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09-13 投稿



intraventricular 发音

英:[??ntr?ven?tr?kj?l?r]  美:[??ntr?ven?tr?kj?l?(r)]

英:  美:

intraventricular 中文意思翻译



intraventricular 短语词组

1、intraventricular sulci ─── [医] 室间沟(心)

2、intraventricular nuclei ─── [医] 尾状核

3、intraventricular block ─── [医]心室内传导阻滞,心室内阻滞

4、intraventricular pressure ─── [医] 心室内压

intraventricular 词性/词形变化,intraventricular变形

副词: intravenously |

intraventricular 常用词组

intraventricular hemorrhage ─── 脑室内出血

intraventricular 相似词语短语

1、extracurricular ─── adj.课外的;业余的;婚外的

2、intravascular ─── adj.血管内的

3、extravehicular ─── adj.太空船外的;在宇宙飞船外部活动的;宇宙飞船外的,舱外的

4、intrapetiolar ─── 叶内

5、atrioventricular ─── adj.心房与心室的,房室的

6、intrafascicular ─── 束中的;[植]束内的

7、ventricular ─── adj.心室的;脑室的;膨胀的;腹部的

8、intertentacular ─── 齿间

9、proventricular ─── adj.前胃的

intraventricular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This is intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) which arose in the subependymal region (germinal matrix) of a 28 week gestational age newborn. ─── 室管下区(生发基质)脑室内出血(IVH),患者为28孕周的早产儿。

2、intraventricular conduction delay ─── 心室内传导延迟

3、Tissue Doppler also showed longer systolic and diastolic intraventricular delays in the heart failure patients. ─── 组织多普勒在心衰病人中也显示较长的收缩期及舒张期心室内延迟。

4、Lateral external ventricular drain with infusion of urokinase for intraventricular hemorrhage originated from basal ganglia region ─── 侧脑室外引流联合尿激酶灌注治疗高血压基底节区出血破入脑室

5、Intraventricular pacing ─── 心室内起搏

6、Methods 201 patients with primary intraventricular haemorrhage who were treated with external ventricular drainage by CT scans localization were included. ─── 方法应用CT定位颅骨锥孔侧脑室前角持续引流术抢救治疗老年人脑室内积血患者201例。

7、Dog models of experimental intraventricular hemorrhage made through injecting blood into ventricles was the simplest and the most reliable method. ─── 注入法是建立犬实验性脑室内出血模型的最简单、可靠的方法。

8、Objective: To discuss the prevention of the delayed hydrocephalus from intraventricular hemorrhage. ─── 摘要目的:探讨脑室出血后延期性脑积水预防。

9、To measure intraventricular pressure, begin with a Micro Sensor already zeroed and connected to the required cables and monitor. ─── 为了测量脑室内压,先要准备好一个已经调零的微传感器,并连接到指定的电缆和监测仪上。

10、intraventricular catheter defibrillation ─── 心内导管除颤

11、intraventricular portion of rhombic lip ─── 小脑内隆起, 菱形层的脑室内部分

12、Methods The clinical data of 36 patients with bilateral ventricular drainages on severe intraventricular hemorrhage. ─── 方法对36例采用双侧脑室引流治疗的重度脑出血患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

13、intraventricular conduction disturbance ─── 心室内传导障碍

14、Cardiac output, peak systolic velocity of the outflow tracts, and cardiac compliance showed a gradual reduction with diminished fetal growth, whereas intraventricular pressure gradually increased. ─── 心输出量,心脏收缩期流出道的速度峰值,以及心室顺应性随胎儿发育迟缓亦呈现逐渐下降,而心室内压逐渐增加。

15、Neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage ─── 新生儿脑室内出血

16、Neonatal studies only revealed subyaleal hematoma and subarachnoid hemorrhage with mild degree right side intraventricular hemorrhage. ─── 当时的头部电脑断层也显示有腱膜下血肿,蜘蛛膜下腔血肿,并右侧脑室内出血。

