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09-13 投稿



mistaking 发音

英:[m??ste?k??]  美:[m??ste?k??]

英:  美:

mistaking 中文意思翻译




mistaking 短语词组

1、mistaking for v. ─── 把……错认为

mistaking 同义词

faux pas | faux | gaffe | error | oversight | miss | misapprehend |blunder | misunderstanding | fallacy | fault | misunderstand | misadventure | confuse | erratum | lapse | err | pas | slip | slip-up | misconceive | confound | take for | inaccuracy | misapprehension | misinterpret | clanger | misjudge | confuse with | misidentify

mistaking 反义词


mistaking 词性/词形变化,mistaking变形

动词过去分词: mistaken |动词过去式: mistook |动词现在分词: mistaking |动词第三人称单数: mistakes |名词: mistaker |

mistaking 相似词语短语

1、mismarking ─── 错标

2、mistering ─── n.先生;平民;vt.称…先生

3、misting ─── n.飞墨;v.使模糊;下雾(mist的ing形式)

4、misliking ─── v.厌恶,不赞成;n.反感,不赞成

5、-staking ─── v.立桩标界(stake的ing形式);n.立桩标定线;[皮革]刮软

6、mistaken ─── adj.错误的;弄错的;被误解的;v.弄错(mistake的过去分词)

7、mistiming ─── n.误时;v.把…的时间安排不当;算错…的时间(mistime的ing形式)

8、mismaking ─── 错配

9、mistracing ─── 迷航

mistaking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There was no mistaking(= it was impossible to mistake)the bitterness in her voice. ─── 她的声音里流露出怨恨的情绪,这是很明显的。

2、It's just that there was no guarantee that weak willed individuals, mistaking the beacon for a glowworm, might try to net the moon's reflection from the water. ─── 只是意志力不坚的人,难保不把灯塔看做萤火虫,反而去捞水中的月亮。

3、Yes, I admit well having been mistaking over this problem, ─── 是的,我得承认我将质量问题考虑在内。

4、""Of course I'm sure.With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him. ─── 当然,我敢肯定,就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别出来。"

5、She sat looking at him gravely, and there was no mistaking the expression in her eyes. ─── 她表情严肃地坐在那儿看着他,那种神情他不会误解。

6、They thing writing smart must mean using big words and tortured grammar, mistaking difficulty of a work for some measure of its quality. ─── 学生们认为写得好就等于用词深奥、文法复杂,误以为难懂的作品就是好作品。

7、You are mistaking another runway for Guangzhou airport. ─── 你把另外的跑道看错为广州机场了。

8、He had caught a goodly number, when he saw a Scorpion, and mistaking him for a locust, reached out his hand to take him. ─── 忽然看见一只蝎子,他以为也是蚱蜢,便着两手去捕捉他。

9、People are sometimes mistaking, sorry. It did not make any harm and it was good at least for your pleasure. ─── 客错误理解某个词的意思,我直接了当解释俾佢听及话佢错.佢给我以下回应,你地认为佢有冇因我指正佢而唔开心?

10、" Are you sure it was Anderson?" " Of course I'm sure.With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him." ─── “你敢肯定那是安德森吗?”“当然,我敢肯定,就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别出来。”

11、Mistaking Dai Hoi's identity as her cousin, Mabel lets him stay with her and her 4 siblings. ─── 在大海眼前的新香港, 新奇无比, 尤如置身外国。

12、They did these things because they did not understand that the dual revolutionary policy was,in essence,a policy of offensives on enemy-occupied areas,mistaking it for a policy of retreat. ─── 其原因是不了解革命两面政策的本质是向敌占区的进攻。把革命两面政策误解为退却方针,当然要发生错误。

13、to the door and looked out. Even at a distance there was no mistaking him. ─── 哈利一下子猛冲到门边,向外望去。即使隔着一段距离,他也绝不会认错。

14、"Oh, I hope you'll die in a garret! Starved to death, " said the boy, mistaking our approach for that of his negligent attendant. ─── “啊,我希望你死在阁楼上,饿死!”这孩子说,听见我们走进来,误以为是他那怠慢的听差来了呢。

15、A would-be robber was arrested after he tried to hold up his local town hall, mistaking it for a bank, Austrian police said Wednesday. ─── 周三,奥地利警方发布消息说,一名劫匪误将镇公所当作银行并欲实施抢劫被逮捕。

16、” There was no mistaking the disillusion in her voice. ─── 她的声音中带着一丝醒悟。

17、There are still more who have tasted the bitters by mistaking seeming beauties for happiness. ─── 更多的人把表面上美丽的事情当作快乐,因而尝到了苦果。

