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09-13 投稿



iso 发音

英:[?a?so?; ?a? es ?o?]  美:[?a?s??; ?a? es ???]

英:  美:

iso 中文意思翻译




iso 词性/词形变化,iso变形


iso 短语词组

1、iso-alloxazine mononucleotide ─── [医] 异咯嗪 ─── [单]核甙酸

2、iso-amyl alcohol ─── [医] 异戊醇

3、iso-agglutinin ─── [医] 同种凝集素, 同族凝集素

4、erythro-di-iso-trans-tactic ─── [化] 赤型双反式全同立构的

5、idio-iso-agglutinin ─── [医] 自发同种凝集素

6、iso-adenine ─── [医] 异腺嘌呤

7、iso-agglutination ─── [医] 同种凝集, 同族凝集

8、iso-alloxazine ─── [医] 异咯嗪

9、iso-amyl-ethylbarbituric acid ─── [医] 异戊基乙基巴比土酸, 安密妥

10、iso-agglutinative ─── [医] 同种凝集的, 同族凝集的

11、ISO 8648 ─── [计] ISO路由器标准组成部分

12、iso-agglutinogen ─── [医] 同种凝集原, 同族凝集原

13、ISO 9575 ─── [计] ISO路由器标准组成部分

14、ISO 7498-4 ─── [计] ISO网络管理框架模型

15、iso-adrenocorticism ─── [医] 肾上腺皮质机能正常

16、iso-alloxazine adenine dinucleotide ─── [医] 异咯嗪腺甙二核甙酸

17、iso- pref. ─── 相等, 异构, 同种 [医] ─── 相等, 均等, 同族, 同种, 异构

18、iso-alcoholic elixir ─── [医] 等醇酏

19、International Standardization Organization(ISO) ─── [化] 国际标准化组织

iso 相似词语短语

1、piso ─── abbr.压力隐式算子分裂(Pressure-ImplicitwithSplittingofOperators);串行输出(parallel-inserial-out);监察工具软件名(PerformanceInsightSecurityforOracle)

2、isos ─── 等轴

3、Aso ─── abbr.美国海洋学会(AmericanSocietyforOceanography);abbr.航空供应局(AviationSupplyOffice);abbr.抗链球菌溶血素O(antistreptolysin);abbr.动脉硬化闭塞症(arteriosclerosisobliterans);abbr.等位基因特异性寡核苷酸分析法(allele-specificoligonucleotide);abbr.应用市场搜索优化(AppStoreOptimization)

4、iso- ─── abbr.国际标准化组织(InternationalStandardizationOrganization);国际科学组织(InternationalScienceOrganization);n.(Iso)人名;(塞、芬、西)伊索

5、is. ─── abbr.岛(island)

6、miso ─── n.味噌,日本豆面酱;n.(Miso)人名;(西)米索

7、ish ─── abbr.原位杂交(InSituHybridization);国际高血压联盟(InternationalSocietyofHypertension);单纯收缩期高血压(IsolatedSystolicHypertension)

8、is- ─── v.是(be的第三人称单数)

9、isl ─── abbr.冰岛(isliceland);abbr.星间链路(inter-satellitelink)

iso 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In fact, the ISO system encourages regular Management Review for continual improvement. ─── 制度鼓励管理阶层定期检讨,力求进步。

2、In order to make compatibility tests, please remember that your ISO shouldn't be more than54 chars. ─── 为了做兼容性测试,请记得,您的iso名字不要超过54字符。

3、BS EN ISO 14577-4-2007 Metallic materials - Instrumented ind... ─── 2002冶金材料.测量金属硬度和参数用的仪表压...

4、What we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO. ─── 我们现在要推进的是让跨国公司达到 ISO 设定的标准。

5、Coordinates and directs ISO project implementation teams. ─── 协调和指导ISO项目执行小组。

6、Our products are produced in conformity with international quality assurance standards ISO 9001. ─── 产品生产符合国际质量认证体系ISO 9001。

7、Tables B.1 and B.2 identify links and broad technical correspondences between ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 and vice-versa. ─── B.1与B.2的两张表格中,列出了CNS14001(ISO14001)和CNS12681(ISO9001)相互间的关连和大概的技术对应情况。

8、ISO certification and internal audits implementation. ─── ISO认证和内部审核执行。

9、Reduced clearance range corresponding to "paired rings" specified in ISO 5753:1981. ─── 减小的游隙范围,同1981年的ISO 5753标准规定的“配对圈”对应。

10、Microsoft extension to the ISO 9660 filesystem that allows Unicode characters to be used in filenames, as well as long filenames. ─── Microsoft对ISO9660文件系统的扩展,它允许在文件名中使用Unicode字符,同样也允许长文件名。

11、The download file is an ISO CD image. ─── 下载文件为一个ISO CD映像。

12、ISO expects organizations to apply this model, and to meet these requirements, by developing a quality system. ─── iso为使组织就用这一模型和满足这些要求,制定了一套质量体系。

13、Seems weak and tendancy to under exposed shots. Boosting ISO alone helped little, but metering is still off (under). ─── 内置闪光灯比较弱和容易欠曝。增加ISO有所改善,但测光还是不对(欠)。

14、The three pteridophytes are Iso tes sinensis palmer. , Ceratopteris thalictroides Brongn. ─── 、水蕨(Ceratopteris thalictroides Brongn.)