17、Objective: To study the MRI features of the meningiomas in the ventricles and to improve the specificity of MRI in detecting intraventricular meningiomas. ─── 摘要目的:探讨脑室内脑膜瘤的MRI特征及提高MRI诊断脑室内脑膜瘤特异性。

18、intraventricular conduction ─── 心室内传导

19、In addition, the only outcome assessed was mortality, yet other outcomes, such as intraventricular hemorrhage and chronic lung disease are also important, the researchers wrote. ─── 另外死亡率是唯一评价的结果,而其他结果如脑室内出血,慢性肺病也同样重要,研究者写到。

20、traumatic intraventricular hemorrhage ─── 外伤性脑室内出血

21、Intraventricular hemorrhage from any perinatal cause ─── 任何围生期原因的脑室内出血

22、intraventricular urokinase ─── 尿激酶灌注

23、Keywords Receptors;neuropeptide Y;Gene therapy;Injection;Intraventricular;Obesity;Rats; ─── 受体;神经肽Y;基因疗法;注射;脑室内;肥胖症;大鼠;

24、Keywords Echocardiogram;Cardiac catheter;The intraventricular dispersion of peak early diastolic filling; ─── 关键词超声心动图;心导管;左室内充盈离散度;

25、intraventricular sulci ─── [医] 室间沟(心)

26、intraventricular nuclei ─── [医] 尾状核

27、Methods 150 cases of patients with intraventricular hemorrhage were divided into terminal cistern drainage group (75 cases) and regular spinal puncture group ( 75 cases) . ─── 方法脑室内出血患者150例,随机分成腰大池外引流组75例和常规腰穿组75例,对两组病人进行疗效对比分析。

28、left superior intraventricular block ─── 左上心房内传导阻滞

29、supernormality of intraventricular conduction ─── 室内传导的超常期

30、intraventricular pressur ─── 心室内压力

31、Intraventricular dyssynchrony ─── 心室内不同步

32、Optimized Surgical Indication and Management of Intraventricular Tunnel Repair of Double-Outlet Right Ventricle ─── 右室双出口心室内隧道修补术的优化

33、Here, we report a case of primary intraventricular meningioma with intraventricular haemorrhage in a 57-year-old woman. ─── 我们报告了第一例心室内脑膜瘤合并心室内出血的患者,57岁,女性。

34、The Treatment of Hypertensive Intraventricular Hemorrhage with Artificial Cerebrospinal Fluid Replacement ─── 人工脑脊液置换治疗高血压性脑室出血

35、intraventricular nucleus of corpus striatum ─── 尾状核

36、Keywords Mini-invasive drainage;Intraventricular hemorrhage;Hydrocephalus;Urokinase;Hyaluronidase;Dexamethason; ─── 微创引流术;脑室出血;脑积水;尿激酶;玻璃酸酶;地塞米松;

37、Lateral Ventricle Drainage and Cerebrospinal Fluid Exchange by Two-needle Lumbar Puncture in Intraventricular Hemorrhage ─── 侧脑室引流联合双针腰穿脑脊液置换治疗脑室出血

38、The effects of intraventricular injection of acetylcholine(ACh) on pain responsesof neurons in nucleus parafascicularis (Pf) and midbrain reticular formation (RF)in 54 rats were studied, using two microelectrodes recording simultaneously. ─── 在54只大鼠上,用两支微电极同时记录神经元放电的方法,研究了脑室注射乙酰胆碱(ACh)对丘脑束旁核(Pf)和中脑网状结构(RF)痛反应神经元电活动的影响。

39、Only a few cases of intraventricular meningioma have been reported and the association with intracranial haemorrhage is even rarer. ─── 很少有心室内脑膜瘤患者的报导,相关的颅内出血报导就更罕见了。

40、Ventricular external drainage and intraventricular administration of urokinase by double lumen catheter for hypertensive ventricular hemorrhage ─── 双腔管尿激酶引流术治疗高血压脑室出血

