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09-13 投稿



hacker 发音

英:[?h?k?r]  美:[?h?k?(r)]

英:  美:

hacker 中文意思翻译




hacker 网络释义

n. 电脑黑客,企图不法侵入他人电脑系统的人n. (Hacker)人名;(英)哈克

hacker 短语词组

1、cell phone hacker ─── 手机黑客

2、chord hacker ─── 和弦黑客

3、juvenile hacker ─── 少年黑客

4、process hacker ─── 进程查看工具

5、hacker ethic ─── [计] 开发者宗旨, 开拓者信条

6、the hacker ─── 黑客

7、Arthur Hacker ─── 亚瑟·哈克

8、von Hacker's operation ─── [医] ─── [冯]哈克氏手术(尿道下裂修补术)

9、good hacker ─── 好黑客

10、mr hacker hacker ─── 先生

11、password hacker ─── 密码黑客

12、chinese hacker ─── 中国黑客

13、snap hacker snap ─── 黑客

14、juice jam boy hacker ─── 果汁 ─── 果酱男孩黑客

15、good son to be a hacker ─── 做黑客的好儿子

16、kick hacker ─── 踢黑客

17、music hacker ─── 音乐黑客

18、ethical hacker ─── 文明黑客

19、china hacker ─── 中国黑客

hacker 常用词组

computer hacker ─── 计算机黑客

hacker 词性/词形变化,hacker变形


hacker 相似词语短语

1、dacker ─── vi.犹豫;摇摇摆摆

2、hackee ─── 哈克

3、whacker ─── n.重击的人;异常巨大的东西;弥天大谎

4、hackler ─── n.梳麻的人

5、backer ─── n.支持者;赞助人;援助者;n.(Backer)人名;(英、法、德、荷、西)巴克尔;(瑞典)巴克

6、hacked ─── 生气

7、hackers ─── n.黑客,骇客;电脑黑客(hacker的复数)

8、hackery ─── n.牛车;双轮牛车;粗劣作品;新闻行业

9、hocker ─── n.典当者;n.(Hocker)人名;(德、英、罗)霍克

hacker 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The risk is not always somewhere else. The risk to the merchant is not always the customer or hacker, it might be an employee. ─── 但风险不总存在于别处。商人的风险不总是存在于顾客或黑客一方,可能来自内部雇员。

2、Although the ciphertext message was stolen by the hacker, it cannot be decrypted without the right key. ─── 即使资料窃取,也只有拥有此金钥的使用者才能够解开此密文。

3、One hacker can easily hand out a copy of his illegal third party tool to all his friends with just a simple file transfer. ─── 一个黑客可以很容易失控了他的非法第三方工具复制到所有的朋友,只需简单的文件传输。

4、Open this version the goal is, tells everybody, the safe is not the hacker, I Hope everybody does not want the casual hack otherswebsite! ─── 开这个版的目的是,告诉大家,安全并非黑客,希望大家不要随便黑别人网站!

5、Hind because of opening pet store abjection Li Yi surpasses the company that joined Luo Chun, begin to be engaged in " hacker " . ─── 后因开宠物店而落魄的李逸超加入了罗春的公司,开始从事“黑客”。

6、Pekka Himanen, The Hacker Ethic and the spirit of the Information Age. ─── 中文译本:骇客伦理与资讯时代精神(刘琼云译,大块文化,2002)

7、"Hacker" warfare, in which computer systems are attacked. ─── “黑客”战。用于攻击计算机系统。

8、Variation of old hacker slang that had more negative connotations. ─── 它是从一个旧的俚语词汇变化而来,原意是形容骇客的。

9、Which offers a good starting point for the willing hacker. ─── 它向乐意琢磨的人提供了良好的开端。

10、His (Bill Gates) intensely competitive approach has poisoned the collaborative hacker ethos of the early days of personal computing. ─── 他[比尔·盖茨]这种激烈的竞争取向,已经伤害电脑早期发展时代那种骇客通力合作的文化特质。

