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09-13 投稿



headforemost 发音

英:[['hed'f?:m??st]]  美:[['hed'f?:m?st]]

英:  美:

headforemost 中文意思翻译



headforemost 短语词组

1、headforemost creek sc ─── 海德克里克南卡罗来纳州

headforemost 相似词语短语

1、headmost ─── adj.最先的;领头的

2、headfirst ─── adv.不顾前后地;头向前地

3、foremost ─── adj.最重要的;最先的;adv.首先;居于首位地

4、sternforemost ─── adv.船尾向前地;倒退地;笨拙地

5、hindforemost ─── 后来居上

6、headrest ─── n.头靠,弹性头垫;靠头之物

7、headframes ─── n.[矿业]井架

8、head rests ─── 头枕

9、head for sth ─── 向某物前进

headforemost 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He pitched headforemost downstairs ─── 他从楼梯上倒栽葱摔下来。

2、Sleep was also hard. Every time I closed my eyes, I could feel the strong pull of gravity as if I was again falling headfirst through the air. ─── 想要入睡是那么难。每次我一合上眼,就会感到强大的推力和重力,就像我又一次的头向下冲入空中。

3、Skeleton is a face down, headfirst version of the luge, but actually predates both luge and bobsledding historically. ─── 钢架雪车是选手俯卧在雪车里。头前脚在后,其历史实际止要比雪橇及有舵雪车更久。

4、 双语使用场景

5、Chinese gymnast Wang Yan, whose age was given as 15 or 16, fell from the bars headfirst during Sunday's final in Shanghai, breaking her neck and losing consciousness. ─── 中国体操运动员王燕,她的年龄在15-16岁之间。星期日在上海的决赛中从高低杠上摔了下来。她头部落地,脖子被摔断,失去了知觉。

6、With that he dashed headforemost out of the room, amid the merriment of the master and mistress, and to the serious disturbance of Catherine; ─── 说罢,头也不回的冲了出去。见此,主人和女主人非常兴奋,而凯西感到非常的不安。

7、Some have their long necks submerged headfirst in the water while sticking up their orange webbed feet behind their tailssplashing them desperately so as to keep their balance. ─── 有的却倒插的长颈在水里,红色的蹼趾伸在尾后,不停地扑击着水以支持身体的平衡。

8、Some have their long necks submerged headfirst in the water while sticking up their orange webbed feet behind their tails and splashing them desperately so as to keep their balance. ─── 一个已修饰完毕的,弯曲它的颈到背上,长长的红嘴藏没在翅膀里,静静合上它白色的茸毛间的小黑睛,仿佛准备睡眠。

9、He's gone headfirst into trouble. ─── 他鲁莽地陷入麻烦中。

10、A dive executed by jumping headfirst, bending the body at the waist, and, with the legs straight, touching the feet with the hands before straightening out to enter the water hands first. ─── 屈体跳水,镰刀式跳水头向下的一种跳水动作,把身体弯到腰部、腿伸直,在打开身体且以手先触水的姿势跳入水中以前,要先用手触脚

11、HeadFirst: Can you perhaps share some of your troubles with us? ─── 你能让我们也分担一些你的麻烦吗?

12、This time the Mariachi plunges headfirst into the dark border underworld when he follows a trail of blood to the last of the infamous Mexican druglords, Bucho, for a showdown. ─── 艾尔失去至爱后,深受打击,决定与毕祖决战,并叫同昔日一起弹结他的好友一起应战,怎料在毕祖党羽的埋伏下,反令好友在枪战中死去。接著艾尔便到毕祖的大本营,找他报仇。

13、A plunge into water, especially done headfirst and in a way established for athletic competition. ─── 跳水跳水,尤指头先下水而且以体育比赛所决定的方式跳水

14、That spring I’d suffered a terrible accident while playing a practice set in Rome.Racing to the net to return a drop shot, I slipped and flew headfirst into the steel net post. ─── 今年春天我在罗马练习时受了伤, 在冲向球网接一个短球时,脚一滑,一头撞倒了架网的柱子上。

