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09-13 投稿



hacked 发音

英:[h?kt]  美:[h?kt]

英:  美:

hacked 中文意思翻译



hacked 词性/词形变化,hacked变形


hacked 短语词组

1、hacked off ─── 不快的

2、raze 2 hacked raze 2 ─── 被黑客攻击

3、hacked into ─── 侵入,潜入(他人电脑);私自存取或篡改(他人电脑资料)

4、revelers hacked and chiseled ─── 狂欢者砍凿

5、hacked by ─── 被砍的(hacked是hack的过去分词) ─── 被黑客入侵的(hacked是hack的过去分词)

6、clicker heroes hacked ─── 点击英雄被黑客攻击

7、artois hacked client artois ─── 黑客客户端

8、butyrate self hacked ─── 丁酸酯自爆

hacked 相似词语短语

1、cacked ─── 咯咯叫

2、whacked ─── adj.疲惫不堪的,精疲力竭的;v.重击(whack的过去分词)

3、dacked ─── 被撞的

4、backed ─── adj.有背的;有财力支持的;v.支持;使后退(back的过去分词)

5、shacked ─── n.棚屋;小室;vi.居住

6、-acked ─── 已确认

7、hackled ─── n.针排;颈羽;手工梳麻台;vt.梳理;乱砍

8、chacked ─── 焦躁不安

9、hackee ─── 哈克

hacked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't hold anything hack;you must tell me everything. ─── 什么都不要隐瞒,你必须把一切都告诉我。

2、Go out to the street and see if you can get a hack. ─── 你到街上去看看能否叫一辆出租车来。

3、We hacked away at the bushes. ─── 我们劈开灌木丛。

4、They hacked their way through the forest. ─── 他们在丛林中辟出一条路来。

5、Kalie also reveals that Britney had attempted to shave her head before she hacked off her locks in February. ─── 凯丽还说,早在二月份剃光自己的头发之前,布兰妮就已经尝试过要这样做了。

6、It was as if he had hacked with his thick boots at a clump of bluebells. ─── 仿佛他用自己的厚靴子无情地践踏了一丛野风信子。

7、In hacked phones, there are unofficial ways to remove the shutter and focus sounds. ─── 在入侵手机,有非官方的办法来消除快门声和重点。

8、He hacked into the bank's computer. ─── 他侵入了这家银行的计算机。

9、Take it easy. We can surely hack it ourselves. ─── 别急躁。我们是可以对付得来的。

10、Can you hack it as a lumber jack? ─── 你当伐木工人可以熬得住吗?

11、He was a literary hack, naturally fast in pace and brilliant in action. ─── 他是个雇佣文人,不过天生下笔千言,很有些才气而已。

12、He writes me a letter every day, but I don't write hack very often. ─── 他每天给我写信,但我并不经常回信。

13、Will he come hack soon? I'm afraid not. ─── 他很快会回来吗?恐怕不会。

14、He didn't want to ask his teacher for his book hack. ─── 他不想向老师要回他的书了。

15、He said Jed would be hack when the sun went down. ─── 他说太阳下山后杰德就会回来的。

16、You'd better hack off that branch that's hanging over the neighbour's gardon. ─── 你顶好把悬到邻居花园上的那根枝桠砍掉。

17、They had hacked secret data. ─── 他们窃取保密数据。

18、You'd better hack off that branch that's hanging over the neighbour's garden. ─── 你最好把悬到邻居花园上的那根枝丫砍掉。

19、He hacked(away) at the branch until it fell off. ─── 他朝著树枝(不停地)砍,直到砍下为止。

20、He hacked open a path with a chopper on the way through the forest. ─── 在穿过森林的路上,他用砍刀开出一条小径。

21、Hack the computer controlling the assembly line machinery. ─── 切断控制机器的计算机线路。

22、You could hack several workers to help you carry these boxes. ─── 你可以雇几个人帮你运这些箱子。

23、Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro.) Hack. ─── 假俭草

24、For the rest of eternity, no one is going to believe you if you said you were hacked, even if you were. Sorry. ─── 如果你在微博上说被人砍了,永远不会有人信,即使是真的。抱歉。

25、For months the two hacked away at each other in bitter and disingenuous television ads in a state where such campaigns can cost $3m a week. ─── 这些月来两个人在加州的电视广告上彼此讥讽对方,这使得每周竞选费用为3百万美金。

26、One of his cheeks had been hacked off and hung down. ─── 他的脸颊被一砍而红客下来。

27、Do not hack government computers. ─── 不要侵入或破坏政府机关的主机。

28、Hack's fastened on to me, and it's all been terribly charming. ─── 哈克来缠住我,这本是非常惬意的。