11、G: Therefore, someone compares those stimulants as a" cancer", are" underworld" and" the hacker of the sports community". ─── 因此,有人把兴奋剂比喻为“毒瘤”,是“黑社会”,是“体坛黑客”。

12、Ginseng is sessional, ma Long still the hand is holding notebook computer in both hands, fight with the hacker. ─── 参会期间,马龙依然手捧着笔记本电脑,与黑客作战。

13、Again, if stolen the session cookie can be used to get a hacker into the system and access someone else's session state. ─── 同样,如果失窃,会话cookie将可被用来使黑客进入系统并访问别人的会话状态。

14、Instead, Hacker is pushing for more courses like the one he teaches at Queens College: Numeracy 101. ─── 相反,Hacker 正在推动更多类似于他在皇后学院教授的课程:计算能力101。

15、In the research counterplan of hacker"s attack,I carefully analyse the whole process of attack, so I study out the countermeasure. ─── 在研究黑客攻击的安全性问题时,以一个黑客攻击监控网络的全过程仔细分析研究了黑客攻击手段,这样就研究出具有针对性的防御对策。

16、This report would be intelligible only to a hacker. ─── 只有计算机运算专家才能看懂这份报告。

17、Hacker notes a difference between these products and, for example, Red Bull that is mixed by consumers or bartenders with alcohol. ─── 哈克指出有区别的这些产品,例如,红牛是混合的消费者或用酒精调酒师。

18、Can be used to describe a malicious hacker. ─── 可用来描述恶意黑客。

19、English Title: What Is Blog, Podcast, Pinker, Wiki, Digg, Witkey, Hacker, Cracker and Cyberpunk? ─── 中文标题:博客播客威客维客拍客闪客红客黑客骇客拼客换客网站是什么意思?

20、Network security protection from hacker attacks. ─── 保护网络安全,免受黑客攻击。

21、ANSS is the same as other systems in Internet, and it can capture actions of hacker from beginning to end. ─── ANSS位于真实的网络环境中,可以自始至终捕获到黑客的行为。

22、A hacker can get away with the most outrageous stupid plays merely because he is doing what everyone expects of him. ─── 一个臭球即使打得再愚蠢糟糕也没人责怪,只是因为这在人们的意料之中。

23、What he expressed himself is anxious: The cost of hacker attack Internet bar is such low, later if how such circumstance does reappear? ─── 他表示了自己的担忧:黑客攻击网吧的成本如此之低,以后如果再出现这样的情况怎么办?

24、He adheres to a self-styled"hacker ethic,"which justified any computer intrusion as long as the motive is pure. ─── 他坚守自称的“电脑窃贼伦理”,认为只要是动机纯正,任何入侵电脑的行为都是正常的。

25、A prominent hacker claims to have unlocked the Apple iTunes music store's copy protection system. ─── 一个突出的骇客声称已上锁一事苹果音乐商店的拷贝保护系统。

26、There was a bad traffic accident. That hacker ran into the back of my van and killed my cat. Too bad it wasn't my wife because I loved my cat. ─── 发生了一起糟糕的交通事故。出租车撞到了面包车的后背。撞死了我的猫。太遗憾了,死的不是我太太,因为我爱我的猫。

27、Ginseng is sessional, ma Long still the hand is holding notebook computer in both hands, "Fight with the hacker " . ─── 参会期间,马龙依然手捧着笔记本电脑,“与黑客作战”。

28、The past year due to hacker attacks there have been 5 total blocks of the site. ─── 去年一年,由于遭到黑客攻击,导致该神社网页瘫痪了5次。

29、But copping an attitude alone won't make you a hacker, any more than it will make you a champion athlete or a rock star. ─── 但只具备这些态度并不能使你成为一名黑客,也不能使你成为一个运动健将和摇滚明星。

30、Its products cover anti-virus, network security and hacker protection. ─── 其产品覆盖反病毒,网络安全和黑客防卫。

31、In the event that we have more logon error from the last time we checked until this time, ie. excessive attempts, this could indicate a hacker attempting to hack into the system. ─── 在登录错误比上次检查时多的情况下,如过多企图,可能表示有人试图非法进入系统。

