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intercepting 发音

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intercepting 中文意思翻译




intercepting 网络释义

n. [数][军] 截取;被截终端v. 拦截(intercept的ing形式)

intercepting 短语词组

1、intercepting cell ─── 拦截单元

2、intercepting blade ─── 拦截叶片

3、intercepting sewer ─── 截流污水管

4、intercepting cheque ─── 截取支票

5、intercepting system ─── 截流系统

6、intercepting trap ─── 拦截陷阱

7、intercepting cone ─── 截流锥

8、intercepting filter ─── 筛选器

9、intercepting jet ─── 喷气式截击机

10、intercepting screen ─── 承影幕,截光屏

11、intercepting ditch ─── 截水沟

12、intercepting fist ─── 截击拳

13、intercepting drain ─── 截水沟; ─── 截水管; ─── 截流沟

14、intercepting trunk ─── [计] 截取干线

intercepting 常用词组

intercept method ─── 截距法;顶距差法

intercepting 词性/词形变化,intercepting变形

动词现在分词: intercepting |形容词: interceptive |动词第三人称单数: intercepts |动词过去式: intercepted |动词过去分词: intercepted |

intercepting 相似词语短语

1、interrupting ─── v.打断;插嘴(interrupt的现在分词);妨碍

2、interesting ─── adj.有趣的;引起兴趣的,令人关注的

3、interceptions ─── n.拦截,截住;截断,截取;侦听,窃听

4、intercutting ─── v.(使)镜头交切

5、interceding ─── 说情(intercede的现在分词);斡旋(intercede的现在分词);调解(intercede的现在分词)

6、interceptive ─── adj.妨碍的;截断的

7、interception ─── n.拦截,截住;截断,截取;侦听,窃听

8、interjecting ─── vt.突然插入;插嘴

9、intersecting ─── v.相交;贯穿;分隔;连结(intersect的现在分词);adj.交叉的,相交的

intercepting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perimeter channels at the site boundaries to intercept storm run-off from off-site. ─── 在工地边界以阻截工地范围外流入的雨水径流的周边排水道。

2、Fiddler works by acting as a proxy server, and can intercept and record all HTTP traffic. ─── Fiddler以充当代理服务器的方式进行工作,可以截获和记录所有HTTP通信。

3、You are to halt this operation by intercepting and destroying these recon drones before they can be recovered by the ship. ─── 你们要在他们回收之前狙击并摧毁无人机,阻止他们的作战计划。

4、No unit shall intercept or misappropriate the funds for agriculture allocated by people's governments at various levels or agricultural loans by banks. ─── 任何单位不得截留、挪用各级人民政府拨付用于农业的资金和银行的农业贷款。

5、It is illegal to intercept a letter or parcel before it is delivered. ─── 在送达之前,中途拦截信件或包裹是非法的。

6、No one from SETI is expecting to intercept a greeting in a recognizable language. ─── SETI中没人期望能截听到可辨识语言的问候。

7、Intruders intercepting and accessing user input. ─── 入侵者截获并访问用户输入。

8、No unit or individual may intercept or appropriate funds and materials for flood control and disaster relief. ─── 任何单位和个人不得截留、挪用防洪、救灾资金和物资。

9、In just a few lines of code, you're intercepting the normal submittal of an HTML form and executing some custom JavaScript code instead. ─── 通过少量代码,您就截取了一个HTML表单的正常提交,并执行了一些定制JavaScript代码。

10、It would be too good if you could do other stuff too and too good if you could Intercept someone down. ─── 为什么不能在使用剑刃风暴的时候移除无法控制,昏迷,陷阱或者缠绕的状态?

11、Meanwhile, the German and British Naval Intelligence code intercepting service were busy deciphering each other's radio messages. ─── 同时,德国和英国的海军密码情报机构繁忙地解密对方的无线电信息。

12、Auditors will investigate and deal with any attempt to hide, intercept or misappropriate donations. ─── 审计员将查处隐瞒、截留、挪用捐赠资金等问题。

13、Soil columns are used for the dynamic study of the cationic surface activator's effect on clay for intercepting water borne oil. ─── 本文用土柱装置进行了阳离子表面活性剂对粘土截留水中油类影响的动态研究。

14、Intercept and attack at any cost! ─── 不惜任何代价的拦截攻击!