29、He hacked away at the trees all night. ─── 他砍树砍了一晚上。

30、One of the police officers was hacked to death by the mob . ─── 一群暴民砸了商店,并抢劫店里货物。

31、In the Mitnick affair a hack infiltrate into many department' network, which threaten the security of the country. ─── 在米尼克事件中,一个骇客潜入许多部门的电脑网路,这对国家的安全构成了威胁。

32、At their most puerile, games are a grand hack. ─── 在他们最纯真的,游戏是一辆华丽的马车。

33、They said their computers have been hacked and rewritten some data. ─── 他们说他们的计算机曾被非法闯入,并被改写了某些数据。

34、As if to prove the point, Mr Yates told his parliamentary tormentors that his own phone had almost certainly been hacked. ─── 似乎是为了验证这一点,叶芝先生告诉听证议员,几乎可以确定的是,他自己的电话也被窃听过。

35、Two of the mountaineers drew their swords and without dismounting hacked him across the head and arms. ─── 他们两人的交锋,没有登山提请全国拆装砍他头部和武器。

36、You'd better hack off the branch of that willow. ─── 你最好把那棵柳树的枝丫砍掉。

37、I hacked the dead branches off. ─── 我把枯树枝砍掉了。

38、"I will fly to them and they will hack me to pieces because I am so ugly. ─── “我将朝他们飞去,而他们将会把我劈成粉碎,因为我长得非常丑。

39、They're seldom planned for and are usually hacked in while fixing bugs. ─── 他们很少规划怎样写,通常只是在出问题以后,再忙活一阵进行修改。

40、Tiny four-old-month Thumper had the tops of his ears hacked off in the cruel attack when yobs snatched him from his hutch. ─── 某个游手好闲的坏蛋把四个月大的小兔子Thumper从笼子里抓出来残忍的把他的耳朵切下来一半。

41、Paul, I? M supposed to keep this a secret, but I have to talk to someone. Nate hacked into Mr. Hudson? S computer. ─── 保罗,我其实应该要保住这个秘密,但我一定要告诉其他人,馁特黑客侵袭候德孙老师的电脑。

42、They thought that every one in the western countries lived at hack and manger. ─── 他们以为西方国家的每一个人都生活得豪华奢侈。

43、Moyes sent on Beattie and McFadden for stoppage time. The ball was pumped forward by Everton and headed or hacked back by Chelsea. ─── 在补时阶段莫耶斯换上比蒂和麦克法登。埃弗顿的传球在切尔西坚固的防守下没有任何机会。

44、He shoved the purse into his pocket and headed for the hack exit, determined to get off at the next stop. ─── 他迅速地把钱包揣进裤兜里,就往车尾挤,打算一到站就在后车门下车。

45、Has your E-mail address hacked, and when? ─── 你的电子邮件地址敲出去了吗,什么时候发出的?

46、"Mine will keep my hack warm in winter." Said the Squirrel. ─── “在冬天我用我的尾巴保持我后背的温暖。”松鼠说。

47、There was no sentiment on show in Arsenal's 2-1 defeat as he hacked down Ginola, becoming one of six Arsenal players booked. ─── 在阿森纳输给热刺1:2比赛中,他直接丢翻了吉诺拉,成为阿森纳第六个得黄牌的球员。

48、The lumberers hacked away at the trees all day long so as to make room for the new railway. ─── 伐木工人们整天都在砍树,为新的铁路腾出地方来。

49、To cut(something)in a crude,unskillful manner;hack. ─── 乱砍以一种拙劣、不熟练的方式切割(某物);乱劈

50、A couple of bits of advice about a planned TiVo hack attack. ─── 下面我们为计划的TiVo黑客攻击给出一些建议。

51、What is the plan regarding hacked and duped items? ─── 你们对付黑客物品和复制物品的计划是怎样的?

52、Renn hack,Robert. Banking Supervision.[J].Finance&Development (2000): March. ─── 司公一.韩国金融改革政策[M].汉城:韩国开发研究院,2001.

