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09-13 投稿



unassuming 发音

英:[?n?'sju?m??]  美:['?n?'s?m??]

英:  美:

unassuming 中文意思翻译



unassuming 网络释义

adj. 谦逊的;不装腔作势的;不出风头的

unassuming 词性/词形变化,unassuming变形

副词: unassumingly |名词: unassumingness |

unassuming 相似词语短语

1、reassuming ─── vt.再假定;再采取;再承担

2、unassisting ─── 取消分配

3、unassumingness ─── 谦逊

4、unpresuming ─── 朴实无华

5、transuming ─── 透照

6、assuming ─── conj.假设;adj.傲慢的;不逊的;僭越的;vi.假定;设想;承担;采取(assume的现在分词);vt.僭取;篡夺;夺取;擅用;侵占(assume的现在分词)

7、unassumingly ─── 谦逊地

8、unalluring ─── adj.不吸引人的

9、coassuming ─── 共担

unassuming 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some of nature's most complicated chemistry takes place in the shoots and leaves of the tiny, unassuming periwinkle plant. ─── 微小的长春花属植物的根和叶子可产生一些大自然的最复杂的化学物质。

2、The net icon are unassuming! ─── 偶像是谦虚的!

3、Despite its unassuming exterior, the long lines of young men waiting for entry on most weekend nights are a giveaway.And inside it's all action. ─── 尽管外表毫不起眼,周末夜里,年轻男子组成长长的、排队等待进入的人龙却泄漏了秘密。

4、She hunted out an unassuming restaurant and entered, but was disturbed to find that the prices were exorbitant for the size of her purse. ─── 她找到一个不起眼的小饭店,就走了进去。 但是她不安地发现那里的价钱高得吓人,不是她的钱包可以付得起的。

5、Despite her fame she remained the modest, unassuming person she had Been as a student. ─── 尽管有名,她仍然是一个廉逊,不摆架子的人,就象她以前当学生时那样

6、Pongamia, an unassuming medium-sized tree, is gaining prominence because its large brown seeds produce oil that can be used to run generators and farm equipment. ─── 不算高大的水黄皮树貌不惊人,但它正日益受到关注,因为它硕大的褐色种子能够榨油,用来驱动发电机和农用设备。

7、He is emphatically a retiring and unassuming man ─── 他的确是一个与世无争和谦虚纯朴的人。

8、It was a sad end for a quiet and unassuming man, who did the club a great service, and must therefore always be remembered for it. ─── 对一位平静而谦逊的人来说,这是伤心的结束,应该被永记,他为俱乐部做了很大贡献。

9、Modest, unassuming, easy to approach, Premier Zhou soon put everyone there completely at ease. ─── 周总理是那样谦逊,随和,易于接近,使大家很快就不紧张了。

10、He was a surprisingly unassuming man for such a titan among statesmen. ─── 作为政治家中的巨人,邓小平是一个非常谦逊的人。

11、The pace of work pretty fast, faster than old, but the young shaman's spirit, restless and unassuming, stop, one would want to stop smoking, and went for a drink of. ─── 干活的速度蛮快的,明显比老师傅快,但也撒满了年少的锐气、躁动与张扬,干干停停,一会要抽烟停下来了,一会又去喝水了。

12、I found him to be unassuming and easy to get along with. ─── 我发现他没有架子,很好相处。

13、Now, when the income was shrunk to $20, though, they were thinking seriously of contracting to a modest and unassuming D.But whenever Mr. ─── 现在,他的收入缩减到二十美元,"迪林厄姆"的字母也显得模糊不清,似乎它们正严肃地思忖着是否缩写成谦逊而又讲求实际的字母D。

14、Don't be fooled by his unassuming manner; he is really a very proud man. ─── 别被他谦虚的态度骗了,其实他是个很骄傲的人。

15、“an unassuming assemblage of clapboard buildings, Quonset storage huts, and docks” (Christian Science Monitor). ─── “一堆毫不起眼的隔板建筑物,匡西特储藏屋和船坞”(基督教科学箴言报)。

