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09-13 投稿



eath 发音

英:[i?]  美:[i?θ]

英:  美:

eath 中文意思翻译





eath 短语词组

1、d eath n. ─── 死, ─── 死亡;破灭,终止; ─── 死神

eath 相似词语短语

1、Cath ─── abbr.大教堂(cathedral);天主教的,天主教徒(Catholic)

2、death ─── n.死;死亡;死神;毁灭;n.(Death)人名;(英)迪阿思

3、heath ─── n.石南,石南植物;荒野;adj.杜鹃花科木本植物的;n.(Heath)人名;(柬)夏;(芬)海亚特;(英)希思

4、-ath ─── abbr.雅典航空港代码(等于Athen);模拟中继单元(AnalogueTrunkUnit);n.(Ath)人名;(泰、柬)阿

5、earth ─── n.地球;地表,陆地;土地,土壤;尘事,俗事;兽穴;vt.把(电线)[电]接地;盖(土);追赶入洞穴;vi.躲进地洞

6、neath ─── prep.(诗、文)在……之下;n.(Neath)(美)内娅特(人名)

7、Meath ─── n.米斯郡(爱尔兰东部伦斯特省的郡)

8、beath ─── n.(Beath)人名;(英)比思

9、Bath ─── n.巴斯勋位;巴思(英国一城市名)

eath 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At last ,at about ten o'clock. it was time for my friends to go home,We side goodbye to eath other. ─── 最后,大约十点钟我的朋友们到了该回家的时候,我们彼此互相道别。

2、Eath time a new axis of tavel is used, the robot’s hard stops must be changed. ─── 每当要用到一个新的行程路径时,自动装置必须改变硬机械。

3、everybody here looked at eath other quietly when they hearded the news. ─── 听到这个消息后,在场的人都面面相觑。

4、Have thinking for many times, only at the first time they were affiliating with eath other, the man refered the marry.But when the affiliating was stable,he hadn't refered the marry. ─── 已经多次思考过,男人只是交往初期提到过结婚,而当彼此交往变得稳定后就没有涉及过婚姻;

5、Yestertoday I met my former girlfriend by chance, but we didn't recognize eath other at the beginning. ─── 昨天我无意碰见了我的前女友,但是我们开始谁也没有认出对方来。

6、It is too hard to keep the relationship with fewer communication and long time not seeing eath other , at least I was a failure at this situation . ─── 我不是说乌龟撑不了场面,但背后没有保障的时候的他确是我不愿看到的,我不要看见他明明压力很大却伪装的笑脸,我觉得自己会更痛苦。

7、Application of Rare Eath Usage for Textiles in Dyeing and After-Treatment ─── 稀土在织物染色及后整理中的应用综述

8、9. how about meeting eath other halfway ? ─── 能不能互相做出让步?

9、Keywords Rare Eath Element;Spectrophotometry;Ceramic Earth;DBOKCPA; ─── 稀土元素;光度法;陶瓷;二溴邻羧基偶氮氯膦;

10、How on Eath does Reading Play a Role in Writing ─── 略谈阅读在英语写作中的作用

11、it 's different of our language,but the heart of us is loveing eath other. ─── 主题:帮我翻译一下:'即使我们语言不同,但是我们的心是相通.

12、we love eath other very much. ─── 我们很爱对方。

13、An inquest was held to determine the cause of his eath. ─── 为断定他的死因进行了审问。

14、Africa and South America, for example, are moving away from eath other as new material is injected into the sea floor between them. ─── 例如,以非洲和南美洲为例,由于有新的物质注入二者之间的海底,两大洲距离越来越远。

15、Eath of them has been questioned. ─── 他们每个人都被查问过。

16、They didn't fight, they were just standing there glowering eath other. ─── 他们没有打架,只是站在那里互相怒目而视。

17、Keywords semi-solid;aluminum silicon alloy;solidify;rare eath; ─── 半固态;铝硅合金;凝固;稀土;

18、At last , at about ten o'clock. it was time for my friends to go home, We side goodbye to eath other. ─── 最后,大约十点钟我的朋友们到了该回家的时候,我们彼此互相道别。

19、sions, Homo sexuality and M ental H eath, 1994. N ew Yo rk. ─── 李银河,王小波.中国男性恋现象.第1版.太原:山西人民出版社.

20、rare eath ─── n. 稀土族

21、eath side of us should not leak the content of the contract to the third party, after the contract was signed. ─── 本合同签订之后,签约双方中任何一方不得将合同内容泄露给第三方。

22、cleaningand seavenging connected eath other are placed under it. ─── 粗、精、扫选槽体均有不同的结构参数。

23、They are also famous Ci poems.Philosophy had gained dominating in the Yuan Dynasty.at the same time, philosophy and literature came into affecting eath other.According to Mr. ─── 元代理学成为官方之学,并且随着时代的发展,理学与文学逐渐呈现出合流的趋势,理学“流而为文”典型地体现在他们身上。

24、They fell in love with eath other the second time they met. ─── 他们第二次见面时,就爱上了对方。

25、eath return ─── 地回路

26、The ruins went about a hour ago into Mayas hand. (don't put screenshots up because they look always more or less the same huge bunch of fleets huging eath other. ─── 中央星系在1个小时前已经落入玛雅手中。(不要上传截图了,因为看起来他们所有人一直都有大量的舰队。)

27、The paper has described the constitution of the AYR and AFR, the operation principle and functions of eath unit in detail. ─── 文章详细介绍了AVR和AFR的构成、各环节的工作原理及性能.