53、Get to the security control building and hack the terminal to reconfigure prison building security system. ─── 到达安全控制室用计算机从终端解除监狱的警报系统。

54、Injection of cash into the village that he single-handedly brought the community hack to life. ─── 他一笔又一笔地买下地产,给小村投入大量现金,单枪匹马就使这个小村庄恢复了生机。

55、You hacked hours on end, and build a machine that transphormed you into a bird. ─── 你现在可以自由地在城市上空飞翔,鸟瞰着路人。

56、Over the wall from my hack garden you can see two trees. One is a date tree; so is the other. ─── 在我的后园,可以看见墙外有两株树,一株是枣树,还有一株也是枣树。

57、The explorers hacked(away)at the undergrowth to make a path. ─── 勘探人员披荆斩棘开辟道路.

58、Anything beyond the ability to install unsigned programs is a bonus on a hacked Samsung. ─── 任何超越的能力,安装未签名的程序是奖金就砍死三星。

59、Renn hack,Robert. Banking Supervision.[J].Finance&,Development (2000): March. ─── 司公一.韩国金融改革政策[M].汉城:韩国开发研究院,2001..

60、They were hacked to death as they tried to escape. ─── 他们企图逃走时被砍死了。

61、When I heard the news, I had kittens.I was hacked! ─── 听到这个消息我气极了。我气不打一处来!

62、The cook hacked off a slice of the roasted turkey and handed it to me. ─── 厨子切一片烤火鸡递给我。

63、To cut(something) in a crude, unskillful manner;hack. ─── 乱砍以一种拙劣、不熟练的方式切割(某物);

64、He hacked (away) at the branch until it fell off. ─── 他朝著树枝(不停地)砍,直到砍下为止。

65、He requires that I Be hack By noon. ─── 他要求我在中午以前回来。

66、Mercenary Cavalry pierce and hack armor decreased. ─── 佣骑兵穿刺和劈砍防御值减少。

67、"Well, " answers the pirate, "we were boarding a ship when one of the enemy hacked off my hand. " ─── 海盗回答:“我们进攻另一条船时,一个敌人劈下了我的这只手。”

68、You must tell me, who the hack are you? - I'm Alex. The Alex. ─── 你必须告诉我,你们到底是谁?-我是亚历克斯,亚历克斯

69、He hacked the limb from the tree with an axe. ─── 他用斧头从树上砍下树枝。

70、He hacked at the branch until it fell off. ─── 他朝着树枝砍, 直到砍下来为止。

71、Hacked millions off the budget. ─── 削减了几百万元的预算

72、The explorers hacked (away) at the undergrowth to make a path. ─── 勘探人员披荆斩棘开辟道路。

73、A hired hack an' a free issue nigger! ─── 一辆野鸡车和一个刚刚冒出来的黑鬼!

74、He hacked the padlock off the door. ─── 他把门上的挂锁砸掉了。

75、Do you mind reading hack the text of my message? ─── 你把我的电文重念一遍,好吗?

76、Don't hack him, he's busy now. ─── 别打扰他,他这会儿忙着呢。

77、Oh, Wally is always hacked about something. ─── 噢,沃利一贯对什么事都嫌烦。

78、I'm really hacked off with the way he always leaves his room in a mess. ─── 他总是把自己的屋子弄得一团糟,真让我烦心。

79、To cut(something) in a crude, unskillful manner; hack. ─── 乱砍以一种拙劣、不熟练的方式切割(某物);乱劈

80、Do you have any flats to hack now? ─── 你们现在有没有公寓要出租啊?

81、He took it into his head that we had spoken iii of him Behind his hack. ─── 他突然怀疑我们在背后讲他的坏话。

82、They will bring a mob against you, who will stone you and hack you to pieces with their swords. ─── 他们也必带多人来攻击你,用石头打死你,用刀剑刺透你

83、They had hacked secret data. ─── 他们窃取了保密数据。

84、He hacked the box apart with his ax. ─── 他用斧头劈开了那个箱子。

85、He can't hack such a heavy task. ─── 他对付不了这么艰巨的任务。

86、He hacked the box apart with the ax. ─── 他用斧头把盒子劈开。

87、You scratch my hack and I'll scratch yours. ─── 你替我搔背,我也就替你搔背(互相捧场)。

88、Ernie: How could a teenager hack into our hotel's computer system? I thought it was absolutely secure. ─── 一个十多岁孩子怎麽可以侵入我们旅馆的电脑系统?

89、To cut (something) in a crude, unskillful manner; hack. ─── 乱砍:以一种拙劣、不熟练的方式切割(某物);乱劈


 数据,资料;(储存在计算机中的)数据资料,原形 datum   They had hacked secret data他们窃取了保密数据,Data is transmitted electronically.数据是电子传输。


是Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty缩写,中文意思是双重征税避税协议

Both sides welcome the signing of the "Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Tax Evasion" between related agencies of the two countries.

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