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09-13 投稿



impendence 发音

英:[im?pend?ns]  美:[?m?pend?ns]

英:  美:

impendence 中文意思翻译



impendence 词性/词形变化,impendence变形

动词过去式: impended |动词过去分词: impended |动词现在分词: impending |动词第三人称单数: impends |

impendence 短语词组

1、impendence test ─── 阻抗测试

2、impendence boundary ─── 阻抗边界

3、impendence transfer ─── 阻抗转移

4、impendence analyzer ─── 阻抗分析仪

5、impendence control ─── 阻抗控制

6、impendence potential ─── 阻抗电势

7、impendence cvd ─── 阻抗cvd

impendence 相似词语短语

1、imprudence ─── n.轻率,鲁莽的行为

2、impenitence ─── n.顽固;不知悔改

3、impendency ─── n.迫切;危急

4、independence ─── n.独立性,自立性;自主

5、impedance ─── n.[电]阻抗

6、appendence ─── 附属物

7、impudence ─── n.厚颜无耻;冒失

8、impendent ─── adj.即将发生的;迫近的

9、dependence ─── n.依赖;依靠;信任;信赖

impendence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In allusion to the problems and situation of environmental education in Hebei, this paper focuses on the discussion about the importance and impendence of environmental education in Hebei. ─── 针对河北省环境教育的问题和现状,强调了在河北省加强环境教育的重要性和迫切性;

2、The challenge of economy globalization, reform of coal industry and the characteristics of coal sale determine impendence of implementing electrical business. ─── 经济全球化的挑战,煤炭行业的改革与煤炭销售工作的特点决定了实施电子商务的迫切性。

3、Keywords Triazole-type compound;Corrosion inhibitor;Weight loss measurement;Potentiodynamic polarization;Electrochemical impendence spectroscopy; ─── 三唑化合物;缓蚀剂;失重试验;动电位极化;电化学阻抗谱;

4、Research on inductor and constant impendence proportion of load modeling based on statistical synthesis approach ─── 统计综合负荷模型的感应电动机和恒定阻抗比例研究

5、Abstract: The transmission characteristics are investigated that includes the impendence, attenuation and noise performance of the low-voltage power line carrier channel. ─── 文章摘要: 本文对低压电力线载波通信信道特性进行了实验研究,重点测量和分析了低压电力线的阻抗特性、衰减特性和噪声特性。

6、And analyzed the characteristics and reasons of anti-dumping, explained the need and the impendence of counter the anti-dumping. ─── 然后分析了目前国外对我国反倾销的现状特点和形成原因,说明应对反倾销的必要性和迫切性;

7、In normal condition, the limiter is of low impendence as the limiting impedance and the inductance are both in superconducting state; ─── 正常状态下,限流电感与限流电阻均为超导态,限流器呈现低阻抗。

8、Along with marketatization tropism reform of our country s Water Industry deepening, the importance and impendence of regulatory reform in Water Industry is increasingly evident. ─── 随着我国自来水行业市场化进程的推进,其规制改革的重要性和迫切性日益显露。

9、This paper describes historical necessity and impendence of Automobile industry of Hubei Province through analyzing its development and status in quo of self-directed innovation. ─── 本文通过对湖北汽车工业发展及自主创新现状的分析,阐述了湖北汽车工业自主创新的历史必然性和紧迫性。

10、Researching on the automatic impendence measurement system ─── 阻抗自动测试系统的研究与应用

11、Environmental protection is the theme of 21 century, desulfurization has been an important and impendence mission. ─── 21世纪是环保的世纪,降低轻质油的硫含量已成为一项迫切而重要的任务。

12、double-end impendence method ─── 双端阻抗法

13、Then the influence of the enclosure side walls is considered by the equivalent image currents and the impendence matrix is modified further. ─── 进而考虑了边壁对电路的影响,计算并修正了阻抗矩阵。

14、Testing Research in the Transfer Impendence of RF Gasket ─── 射频衬垫转移阻抗测试方法研究

15、wave impendence inversion ─── 波阻抗反演

16、Research of Data Mining Based on Improved Rough Impend Approximation Measurement ─── 基于改进粗糙逼近近似度量的数据挖掘方法

17、Input impendence characteristics of cosine loaded ultrasonic horn ─── 余弦形负载超声变幅杆输入阻抗特性的研究

18、Electrochemical impendence ─── 电化学阻抗

19、For FDTD method, there are different feed models to calculate the input impendence of antenna.The results calculated by different feed models are compared with each other. ─── 用FDTD法计算天线的辐射特性可以使用不同的激励方式,文章比较了采用不同激励方式时,天线的输入阻抗。

20、Experimentation of Impendence Sensor Three-phase Drift Flow Model Emendation ─── 阻抗式含水率计三相漂流模型校正的实验研究