15、Stunned tourists saw Jones float by on his back in the fast Niagara River current, plunge headfirst over the 180-foot Horseshoe Falls, then pull himself out of the water onto the rocks below. ─── 当游人目睹琼斯在尼加拉瓜大瀑布背著急流浮过去,并以头先投入180 尺马蹄瀑布,再借下游的大石浮上水面后,大感惊讶。

16、Some hae their long necks submerged headfirst in the water while sticking up their orange webbed feet behind their tails and splashing them desperately so as to keep their balance. ─── 有的却倒插它们的长颈在水里,红色的蹼趾伸在尾后,不停地扑击着水以支持身体的平衡。

17、a headfirst plunge down the stairs ─── 头部向前跌下楼梯

18、One hero dives headfirst into a group of soldiers unarmed, siezes a spear in mid-trajectory and kills the enemy with it. ─── 一个英雄赤手空拳的冲入一群士兵中,夺下一个长矛并用它杀敌人。

19、After being well-equipped, jumpers leap headfirst from bridges ,towers ,cranes ,and even hot-air balloons . ─── 他们在戴好安全设施之后头朝下的从桥梁、高塔、起重机甚至是热气球上跳下。

20、a headfirst plunge down the stairs; a headlong dive into the pool. ─── 头部向前跌下楼梯;头部向前跳进游泳池里。

21、I wrote that those refugees from the leper house of reaction should be belled and booted headfirst to the nearest sewer. ─── 我写到:那些从麻风病院逃出来的反动派应该被系上铃铛就近踢到阴沟里去。

22、HeadFirst: That doesn't sound so bad. You're still a great pattern, and improving this is just a matter of public education, right? ─── 那东西听起来没那么糟。你仍然是个了不起的模式,要改变这一情况那只是公众教育的事,不是你的责任,对吗?

23、Once we landed, we jumped headfirst into the parties starting with an all-you-can-drink event at Shanghai Studio.The claustrophobic underground bomb-shelteresque bar was overflowing with homos. ─── 举个自身的例子,我们一下飞机就飞奔到ShanghaiStudio举办的畅饮活动,其地下幽闭的酒吧也充满了同志。

24、"She was pretty well wedged in there," Dams said."It looks like she crawled under headfirst. ─── 他说:“她在那里卡的很紧,好像是不顾前后的爬进去的。”

25、Jim plunged headfirst into the restaurant business. ─── 吉姆匆匆忙忙地就开始了餐馆行当。

26、The little boy saw stars when he fell headfirst onto the concrete. ─── (小男孩一头摔在水泥地面上,两眼直冒金星。)

27、In basic training he had detested learning to turn somersaults, but he found that the best way to go over a hedgerow was in a dive, headfirst. ─── 在军训中,他不愿练习空心跟斗,但是他发现,对翻越一道树篱后能头先着地趴倒下去而言,空心跟斗是最好的方式。

28、One of the reasons most new businesses fail is that reasonable people give in to their excitement and jump in headfirst before a clearly defined business plan is developed.No need to get discouraged. ─── 中文概要:七步企业规划:大多数新企业/新业务失败的其中一个原因就是未做好完善的规划,就过于仓促鲁莽地投入。

29、The sensation of falling headfirst through the air was horrific. ─── 头向下栽下去的感觉太可怕了。

30、Any of several small, short-tailed birds of the family Sittidae, having a long sharp bill and known for climbing down trees headfirst. ─── 币鸟一种体形小而尾短的鸟,有长而尖的喙,以头朝下向下爬树而闻名

31、went headfirst down the stairs. ─── 一头栽下了楼梯

32、The Analysis to Overcome the Fearfulness of Beginners to Headfirst forward Roll ─── 鱼跃前滚翻动作初学期恐惧心理克服探析

33、any of several small,short-tailed birds of the family Sittidae,having a long sharp bill and known for climbing down trees headfirst ─── 一种体形小而尾短的鸟,有长而尖的喙,以头朝下向下爬树而闻名

34、HeadFirst: Well, I think everyone understands that you have to be careful when inserting decorators, I don't think this is reason t be too down on yourself. ─── 好了,我想每个人都明白在引入装饰者时必须要仔细些,我不认为这能成为你情绪低落的原因。

35、"a plunge into water, especially done headfirst and in a way established for athletic competition." ─── "跳水,尤指头先下水而且以体育比赛所决定的方式跳水."