32、The most recent breach was by a hacker in Texas, who asked Mr Mitnick to hire him as the company's security officer. ─── 另一次的入侵是一群自称“怪物”黑客,他们在凯文的公司网站上贴了一个贴子:“凯文先生,欢迎你重归自由,入侵你的网站容易又有趣”。

33、One cheeky hacker combined real-time traffic data from Yahoo! with the driving directions from Google. ─── 一个无耻的黑客甚至还将雅虎的实时交通数据和 Google 的驾驶指南结合起来。

34、To oppose hacker and to prevent virus are the important content of network secure. ─── 反黑客、病毒是网络安全的重要内容。

35、A "hacker" is an excellent computer user who spends his free time reading the secret files of others. ─── “黑客”是利用空余时间阅读他人秘密文件的高技能计算机使用者。

36、While many publications exist about software that can be used to secure computer environments, very few publications exist that explain how hacker attacks are actually performed. ─── 尽管有许多出版物介绍可以用来确保计算机环境安全的软件,但很少有出版物说明黑客攻击实际上是如何执行的。

37、"Hacker " army just still browbeats before, and became real danger gradually now. ─── “黑客”部队在以前还只是一个威胁,而现在则逐渐变成了实实在在的危险。

38、In the times of network, we face threats from virus, hacker, electronic eavesdropper, and electronic deceiver.The safety is true of important. ─── 在这个全球网路连结的时代,我们面临病毒、骇客、电子窃听,以及电子诈骗的威胁,安全性真的是无时无刻不重要的。

39、Using this method available information of plentiful alarms has been extracted and procedure for intrusion of hacker has been replayed visually. ─── 在报警数据的属性关联中,本文给出了完整的入侵案例表示结构的定义。

40、But now a laboratory in Cambridge, England, has found a way to turn a hacker's screen instantly blank if he infiltrates the network. ─── 但此时此刻,在英国剑桥的一间实验室里,已发现了即刻使侵入网络的黑客的屏幕变成空白的方法。

41、Celine: At least the police caught the young hacker before he could do any more damage. ─── 塞利娜:至少警方已经捉到那个年轻骇客,他不能再为患了。

42、If you are not a hacker yourself, it may help you cope with our eccentricities if you think of us as being brain-damaged. ─── 如果你自己不是黑客,那么,把我们想象成脑部有缺陷的人有助你面对我们的古怪。

43、The paper trails themselves could be made part of a scheme for defrauding an election if a hacker tampers with the printing software. ─── 如果入侵者利用列印软体干扰,纸张记录本身可能也会变成一种做票方法。

44、He issued the card of recruit hacker on illusive forum. ─── 他便在幻影论坛上发出了招募黑客的帖子。

45、Because the Internet is a public space, a malicious person like Bob Hacker can intercept messages with little effort. ─── 因为Internet是一个公共空间,像Bob Hacker这样怀有恶意的人不用费多少力气就能截获消息。

46、Hacker: You can download free of charge, but need to regis... ─── 可以免费下载,决定公布它了...

47、Doing so creates a target for a hacker to potentially exploit and increases your security risk. ─── 否则可能会为黑客创建可利用的目标,并增加安全风险。

48、Their networks clogged with false requests sent by multiple computers under the control of a single hacker, these commercial sites crashed and lost untold millions in sales. ─── 他们的网络由于被多样的计算机送的错误请求在控制之下阻碍一单一砍劈,这些商业的位置撞碎而且遗失了售卖的untold数百万。

49、This initiates a countdown sequence that if successfully completed, aligns the base to the empire the hacker belongs to. ─── 如果成功了会启动一个倒计时,把基本连到自己帝国所属的基地。

50、This site was attacked by a hacker last week. ─── 上周这个网站被黑客攻击了。

51、Hacker gentleman, very happy sees you once more! ─── 哈克先生,非常高兴再次看到你!