15、Thus, possession is won by intercepting passes, forcing an overambitious long shot which results in a goal kick, or by tackling the player as he tries to dribble past. ─── 大空挡产生的原因,除了阵型不当,还经常因为”拉线“和”心态“。因此,一个渐进的心态会是整个阵型比较合理。

16、In the oil intercepting experiment, it can be roughly estimated that, the intercepting ability of the modified fiber ball is 1100-2600 grams oil per cubic meter fiber ball. ─── 对改性纤维球滤料的截油能力试验,估算出截油量为1100-2600g油/m~3滤料。

17、The ability of intercepting and tracking for air defense antimissile system can be effectively improved by top observation with aerostat. ─── 利用浮空器进行俯视观测可有效提高防空反导系统的截获、跟踪目标能力。

18、The method can evaluate the interval velocities, interfacial dips and depths by using the apparent velocities, intercept times and surface velocity. ─── 利用这个方法,从视速度、截距时、表层速度可反算出炮点位置的界面深度、层速度、界面倾角等参数。

19、A.W's Chrono Radars.Their sophisticated weaponry will easily overwhelm our World War Era armies unless we intercept and annihilate them. ─── 他们的尖端武器将很容易超过我们的二战时代的军队,除非我们拦截并消灭他们。

20、The key is intercepting negative thoughts. ─── 关键是拦截负面想法。

21、Each of the two delay times is half the intercept time. ─── 两种延迟时间都等于截距时间的一半。

22、A tunnel dug to intercept and destroy an enemy's mine. ─── 对抗地道截断或破坏敌人坑道而挖的地道

23、In 2003 the American Physical Society (APS) released an analysis of the potential of boost-phase intercept. ─── 2003年,美国物理学会(APS)发表一篇报告,分析加力阶段拦截架构的潜力。

24、All they would have to do is intercept the password. ─── 他所要做的一切就是截获口令。

25、Sockets original way to intercept flowing through the local network card IP test packets can be normal operation. ─── 以原始套接字的方式截获流经本机网卡的IP数据包测试可以正常运行.

26、I don't, and I don't think you will either after you hear this next intercept. ─── 如果听了以下的截获内容,我相信你不会在怀疑了。

27、At a notice that I could do with her no longer intercepting my light, she removed to the hearthstone. ─── 当我对她说不要再档我的亮时,她就挪到炉边上去了。

28、In air intercept, a term meaning, “Unit has an unevaluated target.” 2. ─── 在可目视距离内,(与传染病的)接触:1.空中飞行术语,表示在空中拦截过程中,“发现未定目标”。

29、He's so good at intercepting and winning the ball that sometimes people struggle to see what a good player he is. ─── 他如此擅长拦截和拼抢以至于有时人们要费点劲才能看清他到底是一位多么优秀的球员。

30、So to speak, Charge increases the movement speed of Zealots AND allows them to intercept nearby enemies. ─── 冲锋对狂热者的提升也包括提高移动速度。

31、A process that “scrambles” a message so that it cannot be read by someone who may intercept it. ─── 将信息扰乱,使可能截取信息者无法阅读的一种处理方法。

32、Like a safety, Raptors forward Jamario Moon swoops in to intercept and is taking it to the house. ─── 像棒球安打得分一样,猛龙队的月亮男一个加速冲到预判的路线,抢断了此球。

33、Fixed bug with intercept where it would somtimes get you to your target. ─── 修正了一个使用拦截后使你接近你的目标的错误。

34、During the transmission of Alice's public key, however, an unauthorized agent might intercept the key. ─── 但是,在传输小红的公钥期间,未经授权的代理可能截获该密钥。

35、The LFM signal has a high resolution of range and speed,as well as low probability of intercept. ─── LFM信号具有更高的距离、速度分辨率,以及更好的低截获概率特性。

36、Trajectory stability problems of intercepting tactical ballistics missile guidance are investigated by the Lawes Criterion. ─── 一位弹道学家正在犯罪现场提取证据。

37、He is making the dash toward the goal, and the fender is running up to intercept him. ─── 他带球往球门冲,对方的防守队员跑向前拦截。

38、Cleared for an ILS approach to R/W03 and report intercepting the localizer. ─── 允许盲降进近,跑道03号,切入航道报告。

39、The air scare was over within minutes after military aircraft intercept ed the plane. ─── 几分钟后军队的战机对其进行了拦截,警报也因此解除。

40、The windows advanced programming principles for intercepting API (application program interface) calls and its realizable conditions are attempted to shed some light on. ─── 介绍了在Windows的高级编程中所涉及的对Windows系统应用程序接口(API)函数的挂接的原理,并探讨了实现API函数挂接的条件。

41、And because they are designed to be interrogated from distances of ten metres or more, they are a doddle to intercept. ─── 因为是用于审问距离在10米或10米以上,身份信息轻而易举就能拦截。

42、Intercept will now cause damage to targets that are immune to stun. ─── 即使目标免疫昏迷,拦截也会对其造成伤害。。

43、Public communication: whether activities are effective? Whether end intercepting capability is weak? Whether event marketing action is slow? ─── 促销公关:促销活动是否有效?终端拦截能力弱?事件营销反应慢?

