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hydrometallurgy 发音

英:[?ha?dro??met?l???rd?i]  美:[?ha?dr???met??l??d?i]

英:  美:

hydrometallurgy 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 湿法冶金术


hydrometallurgy 词性/词形变化,hydrometallurgy变形

形容词: hydrometallurgical |

hydrometallurgy 相似词语短语

1、hydrometry ─── n.[物]液体比重测定法

2、hydrometeorology ─── n.[气象][水文]水文气象学

3、hydrogeology ─── n.水文地质学

4、hydrometeor ─── n.[水文]水汽凝结体;水汽现象

5、pyrometallurgy ─── n.热冶学;火法冶金学

6、electrometallurgy ─── n.电冶金学;电冶金,电气冶金

7、powder metallurgy ─── [冶]粉末冶金

8、hydrometallurgical ─── adj.湿法冶金的

9、metallurgy ─── n.冶金;冶金学;冶金术

hydrometallurgy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Session A Chemistry, Hydrometallurgy, Bioscience and agriculture Place: Meeting Room in the 27thfloor of Rare Earth International Hotel Chairpersons: Chun-Hua Yan, J. H. Dickerson, Xiao-Wei Huang ─── 会场A稀土化学与湿法冶金地点:稀土国际大酒店27楼会议室

2、On basis of leaching process behaviors of platinum-group metals(PGMs) the lately progress in pressure hydrometallurgy of Cu Ni sulfide ores containing PGMs were presented. ─── 本文以加压湿法冶金处理含铂族铜镍硫化矿过程中铂族金属的行为为主线,介绍了该领域的最新研究进展。


4、In this paper,the extensive studies on hydrometallurgy of processing lead concentrates are introduced and the various methods are properly reviewed. ─── 本文介绍了处理铅精矿的湿法炼铅研究工作进展并对各种方法进行评述;

5、Keywords hydrometallurgy;fume of shaft furnaces;leaching;extraction;zinc; ─── 湿法冶金;高炉烟道灰;浸出;萃取;锌;

6、Extracted and separated valuable metals, like Fe, Ca and Mg, from molybdenum tailing in Luanchuan by Hydrometallurgy method. ─── 运用湿化学法对栾川钼尾矿中有价金属元素进行回收利用,实现了铁、钙、镁的提取和分离。

7、Application Status and Research Direction of Biotechnology in Hydrometallurgy ─── 生物技术在湿法冶金领域的应用现状及研究趋势

8、The technical improvement of Ge recovery from In/Ge replacement residue of hydrometallurgy zinc in recent years at Zhuzhou Smelter was described. ─── 介绍了株冶近几年来从湿法炼锌的铟锗置换渣中提取锗的技术进步。

9、Because the amount of such impurities as Mg and Ca in concentrate is verylow, its interference to the extracting technology (pyrometallurgy or hydrometallurgy)follow up is also very small. ─── 所得精矿由于镁、钙等杂质含量很低,其对后续镍(钴)提取工艺(火法或湿法)的干扰可降低到最小。

10、Application of large ratio between height and diamter mechanical agitation trough in leaching process of zinc hydrometallurgy ─── 大高径比机械搅拌槽在湿法炼锌浸出工序的应用

11、Keywords zinc hydrometallurgy;leaching;solvent extraction; ─── 湿法炼锌;浸出;溶剂萃取;

12、A Method Of Two-step Drip Washing For Treating The Pollution Of HCl Waste Gas Come From The Hydrometallurgy Process ─── 二级淋洗处理湿法冶金尾气中的HCl气

13、The leaching condition, separating principle and technological charac teristics of recovering V, Mo and Ni from waste catalyst from oil refining are in troduced with full hydrometallurgy, oxdation reduction method. ─── 介绍了全湿法冶金“氧化还原”法提取炼油废催化剂中钒、、的浸出条件、离原理及其技术特点。

14、Keywords Hydrometallurgy of zinc;Electrowinning;Additives;Deposition;Surface quality; ─── 湿法炼锌;电沉积;添加剂;表面质量;

15、Keywords Hydrometallurgy Blast furnace smelting Dust Electrolyze; ─── 湿法处理;鼓风炉熔炼;烟灰;电解;

16、The common methods of reclaiming indium from the byproducts of lead metallurgy and zinc hydrometallurgy are enumerated,and analyzed every method's virtue and shortcoming. ─── 主要列举了从铅冶炼和锌湿法冶炼过程的副产品中回收铟的常用方法,并分析了各种方法的优缺点。