36、In the eventful eighth, Jeter was caught between first and second on a botched hit and run with Bobby Abreu at the plate, but slid headfirst back into the first base bag safely. ─── 在重要的第八局,队长因为阿不瑞尤笨拙的打击被追逐于一垒与二垒之间,但是他匆促的安全滑回一垒垒包。

37、"He fell headfirst in the tub when he tried to get out, and when I administered CPR on him, he was just knocked out." ─── 他出澡盆的时候头朝下栽进浴缸里失去知觉了,我还想给他做人工呼吸呢。

38、"She was pretty well wedged in there," Dams said. "It looks like she crawled under headfirst." ─── 丹姆说,“情况看来,她只顾一头往前,恰好在车轴位置卡住了。”

39、"First”, said Charlotte, "I dive at him." She plunged headfirst toward the fly. As she dropped, a tiny silken thread unwound from her rear end. ─── “首先,”夏洛说,“我向它潜下去。”它头在前向苍蝇扑下去。它下来时,一根细丝从它后面吐出来。

40、A computer scientist at UCLA poses by a projected computer image of a skeleton diving headfirst down a staircase at his office. ─── 加州大学洛杉矶分校一名计算机科学家站在办公室里的一个计算机动画投影旁,画面中一副骷髅沿着楼梯朝下俯冲。

41、With that he dashed headforemost out of the room, amid the merriment of the mastermistress,to the serious disturbance of Catherine; ─── 说罢,头也不回的冲了出去。见此,主人和女主人非常高兴,而凯西感到非常的不安。

42、Reiko, the female polar bear dives headfirst into the water... ─── 北极熊女生一头扎进了水里。

43、She fires at his windshield, and he shoots back as they drive headfirst toward each other. ─── 她向他的挡风玻璃开枪,杰克向她还击,他们驾车头撞头地向对方的车冲去。

44、Big flies are first killed with strong bites to their neck.Then the gladiators devour the flies headfirst. ─── 对付大型的苍蝇,牠会从颈部下口,然后再从头部把苍蝇囫囵吞下。

46、He fell headfirst from the roof. ─── 他倒栽葱地从屋顶摔下来。

47、It's not clear that private-equity firms will jump headfirst into the banking sector. Many recent capital infusions have lost money, which could temper enthusiasm. ─── 目前尚不清楚私人资本运营公司是否会迫不及待地一头扎进银行业。很多最近的注资都赔了钱,这或许会为注资热情泼冷水。

48、Headfirst in the direction it wants to go ─── 头却朝着想走的地方

49、The very last armored Shock Trooper tried a headfirst dive at the very bridge canopy, and most of the beings there dove for the deck, useless as that was, by sheer reflex. ─── 最后一个突击骑兵机试图转头向下俯冲,朝舰桥罩舱撞去,大多数人都伏身趴向地板,其实这动作毫无用处,只是本能反射罢了。

50、If your date looks like they could fall off balance and drop headfirst into their cup of java because they're leaning towards you, it’s a sign that they’re really into you. ─── 如果你的约会也像比萨斜塔那样失去了平衡朝着你慢慢倾斜,快要一头栽进你的咖啡杯里的话。那表示它看上你了。

51、A dive in which the diver springs from the board facing forward, rotates backward in the air in a half backward somersault, and enters the water headfirst, facing the board. ─── 面对池反身跳水:一种跳水动作,跳水员起跳时脸面对池,然后作后翻半周的动作,头部先入水,此时脸部冲向跳板

52、Hermione Stupefies him, and he falls headfirst into the bell jar, his head turning into a baby's. ─── 赫敏击昏了他,他头朝前地倒进了钟形玻璃罐,他的头变成了婴儿的头。

53、A coon comes down a tree headfirst for most of the way, then finishes the descent tailfirst. ─── 一只熊头向前沿的树往下爬了一大半,然後倒退着爬下树来。

