行为,要通过省消委会的红头文件来通知呢?

13、SCM control for frequency tracking in induct heating device ─── 感应加热装置中频率跟踪的单片机控制

14、This paper inducts the market timing theory, base on the actual status of China's stock market to study the seasoned equity offering of China's listed companies. ─── 基于此本文从中国证券市场的实际发展状况出发,引入融资的市场时机选择理论对中国上市公司的股权再融资问题进行研究。

15、As a neuropeptide it plays role and conducts the senses of pain in the central nervous system,as well as inducts neurogenic inflammation in the peripheral nervous system. ─── 在中枢它作为神经递质发挥作用且与痛觉传导有关,在外周神经它作为诱导神经源炎症的物质发挥作用。

16、Induct and train users on system applications. ─── 为新用户进行培训。

17、Induct, utilize and manage various resources. ─── 合理引入、利用和管理各种资源。

18、Inducts the new class ─── 导入新课

19、Based on integrity, we discuss the change of the cluster order after induct adding information and abstract class . ─── 基于完整性考虑,还讨论了加入附加信息的重要作用以及引入附加信息和抽象类后,测试次序的变化。

20、Secondly this paper inducts and introduces Collins" organizational idiosyncracy ideas, points out the importance of Value investment theories" development; ─── 其次引入并评价了柯林斯的组织特质思想,指出了它对投资思想发展的意义;

21、The emphases is the thoughtway of programming and the nodus is how to induct pupils to break though the conventional thoughtway and to train them with new thoughts. ─── 其重点是培养学生掌握程序设计的思想和方法,难点是作为程序设计的入门课程,应当如何引导学生突破传统的思维方式,培养程序设计的新思想。

22、induct heating ─── 感应加热

23、This paper inducts and summarizes the router algorithm in network layer,and gives the practical program of the shortest path router selection algorithm with JAVA language. ─── 就网络层中的路由选择算法进行了归纳和总结,并使用JAVA语言编写出最短通路路由选择算法的具体程序。

24、When reforming the income assignment system, the indemnification system and a series of policy should be perfected which can induct residents' extending consuming. ─── 在改革各种收入分配制度的同时,应建立起比较完善的保障制度及制定一系列能积极引导居民扩大消费的政策。

25、On the whole, as a nominal anchor, IT is able to induct the public’s expectation, improve the macroeconomic performance efficiently. ─── 总之,作为一个名义锚,通货膨胀定标(IT)能够较好地引导公众预期,有效地改善经济的运行环境。

26、To induct into an office, a rank, or a position ─── 任命使就职于某职位、军衔或位置

27、Likes mathematics; Reassignment study enthusiasm; the interest inducts; Sense of responsibility. ─── 喜欢数学;调动学习积极性;兴趣导入;责任心。

28、Thus enhances the effectiveness which truly the personal character classroom instruction inducts. ─── 从而真正提高品德课堂教学导入的实效性。

29、Inducts the time. ─── 导入期。

30、The 2nd part: In this part, the author inducts and summarizes the research and development of the culture of the Hefei district in the period of graduate study. ─── 主要从建筑造型、建筑空间组合、建筑色彩以及建筑意境几方面进行分析。

31、Induct electric power cable, shell up the destine length. ─── 引入电力电缆,在预定长度剥开。

32、Friedrich Engels has predicated that the family will die out in the future of the human society, and the knowledge economy is induct it to this goal. ─── 恩格斯曾经预言 ,家庭在人类社会的未来将走向消亡 ,知识经济正在引导家庭向这一目标前进

33、To induct into office by a formal ceremony. ─── 就职通过正式的就职典礼而就任职位

34、Establish the mutually agreeable relation of teacher and pupil again, induct the student the study interest; ─── 再次建立融洽师生关系,诱发学生学习兴趣;

35、He is Bill Gates. 1998, bill comes to Chinese clique ambassador-at-large Li Kaifu inducts Chinese wisdom new establish the Microsoft China academy that is in China. ─── 1998年,比尔向中国派来特使李开复将中国的智慧吸纳入新设立在中国的微软中国研究院。

36、As the business process is complex, the system inducts the workflow and designs relational business process model. ─── 由于考核系统业务流程复杂,本系统引入工作流,并设计相应的业务流程模型。

37、Critics have expound and evaluated the contemporary phenomenon of literature, and intend to induct the direction of literature invent. ─── 在文学批评实践中,批评家通过这些命名活动有意识地来解释、评判当代文学现象,并试图以此来导引文学创作的方向。

38、The export of Shanghai inducts increased gradually from the 20th century, but it limited in the southeast Asia, and the number was very small. ─── 20世纪后上海工业品出口逐渐增加,但仅限于南洋诸国,数值比重很小。