44、At the initial stage, the palisade can intercept more sand than straw checkerboard barrier. ─── 因此,在防沙体系内积满沙时,要使其还能发挥作用,必须对体系进行更新。

45、You can also select whether to intercept or not intercept any DLL which is not in the list. ─── 你也可以选择中断或者不中断不在列表里的任何DLL。

46、He wounded Kenobi, and was ready to deliver the deathblow, but Anakin jumped in to intercept. ─── 但阿纳金一跃上前阻止了他。

47、It's possible to intercept the signal only if you're standing directly between the transmission point and the receiving end. ─── 只要你站在发射机和接收机之间就能截获信号。

48、"Since the secret about the shipment has leaked out, I'm afraid we can't land it at Chefoo as the navy might intercept it off the Shantung coast. ─── “既然那笔货走漏了消息,恐怕不能装到烟台去了,也许在山东洋面就被海军截住;

49、But the second and third-order intercept lines may be extended to intersect the extension of the. ─── 但是二次和三次截止线可能延伸并和数出信号线相交。

50、Unfortunately, the technology development for boost-phase intercept is still in the preliminary stages. ─── 不幸的是,加力阶段拦截架构的技术开发,目前尚处于初步阶段。

51、She calls upon all upright knights to intercept Kam. ─── 凤与六同门,合称飞剑七凤,一起追杀金。

52、Intercepting and perhaps subclassing any of these actions may result in a sort of "limitation" of generally accepted Internet practices. ─── 截取以及细分这些操作可能会对普遍认可的Internet操作带来某种“局限性”。

53、This paper describes the basic theory of integrating acousto-optic channelized ESM wideband receivers,solve the problem of low signal-to-noise intercepting. ─── 对声光信道化积分型ESM宽带接收机的基本原理进行了分析,解决了宽带低信噪比信号的截获问题;

54、Pathfinding when using Charge and Intercept has been fixed. When targeting an enemy through a wall, warriors will now correctly crash into the wall. ─── 使用冲锋和拦截时会产生的寻路错误被修正了,现在当你瞄准一面墙后的敌人时,战士会正确的冲锋并卡在墙里。

55、The fundamental weakness of midcourse intercept is that the countermeasures are all too simple. ─── 中途拦截的基本弱点在于反制装置很容易部署。

56、Try Carb Intercept from Natrol. ─── 尝试碳水化合物拦截减肥药吧 。

57、Because the Internet is a public space, a malicious person like Bob Hacker can intercept messages with little effort. ─── 因为Internet是一个公共空间,像Bob Hacker这样怀有恶意的人不用费多少力气就能截获消息。

58、Intercepting waste water flowing into the Shenzhen Reservoir. ─── 在深圳水库范围进行全面污水截排。

59、In this application note, we review the basic challenges of intercepting and analyzing signals. ─── 在本应用指南中,我们将考察拦截和分析信号的基本挑战。

60、A student at Cambridge University in Britain went further, intercepting e-passport transmissions some 50 metres (160 feet) away. ─── 一个就读英国剑桥大学的学生更厉害,能在50米(160英尺)外拦截电子护照数据传输。

61、While intercepting transmissions from Rebel spies, the Organa consular ship was suddenly attacked by an Imperial Star Destroyer laying in wait. ─── 在截收到反抗军间谍传来的讯息后,欧加那外交舰艇突然遭到了帝国埋伏的灭星者战舰的攻击。

62、It's necessary to workout the enemy's plans beforehand and move forces from one base to another or intercept the enemy troops at sea. ─── 它是必要的测验敌人预先的计划和移动军队从一个基地到另外的或阻击敌人军队在海上。

63、Even if he was hanging around for a month, what sort of magic could he use to intercept post owls? ─── 就算他在女贞路附近徘徊了一个月,他是用了什么样的魔法截住猫头鹰信使?