18、20. Like an insecure teenager, we shout obscenities, mistaking disdain for interest. ─── 喜欢一个不安全的青少年,我们呼喊淫秽,为兴趣犯错轻蔑。

19、"Are you sure it was Anderson?" "Of course I'm sure. With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him." ─── "你敢肯定那是安德森吗?""当然,我敢肯定,就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别出来。"

20、It is almost always the male guest who is caught naked outside his room, often through mistaking the door to the corridor for the one to the bathroom. ─── 在房间外面被发现不穿衣服的几乎总是男客人,他们经常错把通向走廊的门当成是通向浴室的门。

21、I think you must be mistaking me for someone else. ─── 我看你准是认错人了。

22、"Oh, I hope you'll die in a garret! Starved to death," said the boy, mistaking our approach for that of his negligent attendant ─── “啊,我希望你死在阁楼上,饿死!”这孩子说,听见我们走进来,误以为是他那怠慢的听差来了呢。

23、To mistake words for the truth is almost as ridiculous as mistaking a finger for the moon. ─── 如果把语言当成真理就如把手指当成月亮一样荒唐。

24、If you think a certain design structure is too complex to be realized with CSS probably you are mistaking something. ─── 如果你觉得得用很复杂的CSS才能完成一个特定的设计结构,那你可能在某些地方犯了错误。

25、Television commercials might seem more professional, but beware of mistaking the gloss for the content. ─── 电视商业广告也许看上去更加专业,但要当心别把表面光彩误当作实质。

26、There could be no mistaking where he had come from. ─── 他从哪里来是相当清楚的。

27、was performed late last month to save an Australian snake. The snake had swallowed four golf balls after mistaking them for chicken eggs. ─── 澳洲一条蛇上个月底错把小白球当鸡蛋,吞食了四颗高尔夫球,经过紧急手术后捡回一命。

28、A would-be robber was arrested after he tried to hold up his local town hall, mistaking it for a bank, Austrian police said Wednesday. ─── 周三,奥地利警方发布消息说,一名劫匪误将镇公所当作银行并欲实施抢劫被逮捕。

29、There is no mistaking ─── 不可能被认错

30、no mistaking the eastern flavour of the food. ─── 该食物的东方口味肯定不会错的。

31、There could be no mistaking what he had come for. ─── 他来干什么是不可能看不出来的。

32、Scarlett was not sure what an aeon was, but there was no mistaking the baiting quality of his voice, so she said nothing. ─── 思嘉不大明白千秋万代的意义,但听那口气无疑是引诱的味道,所以她默不作声。

33、They both look like Dave and when they're all together there is no mistaking that they are his children. ─── 他们两个都很象戴维。如果他们站在一起,可以毫无疑问地看出他们是他的孩子。

34、"For example, if a whiter was cold, the Indian would give the person a blanket. Mistaking it for a gift, the settler was often offended when the Indian asked for it back." ─── 例如,当看到一个白人很冷时,印第安人会给那人一条毯子,可白人误以为这是一份礼物,因此当印第安人要回毯子时,他们感到十分不快。

35、We are always mistaking him for his twin brother. ─── 我们总是误以为他是他的孪生兄弟。

36、For one out of five unlucky souls in the U.S., there's no mistaking the red, swollen eyes, drippy nose, sore throat and angry, inflamed nasal passages. ─── 每五个不幸的美国人里面,就有一个傢伙带有明显红肿的眼睛、不断流涕的鼻子、疼痛的喉咙,以及严重阻塞的鼻腔。

37、Effect of Tagamet on Prevent of Vomiting and Mistaking Aspiration during Periane sthetic Period(with Analysis of 30 Cases ) ─── 泰胃美用于围麻醉期呕吐误吸的防治(附30例分析)

38、An analysis on 105 cases of variation type child cough asthma mistaking diagnosis for bronchitis ─── 小儿咳嗽变异型哮喘误诊为支气管炎105例分析

39、Supporters at Anfield on Friday night for the Youth Cup tie against Reading could have been forgiven for mistaking Liverpool's new young Swede Astrit Ajdarevic for a youthful Patrik Berger. ─── 周五晚上在安菲尔德观看青年足总杯利物浦对雷丁比赛的球队支持者们,可能会把红军新进的瑞典球员阿斯特里特阿达莱维奇误认为是年轻时的帕特里克博格.