21、With prolonging the immersion time, the inductive component is disappeared gradually, and the impendence module is decreased largely. ─── 随着浸泡时间的延长,感应元件逐渐消失,在很大程度上降低阻抗模块。

22、The first part,“Proposal of the question”, discusses the necessity, the importance and the impendence of carrying out Eco-ethic education. ─── 第一部分“问题的提出”论述了开展生态伦理教育这一德育活动的必要性、重要性及紧迫性。

23、The transmission characteristics are investigated that includes the impendence, attenuation and noise performance of the low-voltage power line carrier channel. ─── 本文对低压电力线载波通信信道特性进行了实验研究,重点测量和分析了低压电力线的阻抗特性、衰减特性和噪声特性。

24、bioelectrical impendence ─── 生物电阻抗

25、1. This very recklessness makes me feel that these costly operations may be only the prelude to far larger events which impend on land. ─── 这种孤注一掷的作法,使我感到这些代价重大的战役,也许正是陆上即将发生远为重大事件的一个前奏。

26、therefore , a . c . impendence technology is a promising method in studying the rebar corrosion state in concrete. ─── 因此,交流阻抗技术是研究混凝土内钢筋腐蚀状态的有力工具。

27、Keywords AB_3 type hydrogen alloys;composited materials;electrochemical characteristic;exchange impendence spectroscopy(EIS); ─── 3型储氢合金;复合材料;电化学性能;交流阻抗(EIS);

28、C. impendence technology is a promising method in studying the rebar corrosion state in concrete. ─── 因此,交流阻抗技术是研究混凝土内钢筋腐蚀状态的有力工具。

29、The challenge of economy globalization,reform of coal industry and the characteristics of coal sale determine impendence of implementing electrical business. ─── 经济全球化的挑战,煤炭行业的改革与煤炭销售工作的特点决定了实施电子商务的迫切性。

30、In normal condition, the limiter is of low impendence as the limiting impedance and the inductance are both in superconducting state; ─── 正常状态下,限流电感与限流电阻均为超导态,限流器呈现低阻抗。

31、It also presented the importance and impendence to renovate lake. ─── 同时说明湖泊整治的重要性和迫切性。

32、Crucial events impend in Europe. ─── 欧洲即将发生具有决定意义的事变。

33、impend v. ─── 迫近;逼近;

34、To reduce the effect of non-linear of the output impendence, each current source uses the gain-boosting technology which will increase the output impendence greatly. ─── 为降低由于输出阻抗的非线性而给精度带来的影响,本文采用了增益自举结构,有效地提高了输出阻抗。

35、Keywords bioelectrical impendence;body fat;total body water; ─── 生物电阻抗;体脂肪;总体水;

36、impendence match ─── 阻抗匹配

37、alternating current impendence spectrum ─── 交流阻抗谱

38、Keywords Mg-based hydrogen alloys;electrochemical characteristic;exchange impendence spectroscopy (EIS); ─── 镁基储氢合金电极;电化学性能;交流阻抗(EIS);

39、Some Chinese scientists combine Sinic and occidental cultu re, and find many methods of impend earthquake prediction. These already have ce rtain good result in practice. ─── 指出一些中国科学家在中西两种文化的结合方面,已得到众多的临震预测手段,并在预测实践中取得不同程度的成效。

40、broadband impendence transformer ─── 宽带阻抗变换器

41、The study of impendence inversion is implemented to find the sand distribution within the target formation and the vantage reservoir. ─── 为研究目标层段砂体的横向展布情况与储层的有利部位,对该区进行波阻抗反演研究。

42、In the actual application, large transformer impendence exists in four quadrant converter. ─── 在实际应用时,四象限变流器可能存在变压器漏抗大的情况。

43、alternating current impendence spectrum; ─── 交流阻抗谱;

44、Study of Impendence Transition for Bistable Thin Film ─── 电双稳薄膜阻抗转变机理研究

45、Firstly, this paper analyzes the actuality of our enterprise group and points out that it is the impendence of reinforcing financial control for enterprise group. ─── 首先对我国企业集团财务控制进行现状分析,我国目前企业集团财务控制方面普遍存在的问题说明加强和完善企业集团财务控制已是当务之急。

46、1.Abstract: Summarize & analysis the large span bridge construction in the urban rail transportation line;comparison the value of the academic & practical in the impend construct way; ─── 文摘:对上海市轨道交通明珠线的大跨度连续刚构桥工程施工技术进行分析和总结,并对悬臂浇筑法的设计理论值与施工实测值进行对比;

47、composite impendence properties ─── 复阻抗特性

48、Keywords AC Impendence;electrodeposition;Cu/Ni alloy;multilayer film; ─── 交流阻抗;电沉积;铜镍合金;多层膜;

49、transfer impendence tasting ─── 转移阻抗测试

50、impend over ─── v. 逼近, 悬挂

51、Keywords oxygen ionic conduction;doubly doped SmAlO3;alternating current impendence spectrum;conductivity; ─── 氧离子导电性;双掺杂铝酸钐;交流阻抗谱;电导率;