41、intraventricular conduction system ─── 心室内传导系统

42、6.The values of mean arterial pressure, left intraventricular systolic pressure, isovolemic ventricular pressure, and dp/dtmax in the BPI group were markedly higher than those in the saline group. ─── BPI治疗组动物平均动脉血压,左室收缩压,心室等容收缩压,左室压力最大上升和下降速度等均明显高于生理盐水组;

43、Seventeen of the babies -- or 26% of the cohort -- had bleeding, including 16 subdural, two subarachnoid, one intraventricular, and six parenchymal hemorrhages. ─── 17例-26%的产道出生婴儿-合并出血,包括16例硬膜下出血、2例蛛网膜下出血、1例脑室出血和6例脑实质内出血。

44、If there is intraventricular bleeding, and if the patient has been maintained in the supine position since the ictus, the clot can form a cast of the lateral ventricles. ─── 如果有脑室内出血并且发病后患者始终保持仰卧位,凝结的血块会形成一个侧脑室的模型。

45、Treating intraventricular hemorrhage by mini-invasive drainage and preventing hydrocephalus by infusing the drugs to Lumber cistern ─── 微创引流术治疗脑室出血并鞘内注射药物预防脑积水

46、intraventricular aberrant conduction ─── 心室内差异性传导

47、Structure, mechanism and role of activin as a possible marker of hypoxia and intraventricular haemorrhage were described. ─── 体制,机制,作为一种可能的标记和缺氧脑室内出血的激活作用的描述。

48、diffuse intraventricular block ─── 弥漫性室内传导阻滞

49、Methods:To infuse urokinase into the subarachnoid space by spinal puncture was based on continuous ventricular drainage and intraventricular infusion of urokinase. ─── 方法:在脑室持续引流及尿激酶的基础上,向腰蛛网膜下腔注入尿激酶。

50、Comparison between Curative Effects of both the Unilateral and Bilateral Ventricular Drainage on Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage ─── 单、双侧脑室引流治疗重度脑室出血的对比研究

51、Analysis on the efficacy of intraventricular hemorrhage treated by continuous drainage in the terminal cistern of spinal canal ─── 持续腰大池外引流治疗脑室内出血的疗效分析

52、Of the 14 minor cases, 2 were accompanied by intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and 3 by subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH); ─── 其中轻度14例,合并脑室出血2例,合并蛛网膜下腔出血3例;

53、Study of quantifying left intraventricular synchronism using real-time three-dimensional echocardiography ─── 左室壁运动同步性的实时三维超声心动图定量研究

54、At necropsy, these patients are commonly found to have intraventricular hemorrhage and internal capsular tears.The pathogenesis of these secondary changes remains unknown. ─── 在解剖时常会发现脑室内有出血及脑膜破裂的现象,此种病理现象至今仍不明。

55、intraventricular septum ─── 室间隔

56、Efficacy of phenobarbital in the prevention of intraventricular hemorrhage in premature infants: nine years'evaluation ─── 应用苯巴比妥预防早产儿脑室内出血九年疗效评估

57、intraventricular conduction defect ─── 室内传导障碍

58、17 from left ventricular septum,which accounted for 20%of total patients and 16.83%of total intraventricular ectopic beats; ─── 左室间隔部发出17个,占AMI人数20%,占室内异位激动点总数的16.83%;


60、To summarize and investigate the main point of clinical observation and nursing of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in premature infants. ─── 为探讨早产儿脑室内出血的观察与护理要点。

61、The Treatment of Tramatic Primary Intraventricular Hemorrhage with Ventricular Drainage Applying Urokinase ─── 尿激酶引流治疗外伤性原发性脑室出血

62、Howeer, dexamethasone seems to be more effective in reducing the rate of intraventricular hemorrhage compared with betamethasone. ─── 可是,在降低脑室内出血几率方面地塞米松比倍他米松更为有效。

63、Primary intraventricular hemorrhage ─── 原发性脑室出血

64、Objective To explore diagnosis feature of the lateral intraventricular meningiomas and microsurgical approaches for removing it. ─── 摘要目的探讨侧脑室内脑膜瘤诊断特点及显微手术方法。