15、The ISO contains only the applications, no data -- which means you might have to recreate any custom settings again. ─── 这个ISO文件只包含应用程序,而不包含数据——这就是说你可能不得不重新自定义设置了。

16、Shenzhen Focus Link ... guarantee system had passed and obtained the ISO 9001 : 2000 (Cert. No.... ─── 卖:防振锤防振锤,防振锤上海永固电力器材有限公司赵先生2008年5月2日,23:30:28

17、C sizes: Series of sizes for envelopes in the ISO range. To accommodate stationery in A series sizes. ─── C度:国际标准范围内的信封尺寸系列:以容纳A度系列的书信文件。

18、MeanWhile, we are the first EDMwire maker to be licenced by ISO in Taiwan. ─── ?品行湮?美、日本、?南?等地?,?得?肴客?一致帐同陪信?,在胚?同?中,是最早通咿ISO?肴品冱帐酌的?良?商。

19、ISO 19011 and the ISO/IEC 17021 explain what an audit report should contain. ─── ISO 19011和ISO/IEC17021解释,审核报告应当包括哪些内容。

20、In 2001, it became the first car-park management company to be accredited with the ISO 9001:2000 certificate. ─── 于2001年,成为全港首间荣获ISO 9001:2000国际标准认证的停车场管理公司。

21、The dimensions of the HJ angle rings correspond to those specified in ISO 246:1995. ─── HJ角圈的尺寸同1995年的ISO 246标准所规定的尺寸对应。

22、Additional modifications and updates to ISO and Lao government IT standards are required for the long term. ─── 为长远打算,需要对iso和老挝政府信息技术标准进行添加和更新。

23、However, Auto ISO is very keen to push sensitivity up to 400 which has a negative impact on image quality. ─── 不过,自动ISO是非常热衷于推动灵敏度高达400,其中有一个负面影响,对图像质量。

24、"In women, we found a slightly reduced risk with light consumption but a much greater risk with heavy alcohol use, " Iso said. ─── 对于女性来说,我们发现少量饮酒风险率轻度下降,而大量饮酒可使风险大幅上升。

25、There was an error creating the ISO image. ─── 制作ISO镜象过程中出现错误。

26、These limits for metric bearings conform to ISO 582:1995. ─── 公制轴承的这些极限值符合ISO 582:1995。

27、However, in many cases the bore and outside diameters correspond to Diameter Series 9 or 0 to ISO 15:1998. ─── 但是,在很多情况下,孔径和外径同1998年的ISO 15标准的直径系列9或0对应。

28、The ISO Quality Standard sets in place a system to deploy policy and verifiable objectives. ─── ISO品质标准设计在系统中用来安排政策方针和可验证的目标。

29、No. In the ISO protocol model, physical communication takes place only in the lowest layer, not in every layer. ─── 不。,在ISO协议模型中,物理通讯只在最低的层里进行,不在每个层里。

30、ISO prolonged APD,urged EAD,delayed DAD and triggered activity, and increased ICa-L and IKI . ─── ISO延长动作电位时程(APD),诱发早期后除极(EAD),延迟后除极(DAD)及触发激动,增加L型-钙电流(I_(Ca-L))及I_(K1)。

31、CTL) sensor for quantitative analysis of the explosive gases of propane and iso-butane in a mixture was proposed. ─── 提出了一种用于定量分析混合气中丙烷和异丁烷爆炸性气体的催化发光(CTL)传感器。

32、Don't waste time learning a lot of useless words in iso¬lation. ─── 不要浪费时间孤立地学习没有用的单词。

33、Has developed an international coding standard called ISO 10646. ─── 发展了一套名为ISO 10646的国际编码标准。

34、ISO 10646 Universal Character Set (UCS) is a 31-bit character-encoding scheme. ─── ISO 10646通用字元集(UCS)是31位元的编码架构。

35、Bre can alleviate myocardial hypertrophy and fibrosis induced by Iso in rats. ─── Bre对Iso引起大鼠心肌肥厚和纤维化具有一定的改善作用。

36、Checks its content to determine if the image is a valid Debian iso image or not. ─── 会检查它包含的内容,确定该映像档是不是有效的Debian iso映像。

37、Understands the shoesindustry ERP system and 5S, the ISO quality control system! ─── 了解鞋业ERP系统及5S、ISO品质管理体系!