17、Keywords low copper mine;hydrometallurgy;leaching;outlook; ─── 低品位铜矿;湿法冶金;浸出;展望;

18、Keywords Ta/Nb hydrometallurgy;potassium fluotantalate;Ta &Nb oxides; ─── 中国;钽铌湿法冶金;氟钽酸钾;钽铌氧化物;

19、Keywords zinc hydrometallurgy;technical progress;equipment level; ─── 湿法炼锌;技术进步;装备水平;

20、Spectrometric method for the analysis of gold in hydrometallurgy materials of noble metals ─── 光谱法测定贵金属湿法冶炼物料中的金

21、Keywords secondary zinc oxide from fuming furnace;removing fluorine and chlorine by roasting;goethite process;zinc hydrometallurgy;technical study; ─── 烟化炉次氧化锌;焙烧脱氟氯;针铁矿法沉铁;湿法炼锌;工艺研究;

22、Keywords ammonium polyvanadate;precipitating vanadium;hydrometallurgy; ─── 多钒酸铵;沉钒;湿法冶金;

23、Study of Corrosion-Wear Resistant Alloy for Pumps Used in Hydrometallurgy of Zinc ─── 湿法炼锌用泵耐腐蚀磨损合金的研制

24、According to control requirements of uranium leaching solution process,the paper discusses the completion of automation for uranium hydrometallurgy process by using SCADA and PLC. ─── 根据铀浸出液处理过程控制的要求,本文论述了如何用监控组态软件结合PLC可编程序控制器完成对铀水冶的自动控制。

25、Hydrometallurgy of lead ─── 湿法炼铅

26、Abstract An short introduction of the progress on the hydrometallurgy of uranium is given. ─── 摘要 本文重点介绍了十年来国内铀水冶科学技术的新进展。

27、Liquid membrane separation technique for removal of iron during the successive recovery of indium in zinc hydrometallurgy ─── 湿法冶锌中回收铟除铁液膜分离技术的研究

28、Keywords hydrometallurgy;palladium;tri-n-octylamine;extraction kinetics; ─── 湿法冶金;钯;三正辛胺;萃取动力学;

29、Keywords mathematical model;control/optical control;zinc hydrometallurgy; ─── 数学模型;控制/优化控制;湿法炼锌;

30、Pressure hydrometallurgy ─── 加压湿法冶金

31、It is a good method to deal with hydrometallurgy of more metal tailings contained higher combined copper oxide. ─── 这对于解决含结合氧化铜较高的金属尾矿的湿法冶金无疑是一个好方法。

32、Treatment of Anode Slime in BK Lead Plant by Hydrometallurgy ─── 用湿法处理BK铅厂阳极泥的研究

33、Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans are often used in the biological hydrometallurgy. ─── 氧化硫硫杆菌常被应用于生物湿法冶金。

34、The energy consumption for zinc traditional hydrometallurgy is still high in the process of electrowinning. ─── 传统的湿法炼锌过程中,存在着电积能耗大的问题。

35、Keywords Copper hydrometallurgy Copper industry Extraction leach electrowinning; ─── 湿法提铜;铜工业;浸出;萃取;电积;

36、The energy consumption for zinc traditional hydrometallurgy is still high in the process of electrowinning . ─── 传统的湿法炼锌过程中,存在着电积能耗大的问题。

37、Thermodynamic analysis on cobalt removal by potassium permanganate oxidization in leaching solution by sulfuric acid of zinc residue containing cobalt in zinc hydrometallurgy ─── 湿法炼锌除钴锌渣硫酸浸出液中高锰酸钾氧化沉钴热力学分析

38、Keywords inorganic nonmetal material;bismuth oxide;hydrometallurgy;bismuth oxide chloride;nanometer; ─── 无机非金属材料;氧化铋;湿法冶金;氯氧化铋;纳米;

39、Application of Box Filter Press in Zinc Hydrometallurgy Process ─── 厢式压滤机在湿法炼锌中的应用

40、Keywords Hydrometallurgy;Wet autogenous mill;Linear vibrating screen;Plastic plate-and-frame filter;Pump; ─── 湿法冶金;湿式自磨机;直线振动筛;塑料板框压滤机;玛尔斯泵;