39、We induct the concepts of flexible and semiflexible queries in ontology queries.When the ontology graph is a tree, we proposed an efficient approach to evaluate semiflexible queries. ─── 4. 将柔性查询和半柔性查询概念引入到本体查询当中,同时针对本体图为树的情况,提出了一个本体上半柔性查询的有效求解方法。

40、to induct somebody into a seat ─── 引导某人就座

41、This text inducts the value chain analysis method by introducing the basic thought of the value chain. ─── 本文在介绍价值链基本思想的基础上引入了价值链分析法。

42、induct a clergyman to a benefice ─── 使牧师就任有俸禄的圣职

43、English new class inducts the method and form many and varied not fixed patterns. ─── 英语新课导入方法和形式多种多样没有固定的模式。

44、She inducts Nina into the cult. ─── 她诱导妮娜加入这一邪教。

45、The task of the scholar is to inspire,to instruct and to induct people through cluing them on the facts which exsit in phoenomenons. ─── 2学者的工作就是通过向大众提示存在于现象中的事实来鼓舞大众、教育大众、引导大众。

46、One that inducts, especially a device that functions by or introduces inductance into a circuit. ─── 感应器感应的物体,尤指靠电感运作的或将电感导入线圈的装置

47、It splits the untagged table into rows and columns,and then inducts headers and merges cells. ─── 对非标记化表格进行行列划分,然后进行标题归纳和单元格合并。

48、Prepares to accompany, the printing lyrics, and will accompany induct record the software. ─── 准备伴奏,打印歌词,并将伴奏导入录音软件。

49、"The experience of international home proves, what can induct obtain employment most is medium and small businesses. ─── “国际国内的经验证明,最能够吸纳就业的是中小企业。”

50、In learning language's process, cannot neglect the Trans-Culture human relations, at the right moment inducts cultural context knowledge especially important. ─── 总之,语言是文化的产物,它具有深刻的文化内涵与不同的对象,在什么样的情况下,如何表述一种思想,与文化背景密切相关。

51、This paper provides a rule-based delegation model and inducts a regularization language form.Through determinin... ─── 因此本文提出了基于规则的委托授权,引入了规则化的语言形式,从而通过判定约束规则,对委托进行判定。

52、A Kind of Examine Method about Pot of Induct Cooker According One-chip Computer ─── 一种基于单片机的电磁炉锅具检测方法

53、By use of MATLAB developing program,it is realized to build model in MATLAB and induct the data into ANSYS to analyse. ─── 利用MATL ab语言进行程序开发,实现了在MATL ab中建立数学模型并将数据导入到ANSYS进行计算分析的方法。

54、Convenient inducts your collection. ─── 便捷的导入您的收藏。

55、induct sb to/into the priesthood/as a priest ─── 使某人就任牧师职位任职牧师.

56、Inducts the leisure with to go sightseeing function of the amusement and rest. ─── 并且导入休閒与观光游憩之功能.

57、Last but not least, CWP is committed to induct you into the international fraternity of wine lovers. ─── 好年致力让您成为国际葡萄酒爱好者大家庭的一员。

58、New Member Card can memorize and induct except for the function of current membership card and consuming card. ─── “会员通”卡融合了现有会员证和会员消费卡的功能,具有存储和感应功能。

59、Foreign M&A is expected to have a great development in the near future.And it can become one of the important methods besides Greenfield to induct foreign capital. ─── 在今后外资并购国内企业有可能发展成为除新建投资之外的一种重要引资方式。

60、A flock of players form an organization, induct other player initiate ceaselessly. ─── 一群玩家组成一个组织,并不断吸纳别的玩家入会。

61、Induct the concept of relative status table, fly method table, tactic attribute table as the base of using database technique for Guide calculation. ─── 作为使用数据库技术进行引导解算的基础,引入了敌我相对态势表、飞行方式表、战法属性表的概念;

62、Induct To admit as a member; receive. ─── 吸收为会员吸收为成员;接纳。

63、The TCM and western drugs can work through regulating the unbalanced metabolization of LH,FSH,T,INS so as to induct ovulating and resume the balance. ─── 中西医结合治疗是通过调节患者的T、LH、FSH、INS的代谢紊乱而发挥作用,使患者的代谢和生殖功能恢复正常。

64、Research on the Mechanism of How to Induct Creative Thinking ─── 创造性思维发生机制探索

65、induct by lactose ─── 乳糖诱导

66、In other words, the higher density of pore interconnection pathway can induct more complete vascularization in scaffolds, and the diameter can restrict the lumens of blood vessel diameter. ─── [结论]材料孔隙间的连通是影响材料体内血管化的关键因素,具体地说,较高的连通率可以使材料血管化更为完全,而连通径的大小可以限制新生血管管腔的大小。

67、After product in inducts the time the sale obtains the success, then entered the growth period. ─── 当产品在导入期的销售取得成功之后,便进入了成长期。