64、Erpen did his best to help him by intercepting and nutmegging his own goalkeeper and Robinson was superb in getting back and clearing off his own line. ─── 厄本尽力把球截了下来并回传守门员,但是差点造成失误,罗宾逊飞速跑回,很出色地把球从门线上清了出去。

65、Reporter intercept him as he tried to leave by the rear entrance. ─── 他想从后门溜走,记者把他截住了。

66、Lethality assessment software of warhead intercepting TBM is developed based the study, and the applied example is illuminated. ─── 基此开发了反导战斗部毁伤评估软件,给出了评估软件的应用实例。

67、The following example returns the intercept of a regression line for the unit sales and the store sales measures. ─── 下例将返回单位销售额和存储销售额的回归线截距。

68、The brand-new Ka band photographing system, US specification new Ka Band intercepting system. ─── 完全新Ka频照相系统、美规新Ka频拦截系统。

69、Direction finding of low probability intercept(LPI) signals is the difficult problem in modern EW system. ─── 低截获概率(LPI)信号的测向是现代电子战的一大难题。

70、Regression estimates: including intercept and coefficients for linear, quadratic and correlation coefficient. ─── 2?归参数:含截距、一次、二次?归参数与相关系数。

71、A protracted war with the Invid will only diminish our chances of intercepting the Robotech Masters. ─── 同因维人久拖不决的战事只会让我们拦截机器人统治者的机会越来越小。”

72、Turn right heading 350 to intercept the localizer, 27 miles from the touchdown. ─── 右转航向350切入航道,距着陆点27海里。

73、It stands to reason that the parasites would benefit from intercepting signaling molecules that help our bodies to react to infection. ─── 寄生虫拦截这些帮助人体对感染产生反应的讯号分子,对牠们是有利的。

74、Tampering involves someone intercepting a message and then changing it. ─── 篡改包括某人拦截一条消息并更改它。

75、How do you feel about the juggernaut addition and moving of imp intercept back into fury? ─── 你怎么觉得除了对冲击和移动的进出口拦截回愤怒?

76、His skill at intercepting the ball earned him the title of the Eagle of Asia. ─── 他精湛的截球技术为他赢得了“亚洲之鹰”的称号。

77、She also took part in the unsuccessful Allied attempt to intercept Japanese invasion convoys off Palembang, Sumatra. ─── 她在不成功的联盟的尝试并且参与了拦截日本入侵护卫舰巴邻旁, 苏门答腊。

78、To intercept, as a football pass. ─── 中途截球拦截,如拦截足球传球等

79、They unloaded their 100 tanks and headed east to intercept Russian spearheads advancing westwards along the south bank of the Danube. ─── 他们在多瑙河南岸基图苏军先头部队的战斗中损失了100辆坦克。

80、Remember the first intercept in which two Iraqis talked about the need to hide a modified vehicle from the inspectors. ─── 不要忘了,我们在第一次截听的电话中,两名伊拉克人曾谈到有必要将一辆改装的车辆隐藏起来,以免被核查人员看到。

81、Install a third-party software that will intercept all TCP bound requests and reroute them to the appropriate SOCKS server. ─── 安装一个第三方软件,它将拦截所有的TCP绑定请求并将这些请求重新路由到适当的SOCKS服务器上。

82、No state organ or unit shall intercept or misappropriate funds to be used for agro-technical popularization. ─── 任何机关或者单位不得截留或者挪用用于农业技术推广的资金。

83、The public and private keys are based on a pair of very large prime numbers that are not known by anyone intercepting the message. ─── 公开密钥和秘密密钥是基于一对想截获报文的人不知道的非常大的素数。

84、No government at a lower level may use or intercept budgetary funds belonging to the government at a higher level. ─── 下级政府不得挤占或者截留属于上级政府预算的资金。

85、They should NOT be killable by a single Warrior in two to three hits during the duration of an Intercept stun. ─── 它们不应该被一个战士在拦截昏迷的几秒内,砍2-3下就死了。

86、BERSERK implements the Intercepting Filter design pattern. ─── BERSERK实现了截取过滤器设计模式。

87、Transition logic cross-cuts all intercepting filters and as you might have guessed AOP yet again comes to mind as the technology of choice. ─── 转移逻辑横贯所有拦截过滤器,你可能已经猜到了,AOP再次成为所选技术。

88、Allows you to intercept mail messaging flowing in and out of the system. ─── 允许截取流入和流出系统的邮件消息。

89、The model of MLRS intercepting cruise missile is established. ─── 依据坐标毁伤定律建立了火箭武器对空射击模型。





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