16、Ji won affection from general public also for his unassuming personality and humility. ─── 不止于此,季先生广受爱戴的原因还在于他谦逊的个性。

17、Modest, unassuming, easy to approach, Premier Zhou soon put everyone there completely at ease. ? ? ─── 周总理是那样谦虚,随和,平易近人,使大家很快无拘无束了。

18、Fluent in Chinese as well as modest and unassuming in nature, Professor Idema has the bearing and character of a Chinese person. ─── 一口流利的中文,加上拘谨内歛的特质,伊维德的神貌行止,俨然像个中国人。

19、Indeed, the entire tone of the book is so modest and unassuming that Sen's arguments generally seem obvious once he has made them. ─── 实际上,全书论述,中正平和。森之观点,一旦阐述,即呈普通而显然之态。

20、He was a small and by all appearances an unassuming man. ─── 他是个个子小并且从一切表象看来不装腔作势的人。

21、From all accounts, they were both very humble, unassuming, unpretentious men; ─── 从所有的帐户,他们都非常谦逊,谦逊,谦逊的人;

22、The unassuming accountant and evangelical Christian, with a proper side part to his hair, was not headed down the trading path prior to seeing the C&D ad. ─── 他是会计,信基督教,在看到广告前他并没有交易过。

23、Where Colin was loud, Quentin was quiet, indrawn, unassuming. ─── 科林喧闹,昆廷则安静,内向,谦逊。

24、The Diary of a Nobody is so unassuming a work that even its author, George Grossmith, seemed unaware that he had produced a masterpiece. ─── 书很轻,很适合我这种到处流浪随时准备搬家的人。书皮有些脆,所以我用宽胶带纸把它封起来,看起来有点像塑封的。

25、He looks so unassuming, it's hard to imagine one person could have unleashed such vitriol and such a bitter nationwide debate. ─── 他似乎不带任何启示性,让人很难想象一个人能激发如此的尖酸刻薄的批评,如此在全国范围的严厉争论。

26、Then Rutherford, in his unassuming white coat, made a last minute inspection tour round his laboratory, a high and wide room with a cement floor. ─── 然后,穿着一件朴素的白色外套的卢瑟福在实验室里转了一圈,做最后一次检查。 这是一间高大的水泥地面房间。

27、unassuming; amiable ─── 平易

28、But here was comrade Juna Budhamagar strolling along, quite unassuming, simplicity and ruggedness personified, knitting a pullover for her loved one. ─── 然而眼前的瞿娜则与我们的想象截然相反,她很谦逊,也不装腔作势,朴素甚至个性还有点粗野,她正在为爱人编织一个套领。

29、He's a man of few words, very polite and unassuming. ─── 他不爱说话,非常有礼貌,也不装腔作势。

30、Mr Papaconstantinou, an unassuming economist who worked for the OECD, a think-tank of rich countries, had two weeks to assemble a budget that aims to reduce the deficit by 3.3% of GDP next year. ─── 为经合组织(富裕国家的智囊团)工作过的谦虚的经济学家帕帕康斯坦丁努先生,花两周时间汇编一个旨在减少明年占国内生产总值3.3%的赤字预算。

31、Difficult is life for the modest one who always seeks purity, is detached and unassuming, clean in life, and discerning. ─── 知耻与常求清净者的生活是艰难的,他无著、谦虚、有礼、清净活命及有智见。

32、I also believe that a simple and unassuming life is good for everybody,physically and mentally. ─── 我还认为简单朴素、不事张扬的生活方式,对任何人的身心都有好处。

33、Unassuming attitude for serving our customers with a total focus ─── 以谦逊的态度竭诚为客户服务

34、Huabei didn't used to get this angry when we lived by the Ertix River, and neither did he run off at the mouth so badly. He was so unassuming back then. ─── 华北在额尔齐斯河边上的时候,可没有这么大火气,也没有这么多话,那会儿华北多谦恭。

35、Yet, Paul, ever unassuming, said his knack for stealing the ball comes naturally and is merely enhanced by his unquenchable thirst for playing the game. ─── 不过,保罗曾非常谦虚的说,他抢断的诀窍只是单纯的条件反射,以及他对打球的难以抑制的渴望所制造的。