54、Instead of merely dipping your toes into the change you’d like to make, you dive into it headfirst. ─── 在你准备对某事付诸行动或者将对自己的生活谋求改变的时候,请先慢点动手,先用脑子好好想想。

55、A monkey infant enters the birth canal headfirst, with the broad back of its skull against the roomy back of the mother's pelvis and tailbone. ─── 猴儿进入产道时,头下脚上,较宽的后脑勺顶著母猴骨盆背面和尾椎的宽敞空间。

56、A coon comes down a tree headfirst for most of the way,then finishes the descent tailfirst. ─── 一只浣熊头向前沿的树往下爬了一大半,然后倒退着爬下树来。

57、and coming along, stepping on the thwarts, toward me, when he came up and struck at me, I clapped my head under his things, and, rising, pitched him headforemost into the river. ─── 说着沿船舷向我跑过来,当他跑来要打我时,我把两手撑在他的腋下,将他举起来,把他倒过来投进河中。

58、When I came to prison, I dove into Buddhism headfirst. ─── 当我来到监狱的时候,我不顾前后地埋首于佛学。

59、To plunge, especially headfirst, into water. ─── 跳水潜入水中,尤指头先下水的跳水

60、We’re all familiar with “Seize the day”, the ancient Roman lyric poet Horace’s call to jump headfirst into the world before time catches up. ─── 我们都很熟悉“只争朝夕” ,这是古罗马抒情诗人贺拉斯的呼吁,赶在时间之前冒失地出现在世界面前 。

61、"Dive:To plunge, especially headfirst, into water." ─── "跳水:潜入水中,尤指头先下水的跳水."

62、Before you jump headfirst into the world of advertising, let me share some of the lessons I have learned concerning this most important topic. ─── 你埋头前世界广告让我分享我学到一些教训这个最重要课题.

63、He lost his balance, and pitched out of the window headfirst. ─── 他失去平衡, 头朝下从窗子上跌了下去。

64、Koluk the polar bear goes headfirst into the pool at the Albuquerque Rio Grande Zoo in Albuquerque, N.M., on July 15. ─── 7月15日,在美国新墨西哥州格兰惠河动物园里,一只北极熊把头伸进水塘里喝水。(多像一个刚洗过晾晒的狗熊玩具!)

65、Dad: Stop arguing. He went in headfirst. ─── 爸爸:别吵了。他是头先进去的。

66、And they found that the foot-long fetus, who was probably only a day or two from being born, was positioned for a headfirst delivery. ─── 他们发现,离分娩可能还有一两天的一英尺长的胚胎是处于先分娩出脑袋的状态。

67、It's not clear that private-equity firms will jump headfirst into the banking sector. ─── 目前尚不清楚私人资本运营公司是否会迫不及待地一头扎进银行业。

68、HeadFirst: Can you give us an example? ─── 能给我们个例子吗?

69、Poor Kandata fell headfirst through the air, spinning like a top, right down through the darkness. ─── 霎时间,犍陀多像个陀螺,滴溜溜翻滚着,唆地一头栽进黑暗的深渊。

70、Headfirst position ─── 头前位

71、If she tolerates his company, he will ply her with fresh fish, directing them headfirst into her beak. ─── 如果雌鸟能够接受雄鸟的这种交际,雄鸟就会拿来新鲜鱼作为贡品,直接送到雌鸟的嘴边。


Alliteration:头韵,也叫nitial rhyme,或head rhyme,指两个单词或两个单词以上的首字母相同,形成悦耳的读音。它是英语文学中的重要修辞手法之一,它蕴含了语言的音乐美和整齐美,使得语言声情交融、音义一体,具有很强的表现力和感染力。其实我们学了很多使用了头韵的日常用语,比如:first and foremost(首先),Wild West Wind(狂野的西风---雪莱《西风颂》。许多英语绕口令更是把头韵法用到极致,比如:while we were walking, we were watching window washers' wash washington's windows with warm washing water. (当我们走路时,我们看着清洁窗户的人用暖水清洗华盛顿的窗户。)



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