68、On the contrary,it should regularize criterion,adjust and induct the connection of cohabitation,regarding it as a community between the male and female that is the exceptant of legal marriage. ─── 对于这种态度,作为自治法的民法不应该加以禁止,而应该通过法律的手段规范、调整和引导,视同居关系为法定婚姻关系以外的一种男女生活体;

69、In the gouge on the ground a hole, can induct the running water all round, and factitious ground lowers urban price, be sure to attract the afflux of all sorts of factor of production. ─── 在地上挖出一个坑,就会吸纳四周的流水,而人为地降低城市地价,必将吸引各种生产要素的流入。

70、The analysis indicates that a notable characteristic of viscosity reducers is to induct side chain with polarity group and active surface on the original ester molecule matrix. ─── 分析认为,降粘剂研究的一个显著特点是在原来酯性分子骨架上引入具有极性基团或表面活性的侧链等。

71、We Should Support and Induct the Recycling Nonferrous Metal Industry, and Strengthen Management about it ─── 对再生有色金属产业应大力扶持政策引导加强管理

72、one that inducts,especially a device that functions by or introduces inductance into a circuit ─── 感应器,感应的物体,尤指靠电感运作的或将电感导入线圈的装置

73、5 development conforms to the Chinese national condition finance interface routine, guaranteed that the service data inducts automatically accurately promptly to China financial system. ─── 5 开发符合中国国情的财务接口程序,保证业务数据及时准确地自动导入到中国财务系统中去。

74、"1 . 5 industry " develop, inevitable abundantly inducts force of rural surplus labor, the obtain employment that solves a farmer and again obtain employment problem. ─── “1.5产业”的发展,必然大量地吸纳农村剩余劳动力,解决农民的就业和再就业问题。

75、In power supply, the filter is network of capacitors, resistors and inducts that eliminates the rectifier. ─── 在电源供应器,过滤器是消除整流电容器,电阻器和导入网络。

76、The ground of toilet and kitchen should laid is bibulous the ground brick with low rate, because the ground often can use much clear water wash and brush, the effect that such ceramic tile ability do not suffer lunt, do not induct besmirch. ─── 卫生间和厨房的地面应铺设吸水率低的地面砖,因为地面会经常用大量的清水洗刷,这样瓷砖才能不受水汽的影响、不吸纳污渍。

77、He's just a boy, You say more and you might as Well induct him into the Order ─── 他还只是个孩子,再多告诉他一点的话,你倒不如直接邀请他加入社团

78、In New Cambridge economic growth model, we induct a new variable, technology labor. ─── 在新剑桥经济增长模型中,我们引入了技术劳动者这一新的变量。

79、Specially provides for the enterprise: The CIS system inducts, the etworkmultimedia development, the film and televisi-on animation manufacture and so on a station type pr ofessional service. ─── 专为企业提供:CIS系统导入、网络多媒体开发、影视动画制作等一站式专业服务。公司信奉“致之以谋,行之则通”的理念,追求“致真、致善、致美”的设计宗旨.

80、The second part comprehensive expounds the references, and inducts the waterfront development aim and its design principle. ─── 进行文献综述,综合整理后提出城市滨水区开发的目的和设计的原则。

81、At present,it is necessary to open up the highway maintenance engineering market and induct the highway maintenance supervision system. ─── 当前,逐步开放公路养护工程市场,引入养护监理制度势在必行。

82、The Research of Width Measurement Method by Induct Synchronizer ─── 感应同步器宽度测量方法的研究

83、In bedroom design, white is changeless theme, it does not have chroma tendency, induct numerous color again however, pure in accumulate containing rich. ─── 在居室设计中,白色是不变的主题,它无彩度倾向,却又吸纳众色,单纯中蕴含着丰富。

84、The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate a novel direct torque control for induct motor.There are drawbacks of direct torque control method for induct motor. ─── 为了得到良好的控制性能以及快速的暂态响应,转矩涟波的改善已被广泛的需求在许多的应用上。

85、induct physical laws ─── 归纳出自然法则

86、Algorithm For Induct And Interception Based on Vector Addition ─── 基于矢量加法的引导拦截解算

87、induct sb. to an office of governor ─── 使某人就任州长

88、The energy body of the human life runs through the entire cosmic space-time, enabling the human life to induct information of the entire universe.This is why the human life is extremely precious. ─── 人类生命的能体贯穿整个宇宙时空,使人类生命具有感应整个宇宙信息的能力,这就是人类生命极其珍贵的原因。

89、Induct the harmory endpoint error format and design the harmony endpoint error nonogram,and then caculate four kinds of titrating endpoint error by using this format. ─── 归纳出统一的滴定终点误差公式,并绘制出统一的终点误差图,运用此图计算四类滴定的终点误差。

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