36、A wise person must be humble and unassuming,like the rice stalk that bows under the weight of ripe grain. ─── 即使已达智慧圆融,更应该含蓄谦虚,像稻穗一样,米粒越饱满垂得越低。

37、None of these affected his unassuming modesty or diminished the warmth and generosity of his heart. ─── 这些事情丝毫没有影响到他毫不矫饰的谦逊态度,也没有减退他内心的热情和慷慨。

38、Potamon fluviatile, an unassuming freshwater crab, has shown superior staying power, thriving in the canals built by the Etruscans nearly 3,000 years ago, Italian zoologists say. ─── 淡水蟹这种不起眼的螃蟹,竟然展现了优越的持久力,能够在伊特鲁里亚人3000年前建造的运河里生存至今,义大利动物学家说。

39、Now, when the income was shrunk to $20, though, they were thinking seriously of contracting to a modest and unassuming D. ─── 现在,他的收入缩减到二十美元,“迪林厄姆”的字母也显得模糊不清,似乎它们正严肃地思忖着是否缩写成谦逊而又讲求实际的字母D。

40、"It is a bit of quiet, unassuming drollery which warms like good wine. ─── "这是一段既不哗众取宠又不矫揉造作的滑稽表演,像美酒一样温馨。

41、English: When Confucius is back to his hometown, he was unassuming and seemed inarticulate. ─── 孔子回到家乡,非常恭顺,好像不善言辞一样。

42、"He was a gentle, lowly, and unassuming man." ─── 他是个温和、谦卑、不摆架子的人。

43、Successful traders are sharp, curious, and unassuming people. Most have been through losing periods. They graduated from the school of hard knocks, and that experience helped smooth their rough edges. ─── 成功的交易者是犀利的,认真的,无法想象的人。大部分都经历过输家阶段。他们在艰苦的学校毕业了,经验磨去了他们的棱角。

44、Quiet and unassuming, he has won praise from his fans. ─── 他安静而谦逊的个性赢得了粉丝的赞扬。

45、be modest and unassuming; be easy of approach ─── 没有架子

46、She hunted out an unassuming restaurant and entered, But was disturbed to find that the prices were exorbitant for the size of her purse . ─── 但是她不安地发现那里的价钱高得吓人,不是她的钱包可以付得起的。

47、Saying NO in a quiet, unassuming voice is like a hand shake that is floppy and limp. ─── 别人会尊重你的意愿,并且当你说出第一个“不”字时,就会认真地对待你的回答。

48、Secrecy is the hidden ability, the unassuming ally. ─── 秘密是隐藏的能力,朴实的盟友。

49、Wuzhen appears more quiet and unassuming. ─── 是乌镇不变的宁静与质朴。

50、An unassuming man with flyaway hair and a ready smile, Jana, who is now 53, went through medical school in Kolkata in the 1970s. ─── 53岁的迦纳有著一头膨松头发,是个随时面带微笑且没有架子的人。他在1970年代就读位于加尔各答的医学院。

51、Today, the spiffiest of the unassuming vehicles can command $120,000. Collector clubs can be found from California and Arizona to Germany and Japan. ─── 如今,这款默默无闻的车辆中保养最好的可以卖到12万美元。从加州和亚利桑那州一直到德国和日本,到处都有这款车的收藏俱乐部。

52、Quite a shy and reserved man, the elder Mr Owen was as unassuming as his journeyman career through the lower leagues of English football. ─── 作为一名腼腆又有所保留的人,老欧文对于他在英格兰足球低级别联赛里踢球的经历很少提及。

53、I found him to BE unassuming and easy to get along with. ─── 我发现他没有架子,很好相处。

54、Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji is a man of great confidence, yet, for all his stature, he is also admirably unassuming, frank and open-minded, characteristics he exuded during his three-day official visit to Singapore. ─── 朱镕基总理是一个非常自信的人,同时又谦逊坦诚,虚怀若谷。在新加坡为期三天的正式访问中,这种令人钦佩的品德再次展露无遗。

