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09-13 投稿



dabbles 发音

英:[?d?blz]  美:[?d?blz]

英:  美:

dabbles 中文意思翻译




dabbles 短语词组

1、dabbles synonym ─── 涉猎同义词

2、dabbles define ─── 涉猎定义

3、dabbles and babbles ─── 胡言乱语

4、dabbles in v. ─── 涉猎

5、dabbles hair ─── 轻拍头发

6、dabbles means ─── 涉猎意味着

7、dabbles def ─── 涉猎def

8、dabbles syn ─── 涉猎syn

9、babbles and dabbles crochet site ─── 胡言乱语和涉猎钩针网站

dabbles 常用词组

dabble in ─── v. 涉猎

dabbles 词性/词形变化,dabbles变形

动词第三人称单数: dabbles |动词过去式: dabbled |动词现在分词: dabbling |动词过去分词: dabbled |

dabbles 相似词语短语

1、drabbles ─── v.在泥水中拖脏(或拖湿);(使)潮湿,弄脏;n.(Drabble)(美)德拉布尔(人名)

2、dabbled ─── vt.溅湿;浸入水中;vi.涉猎;涉足;玩水

3、babbles ─── v.含糊不清地说;喋喋不休;(不自觉或不小心)泄露机密;(水流过石块)潺潺作响;n.嘈杂的人声;含糊不清的话;胡言乱语;行话;(水流的)潺潺声;(幼儿)咿呀学语声;电信(集扰)

4、dabble ─── vt.溅湿;浸入水中;vi.涉猎;涉足;玩水

5、gabbles ─── v.急促而含混不清地说;n.急促不清的话

6、dabbler ─── n.戏水者;业余家;浅尝者

7、dibbles ─── n.挖洞器;警察;v.垂钓(等于dib);用挖洞器在土里挖(洞);(用挖洞器)挖洞播种;n.(Dibble)(美)迪布尔(人名)

8、jabbles ─── 喋喋不休

9、rabbles ─── n.乌合之众;暴民;下层社会;(搅炼用的)长柄耙;vt.聚众闹事;用长柄耙搅拌

dabbles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He dabbles in Swing and UI development in his free time. ─── 在业余时间里,他还参与了Swing和UI开发。

2、I've been told time and again by women in relationships with flirts how they'd love to throttle him when he dabbles in flirting, say, at a party. ─── 我已经屡屡听到妇女的投诉,比如是在聚会上,在面对调情者关系时,男人企图玩玩调情时,女人们就恨不得整死自己的男人。

3、She dabbles in painting as a hobby. ─── 她学点绘画作为业余爱好。

4、His work dabbles in many fields. ─── 他的工作涉及许多领域。

5、He dabbles in Swing and UI development in his free time. ─── 在业余时间里,他还参与了Swing和UI开发。

6、She just dabbles in painting. ─── 她只不过是随便搞一下绘画。

7、' He also dabbles in RPGs, game design theory, competitive videogaming, and some sci-fi. ─── 他也涉略RPG游戏、游戏设计理论、竞赛电玩游戏及科幻小说。

8、10. She just dabbles in chemistry . ─── 她只不过是随便搞一下化学。

9、Tommy Emmanuel has earned a reputation in his native Australia as a master guitarist who dabbles in many different musical styles. ─── 由于Tommy Emmanuel涉猎于各种不同的音乐形式,从而赢得了 在他本国(澳大利亚)的名誉。

10、Scannapieco, who also dabbles in cosmology, works under the auspices of the National Science Foundation at the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory in Florence and the Institute of Astrophysics in Paris. ─── 史坎纳皮科也涉猎宇宙学,他在美国国家科学基金会赞助下任职于义大利佛罗伦斯的雅赛墔天体物理观测站及法国巴黎的天体物理学研究所。

11、I know: technical proficiency, is the future success ladder, and widely dabbles in humanities and social knowledge is the real success. ─── 我深知:精通技术,是将来走向成功的阶梯,而广泛地涉猎人文社会知识才是成功的真正保障。

12、1. He just dabbles in politics. ─── 他仅仅是涉足政治而已。

13、4.I have a friend who dabbles in the occult, and he would call what I felt an affinity of fluids; ─── 我有一个朋友是研究秘术的,他把我这种感觉称为“流体的亲力”;

14、While others try to boost productivity by reorganizing and controlling, he dabbles in chaos, promoting it as a potent creative force. ─── 当其他人致力于整顿与控管来提高生产力之时,他却乐于周游在混乱之中,并将其视为创造力的来源。

15、Renaissanceman - Dabbles, and succeeds, in doing practically everything. ─── 能控球,能单打,基本上什么都能做。

16、8. I have a friend who dabbles in the occult, and he would call what I felt an affinity of fluids; ─── 我有一个朋友是研究秘术的,他把我这种感觉称为“流体的亲力”;收藏指正

17、She just dabbles in chemistry . ─── 她只不过是随便搞一下化学。

18、In his spare time he plays guitar, dabbles in Yoga, and sails dinghies, although he has not yet managed to parallelize these activities. ─── 在他的业余时间,他弹吉他,学瑜珈,开游艇,虽然他还未能设法把这些活动并行化。

19、He has also been a consultant to Merck.In his spare time he dabbles in piano and in-line speed skating. ─── 他曾经是默克集团的顾问,閒暇之馀喜欢弹钢琴和竞速溜冰。

20、I could say the same thing about Gnomes, who knows nothing but what splashes, dabbles and eructates in their dearest swamps; ─── 是的,他们有时候就是这样的。对侏儒我也说同样的话,他们一无所知,除了在他们可爱的沼泽地里跳跃、戏水和打嗝。

21、She dabbles in astronomy . ─── 她对天文学一知半解。

22、Rajeev's branch of the family also dabbles in engineering and entertainment. ─── 拉杰夫的分公司同时涉足工程业和娱乐业。

23、He dabbles in local politics. ─── 他开始涉足地方政坛。

24、This dissertation only dabbles into a minor part of the television dialogue analysis, and there is still much to be delved in. ─── 本文所作的分析、研究只是电视会话分析中很小的一部分,其中还有许多内容值得发掘、探讨。

25、CUB is the main focus of Foster's Group, which also dabbles in cider and spirits. ─── 崽是福斯特集团,该集团还涉足苹果酒和烈酒的主要焦点。

26、Example: Sean does not like stamp-collection but only dabbles in it at his leisure. ─── 西恩并不喜欢集邮,只是在空闲的时侯玩一下而已。

27、Chan, star of the "Rush Hour" movies, dabbles in music and has released several albums. ─── 成龙曾出演这部电影,可谓大腕.如今他又涉足音乐圈并发行了多张专集.

28、dabble [5dAbl ] She just dabbles in chemistry. ─── 不经意地做某事她只不过是随便搞一下化学。

29、While others try to boost productivity by reorganizing and controlling, he dabbles in chaos, promoting it as a potent creative force. ─── 当其他人致力于整顿与控管来提高生产力之时,他却乐于周游在混乱之中,并将其视为创造力的来源。

30、She dabbles at literature, history and philosophy respectively as well as popular movie, to movie, she does not limit spotting the polts only and she always would find the different things . ─── 文史哲各有涉猎,偶尔爱看流行电影,但眼球不限于情节,而能从中看到不一样的东西。

31、A main character dabbles with drug use; friends betray each other; some get married impulsively and just as easily divorce. ─── 剧中主人公吸毒,朋友背信弃义,其他人冲动结婚又火速离婚。

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