40、Medical analogies, applied to social organisms, are apt to be farfetched, and there is no point in mistaking mammalian chemistry for what occurs in a city. ─── 医学的类比,用于社会组织就不免牵强;而且把哺乳动物的生物化学误当作城市里发生的一切也毫无道理。

41、But the wife who would not remain an amateur values these forms correctly, not mistaking them for love. ─── 但不再是新手的妻子会正确地判断这些表象,不会错误地把它们当成是爱情。

42、Gently as her words were spoken, there was no mistaking that she was displeased. ─── 尽管她话说得很温和,但谁都看得出她生气了。

43、People are always mistaking him for his twin brother. ─── 人们总把他错当成他的孪生哥哥了。

44、Sorry for mistaking the date on final inspection report, it shall be 2007 rather than 2006, please update your report. ─── 对不起,最终检验报告上的检验日期写错了,应该是2007年而不是2006年,请更新你的报告.

45、And there can be no mistaking the explosive growth of global trade since the late 1980s. ─── 不能视1980年代以来全球贸易的快速增长为错误。

46、I suppose you are mistaking there. ─── 我认为在这点上您错了。

47、There's no mistaking the fact that the Bush tax and spending actions in absolute or relative size are larger than those of the past, and have thus contributed to sizable 'structural' deficits. ─── 如下这个事实是不会弄错的,即:就绝对规模或相对规模而言,布什的税收和开支行动比以往任何一次都要大,因而也已经造成了相当规模的“结构性”赤字。

48、Mistaking his own echo for the Moon's voice, Bear believes that Moon is having a birthday too. ─── 今天是小熊的生日,小熊也帮月亮准备了一步生日礼物,小熊准备了什麽礼物呢?

49、And the poor ecological protection concept will lead the land consolidation and rehabilitation into the mistaking area. ─── 生态保护观念淡薄导致土地整理走入误区;

50、From the front, there's no mistaking the bold presence of Dodge's heritage cues in Avenger's crisp and edgy exterior design. ─── 从前面看,没有误认在复仇者的清晰和前卫外观设计道奇的文物线索大胆的存在。

51、Meanwhile, Antonio has been arrested by Orsino's officers and now begs Cesario for help, mistaking him for Sebastian. ─── 同时,安东尼奥遭到奥西诺官员的拘捕,他误以为舍沙里欧(维欧拉)是圣赛巴斯丁,因此要求其帮助脱困。

52、The lord's dragon, mistaking the tenseness and confusion for battle, trumpeted loudly, demanding to be unleashed upon the enemy. ─── 罗伽大人的飞龙坐骑误以为如今的紧张气氛和混乱是战斗将至,高声呜鸣,要挣开束缚扑向敌人。

53、Gotals often misinterpret the emotions of other species, occasionally mistaking affection for love, anger for imminent violence, and envy for murderous intent. ─── 戈塔尔人常常误解其他种族的感情变化,比如把好感当作爱意,把生气当作暴怒,把嫉妒当作刻骨的仇恨。

54、Establishing Correct Consciousness and Opposing Mistaking Tendentiousness to Improve the Leading Quality of Our Cadres ─── 树立正确意识,反对错误倾向,提高领导干部素质

55、The problem of mistaking maleic acid peak for the main component in the determination of maleate salts of drug by HPLC is reported. ─── 指出在马来酸盐的药物HPLC分析中,有时将马来酸峰误认为主药峰。

56、Each man had only felt one part of the elephant, mistaking it for the whole. ─── “不对!”模到大象耳朵的盲人说:“大象像一只簸箕。”

57、extremely suspicious;Mistaking the reflection of a bow in the cup for a snake ─── 杯弓蛇影

58、There can be no mistaking what he meant by it. ─── 他那句话的意思很明白。

59、Nonetheless, there was no mistaking the assumption underlying the coverage of the Batista case: an organ is a commodity. ─── 尽管如此,仍然有一些东西隐藏在Batista事件下面:那就是器官也是一种商品。

60、neither mistaking it for, nor trying to turn it into, something that is alien to its nature. ─── 既非犯错它因为, 也不尝试将它变成, 对它的自然是外国的某事。

61、Each of these are situations where people are retrieving a real memory, but mistaking one or more of its aspects. ─── 在这几种情况中人们都想去提取真实的记忆但是却总把他们搞错。

62、The exterior features a blend of muscle and curves that won't have you mistaking this for a German supercar. ─── 外观特征的混合肌肉和曲线,不会你误认此为德国跑车。

63、His calculations were thrown out by mistaking a badly formed eight for a three. ─── 他把一个写得不清楚的“8”误认为“3”,因而计算出了差错。

64、How I wish I had been able to say the rules without a mistak! ─── 我多么想能够一点不错地把那些规则说出来啊!

