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09-13 投稿



indispensability 发音


英:  美:

indispensability 中文意思翻译



indispensability 网络释义

n. 不可缺少;必要;责无旁贷

indispensability 短语词组

1、indispensability of facebook facebook ─── 不可或缺

2、indispensability of ─── 不可或缺的

indispensability 同义词

vitalness | requirement |necessity | indispensableness

indispensability 反义词


indispensability 相似词语短语

1、indiscernibility ─── n.不可辨认性;不可识别性

2、incondensability ─── 不相容性

3、indispensable ─── adj.不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的;n.不可缺少之物;必不可少的人

4、indispensables ─── adj.不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的;n.不可缺少之物;必不可少的人

5、indispensably ─── adv.必不可少地;绝对必要地

6、indisputability ─── n.明白;无争辩的余地

7、indefensibility ─── n.无法防御

8、dispensability ─── n.可分配;可特别恕免;可宽恕

9、disposability ─── 可处置性

indispensability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Agar and Agarose are indispensability in modern foodstuff industry, cosmetic industry and study of biology engineering. ─── 琼胶和琼胶素是现代食品工业、化妆品工业和生物工程研究中不可缺少的。

2、On Indispensability of Quicken Lawmaking of Animal Welfare in our Country ─── 试论加快我国动物福利立法的必要性

3、indispensability to five elements ─── 不离于伍

4、D indigestible: sustenance E redundant: indispensability key: B. ─── 提干是反面特征,我觉得b 没有这种关系啊?

5、Housing is an important existent location and indispensability basic living condition for the people. ─── 住房,是人们生存的重要场所,是人们不可缺少的基本生活条件;

6、As the Christians opinions,marriage is a indispensability contract with legal and social sanctions. ─── 在基督徒看来,婚姻并不仅仅是一纸不可缺少的、具 有法律和社会约束力的契约。

7、AFA 3G Gd rod is indispensability part of assembly,through the technical research of the top end plug welding of M5-alloy,Analyzing the main reason of the welding deficiency and give the solution. ─── AFA3G含钆燃料棒是高燃耗组件不可缺少的部分,通过M5合金含钆燃料棒上端塞TIG焊接的工艺研究,对产生焊接缺陷(气胀)的主要原因进行分析并给出解决对策。 图4表7参1

8、The Indispensability of Political Parties ─── 玫党的必不可少

9、Pointing to the problems of ocean eco-environment,this paper puts forward the indispensability of actualizing oceanecosystem management. ─── 本文针对当前海洋开发带来的生态环境问题,提出了实施海洋生态管理的必要性。

10、The student writers all stress the indispensability of error correction and its help with their boosted confidence for future writing. ─── 就写作学生对于错误修改的认知而言,其均强调错误修改的必要性,也一致认为错误修改有助于提升写作的信心。

11、For this reason network examination system is an important link of the electronical teaching indispensability. ─── 因此网络考试系统是电子化教学不可缺少的一个重要环节。

12、In the second part, the indispensability and significance of promoting the all-round development of people are expatiated as the value orientation of the present age China"s culture building. ─── 第二部分阐述了促进人的全面发展作为当代中国文化建设价值取向的必要性和重要性。

13、Social impact evaluation is an indispensability part of project evaluation. ─── 社会影响评价是项目评价一个不可缺少的部分。

14、I heard that the test for indispensability is to put your finger in a glass of water.If the hole stays there when you pull out your finger you are indispensable. ─── 我听说过这样一个测试,把你的手指放入一杯水里,假如你把手指拿开后水里留下了手指形成的孔洞,那你就是一个不可缺少的人选。

15、Data mining technology is an indispensability tool for E-commerce system, the combination has a long-term future. ─── 摘要数据挖掘技术是电子商务系统不可缺少的重要工具,两者的结合具有长远的发展前途。

16、Indispensability and Countermeasure of Land Usage Right Circulation in Rural Area ─── 论农村土地使用权流转的必要性及对策