41、copper hydrometallurgy ─── 湿法冶铜

42、Keywords Hydrometallurgy;Gold concentrate;Activating agent;Alkaline fusion agent; ─── 湿法冶金;金精矿;活性添加剂;碱熔剂;

43、Elementary Discussion on Assets Classification and Financial Evaluation for Organic Phase in Copper Hydrometallurgy Project ─── 浅谈湿法炼铜项目有机相资产分类与财务评价

44、Application and Progress of Pressure Hydrometallurgy of Cu-Ni Sulfide Ores Containing Platinum Group Metals ─── 加压湿法冶金处理含铂族金属铜镍硫化矿的应用及研究进展

45、A systematic process of treating with Co-Ni residue from zinc hydrometallurgy has been developed. ─── 研究综合回收湿法炼锌净化钴镍渣中的有价金属。

46、column of hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy ─── 水冶和火冶联合法

47、Keywords independent tellurium deposit;Chemical hydrometallurgy;Biohydrometallurgy; ─── 独立碲矿;化学冶金;生物湿法冶金;

48、Mechanical activation and its application to zinc hydrometallurgy ─── 机械活化及其在湿法炼锌中的应用

49、Design and Manufacture of Titanium Clad Steel Plate Pressure Reactor for Hydrometallurgy ─── 湿法冶金用钛复合板加压浸出釜设计和制造

50、Keywords Hydrometallurgy of zinc;Additive;Electrowinning;Deposition;Electrolyte; ─── 湿法炼锌;添加剂;电积;析出;电解液;

51、Two kinds of recycle technologies such as hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy for Zn/MnO2 battery and Ni/Cd battery were compared. ─── 比较了锌锰电池、镉镍电池的湿法冶金、火法冶金两种回收技术;

52、The company has the copper hydrometallurgy production line in addition, the scale of production for yearly produces 200 tons electrolytic coppers. ─── 公司另具有铜的湿法冶金生产线,生产规模为年产200吨电积铜。

53、Keywords zinc hydrometallurgy;jarosite process;neutralize agent;zinc ferrite; ─── 湿法炼锌;黄钾铁矾;中和剂;铁酸锌;

54、This essay introduces the up-to-date progress of copper hydrometallurgy in the world and the development prospect in China. ─── 本文介绍了世界上湿法炼铜技术最新的进展以及在中国的发展前景。

55、Application of solvent extraction process in tungsten hydrometallurgy is summarized. ─── 概述了溶剂萃取技术在钨冶金方面的应用。

56、Keywords hydrometallurgy;sulfoxide;thiourea;gold;extraction; ─── 湿法冶金;亚砜;硫脲;金;萃取;

57、Slurry electrolysis is a new technology of hydrometallurgy developed in recent years. ─── 矿浆电解是近年来新兴的一种湿法冶金技术。

58、introduction of the progress on the hydrometallurgy of uranium is given. ─── 本文重点介绍了十年来国内铀水冶科学技术的新进展。

59、Recovery of cobalt from Co-Ni residue in zinc hydrometallurgy has been studied. ─── 研究了从湿法炼锌净化钴镍渣中回收有价金属。

60、At the end, prospect of the development of the hydrometallurgy of uranium is discussed briefly. ─── 对铀水冶科学技术的今后发展作了讨论。

61、Keywords Zine hydrometallurgy;Jarosite process;Silver recovery;Sulphuration flotation; ─── 湿法炼锌;铁矾法;回收银;硫化浮选;


63、The general situation of recycling and reusing for nickel metal hydride batteries and its fire metallurgy and hydrometallurgy technical processes are summarized. ─── 介绍了国内外废旧电池的回收概况以及火法和湿法回收金属氢化物-镍电池的工艺流程。

64、Hydrometallurgy: Extraction of metal from ore by dissolving the metal (as one of its salts) and then recovering it from the solution. ─── 湿法冶金学:将矿石中的金属溶解(例如用它的一种盐),再从溶液中回收金属的提取方法。

65、Keywords disposal waste lead storage battery;pyrometallurgy;hydrometallurgy; ─── 废铅蓄电池;火法;湿法;


67、Keywords Pressure hydrometallurgy Cu一Ni一Co sulphide Zn sulphide concentrate Refractory gold Autoclave; ─── 加压湿法冶金;铜镍钻硫化物;硫化锌精矿;难处理金;高压釜;