65、I think you must be mistaking me for someone else. ─── 我看你准是认错人了。

66、" "Of course I'm sure.With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him. ─── 当然, 我敢肯定, 就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别出来。"

67、There is no mistaking what ought to be done. ─── 应该做什么是清楚的。

68、Mistaking feelings for facts. ─── 将感受错误地认为是事实。

69、They wondered.Had she come to the wrong church or at the wrong time,mistaking them for another couple? ─── 他们wondered.had她来错了教堂或在错误的时间,他们以为他们为另一对夫妇?

70、Are you sure it was Anderson? Of course I'm sure. With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him. ─── 你敢肯定那是安德森吗?当然,我敢肯定,就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别出来。

71、2. “Are you sure it was Anderson? ““Of course I'm sure. With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him.“ ─── “你敢肯定那是安德森吗?““当然,我敢肯定,就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别出来。“

72、But there was no mistaking Thursday night that Mr. Obama was speaking directly to black America. In part, it was a policy speech. ─── 但是毫无疑问的,周四晚上,奥巴马是直接面向美国黑人演讲,在一定程度上这个演说也是政策性的演说。

73、You are mistaking me for some other person. ─── 您把我当作另一个人了。”

74、Scarlet was not sure what an aeon was, but there was no mistaking the baiting quality of his voice, so she said nothing ─── 斯佳丽可弄不清千古是什么意思,但他声音确实娓娓动听,所以也没说什么。

75、There is no mistaking the fact. ─── 事实一清二楚。

76、"Oh, I hope you'll die in a garret! Starved to death," said the boy, mistaking our approach for that of his negligent attendant. ─── “啊,我希望你死在阁楼上,饿死

77、In a Rio de Janeiro slum, drug traffickers opened fire on a helicoptercarrying Santa Claus to a Christmas party, apparently mistaking it fora police helicopter. ─── 在里约热内卢的一个贫民窟附近,一架载有“圣诞老人”的直升飞机遭到贩毒分子的枪击。这架直升飞机送“圣诞老人”去参加圣诞晚会,显然被贩毒分子当作警察的直升机了。

78、A man adores a woman because of love, while a woman loves a man because of adoration. (No wonder women always regret mistaking an ant for an elephant. ─── 男人因为爱而崇拜一个女人,女人因为崇拜而爱一个男人。(怪不得结了婚的女人常常痛心疾首地责骂自己,我真是瞎了眼了,当初怎么就把蚂蚁看成了大象呢!

79、Everyone takes his stance, asserts his own right and feelings, mistaking the motives of others, and his own. ─── 每个人都有自己的立场,维护自己的利益和情感,错误地理解别人做事的动机,还有自己的动机。

80、Nothing is more dangerous to the human progress than mistaking pseudo-science for truth. ─── 对人类进步的最大危害莫过于错把伪科学当作真理来看待。

81、This paper mainly discusses how to direct parents on proper use to keep medicine at home,and deal with children s mistaking medicine. ─── 文章从三个方面讨论如何指导家长给小孩合理用药,并讨论了对家庭自备药物如何保管及如何处理小孩误服药物.

82、KATHERINA.Pardon, old father, my mistaking eyes, That have been so bedazzled with the sun That everything I look on seemeth green; ─── 凯瑟丽娜:老丈,请您原谅我一时眼花,因为太阳光太眩耀了,所以看出来什么都是迷迷糊糊的。

83、Just now when I was tailing you all that way I couldn't be sure at first, but looked at from all sides there was no mistaking that sear!" ─── 我刚才跟了你半天,起初也有点不敢认你,左看右看,这块疤不能有错

84、There was no mistaking Lin Pei-shan's voice. ─── 分明是林佩珊的口音。

85、"Never... though we priests are mortal and sometimes err, mistaking this must come from this may come." ─── "从来没有...即使祭司也是会犯错的凡人,有时会将可能发生之事误解为必然发生。"

86、There is no mistaking. ─── 不可能被认错。

87、Or me, to whom thou gavest it, else mistaking; ─── 不然就错识了我,你的受赐者;

88、"Clean it up," he said and there was no mistaking the menace in his voice. ─── “快给我打扫干净。” 话语里的威胁是一清二楚的。

89、But there is no mistaking the direction, and a change in China’s currency regime could alter these flows. ─── 但是,大方向并没有错,而且,中国货币体制的变化也会改变这些资金的流量。

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