55、High noon came, and with it hunger. She hunted out an unassuming restaurant and entered, But was disturbed to find that the prices were exorbitant for the size of her purse. ─── 已到中午了,她的肚子也饿了。她找到一个不起眼的小饭店,就走了进去。但是她不安地发现那里的价钱高得吓人,不是她的钱包可以付得起的。

56、Though the unassuming man before me seemed miles away from what I had heard and read of the monks, I approached cautiously, sliding down onto the bench across from him, eager to take his measure. ─── 眼前这个男人与我想像中的武僧相去甚远,一点都看不出这种威风,可虽然如此,我还是小心的凑过去,在他对面的长椅上坐下,希望能仔细观察一番。

57、, unassuming manners, and a gratifying habit of looking up to Emma as a paragon ─── 哈里特是附近寄宿学校学生,住在校长家里。她年方十七,相貌出众,虽然资质低下,但举止行为却讨人喜欢,毫不做作,又习惯于把爱玛奉为楷模,所以挺称人心意。

58、"He is an unassuming, generous man who takes after his grandfather." ─── "其为人谦恭厚道,大有祖父遗风,非膏粱轻薄仕宦之流"

59、The Chinese are very unassuming. ─── 中国人很含蓄

60、Now,when the income was shrunk to $20, the letters of “Dillingham” looked blurred, as though they were thinking seriously of contracting to a modest and unassuming D. ─── 但是每逢杰姆斯.狄林汉.杨先生回家上楼,走进房门时。

61、However, many have suggested that her biggest appeal lies in her unassuming persona . ─── 然而,许多人认为,她最大的魅力在于她不装腔作势的个性。

62、You bet I am proud, but what really matters to me is that she grew up to be warm and kind, with an easygoing, unassuming demeanor. ─── 你一定会说我骄傲,但对我来说,真正重要的是,我的孩子长大了,有一颗热情善良的心,为人随和,不装模作样。

63、The natural grain wood finish creates an unassuming vintage display case for wine essentials. ─── 利用天然木纹的制造是对红酒本质的最好诠释。

64、Truman, whose demeanor was very different from that of the patrician Roosevelt, was a folksy, unassuming president. ─── 杜鲁门的执政风格与身为贵族的罗斯福非常不同,是一个平易近人的,谦逊的总统。

65、The last thing you would have anticipated was an unassuming colonial-style brick and wood building that looked as though it might house a local insurance company or real-estate office. ─── 你能记得的就是殖民时代的砖和木屋建筑,看起来像当地的保险公司或房地产经纪公司。

66、A warm yet unassuming hospitality still awaits. ─── 热情而不做作,我们盛意恭候您的光临。

67、Articulate and unassuming, the Nassau born runner attended the University of Georgia before finishing her business degree at the University of South Carolina. ─── 今年27岁的达琳在成为职业运动员之前,曾经在美国的南卡罗来纳大学和后来的佐治亚大学进修商业治理专业。

68、The unassuming air of Taiwanese folk opera is typified by its simple props and costumes, with the male lead just holding a fan and dressed in an everyday set of clothes. ─── 小生手拿一把摺扇,身穿一套乾净家居服,道具就地取材便可上场,最可看出老歌仔的简朴风貌。

69、Despite her fame she remained the modest,unassuming person she had been as a student. ─── 尽管有名,她仍然是一个廉逊,不摆架子的人,就象她以前当学生时那样。

70、Within these pages are many of the secrets shared at that magical little table, in that quiet, unassuming, magical corner of the universe. ─── 在这些页之内许多秘密安静地分享在那张不可思议的小的桌,由于,宇宙的不摆架子,不可思议的角落。

71、Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji is a man of great confidence, yet, for all his stature, he is also admirably unassuming, frank and open-minded, characteristics he exuded during his three-day visit to Singapore. ─── 朱镕基总理是一个非常自信的人,同时又谦逊坦诚,虚怀若谷。 在新加坡为期三天的正式访问中,这种令人钦佩的品德再次展露无遗。