52、In a DoS attack, the hacker initiates a SYN but spoofs the source IP address. ─── 在DoS攻击中,骇客发出SYN封包,但是伪造来源IP位址。

53、"Top fox " it is ace of a hacker, he wrote trojan program 2006, began the trade of purloin individual information from now on. ─── “顶狐”是一名黑客高手,2006年他编写了木马程序,从此开始了盗取个人信息的行当。

54、A hacker may agree to accept some kinds of authority in order to get something he wants more than the time he spends following orders. ─── 如果服从命令得到某种东西比起用其他方式得到它更节约时间,黑客可以同意接受某种形式的权威。

55、Kocher fully expects that the hacker community to attack BD+ and that its backup mechanisms will be needed. ─── Kocher完全预料到黑客社区会攻击BD+,因而必须有后备机制。

56、On the net, a lot of people blame him by " loiter " , not only net fast slow, and sufferred the hacker is atttacked. ─── 在网上,很多人抱怨自己被“蹭”,不但网速变慢,而且遭到了黑客攻击。

57、If you are not a techie or hacker yourself, trust us that this feeling is very important to the gurus and experts you tapped for help. ─── 如果你自己不是老手或者黑客,那就相信我们,这种感觉对于那些你向他们求助的导师或者专家而言,是非常重要的。

58、Even if we stipulate that I am a fairly talented hacker, this is an amazing testament to Python's clarity and elegance of design. ─── 但代码量还不是真正令人称道的,想想:我只花了九十分钟来写这些代码,而且我第一次运行就成功实现啦。

59、But if you think of cultivating hacker attitudes as just a way to gain acceptance in the culture, you'll miss the point. ─── 但是如果你认为培养黑客态度只是一条在黑客文化圈中得到承认的路子,那就大错特错了。

60、Just for a minute, the hacker seemed anxious to prove that he or she had some sense of morality. ─── 没一会儿,黑客就急于想我证明他是多么有道德。

61、Words i like: freedom fighter, true hacker, genius of geniuses, big idiot, perfect, and most like: hehe. ─── 以前最喜欢的词:自由战士,真正的黑客,天才中的天才,大白痴,完美,最最喜欢的词:呵呵.

62、They should also check their computer records regularly to spot any abnormal activity, which might betray the presence of a hacker. ─── 他们还应定期检查电脑记录以发现可能是黑客形迹异常活动。

63、The risk is not always somewhere else. The risk to the merchant is not always the customer or hacker, it might be an employee. ─── 但风险不总存在于别处。商人的风险不总是存在于顾客或黑客一方,可能来自内部雇员。

64、Making what the person pays close attention to is, to punishing network " hacker " illegal criminality, criminal law increased relevant provision. ─── 令人关注的是,对于惩治网络“黑客”的违法犯罪行为,刑法增加了相关条款。

65、A lot of hacker inbreaks in the home every day others website, catch a fryer to work namely. ─── 好多黑客就天天在家入侵别人网站,就是抓肉鸡工作。

66、To stop him, the authorities free imprisoned former hacker Wyatt Gillette to aid the investigation. ─── 他锁定富有挑战性的攻击对象,潜入他们的电脑,窥探他们的种种私密,并且以令人胆寒的精确算计,从电脑屏幕走进用户的实际生活,并一步步引诱他们走向死亡。

67、By right of " belle " add " hacker " dual appeal, large quantities of vermicelli made from bean starch are prostrated in its pomegranate skirt falls. ─── 凭借“美女”加“黑客”的双重吸引力,大批粉丝拜倒在其石榴裙下。

68、After hacker attack website is procurable, carry out " hang a horse " . ─── 当黑客攻击网站得手后,便实施“挂马”。

69、In the Mitnick affair a hacker infiltrated into many departments' networks, which threatened the security of the country. ─── 在米尼克事件中,一个骇客潜入许多部门的电脑网路,这对国家的安全构成了威胁。

70、Finally, it had to be secure, even in the hostile hacker --and virus filled environment of the Internet. ─── 最后,它必须是安全的,哪怕是在到处是心怀敌意的黑客和病毒的互联网络环境中也如此。