28、Billy and Bobby were small boys.They are brothers,and they often had fights with eath other. ─── 比利和波比是两个小男孩,他们是两兄弟来的,但是们们经常打架,

29、Billy and Bobby were small boys. They are brothers, and they often had fights with eath other. ─── 比利和波比是两个小男孩,他们是两兄弟来的,但是们们经常打架。

30、We are not seeing eath other anymore. ─── 我们不再见面了。

31、A fair Hot eath honourslthe whole life. ─── 死得光明,终身荣耀。

32、Do we "lose" too much eath other recently? ─── 是不是最近我们都太“放松”彼此了呢?

33、Dave:What does it say this time? Is it ad eath threat? ─── 吉娜:嘿,戴夫。你看这个--又一张绿色便条纸。一定是有人趁我去洛城的时候放的。

34、Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at eath other but in looking outward together in the same direction. ─── 爱不是从相互凝视中获得的,倒是可以由同朝一个方向眺望而产生。这是生活给予我们的教训。

35、5.Greet eath day with your eyes open to beauty,your mind open to change,and your heart open to love. ─── 迎接每一天,用双眼看美丽的事物,坦然面对变化,敞开心扉去爱.

36、Every day think about eath other? ─── 这个思念,就是爱的成长吗?

37、Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon eath of us my write his word or two! ─── 生活是一张白纸,每个人都在上面写上一两句!

38、The rumor that the royal couple had declared to divorced eath other has made sure after two weeks ;there is a smoke,there is a fire. ─── 5.报刊上流传起关于这对皇家夫妇的传闻,两周后此事得到证实,他们宣布离婚,真是无风不起浪嘛。

39、These two suggestions are entirely different from eath other. ─── 这两个建议截然不同。

40、I'm proud to have served with eath and every one of you ─── 我很骄傲能和你们每个人共同服役过

41、Today, along with the advancement of globalization, it is pointless and makes no sense for countries to blame eath other. ─── 在经济全球话的今天,国家间互相指责是无济于事的。

42、Understanding , trust and respect eath other are very important in relationship, Do you think so? ─── 彼此之间的理解,尊重信任是非常重要的,你觉得呢?

43、Have considering for a lot times, only at the first time them were affiliating with eath otIT, the man refered the marry.But when the affiliating were stable,he hadn't refered the marry. ─── 已经多次思考过,男孩只是交往初期提到过姻缘,而当彼此交往变得稳定后就么有涉及过姻缘;

44、One day he said his last words to the elder brother and sister."My children, please promise always to love eath other,and never to forsake your youngest brother." ─── 一天,他对他的大儿子和女儿说出了临终的话:“我的孩子们,请你们一定要答应永远相互关爱,永远也不要抛弃你们的小弟弟。”

45、HI,I come first here. I hope looking for eath other study english friend. ─── 我第一次来这里,我希望找个学习英文的朋友.一起对练口语.

46、If you eath fish 1-2 times a week (friday night sushi? ) you probably get enough of your Omegas. ─── 如果你每周吃1-2次鱼(星期五晚上吃寿司怎么样?)你将获得足够的欧米茄。

47、What's the weather like in beijing at this moment eath year. ─── 每年这个时候北京的天气怎么样?

48、These letters inspired many books on the language of flowers,eath describing the secret message hidden in each flower. ─── 这些信件在她死后出版,激发了许许多多关于花草语言书籍的问世,每一本书都对每种花所隐藏的信息进行描述。

49、i dont konw why we have broken up with eath other. ─── 我不明白为什么我们之间的关系破裂了.

50、eath in. ─── 魂断威尼斯.

51、eath bir love to hear himself sing . ─── 每个人都喜欢听自己唱歌。

52、we "lose" too much eath other recently? ─── 最近我们都太“放松”彼此了呢?

53、Once we dreamt that we were strangers, We wake up to find that we were dear to eath other. ─── 有一次,我们梦见彼此互不相识。我们醒了,却知道我们原是相爱的。

54、Now I am studying in ZhengZhou Normal University, my major is Enlish Education.I hope I can make friends with those whose mother tongue is Enlish, and we can learn from eath other. ─── 我现在就读于郑州师范高等专科学校,主修英语教育专业,希望可以和英语为母语的外国友人结为朋友,互相学习。

55、The man beneath is out of eath " title="breath ">breath and near eath" title="death">death . ─── 下面的那个人上气不接下气快要死了。

56、Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon eath of us my write his word or two! ─── 生活是一张白纸,每个人都在上面写上一两句!

57、The chinese peopel wish it is peaceful all over the world, and all the people get along with eath. ─── 中国人民始终希望天下太平,希望各国人民友好相处。

58、They depend on eath other, and all responsible for the security of Network Management Information System. ─── 五个方面相互依托,相互关联,共同完成网络管理信息系统的整体安全。

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