68、In this paper, based on leaching process behaviors of platinum-group metals(PGMs) the lately progress in pressure hydrometallurgy of Cu-Ni sulfide ores containing PGMs was presented. ─── 分别简要评述了加压氨浸、加压酸浸、加压碱浸和加压氰化等技术所适应的物料特性、工艺特征和生产实践。

69、Keywords hydrometallurgy;Fe removal;neutralizing hydrolysis method;jarosite method;goethite method; ─── 湿法冶金;除铁;中和水解法;黄钾铁矾法;针铁矿法;

70、High-cobalt zinc concentrate bring some troubles in zinc hydrometallurgy, such as excess cobalt in middle-supernatant and low refine rate of first refine cobalt etc.. ─── 摘要锌湿法冶炼中高钴锌精矿给生产带来一些麻烦,如中上清液含钴高及一次净化的除钴率低等。

71、Keywords hydrometallurgy;exponential computation equation;making use of the low-grade copper;nickel;or gold ores;heap leaching;extraction of gold without cyanogen;MACA system; ─── 湿法冶金;电算-指数方程法;铜、镍、金低品位矿利用;堆浸;非氰化提金;MACA体系;

72、The energy-saving and consumption-reducing theory of gas diffusion anode(GDA) for zinc hydrometallurgy is introduced.When the lead-silver anode is replaced by GDA,energy will be reduced about 50%. ─── 介绍了气体扩散阳极(氢扩散阳极)在湿法炼锌上的节能降耗原理,用气体扩散阳极代替普通阳极将降低50%左右的能耗;

73、hydrometallurgy of zinc ─── 湿法炼锌


75、Keywords flotation sulfide concentrates;platinum group metals;hydrometallurgy; ─── 浮选精矿;铂族金属;湿法冶金;

76、Keywords hydrometallurgy;catalytic oxidation method;acid leaching;sponge copper;sodium sulfide; ─── 湿法冶金;催化氧化法;酸浸;海绵铜;硫化钠;

77、Collection, analysis and treatment for hydrometallurgi cal original data can be supplemented furthermore. ─── 同时,对水冶厂原始数据的收集、分析和处理作进一步补充。

78、The comprehensive harnessing wastewater of zinc hydrometallurgy is introduced, in this process, the advanced technique has been used, and the treated wastewater is re-used. ─── 介绍某湿法炼锌企业废水综合治理情况,在治理过程中采用了先进的节水工艺技术、处理后废水回收利用以及废水处理工艺。

79、Keywords Hydrometallurgy;Zinc smelting;Cleaning; ─── 湿法冶金;炼锌;净化;


81、Lead hydrometallurgy ─── 湿法冶金

82、Separation of Iron Alum Slag on Zinc Hydrometallurgy Process ─── 湿法炼锌中矾渣的分离

83、This paper indicates the way of germanium,and the distribution and behavior of germanium in zinc hydrometallurgy at first. ─── 文中指出了锗在湿法炼锌系统走向;说明了锗在湿法炼锌系统分布及行为;

84、Keywords Tribasic lead sulphate;Lead oxide phosphite hydrate;Bismuth hydrometallurgy waste residue;Ammonium hydrogen carbonate; ─── 三盐基硫酸铅;二盐基亚磷酸铅;铋冶炼浸渣;碳酸氢铵;

85、Keywords Outokumpu;Hydrometallurgy;Copper;Technology; ─── 奥托昆普;湿法冶金;铜;工艺;

86、zinc removal by hydrometallurgy ─── 湿法脱锌

87、The actuality, type and constitution of copper oxide ores from baoshan, yunnan, have been introduced.Meanwhile, the type and development of hydrometallurgy based on this ores have been described, too. ─── 本文由云南氧化铜矿出发,对铜矿的现状、类型、组成、湿法冶金类型、发展等几方面做了描述。

88、Keywords Hydrometallurgy;Platinum;Waste catalyst;Selective leaching;Hydrolization; ─── 湿法冶金;铂;废催化剂;选择溶解;水解;

89、The paper has analyzed and introduced the theory and application of liquid-solid separation in zinc hydrometallurgy from all sides. ─── 从理论上详细分析了液固分离中液体、固体(颗粒)、矿浆等的性质。


Hydrogel eye patch. 翻译中文: 水性胶体眼贴。 一种水性眼睛保健用品。


hydro 英[?ha?dr??] 美[?ha?dro?]

n. 水疗院;

[例句]One suspects that hydro power is still the lesser evil.


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