65、Keywords Intraventricular hemorrhage;Hydrocephalus;Urokinase; ─── 关键词脑室出血;脑积水;尿激酶;

66、intraventricular blocks ─── 心室内传导阻滞

67、Objective To study the new treatment for hypertensive intraventricular hemorrhage. ─── 目的研究高血压性脑室出血的新疗法。

68、Differentiation between functional and pathological intraventricular blocks ─── 功能性与病理性心室内传导阻滞的鉴别

69、Total Intraventricular Hemorrhage of Casting Form Treated with Bintraventricular External Drainage ─── 双侧脑室外引流治疗全脑室内铸型出血

70、All these 4 cases were with intraparenchymatous hemorrhage,among them,1 wsa in combination with intraventricular hemorrage,and 3 with subarachnoid hemorrhage. ─── 后者均存在脑实质出血,其中合并脑室内出血1例,合并蛛网膜下腔出血3例。

71、On pre-op MRI, is the tumor purely intraventricular or is at least part of it in the brain parenchyma? ─── 看看术前MRI,肿瘤是完全在侧脑室还是至少部分肿瘤位于脑实质中?

72、Objective To discuss the mechanism, characteristic, therapy and prognosis of traumatic intraventricular hemorrhage. ─── 目的探讨外伤性脑室内出血的发病机制、临床特点、治疗方法和预后。

73、Methods: 25 cases of total intraventricular hemorrhage of casting form were treated in time by bintraventricular external drainage, and the intraventricular hematomas were rinsed repeatedly. ─── 方法:本组25例全脑室内铸型出血,急诊手术行双侧脑室外引流,脑室内血肿反复冲洗。

74、Keywords Lateral intraventricular meningiomas;Diagnosis feature;Microsurgical operation; ─── 侧脑室脑膜瘤;诊断特点;显微手术;

75、Keywords Spontaneous Intraventricular hemorrhage Treatment; ─── 关键词自发性;脑室内出血;治疗;

76、Lateral intraventricular meningiomas ─── 侧脑室脑膜瘤

77、Keywords Intraventricular hematomas Super early stage Minimally injury; ─── 关键词脑室出血;超早期;微创伤;

78、intraventricular block ─── 心室内传导阻滞, 心室内阻滞

79、Clinical study on the treatment of severe intraventricular hemorrhage by bilateral ventricular drainage and cerebrospinal fluid exchange ─── 双侧脑室引流联合脑脊液置换治疗重型脑室出血的临床研究

80、Intraventricular primary CNS lymphoma is very rare, with few cases reported in the literature. ─── 室内原发性中枢神经系统淋巴瘤非常罕见,仅可见少量文献报道。

81、Assess Intraventricular Dyssynchrony in Left Bundle Branch Block Patients by Doppler Tissue Imaging ─── 利用组织多普勒评价左束支阻滞患者心室内不同步

82、Perinatal intraventricular hemorrhage ─── 围生期脑室内出血

83、Keywords Double - cavitary catheter/therapeutic use;Urokinase/therapeutic use;hypertensive;intraventricular hemorrhage/trerapy;surgical operation; ─── 关键词双腔管/治疗应用;尿激酶/治疗应用;高血压性;脑室出血/治疗;外科手术;

84、Effects of urokinase combined with autologous plasma on the clot lysis of experimental intraventricular hemorrhage in rabbits ─── 尿激酶联合自体血浆治疗实验性兔脑室出血

85、intraventricular aberration ─── 心室间传导(电脉冲)偏差

86、intraventricular pressure ─── 心室内压

87、Keywords beta-endorphin;thyrotropin-releasing hormone;naloxone;hypoxia;median eminence;paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus;intraventricular injections; ─── 内啡肽;促甲状腺素释放激素;纳洛酮;低氧;正中隆起;下丘脑室旁核;脑室内注射;

88、Keywords traumatic brain injury;intraventricular hemorrhage;managemenh; ─── 关键词颅脑损伤;脑室内出血;治疗;

89、Intraventricular pressure gradient ─── 左室流入血流的平均压力阶差

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