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09-13 投稿



incipience 发音


英:  美:

incipience 中文意思翻译



incipience 网络释义

n. 初期;起初, 发端

incipience 词性/词形变化,incipience变形

动词第三人称单数: incinerates |动词现在分词: incinerating |名词: incineration |动词过去式: incinerated |动词过去分词: incinerated |

incipience 相似词语短语

1、incipiency ─── n.起初;发端(等于incipience)

2、incipiently ─── adv.起初地;早期地

3、concipiency ─── 协调者

4、insipience ─── n.愚蠢

5、desipience ─── n.愚蠢;琐事

6、percipience ─── n.知觉;洞察

7、incipient ─── adj.初期的;初始的;起初的;发端的

8、incidence ─── n.发生率;影响;[光]入射;影响范围

9、recipience ─── n.容纳,接受;领受,感受(等于recipiency)

incipience 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The plates exhibit three different critical conditions: bucklin'g, plastic incipience and plastic collapsing.The conditions are defined by three kinds of critical equivalent membrane strains. ─── 通过引入三种临界等效膜应变,对屈曲、塑性和塑性失效三种临界动力状态进行了定义,根据定义获得了每个试件的临界值。

2、[Xie Xin, Xu Xisheng, Zou Haibo, et al. 2005. Early J2 basalts in SE China: Incipience of large-scale late Mesozoic magmatism. Science in China, in press ─── 谢昕,徐夕生,邹海波,等.2005.中国东南部晚中生代大规模岩浆作用序幕:J2早期玄武岩.中国科学,待刊.

3、To predict cavitation incipience, pressure wave and distribution of one dimensional unsteady flow before piston moving in pipe were calculated by the method of characteristics. ─── 为了预测空化初生,用特征线法计算了减速运动活塞前管内一维非定常流的压力变化及分布,分析了管内压力变化规律及空化初生的条件。

4、Keywords cancer;diagnosis incipience;anxiety;depression;coping style; ─── 关键词癌症;诊断初期;焦虑;抑郁;应对方式;

5、Incipience mammary abscess ─── 乳痈初期

6、Wu, W.T., Yang, Y.M., and Maa, J.R., 1999, "Pool Boiling Incipience and Vapor Bubble Growth Dynamics in Surfactant Solutions," Int.J.Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 42, pp.2483-2488. ─── 陈俊镒,1998,"环保冷媒混合物在窄缝中的沸腾传热,"国立成功大学化学工程研究所硕士论文.

7、Investigation of subcooled boiling incipience in flow boiling heat transfer through narrow channels ─── 狭缝中流动沸腾传热过冷沸腾起始点的实验研究

8、As one of the most basic problems in the sediment transport theory, the mechanism of the sediment incipience is also needed to be understood for the study of local scouring process. ─── 泥沙起动是泥沙运动理论中最基本的问题之一,也是研究泥沙输运及局部冲刷时必需解决的问题。

9、diagnosis incipience ─── 诊断初期

10、Elimition incipience fermentating in essence, the decreasing amount of light is inevitable. ─── 视差狭缝法从本色上讲,平度的递增是不可制止的。

11、Investigation of subcooled boiling incipience in flow boiling heat transfer through narrow channels ─── 狭缝中流动沸腾传热过冷沸腾起始点的实验研究

12、Incipience love see only is the life, persistent love is forever. ─── 初萌的爱情看到的仅是生命,持续的爱情看到的是永恒。

13、The train speed increasing necessarily cause the descent of capacity of transportation, at the same time the raise of capacity can"t show at the incipience of train increasing. ─── 列车提速在提速初期,由于新旧设备整合、客货列车速差扩大等方面的原因,线路的运输能力反而会下降,这就使得客货车速度如何匹配的问题在这一时期尤为突出。

14、of sand incipience is the connection of microcosmic mechanism research on wind-blown-sand two phase flow and macrocosmic engineering application. ─── 沙粒起动规律是联系风沙运动微观机理研究和宏观工程应用的桥梁。


16、boiling incipience ─── 沸腾起始点

17、incipience n. ─── 初发,初期;

18、90 Cases of Incipience Mammary Abscess with Combined Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine ─── 中西医结合治疗乳痈初期90例

19、incipience probability ─── 起动概率

20、incipience temperature ─── 起沸温度

21、It was many years ago when he was still a young, aspiring conservatory graduate at the incipience of his conducting career. ─── 典型共产主义 的,集体群众像机器一样排练整齐地做同一件事的景象让我心生莫名的恐惧。

22、At the aphid incipience Allithrimbium ignotum gave full play to inhibit its increase of population. ─── 盛发期,依靠麦田七星瓢虫等大敌的自然迁移控制蚜虫。

23、90 Cases of Incipience Mammary Abscess with Combined Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine ─── 中西医结合治疗乳痈初期90例

24、Elimition shield law: elimition shield method also known as elimition incipience method is determined by the F. ─── 视差樊篱法:视差樊篱法也称视差狭缝法,是由F.

25、sediment incipience ─── 泥沙起动

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