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09-13 投稿



insulate 发音

英:[??ns?le?t]  美:[??nsjule?t]

英:  美:

insulate 中文意思翻译



insulate 网络释义

vt. 隔离,使孤立;使绝缘,使隔热

insulate 反义词


insulate 同义词

alienated |contracted | limited | cloistered | narrow | narrow-minded | parochial | inward-looking | provincial | blinkered

insulate 短语词组

1、insulate board ─── 绝缘板

2、insulate from ( ─── 使)与…隔绝

3、insulate body ─── 绝缘体

4、insulate sb from ─── 使某人隔绝

5、insulate against ─── 防止…, 与…隔绝

insulate 词性/词形变化,insulate变形


insulate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Insulate the person's body from the cold ground. ─── 将患者与寒冷的地面隔离开。

2、to insulate oneself from the outside world ─── 与外部世界隔绝

3、But even Buffett couldn't entirely insulate himself from modern financial methods. ─── 但是,即使是巴菲特也无法完全从现代金融方法中跳出来。

4、Wall vines and ground cover insulate against summer heat and reduce reflected radiation. ─── 墙上的藤蔓和地上辅盖的绝缘层,可以对抗夏季的曝晒和反射出来的热副射。

5、Even cloaked in ice, an oldsquaw duck finds Hokkaido's winter climate bearable. The ducks' densely packed feathers trap enough air to insulate them from frigid waters. ─── 即使身上被冰块覆盖,这只长尾鸭还是经得起北海道冬天的气候;这是因为它紧密的羽毛能够留住足够空气,让它在冰寒的水中保持温暖。

6、That machine is applicable to a tube paper, plastic sheet, aluminum screen, PVC, plastics thin film and insulate material etc. the small scale slices separately of ideal equipments. ─── 性能特点:CHARACTERISTICS 该机适用于卷筒纸、塑胶片、铝箔、PVC、塑料薄膜、绝缘材料等小规模分切的理想设备。

7、Technology of Signal Insulate in Industrial Control System ─── 工业控制系统的信号隔离技术

8、They have found a way to insulate themselves against the cost of inflation. ─── 他们找到了使自己免受通货膨胀影响的办法。

9、He says the windows will insolate insulate almost as well as the walls they are connected to. ─── 他说,这些窗户的隔热作用几乎和墙壁是一样的。

10、If the lesson was that a horde U.S. dollars was needed to insulate an economy from shocks, China earned an A+. ─── 如果这门课程的中心思想是需要储备大量美元以使经济免受冲击,那么中国的成绩无疑是A+。

11、The function of a mammal's fur is to insulate the body. ─── 哺乳动物皮毛的功能在于使身体保温。

12、We can insulate a live wire with rubber. ─── 我们可用橡胶使带电的电线绝缘。

13、Regarding the floor installation we advise the use of conductive adhesive types which let electrostatic charges pass, in order to insulate the floor. ─── 关于地面的安装,我们建议使用导电(或“带传导的”)粘合剂类型的胶水,可以让电流通过,使地面绝缘。

14、It is neither possible nor desirable to insulate young children from the dangers of adventurous play. ─── 完全不让小孩子参与危险的惊险游戏,既不可能,也不可取。

15、You must insulate all of your signal connections to the highest voltage with which the SCXI-1125 can come in contact. ─── 你必须将您的信号电缆和SCXI-1125可能接触的高电压进行绝缘处理。

16、In my own experience, money doesn't seem to insulate the wealthy from their need to be liked. ─── 就我亲身经历而言,金钱似乎不能割断富人对受人喜爱的需求。

17、People should insulate their homes to conserve energy. ─── 人们应该使住房隔冷以保存能量。

18、STP cable contains an outer conductive shield that is electrically grounded to insulate the signals from external electrical noise. ─── STP缆线包含一个外部有导电性的遮蔽,它将电气接地隔离讯号以避免外部的电气杂讯。

19、I have a very low carbon footprint already (& live in a flat so have no loft to insulate! ─── 我的个人生活就本着低碳的标准(住在公寓,没有阁楼需要做隔热绝缘!)