38、ISK comes from the Icelandic krona, and this ISO code is ISK. ─── 也许,谁能在这次浪潮中抢先突围,才算得上真正胜者。

39、The MQV protocols described are in IEEE 1363-2000, ANSI X9.63-2001 and the draft standard ISO 15946-3. ─── MQV协议在IEEE 1363-2000、ANSI X9.63-2001和ISO 15946-3标准草案中记述。

40、Piping shall be color belt mark as per ISO color code. ─── 依照ISO颜色法规管路应该同样的用颜色带标记。

41、Other teams are of course free to work on such a project, although so far all public attempts at an iso loader in user mode have failed. ─── 其他球队当然自由的工作这样一个项目,虽然迄今为止在国际标准化组织的一个用户化的公共装载机所有尝试都失败了。

42、ISO 9004 gives guidance on a wider range of objectives of a quality management system than does ISO 9001. ─── 与ISO9001相比ISO9004对质量管理体系更宽范围的目标提供了指南.

43、It is one of the members of China Auto Maintenance Equipment Industry Association and ISO 9001: 2000 certificated. ─── 上海意拓是中国汽车保修设备行业协会会员单位,通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体。

44、JPEG2000 is a new still image compression standard appointed by ISO. ─── JPEG2000是国际标准化组织(ISO)指定的新一代静止图像压缩标准。

45、The ISO country code in two chars. You can use this field for quick search. ─── 20 ISO国家代码使用两个字符。您可以使用该字段来快速搜索。

46、CD2ISO can be used to make iso dumps of a CD or DVD drive and to verify the checksum of existing or just-burned disks. ─── cd2iso可以用来制造标准化堆放的cd或dvd驱动器,并验证校验现有或只烧盘。

47、The boundary dimensions of an SNL plummer block housing conform to ISO 113:1999. ─── SNL立式轴承座的边界尺寸符合ISO 113:1999。

48、ISO 9000 is a Quality System Management Standard. TQM is a philosophy of perpetual improvement. ─── ISO 9000是一套品质管理系统标准,全面品质管理是一种永久不断改善的理念。

49、HOD presented as high intensity signal on T 2WI and iso or hypo intensity signal on T 1WI. ─── MRI表现为T2 WI高信号 ,T1WI呈等或稍低信号。

50、OCR-B: An ISO recognized machine-readable typeface that is designed to be more legible to humans than OCR-A. ─── 光读字体(B):国际标准组织认可的字体。它的设计,除机器可读之外,人们阅读,亦较光读字体(A)为易。

51、What's the difference in Stainless steer classification between ISO and GB? ─── 不锈的分类上在iso和GB之间有什么区别?

52、ISO 9628:1992 "Rolling bearings - Insert bearings and eccentric locking collars". ─── ISO 9628.1992“滚动轴承-带座轴承及偏心锁定环”

53、When compared with Iso hearts, Iso+BRL group had more deteriorated cardiac functions and higher LVW/BW. ─── 与Iso组比 ,Iso +BRL组的心脏舒缩功能进一步下降 ,左室重 /体重进一步增加。

54、OCR-A: One of the ISO recognized typefaces designed to aid machine readability. ─── 光读字体(A):是国际标准组织认可的一款机器能够阅读的字体设计。

55、The draft ISO SQL3 standard states that on a rollback, all cursors (even those cursors opened WITH HOLD) should close. ─── ISO SQL3标准草案声明:在回退时,所有游标(甚至是那些打开为WITH HOLD的游标)都应关闭。

56、The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as "environmentally friendly" and "non-polluting" cannot be verified. ─── ISO 标签标准禁止在产品包装上发表模糊或误导性的声明,因为诸如“环境友好”和“无污染”等术语无法得到验证。

57、The boundary dimensions of SKF spherical plain thrust bearings are in accordance with ISO 12240-3. ─── SKF球面滑动推力轴承的外形尺寸符合ISO 12240-3。

58、The Normal and class P5 tolerances for the metric bearings conform to ISO 492-2002. ─── 公制轴承的标准公差和P5级公差符合ISO 492-2002。

59、Analog Devices provides downloadable copies of our ISO, QML, and QS-9000 certificates for your review. ─── ADI公司提供可下载的ISO,QML和QS-9000证书副本供您查阅。

60、ISO 105-B and AATCC 16 are the very popular methods for light fastness testing. ─── ISO 10 5 B和AATCC 16是常用的耐晒牢度的测试方法 ,文中分别用该两种方法测试了各种常用活性染料的耐晒牢度。

61、Operation of ISO 14001 Environment Management System in Coal Preparation Plant of Shenhuo Coal Electricity Co. ─── ISO14001环境管理体系在神火煤电股份有限公司选煤厂的运行。

62、Just a warning though, doing an SNMP walk of the whole . iso tree can take quite a while, so you might want to just take my word for it. ─── 尽管只是一个警告,但对整个.iso树的SNMP遍历可能会花费较长的时间,因此您可能会接受我的观点。

63、The internal audit process is de rigueur for ISO management systems. ─── 内审过程对ISO管理体系的重要内容。

64、The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. ─── 制定国际标准的工作通常由iso 的技术委员会完成.