17、indispensability argument ─── 不可或缺性论证

18、I heard that the test for indispensability is to put your finger in a glass of water.If the hole stays there when you pull out your finger, you are indispensable. ─── 我听说过这样一个测试,把你的手指放入一杯水里,如果你把手指拿开后水里留下了手指形成的孔洞,那你就是一个不可缺少的人选。

19、Along with the high-rising building and large mansions continuously springs up, the elevator has become a conveyance tool of mankind's indispensability. ─── 在高层建筑不断兴起的今天,电梯已成为人类不可缺少的运输工具。

20、The article puts forth indispensability of the information literacy education and concrete ways and means for libraries to improve information literacy of the police. ─── 文章探讨了公安院校图书馆信息素质教育对公安信息化建设进程的影响,并对公安院校图书馆信息素质教育模式进行了探索。

21、The business decision ought to maintain the indispensability continuity ─── 企业贯彻决策应保持必要的延续性

22、Should include at least a few scenes that reinforce VNC's indispensability. ─── 都应至少包括一些场景,以突出VNC的不可或缺性。

23、Actives of out classes is indispensability of school life. ─── 课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。


25、Summary:personal accomplishment of the writer be a writer creations indispensability of condition. ─── 摘要:作家的个人修养是作家创作不可缺少的条件。

26、I have a computer, he is my good friend in my life, it to my great use is the friend of the indispensability of my daily life. ─── 我有一台计算机,他是我生活中的好朋友,它对我的用途很大,是我日常生活的亲密朋友。

27、is also the thing of indispensability in the literature work, movie. ─── 文学作品、电影中也是不可缺少之物。

28、Indispensability of ideological work in editorial department ─── 编辑部的思想工作不可少

29、Music is the indispensability element of design, collect everytype of music, let's build music Grand ceremony! ─── 音乐,设计领域不可缺少的元素,搜集各类音乐让我们在这里共同建造音乐的盛典!

30、The germ plasm resource and breeding of grass is one of indispensability class of manual work pasture production subject and core course of grass studying specialty. ─── 草种质资源与育种学是人工草地生产学科不可缺少的支柱学科之一,是草学专业的核心课程。

31、So in order to carry the project into execution better, and reach the aim of the project, the management of project is indispensability . ─── 在质量保证的前提下,有效的进度控制是实现项目效益的重要手段,。

32、Give on 53 weddings guest point smoke is indispensability of rites. ─── 53婚礼上给嘉宾点烟是不可缺少的仪式。

33、Our country economy of fleetness development, the car have already become pileup of the people indispensability. ─── 我国经济的快速发展,汽车已经成为人们不可缺少的交通工具。

34、In times of difficulty when knowledge sharing might be most important, the threat of downsizing may lead people to hoard their knowledge to increase their indispensability. ─── 当知识分享可能是非常重要的困难时刻,紧缩的威胁使人们藏紧他们的知识以增加他们的不可缺少性。

35、4. Prove your indispensability to customers. ─── 向客户证明您的产品不可缺少。

36、That I tell you, I want to speak to everyone of, mankind the thing of the indispensability is water Earth 98% places be all overlay by water, but these aring most be all sea water. ─── 那我就告诉你,我要给大家讲的,人类不可缺少的东西就是水 地球98%的地方都是被水所覆盖,但是这些大多数都是海水。

37、All these point to the indispensability of a spoken English test. ─── 第三段,“我”的看法和打算。

38、Speculation has its indispensability in China's stock market, when bringing hazard to the transfer of market. ─── 投机的不可或缺性,又对中国“新兴+转轨”的证券市场充满危害。

39、The other is like oxygen, light, degree of humidity, temperature all of etc.s be the essential conditions that the living creature declines a solution indispensability. ─── 其它如氧、光、湿度、温度等都是生物降解不可缺少的必要条件。