72、Calvin Coolidge, 30th president of the US, was always modest and unassuming. ─── 美国第三十任总统可尔文.柯立芝为人谦逊,不摆架子。

73、It was a sad end for a quiet and unassuming man, who did the club a great service. He must always be remembered for it. ─── 对于这位安详和谦和的老头来说这是一个非常悲惨的结局,他为俱乐部做出巨大的贡献,他必须让球迷所永远铭记。

74、On the surface Jaouad Gharib appears to be quite an unassuming character, but the Moroccan is the current world champion in one of the toughest events on the athletics schedule. ─── 从表面上看来,佳里布是一位非常谦虚的运动员。但是你可能想不到,这位谦虚的摩洛哥人却是马拉松这个最艰苦项目现在的世界冠军。

75、be unassuming ─── 不摆架子

76、She was less handsome than her brother, but there was sense and good humour in her face, and her manners were perfectly unassuming and gentle. ─── 她抵不上她哥哥漂亮,可是她的脸蛋儿长得聪明有趣,仪表又谦和文雅。

77、A wise person must be humble and unassuming, like the rice stalk that bows under the weight of ripe grain. ─── 即使已达智慧圆融,更应含蓄谦虚,像稻穗一样,米粒愈饱满垂得愈低。

78、And when he left, going back to unassuming Bongha, he enhanced his reputation as a man of the people who, though he governed in turmoil and controversy, was at least clean. ─── 他卸任回到了不事张扬的峰下村,“站在人民一边的人”的名声更加彰显:虽然执政期间充满混乱和争议,他至少是清廉的。

79、It was a sad end for a quiet and unassuming man, who did the club a great service. He must always be remembered for it. ─── 对于这位安详和谦和的老头来说这是一个非常悲惨的结局,他为俱乐部做出巨大的贡献,他必须让球迷所永远铭记。

80、Quiet, unassuming, amiable, low-profile: the adjectives applied to Jose Manuel Duarao Barroso are not those normally used to describe Europe's most successful politicians. ─── 平静、谦逊、亲切和蔼、低调,这些词语并不常常用来形容欧洲最成功的政治家们,现在却用在了巴罗佐身上。

81、What really is impressive about Wang is that he is Exhibit A in the argument that an unassuming person can survive New York's tumult. ─── 不过小王最让人印象深刻的是,他是低调的人竟能在吵杂的纽约生存,天啊!

82、The storefront at the Shu Jen bookstore looks unassuming enough, but the owner has a basketful of stories. ─── 树人书店的门面看来不怎样,主人却有一箩筐故事。

83、Advances in science and technology can launch from unassuming springboards. ─── 科学技术的进步可以借助微不足道的跳板来实现。

84、In art,YuJi's prose have many traits,such as unassuming,be good at arguing and not trammel in standard but be good at using deft and so on. ─── 在艺术方面,虞集散文具有平易澹泊、长于说理、不拘于法度而机用自熟等特色。

85、While the likes of Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo dominate the headlines, the unassuming Scot leads a relatively quiet life in comparison both on and off the pitch. ─── 像鲁尼和罗纳尔多这样的天才长期占据着报纸头条,而谦逊的苏格兰人在球场内外都保持着自己的低调。

86、Successful traders are sharp, curious, and unassuming people. ─── 成功的交易者是犀利的,认真的,无法想象的人。

87、Within his hsiang and tang, Confucius was unassuming and seemed inarticulate. At the ancestral shrine and at court,he spoke fluently, though with prudence. ─── 孔子于乡党,恂恂如也,似不能言者。其在宗庙朝廷,便便言,唯谨尔。

88、Amendola's team had just proved that when dissolved in water an unassuming white powder made from borax, a common ingredient of laundry soap, could power a fuel-cell vehicle. ─── 经由阿曼多拉小组的研究,证实了那些毫不起眼的白色硼砂粉末,也就是一般洗衣肥皂的原料,溶在水中竟可以发动燃料电池车。

89、I also believe that a simple and unassuming life is good for everybody, physically and mentally. ─── 我还相信,俭朴的生活对每个人都是有益的,无论是在身体上还是在精神上。

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