65、Noise is reduced when working at high sensitivity ISO setting. ─── 减少色噪,当工作在高敏感性ISO设置时。

66、The current ISO setting can be determined also by turning the mode dial to select the ISO User Setting mode. ─── iso的设定可经由转动模式盘的iso设定模式来设定。

67、Buna-N Conforms to ISO 19973-2 test standards. ─── 丁腈橡胶符合ISO 19973-2测试标准。

68、Created and improved the software development processes to match the requirements of ISO 9001 or cmm system. ─── 创立并提高了软件开发程序,以符合ISO9001和CMM要求。

69、MR showed low signal intensity on T?1WI and iso?signal intensity on T?2WI. ─── MRI表现为SE序列T1加权低信号,T2加权等信号。

70、For designers of medical devices, the FDA and ISO requirements are extremely stringent. ─── 为设计师的医疗器械,美国食品药品管理局和国际标准化组织的要求极为严格。

71、The instrument conforms to the standards ISO, GB, AATCC. ─── 仪器性能符合GB、ISO、AATCC等标准对测试的要求。

72、We supply high quality goods under ISO standards since 1996, and we are currently sellin... ─── 发布者:刘祖琼所在地:四川德阳市行业:医药、保养职位:外销员工作年限:三年以上

73、The Izmit plant employs 237 people and is ISO 9001 certified. ─── 伊兹米特厂员工237人,并通过了ISO 9001认证。

74、The values for tolerances correspond to ISO 492:2002. ─── 公差值同ISO 492:2002标准对应。

75、The company with 18 years history in this field has obtained ISO:9001、ISO14001 and SGS Criterion Certificates. ─── 公司涉及此行业已有18年的历史,并已通过ISO:9001、ISO14001及SGS认证。

76、The ISO 9000 family distinguishes between requirements for quality management systems and requirements for products. ─── gb/T19000族标准区分了质量管理体系要求和产品要求。

77、The ISO is a national rating and service organization to which a substantial number of the leading property and casualty insurers subscribe. ─── 保险服务公司是一家全国性费率厘定和为大量的行业领先的财产保险公司服务的机构。

78、ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. ─── ISO和IEC的技术委员会在互相关注的领域中进行合作。

79、Assist in Implementation of ISO,TQM,JIT,ERP etc. ─── 协助完成ISO质量,TQM全面质量管理,JIT即时到货,ERP物料系统的管理.

80、All equipment in line with ASTM, ISO, JIS, AATCC, IWTO, BS, DIN and other international testing standards. ─── 仪器全部符合ASTM、ISO、JIS、AATCC、IWTO、BS、DIN等国际测试标准。

81、SKF indexing roller units are produced to Normal tolerances corresponding to ISO 492:1994. ─── SKF分度滚子单元为标准公差,与ISO 492:1994标准相符。

82、The ISO User Setting mode allows setting for ISO manual override of the film for advanced applications. ─── iso设置模式允许在高级应用时对胶卷进行iso手动过量设置。

83、Vapor-liquid equilibrium at 101.3kPa for binary mixtures of N methylpiperazine with ethanol or iso propanol. ─── (乙醇、异丙醇)+N-甲基哌嗪二元体系在101.3kPa下的汽液平衡

84、It was authorized one time the Quality Certification of ISO 9002 from the countries U.K and Australia in 1997. ─── 于1997年一次性取得了英国和澳大利亚的ISO:9002质量认证证书。

85、Lug body available with ISO flange dimensions and metric bolt hole threads. ─── 凸耳式阀体符合ISO法兰尺寸和公制螺栓孔螺纹。

86、Race towards a single ISO Certificate is on! ─── 为取得单一份ISO证书而努力!

87、Requirements for quality management systems are specified in ISO 9001. ─── GB/T19001规定了质量管理体系要求。

88、The boundary dimensions of SKF spherical roller thrust bearings are in accordance with ISO 104:2002. ─── SKF球面滚子推力轴承的外形尺寸与ISO 104:2002相符。

89、Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ─── iso 及IEC 成员均持有现行有效的国际标准。



ISO是一个组织的英语简称。其全称是International Organization for Standardization,翻译成中文就是“国际标准化组织”。ISO是世界上最大的国际标准化组织。





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