40、As a society we adopt these tools to the point of indispensability, and only rarely consider how we are more fundamentally affected by them. ─── 我们身处一个将这些工具摆在不可或缺的地位来接受的社会,却很少去思考我们是如何受到其更为深刻的影响的。

41、I did not put forth the plan as a Procrustean bed,to which exact conformity is to be indispens able. ─── 我提出这项计划不是要一刀切让大家必须遵守的。

42、The electronic commerce system this information-based ages indispensability in 21 centuries, its function ignore is still to the 企 business unit the all very importance is to the customers. ─── 留学解答资讯网:电子商务系统在二十一世纪这个信息化时代不可缺少,其作用不管对企事业单位还是对客户都极其重要。

43、He called them "indispensability" and "tangibility. ─── 他把它们称为“不可或缺化”和“有形化”。

44、For this reason network examination system is unimportant link of the electronical teaching indispensability. ─── 因此网络考试系统是电子化教学不可缺少的一个重要环节。

45、The university student is the part of the indispensability in the network customer, is also the point object of many website construction. ─── 大学生是网络用户中不可缺少的部分,也是许多网站建设的重点对象。

46、It is indispensability of overburden failure law for mining under buildings, water bodies and railways, especially mining under water bodies. ─── 覆岩破坏规律探测是“三下”采煤,尤其是水体下采煤不可缺少的部分。

47、This dissertation explains the meaning of policy supporting system, summarizes the indispensability of policy supporting to sme and the relation between government policy and sme development. ─── 本文阐述了政府政策支持的含义,全面总结了政府对中小企业政策支持的必要性以及政府政策与中小企业发展的关系;

48、Keywords pressure vessel;supervision regulation;indispensability;applicability;employ admin-istration; ─── 压力容器;监察规程;必要性;适用性;使用管理;

49、The incorrect point of view of some people on pharmaceutical analysis is men tioned and the indispensability of this discipline in drug research and development is also emp ha-sized. ─── 同时,也提出了目前某些人对药物分析的看法的误区,指出发展药物分析学科的必要性。

50、I want to dance to is already an indispensability to be in my life of one part. ─── 我想舞蹈已经是我生命中不可缺少的一部分了。

51、Abstracts the practice base whether administration action the fiting into judicature examination limit possess sufficient theory base and indispensability ? ─── 把抽象行政行为纳入司法审查范围是否有充分的理论基础和必要的实践基础?

52、He denies any correspondence of causality and actuality, and the indispensability of causality concept in traditional epistemology as well. ─── 他否认因果性反映任何实在,也反对因果观念有传统认识论意义上的不可或缺性。

53、An Analysis on the Indispensability of Quick BTO of Car Manufacturer in China ─── 国内轿车生产企业实施按订单快速生产的必要性分析

54、Volunteers is the very important human resource in NGOs, is the indispensability part of organization development. ─── 志愿者是NGO组织非常重要的人力资源,是NGO组织发展不可或缺的力量。

55、In my life indispensability...anything is finished....stay in home。 ─── 生命里不能缺少的东西,刚刚结束回来。

56、Take off to want:Because the society changes with each passing day of fly to develop soon, the ground service power has become nowadays the indispensability of the legal system society of a part. ─── 摘 要:随着社会日新月异的飞速发展,地役权已成为当今法制社会不可缺少的一部分。

57、Indispensability and Perplexity of Ideology ─── 意识形态的必需与困惑

58、In the light of the situation,task,functions and indispensability of the professional environmental monitoring stations,this paper expounds the necessity of strengthening the buil... ─── 针对这种情况,从行业环境监测站的任务、作用和不可取代性方面阐述了强化行业环境监测站建设的必要性。

59、Pointing to the problems of ocean eco-environment, this paper puts forward the indispensability of actualizing ocean ecosystem management. ─── 本文针对当前海洋开发带来的生态环境问题,提出了实施海洋生态管理的必要性。