20、Be sure to insulate any loose unconnected wires with electrical tape for safety. ─── 为了安全,务必用电工胶带绝缘任何未连接的电线。

21、Suspending tightly woven mesh shade screens, bamboo shades, or exterior roller blinds outside windows can help insulate your home from the boiling sun. ─── 在窗户外,将编织洞很密的遮光屏,竹帘,或者是户外滚动式窗帘悬挂起,这能将你家的房子同那滚烫的太阳隔绝。

22、a rigid,clear thermoplastic polymer that can be molded into objects or made into a foam that is used to insulate refrigerators ─── 一种硬而明亮的热塑性聚合物,它能被铸成物件或制成用来给冰箱隔热的一种泡沫

23、They try to insulate them from risk or allow public investments to crowd out private ones. ─── 他们尽量使之免除风险或允许公共投资将私人投资排挤出去。

24、As one of the materials ,the reactive flame retardants have nonmigratory, durable performance, insulate thermal, inhaibit smoke and so on. ─── 反应型阻燃剂作为材料的组成部分不迁移、性能持久,具有良好的隔热、隔氧、抑烟功能,并防止产生熔滴。

25、"Sitting on a nest like that only made sense if it had feathers" to gently insulate its young, says Sues. ─── “像这样的端坐在巢中,它身上肯定长有能为幼兽保温的羽毛,只有这样才说得通,”苏伊士说。

26、When using the device with high common-mode voltages, you must insulate your signal wires for the highest input voltage. ─── 当设备使用共模电压时,你必须将信号电缆和最高的输入电压进行绝缘处理。

27、NMP can also be used as aromatic fibre, insulate pesticide,pigment and detergent,etc. ─── NMP可用于绝缘材料、农药、颜料及清洁剂等方面。

28、Huxley speculated that a coat of hair would insulate against loss of body heat and might streamline the body to reduce drag in flight. ─── 赫胥黎推测,一层毛发可以隔离身体热量的流失,并可能使身体呈现流线型,以减少飞行中的阻力。

29、Pebbles and gravel also insulate the soil to keep surface temperatures low and preserve water. ─── 小石头、砂砾层也可用来做隔绝层,以保持水分,降低土壤的温度。

30、The cerebral infarction restricted to the insulate cortex ─── 岛叶梗死

31、In order to avoid various operational problems due to the excessive temperature drop of fluid,it is often necessary to thermally insulate subsea oil and gas pipelines. ─── 与陆上管道有所不同,海底油气管道常常需要采取保温措施,以避免由于流体温降过大而引起的各种操作问题。

32、You must find a way to insulate yourself against the cost of inflation ─── 你必须找一种使自己免受通货膨胀损失的办法。

33、The first forms of protective footwear probably evolved from simple wrappings used to insulate the feet from snow and freezing temperatures, experts say. ─── 专家们说,最早的脚部保护物可能演变自简单的用于将脚从雪和冰冻中隔离的包裹物。

34、insulate v. ─── 使绝缘;

35、The XX has non-combustible, bear corrosion, bear heat, high and strong, insulate etc. special excellent function, Be mainly used for knitting to build XX. ─── XX具有不燃、耐腐蚀、耐高温、高强、绝缘等特殊的优异性能,主要用于织造XX。

36、Living in a high building tends to insulate us from the real life of the city. ─── 住在高楼里会使我们远离城市的真实生活。

37、Once insulate, imprison in the slope of the garden the previous and small house, I the feeling consign into limbo, very depressed. ─── 一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。

38、Macrophytic plants provide mediums for microorganisms and transfer oxygen by leaves and stems into roots.They also fix wetland surface, which can support ice layer and insulate heat. ─── 大型湿地植物既是微生物的“固定化载体”,氧气的生产和运输“机器”,同时还能够稳固湿地床表面,起到冬季保温和支撑冰面的作用。

39、To insulate themselves from the vicissitudes of China’s state control, companies go through all manner of legal contortions when they list shares. ─── 为了使它们自己从中国政府控制中隔离出来,公司在出示股票的时候要通过各种形式的法律扭曲。

40、ALC heat insulate boards ─── ALC隔热板墙

41、We should pursue agreement and attempt to insulate it as much as possible from the ups and downs of conflicts elsewhere . ─── 我们应该谋求达成协议,并且应该试图尽可能把它同别处此伏彼起的冲突分隔开来。

