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09-13 投稿



interiority 发音

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interiority 中文意思翻译



interiority 相似词语短语

1、interiorise ─── 内饰

2、interiorly ─── adv.在内部;在国内

3、exteriority ─── n.外部事物;外观;外在性(等于externality)

4、interiorism ─── n.内省论

5、interiorist ─── 内部

6、deteriority ─── 劣化

7、anteriority ─── n.先前;在前面

8、interiorize ─── v.(使)(态度、行为等)成为本性的一部分;获取(语言规则等)知识;把……内化(计入定价机制)(等于internalize)

9、inferiority ─── n.自卑;下属;次等;下部

interiority 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The interior life was a source of identity and of power. ─── 内在的生命力是个性和力量的源泉。

2、Surface-treated interior; makes the plant pot waterproof. ─── 内表面经过处理;花盆具有防水性。

3、In the study of the earth's interior it is assumed to be valid. ─── 在对地球内部的研究中它被认为是有用的。

4、Figure7- dual home bastion host with interior and exterior route. ─── 图7-有内部和外部路由器的双重Bastion主机。

5、Beside the tower lies the cathedral with a glorious interior. ─── 位于钟塔旁的大教堂内部装潢高雅。

6、Afterwards they can promote the development of the interior. ─── 从而带动内地更好地发展

7、Do you have some good suggestions for interior design? ─── 你对这个室内设计有何意见?

8、The Furniture Display in the ChineseTraditional Style Interior. ─── 中国传统风格室内环境中的家具陈设。


10、An interior angle formed be two meeting walls. ─── 两墙相交所形成的角。

11、What kind of interior design material do you like? ─── 你喜欢用什么室内装璜材料。

12、This article discusses the problems above with the case of suburb house design, and seeks for a possible attitude of "fringe" life between the living interiority and housing flexibility. ─── 该文便通过一个郊区住宅的设计来探讨了以上这些问题,在居住的内向性与住宅的适应性之间寻求某种“边缘”生活的可能态度。

13、Humanistic factors is the spirit of interior design. ─── 人文因素是室内设计的灵魂。

14、The interior trade in both countries boomed again. ─── 两国的国内贸易也重新繁荣起来。

15、No retrofit holes had been installed at the interior support. ─── 在中间支承上没有设置止裂孔。

16、Interior walls and ceiling cleanable and durable? ─── 内墙和天花板可否清洗,是否耐用?

17、A woman's voice called out from the suite's interior. ─── 一个女人的声音从套房里间传出来。

18、The remnant of his army went into the interior. ─── 他的残部进入内地。

19、The army penetrated into the interior . ─── 军队深入到内地。

20、He raced to the scene and found the van, its interior sprayed. ─── 他赶到现场,看到了那辆货车,车厢内溅满了鲜血。

21、In fact, it may threaten to leave the historian with only 'a blank, indifferent space, lacking in both interiority and promise. ─── 事实上,它可能会威胁离开历史学家只有'一个空白,无动于衷的空间,既缺乏内在和承诺。

22、Do you love interior design and renovation? ─── 你喜欢室内设计和装饰吗?

23、Shanghai Dingyi Interior and Exterior Decoration Work Co., Ltd. ─── 上海鼎艺室内外装潢有限公司门市。


25、In,toward,or into the interior of a country or region. ─── 国内地在,向或进入一国或一地区内部

26、Land in the interior of a country. ─── 内地;腹地位于一个国家内部的陆地

27、Oh! What a beautiful car, and such a spacious interior! ─── 哦!好漂亮的车,如此宽敞的内部空间。

28、There is water in the interior of the cave. ─── 在山洞的内部有水。

29、Fixed window interior during the Rollup animation. ─── 17在上滚动画时固定窗口内部。

30、Product quality is graded by exterior and interior specification. ─── 产品质量实行分等制,根据外观质量定等和内在质量评等二者结合定等。

31、Glazed interior; makes the plant pot waterproof. ─── 内部上釉;花盆具有防水性。

32、He has moved to the interior of the country. ─── 他搬到内地去了。

33、Inside of the firewall the only permit destination for traffic from the interior or exterior route is the bastion host. ─── 在防火墙内部,对于来自内外部路由器的通信量来说,唯一允许到达的目的地是bastion主机。

34、The interior of your car also looks like it was designed by Boeing. ─── 你的汽车内部看起来也像波音公司设计的。

35、The middle or interior part of a country or region. ─── 中部地区一个国家或地区的中部或内陆

36、And poetry bolsters that interior realm. ─── 人们不指望诗歌能改变世界。

37、They set off into the country's uncharted interior. ─── 他们出发前往这个国家人迹罕至的内陆。

38、Uers interior design budget is usually low. ─── 内地室内设计用户的预算通常较低。

39、He was renamed Minister of the Interior. ─── 他被重新提名内务大臣。

40、Checking each Account Ledger and managing the interior C/A. ─── 各个会计科目的核算及内部往来帐目的管理。

41、Sadly however I can't say the same for the interior. ─── 可是很难过的告诉你,她的内饰部分就不能那么说了。

42、An interior point cannot be an extreme point. ─── 一个内点不可能是极点。

43、Interior of St Mary's Church in Shrewsbury, England. ─── 什鲁斯伯里·圣玛丽大教堂内部。

44、Shanghai jove's interior decoration co., Ltd. ─── 上海宙仕室内装饰品有限公司。

45、Do you have good suggestions for interior design? ─── 你对室内设计有何高见?