60、Quine-Putnam indispensability argument ─── 奎因-普特南不可或缺性论证

61、Today, the software has already become science and the technique each realms, the industry sums importance fraction of the social each section indispensability. ─── 今天,软件已经成为科学和技术各个领域、工业和社会各个部门不可缺少的重要部分。

62、In the Chinese rural community, law wants of subject identification, defensiveness, indispensability in the process of functioning. ─── 摘要在中国农村社会,法律在运行的过程中缺乏主体认同性、维权性和必行性。

63、This article defines and differentiates the ownership of enterprise's property and the ownership of enterprise that introduces the indispensability of management structure of enterprise. ─── 近年来,各地贯彻执行中央关于国有经济布局和结构调整的方针,采取改组、联合、兼并、租赁、承包经营和股份合作制、出售等多种形式,放开搞活国有中小企业。

64、The author starts with the essentiality and indispensability of Party's building, try to expatiate Jiang's main viewpoint from 4 aspects, and revealed it's characteristics from 6perspectives. ─── 作者从党的建设的重要性和必要性入手,从4个方面阐述了其主要观点,揭示了6个方面的特征。

65、The Discussion on the Indispensability of the Existence of Rural Imformal Finance ─── 农村非正式金融存在的必然性探析

66、Nowadays, the Christmas father has become a symbol of lucky and wishes.Not only it is a indispensability character in the Christmas Day, but also it is indispensability character in the New Year. ─── 如今,圣诞老人已成为吉祥如意的象征,不仅是过圣诞节时不可缺少的人物,而且也是欢庆新年时不可缺少的人物.

67、ECCM that all the countries make great efforts to improve becomes a main and indispensability measure. ─── 通信对抗己成为夺取现代战争胜利的不可缺少的重要手段,世界各国都在努力提高其军事装备的通信对抗能力。

68、In this occasion stranger acquaintance each other, If he is a Asian, he will take business card himself cap in hevind to other before they speak ,that's etiquette indispensability. ─── 在这种场合陌生人相识,如果是亚洲人,他们往往开口之前先毕恭毕敬地用双手把自己的名片呈递给对方,这好像是不可缺少的礼节。

69、Evidences are indispen -sable when you want to convince the judge of your innocence. ─── 要使法官相信你的清白,证据是必有可少的。

70、Only the reasonable food then can supply"food" of the brain exactitude, this is the start step that develops a kid the intelligence indispensability. ─── 只有合理的饮食才能供给大脑正确的“食物”,这是发展孩子智力不可缺少的起始步骤。

71、The elevator is a kind of tool that is indispensability in the high-building perpendicular transportation. ─── 电梯是高层建筑不可缺少的垂直方向的交通运输工具。


73、The safety valve is a indispensability component which ensures the safety working of the pressure vessel. ─── 安全阀作为保障压力容器安全运行不可缺少的一部件,在压力容器上已被广泛应用。

74、The design and the usage of forms are information-based process of databases in a wreath of the indispensability. ─── 表单的设计与运用是数据库信息化过程中不可缺少的一环。

75、Water is the indispensability natural resource for the mankind survival and society development. ─── 水是人类生存和社会发展不可缺少的自然资源。

76、The dream is one personal one part of indispensability. ─── 梦想是一个人不可缺少的一部分。

77、Abstract: This paper introduces the history and characteristics of hypermedia technology and discusses the feasibility and indispensability of hypermedia applications in architectural research and education area. ─── 文摘:阐述了超媒体技术的特征与历史,以及应用于建筑领域的可能性与必要性。

78、should include at least a few scenes that reinforce VNC's indispensability. ─── 都应至少包括一些场景,以突出VNC的不可或缺性。

79、Along with the arrival of information ages, the network has become us living medium indispensability of a part. ─── 随着信息时代的到来,网络已成为我们生活中不可缺少的一部分。

80、Social impact evaluation is an indispensability part of project evaluation. ─── 社会影响评价是项目评价一个不可缺少的部分。

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