42、insulate oneself from ─── 将自己同 ... 隔离

43、Insulating layer often used in reserve oil tank to reduce heat loss.It's thi ckne ss has directly effect on the quality of insulate work. ─── 为减少热损失,存储载热介质的储罐通常要包敷保温层,而保温层厚度的大小将直接影响保温效果的优劣。

44、This paper analyzes the welding particularity between the reversing pieces and enamel wire winding leads(needn't remove the surface insulate coat of paint)of micro-motor's armature. ─── 分析了微型电机转子整流子换向片与漆包线绕组引线(不必去除表面绝缘漆层)焊接的特殊性;

45、insulate a studio from noise ─── 使工作室隔音

46、Double-glazing of windows helps to insulate the house from the cold weather ─── 双层玻璃窗有助于使房子与寒冷的天气隔绝。

47、These actions helped insulate the prime minister from the damage inflicted by the various scandals in his own private life. ─── 正是波特拉索的这些优异表现才使得贝鲁斯科尼总理能够从他个人生活的种种丑闻中脱身而出。

48、This paper provides that partial open sound insulating cover is adopted to insulate against sound and decrease noise of large air compressor unit. ─── 介绍了采用局部敞开式隔声罩隔音降噪技术治理空分站大型空压机组噪声的治理方案及取得的效果。

49、It is our pleasure to offer you, subject to confirmation, as under:" al" insulate board1/2'$40.00 per1, 000 sq. ft. ─── 兹向贵方报盘如下,但以我方确认为准:一级绝缘板,1/2英寸,每1000平方英尺40美元。

50、a water-resistant adhesive tape used to insulate exposed electrical conductors. ─── 包裹在裸露的电导体外面,使之绝缘的抗水的胶带。

51、keeping warm and insulate against heat ─── 保温隔热

52、He says the windows will insolubly insulate almost as well as the walls they are connected to. ─── 他称这些窗户的导热性能将和连接他们的墙一样。

53、Once insulate, imprison in the slope of the garden the previous and small house, I the feeling consign into limbo, very depressed. ─── 一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。

54、For decades, treatments for the most common form of multiple sclerosis have targeted T-cells, another type of immune cell that is believed to attack the fatty myelin sheaths that insulate the nerves. ─── 几十年来,最常用的多发性硬化的治疗方法是T细胞定向疗法,T细胞被认为是另外一种可以损伤对神经起绝缘和隔离作用的的脂肪髓鞘的细胞。

55、A Canadian woman managed to survive for three days buried deep in a snowbank, most likely because the snow helped to insulate her, police said on Tuesday. ─── 一名加拿大女子被埋在雪中三天后存活下来,最有可能的原因是大雪封顶而使其与外界隔离。警方周二称。

56、Standard Specification for Flexible Fibrous Glass Blanket Insulation Used to Externally Insulate HVAC Ducts ─── 外部隔热HVAC导管用的软玻璃纤维地毯隔热材料的标准规范

57、They have found a way to insulate them selves against the cost of inflation. ─── 他们找到了使自己免受通货膨胀损失的办法。

58、They hypothesize that a firm's advertising and R&D expenditures create intangible assets that insulate it from stock market changes, lowering its systematic risk. ─── 作者假设公司投入广告的费用和研发经费创造了公司有别于股价的无形资产,并由此减小了公司的系统风险。

59、Solar panels and wind would help provide energy.Straw and clay could be used to insulate the structures. ─── 天阳能电池以及风能帮助够提供能源,稻草和粘土可以被用于隔离这个建筑(当墙壁用)。

60、For a long time, but seems to insulate finally still leave. ─── 似乎隔绝了很久,但终究还是离不开。

61、Home owners are being encouraged to insulate their homes to save energy. ─── 当局鼓励房主在住房加隔热装置以节约能源。

62、Insulate the person's body from the cold ground. Lay the person faceup on a blanket or other warm surface. ─── 将患者的身体与冰凉的地面隔绝开。应该让患者面朝上地平躺在毯子或其它温暖的表面上。

63、GDI accomplishes this goal by providing facilities to insulate your programs from the particular characteristics of different output devices. ─── GDI通过提供将你的程序与不同输出设备特殊的特征相隔离的方便性完成这个目标。