46、In the interior the climate is semi-arid and arid. ─── 内陆地区为干旱和半干旱气候。

47、They are engaged in interior trade. ─── 他们从事国内贸易。

48、Interior fittings are sold separately. ─── 内部配件另售。

49、Ideation sketches for the interior. ─── 内部的观念化草图。

50、Witte and the Department of Interior lead by V. ─── 1905年革命和农民运动迫使尼古拉二世接受维特解散村社的主张。

51、What you beheld was the interior of a cloister. ─── 你所看见的是一个修道院的内部。

52、Interior quickens bootlace system. ─── 内部加速鞋带系统。

53、Responsibility Rule for the Quality of Accounting Information Based on Interiority ─── 基于内部性的会计信息质量责任规则

54、The interior meaning of the poem finally dawned on him. ─── 他最终领悟了诗中隐含的深意。

55、The interior trade is very prosperous. ─── 国内贸易非常繁荣。

56、This tale type also reveals late imperial Chinese ideas of interiority by examining powerless individuals at a moment of crisis. ─── 这种故事类型通过审视危机时刻无能力的个人揭示了晚期中华帝国的内在化观念。

57、He discussed the propagation of waves through the earth's interior. ─── 他探讨了地震波在地球内部的传播。

58、How do you like his interior decoration? ─── 你认为他的室内装饰?

59、No touch the interior of the meter. ─── 严禁触及仪器内部。

60、He designed the interior of the theater at Bayreuth in 1748. ─── 1748年他设计了拜罗伊特剧院的内部装修。

61、He is lost in the interior of Africa many years ago. ─── 他於许多年前在非洲腹地失踪。

62、It is good as far as the mundane world is concerned, but it is not good as far as your interiority is concerned. ─── 这些东西,对世俗世界而言是有益的,但对你的内在生命而言毫无用处。

63、To or toward the source, origin, or interior. ─── 去(向)源头,起源或内部

64、Into or in the interior; within. ─── 在内地;在内部地

65、the other hand, the external objectivity is realized in the course of interiority of human agent. ─── 另一方面,这种外在客观性,是在人类主体的内在化过程中实现的。

66、A polygon having five sides and five interior angles. ─── 五边形有五条边和五个内角的多边形

67、The interior of a country or region. ─── 国内一国或一地区的内部

68、In 2005 he was again named Interior Minister. ─── 2005年,他再次被任命为内政部长。

69、Stylistically it is related to architecture and interior design. ─── 从风格上说,家具与建筑和室内设计紧密相连。

70、Interior of the Mosque of Cordova. ─── 从科尔多瓦图片 Mezquita de Cordoba.

71、Melanine faced boards for interior uses. ─── 参考名称: Wood-based panels.

72、An interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open. ─── 一种连着开着的房间的内道或走廊。

73、You swim into the dark twists and turns of her interior. ─── 你游进舰内迂回曲折的漆黑通道。

74、How much are interior wet proofs? Cover wet proofs? ─── 内部防水测试的次数?封面防水测试?

75、The world's first vast interior space. ─── 世界上第一所最大的室内场所。

76、Why the Interior Trim is so Crucial? ─── 为什么内饰很关键?

77、Measurement and analysis of medium bus interior noises. ─── 乘用车车内结构噪声测量分析。

78、And yet you need not be a professional interior designer. ─── 但你并不需要成为一名专业的室内设计师。

79、He has a genius for interior decorating. ─── 他有室内装潢的天分。

80、Create the interior wall structure. ─── 创建内墙结构。

81、He went into the interior of the country. ─── 他到内地去了。

82、An instrument for examining visually the interior of a bodily canal or a hollow organ such as the colon, bladder, or stomach. ─── 内窥镜,内视镜一种目测检查身体通道或中空器官,如结肠、膀胱或胃的内部的仪器

83、Lacquered interior; makes the plant pot waterproof. ─── 内部上漆;花盆具有防水性。

84、No one can touch him when it comes to interior design. ─── 在室内设计方面,没有人能比得上他。

85、They went into the interior room. ─── 他们进了内室。

86、The interior diameter of a hole, tube, or cylinder. ─── 内径洞、管或圆柱体的内径

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