52、Keywords LF;impendence;proportional regulating valve;transformer; ─── LF炉;阻抗;比例调节阀;变压器;

53、Study of Impendence Transition for Bistable Thin Film ─── 电双稳薄膜阻抗转变机理研究

54、The influence of rare earths on the atmospheric corrosion resistance of high tension weathering steels was studied bySEM,XRD,dry-wet immersion test and electrochemical impendence methods. ─── 采用SEM、XRD、电化学阻抗和干湿周浸实验法,研究稀土对高强耐候钢耐大气腐蚀性的影响。

55、In this paper, a new one dimentional microstrip PBG filter with triangular variation of the characteristic impendence without etching in the ground plane is reported. ─── 本文给出了一种新的一维微带光子带隙滤波器结构,该滤波器的阻抗按照三角规律变化,克服了通常微带光子带隙滤波器需要在衬底上打洞或接地面腐蚀获得周期结构的缺点。

56、Aim Study on the characteristics of the input impendence of cosine type loaded ultrasonic horn. ─── 目的研究余弦形负载超声变幅杆输入阻抗特性。

57、With the competition furious, main-body education increasingly projects its essentiality, need and impendence in contemporary era. ─── 主体性教育在竞争日趋激烈的当代生存背景中日益凸现出它的重要性、必要性和迫切性。

58、impendence control ─── 阻抗控制

59、By observing the variations of the phase angle and the impendence plane diagram, the influence of different defects and factors are evidently presented. ─── 藉由观察在阻抗平面讯号图上的改变及其相位角的情形,即可了解各种缺陷型态及检测因素的影响。

60、The characteristics of flue gas and actuality of its pollution were introduced in our country.The importance and impendence of flue gas denitrification technology were emphasized. ─── 介绍了我国燃煤烟气的特点和目前烟气污染现状,突出了烟气脱硝的重要性和迫切性。

61、Keywords stratigraphic calibration;impendence inversion;length of wavelet;vertical resolution;thin sand-shale interbed; ─── 层位标定;波阻抗反演;子波长度;纵向分辨率;砂泥薄互层;

62、Aimed at the un-negligible inner impendence of the independent low power utility, the improved cross-vector scheme for the current reference generation is presented. ─── 针对飞机电网为独立小容量电源系统,电源内阻抗比较大的特点,选择用改进的交叉矢量算法进行补偿电流基准的检测计算。

63、The Research of Grinding Impendence Control of Robot for Repairing Water Turbine ─── 水轮机修复机器人磨削阻抗控制研究

64、Discussion about Impendence of Software Industry Development in Wuxi ─── 论无锡软件产业发展的紧迫性

65、Fuzzy Neural Networks Impendence Control of Robot ─── 机器人模糊神经网络阻抗控制

66、impendence switching ─── 阻抗变换

67、Keywords Ferrite;composite film;impendence matching;electromagnetic;absorption mechanism; ─── 铁氧体;复合薄膜;阻抗匹配;电磁损耗;吸波机理;

68、ground impendence ─── 接地阻抗

69、Does it demean women's dignity or boost women's autonomy and impendence when we treat uterus as a means and businesslike of reproduction? ─── 代孕将子宫工具化、生殖商业化,是贬低了女性的尊严还是促进了女性的独立自主?。

70、Design of Impendence Match for High Frequency Power Amplifier of Mine Mobil Communication System ─── 矿井移动通信系统高频功放环节的阻抗匹配设计

71、Summarize &analysis the large span bridge construction in the urban rail transportation line;comparison the value of the academic &practical in the impend construct way; ─── 对上海市轨道交通明珠线的大跨度连续刚构桥工程施工技术进行分析和总结,并对悬臂浇筑法的设计理论值与施工实测值进行对比;

72、Science and impendence of the safety investment were probed into, after the rule of the accident loss and the benefit of the safety investment were researched.Its implementation was discussed also. ─── 从事故损失规律、安全投入的效益产出规律等方面对安全投入的科学性、紧迫性和具体运作进行了探讨。

73、acoustic impendence change ─── 声波阻抗变化

74、Keywords self-assembled monolayers;biotin derivatives;cyclic-voltammetry;impendence spectra; ─── 自组装膜;生物素衍生物;循环伏安法;电化学交流阻抗谱;修饰电极;

75、A kind of 4 probe impendence sensor which can measure flow rate and water cut of oil water two phase flow is introduced in the paper. ─── 流量是根据流体中的流动噪声信号进行相关运算来获取的,含水率是通过油水混相中的阻抗特性来获取,该传感器采用四电极结构。

76、Keywords wave impendence inversion;sedimentary system;well log restriction;waterlet extraction; ─── 波阻抗反演;沉积体系;测井约束;子波提取;

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