64、In Summer: pain the dope on roofs or external walls of buildings, 60% of the heat will be reverberated and only 3% enables to enter rooms, so it can insulate the heat. ─── 夏天:将该涂料涂在建筑物的屋顶或外墙,60%热力被反射,只有3%能进入室内,从而起到一个隔热的作用。

65、He said, says the windows will insolate all most the insulate almost as well as the wall walls they are connected to. ─── 他说,这种玻璃将几乎隔热,当它们被连接到墙上的时候。

66、The fetal cells transformed into what seem like neurons, astrocytes (which help to feed neurons), oligodendrocytes (which insulate neurons) and macrophages (which ingest germs and damaged cells). ─── 可以转化为神经元细胞、星形胶质细胞(可为神经元细胞提供养分),少突胶质细胞(可分隔神经元细胞)、巨噬细胞(可吞噬消化细菌和受损细胞)。

67、Ensuring that the market functions well is the best way to insulate consumers against the vagaries of a single supplier. ─── 保证市场的良好运行是杜绝单一供应商的离奇行为影响消费者的最佳途径。

68、Any lingering fantasy that Asia could insulate itself from the storm raging through the rest of the world was swept aside last week. ─── 亚洲从这场金融风暴中明哲保身的童话在上周完全破灭了。

69、In hardware aspect, this paper use optical-electric insulation method stronger the signal of optical-electric encoder and insulate the infection of out load for main circuit successfully. ─── 在硬件抗干扰方面,本课题采用光电隔离的方法成功的对输入光电编码器的信号进行了整形,并隔离了输出负载对电路的影响。

70、Her parents tried to insulate her from dangerous influences. ─── 她的父母试图把她与危险的影响隔绝。

71、They have found a way to insulate them selves against the cost of inflation. ─── 他们找到了使自己免受通货膨胀损失的办法。

72、Paul Rode is a leader of the renovation project.He says the windows will insulate almost as well as the walls they are connected to. ─── 保罗.劳德是翻新工程的项目负责人,他说这些玻璃窗将会和墙壁一样发挥隔热保温作用。

73、lead line to the ground insulate badly ─── 地气

74、Producers give up a chance of a windfall but insulate themselves from the risk of lower prices. ─── 他们的竞争对手如果没有做对冲,只好扔硬币了。

75、In the meantime , you have to insulate yourself from his moods. ─── 同时,你必须将你自己隔绝在他的情绪之外。

76、To further increase the factory's efficiency, Lamborghini is also working to better insulate the facility's roof. ─── 为了进一步提高工厂的效率,兰博基尼还正在努力,以更好地隔离设施的屋顶。

77、insulate the organizational management system ─── 封闭化

78、He says the windows will insolat insulate almost just as well as the walls they are connected to. ─── 他介绍说,这种玻璃的隔热程度和它们连接的墙壁差不多。

79、insulate from ─── vt. 绝缘(隔离)

80、DEAR SARA: I have been reading up on the use of cardboard shutters for the inside of your windows to help insulate against the cold weather. ─── 亲爱的 SARA: 我看了你的一篇文章,说把硬纸板做的百叶窗挂到窗户的里边可以帮助防御冷空气。

81、The second objective of regulation is to insulate financial markets against the sort of panic seen in recent weeks. ─── 第二个监管目标是保护金融市场免受最近几周这种恐慌的冲击。

82、Do not insulate your mother from everyday difficulties even if she is old . ─── 不要使你母亲经常脱离日常的困难,尽管她已经老了。

83、Variable levies can insulate farmers and consumers from world markets. ─── 差价进口税可以把农民和消费者与世界市场隔离开来。

84、Is there any way we can insulate our home from the noise? ─── 有什么办法能使我们家隔音吗?

85、In the meantime, you have to insulate yourself from his moods. ─── 同时,妳必须将妳自己隔绝在他的情绪之外。

86、Don't insulate your mother from everyday difficulties even if she is old. ─── 不要使你母亲经常脱离日常的困难,尽管她已经老了。


88、Such effects would have to be mitigated through targeted subsidies for poorer households, for instance, to insulate their homes. ─── 必须通过有针对性的补贴,例如给房子隔热,来减轻对贫困家庭的影响。

89、They have found a way to insulate themselves against the cost of inflation. ─── 他们找到了使自己免受通货膨胀影响的办法。

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