71、The easy choice was to join the proprietary software world, signing nondisclosure agreements and promising not to help my fellow hacker. ─── 容易的选择是加入私有软件世界,签署保密协议并承诺不去帮助我的黑客伙伴。

72、To be a hacker, you have to develop some of these attitudes. ─── 作为一名黑客,你必须培养起这些态度。

73、A document on XKB written by a hacker frustrated by the lack of documentation. ─── 一个被文档的缺乏困扰的黑客写的关于XKB的文档。

74、Another kind of attack on DNS systems is a "cache poisoning" attack, where the malicious hacker relies on flaws in some implementations of DNS to "hijack" domain names. ─── DNS系统上的另一类攻击是“高速缓存中毒”攻击,恶意的黑客利用某些DNS实现中的漏洞来“劫持”域名。

75、Doing so creates a larger target for a hacker to potentially exploit and increases your security risk. ─── 否则可能为黑客提供可利用的更大目标,并增加安全风险。

76、A skilled hacker could take over the computer to mine personal data or hitch it to other infected machines in a malevolent network, he added. ─── 他还说,老道的黑客可以利用装有绿坝的电脑挖掘其私人数据,或者将其与其他被侵入的电脑组成一个可怕的网络。

77、Nothing is 100 percent hacker-proof. ─── 没有什么东西是100%防黑客的。

78、You open the season tonight against Mr. Hacker's pit bulls, don't you? ─── 今晚你们与害客先生的比特犬队是本季棒球第一场,对不?

79、But all details about his interlocutor had been destroyed, in a textbook hacker way. ─── 好奇记者本来就没有与陌生人在网路上聊天的习惯,除了一些匿名者要提供内幕消息时,好奇记者才会利用网路与人即时通话。

80、Robert Lay: You hacker you. Thanks for always hooking me up, and flicking off paparazzi. ─── 你真是棒透了,谢谢你常约与我碰面也帮我应付狗仔。

81、Therefore so long as all security vulnerabilities were found and patched, the system may resist most of attacks launched by the hacker. ─── 因此只要找到并修补所有的安全漏洞,就可以抵御绝大部分的黑客攻击。

82、So to behave like a hacker, you have to develop an instinctive hostility to censorship, secrecy, and the use of force or deception to compel responsible adults. ─── 因此,作为一个黑客,你得对审查、保密,以及使用武力或欺骗去压迫有行为能力的人们的做法有一种本能的敌意。

83、Dennis Ritchie is currently the head of Lucent Technology's System Software Research Department, while Ken Thompson has retired from both Bell Labs and the hacker spotlight. ─── Dennis Ritchie是现在那头光亮的技术系统软件研究部门,而肯恩汤普生有从铃中心和那都退休砍劈聚光灯。对名望的要求

84、To crack a DES encrypted message a hacker or commercial spy would need to try 255 possible keys. ─── 为打开一个DES加密的报文,黑客或商业间谍需要试验255种可能的钥匙。

85、If a computer is attacked by a hacker or virus, it could lose important personal information and software. ─── 如果一台计算机受到黑客或者病毒攻击,那么其中重要的个人信息和软件就有可能丢失。

86、A comprehensive, yet easy-to-use network protection software, we can ensure that your computer is not used by any hacker intrusion. ─── 一个全面,却又简单易用的网络防护软件,可以确保你的计算机不被任何黑客侵扰。

87、An external hacker is probably an expert in security attacks, but may not have any particular grudge against you. ─── 外部黑客也许是安全性攻击方面的专家,但是他们对您可能没有攻击动机。

88、Despite millions of dollars in research funding, no hacker has been able to coax a machine to walk across a room under its own intellect. ─── 尽管已在研发上投入了千万巨资,还没有哪个高手可以发明一台机器靠自己的智能行走,哪怕是横穿房间这么短的距离。

89、A hacker thus needs to sell his find quickly, which requires the verification process to be streamlined. ─── 因此黑客需要尽快售出其的发现,这就需要市场的认证过程能够足够流畅。
















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