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09-13 投稿



magnifying 发音

英:[?m?ɡn?fa???]  美:[?m?ɡn?fa???]

英:  美:

magnifying 中文意思翻译



magnifying 同义词

distend | overdraw | increase | blow up | stretch | amplify | embroider | expand | broaden |enlarge | hyperbolise | hyperbolize | heighten | augment | overstate | inflate | balloon | overdo | exaggerate | dilate | intensify | aggrandize | swell | extend | boost | enhance

magnifying 短语词组

1、magnifying scales ─── 放大测量镜

2、magnifying apparatus ─── 放大装置

3、magnifying lens ─── [化] 放大透镜

4、magnifying eyepiece ─── 放大目镜

5、magnifying lamp ─── 放大灯

6、magnifying power ─── [化] 放大率 ─── [医] 放大率

7、magnifying glasses ─── [医] 放大镜

8、magnifying glass ─── [化] 放大镜

9、magnifying device ─── 放大装置

10、magnifying mirror ─── [医]放大镜

11、magnifying mouth mirror ─── [医] 放大口腔镜

magnifying 反义词

minify | reduce | diminish

magnifying 词性/词形变化,magnifying变形

动词第三人称单数: magnifies |动词现在分词: magnifying |动词过去式: magnified |动词过去分词: magnified |

magnifying 相似词语短语

1、munifying ─── 弹药

2、damnifying ─── v.损害;损伤

3、minifying ─── v.使最小化;减小……的尺寸;降低……的重要性(minify的现在分词)

4、dignifying ─── v.使高贵;增威严;授以荣誉;抬高……的身价表不满(dignify的现在分词);adj.高贵的,威严的

5、carnifying ─── vt.使成肉质;使变成肉质;vi.变成肉质

6、sanifying ─── vt.使卫生

7、lignifying ─── v.使木质化

8、mattifying ─── 铺垫

9、ignifying ─── 点燃

magnifying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、really need a magnifying glass to appreciate all the fine detail. ─── 确实需要放大镜才能欣赏到一切细微之处。

2、magnifying glasses(built-in lighting) ─── 内装灯的放大镜

3、This is the point of discernibility method with the aid of a magnifying glass, from the film separations set forth on the observation angle. ─── 不一、角度辨别法 这是借助不收不小镜,从胶片的分色角度不上去查察的。

4、Grab a magnifying glass and train your camera on a white background to see this phenomenon. ─── 将摄像机对准白色背景,用放大镜观察就会看到这种现象。

5、To see the lice you might need a strong light and a magnifying glass. ─── 您必须在明亮的光线下,还要有个放大镜看。

6、The couple was curious about what the stamp was for, so when they got home, the husband got out his magnifying glass to try to see what it was. ─── 夫妻俩对这个印的用途感到很好奇。他们回家后,丈夫拿出一个放大镜看看印上说的是什么。

7、Why don't I just tighten them until your limbs pop like a Than grub under a magnifying glass? ─── 我为什么不能一直绑到你身体膨胀

8、closed head otoscope with a large magnifying lens ─── 带有高放大倍数镜头的密封头耳镜

9、If you take a close look with a magnifying glass, you'll see that the fibers all line up in the same direction, up and down on the page. ─── 假如你用放大镜仔细地观察一下,你就会发现所有的纤维都是以同一个方向排列的,按报纸版面从上到下地排列。

10、We also need a magnifying glass, magnifying every little moment, as if listening to a bloom of the voice of each and gently, then quiet, then the joy of it. ─── 我们也更需要一个放大镜,放大每一个点滴的瞬间,就仿佛倾听每一朵花开的声音,轻轻的,那么安静,却又那么喜悦。

11、The profitability of any activity, too, must be assessed before the magnifying effects of leverage are taken into account. ─── 对一项商业活动产生的收益的估计,必须剔除掉该活动的杠杆效应产生的影响。

12、Let me get my magnifying glass. ─── 让我把我的放大镜拿来。

13、Cornell index needs a computer or a magnifying method to measure QRS duration and is difficult to application though it has relatively higher sensitivity than two other methods. ─── Cornell指数敏感性提高,但方法繁琐,需要计算机检测或放大测量,且特异性较低,临床应用须积累更多经验。

14、It is a complex magnifying lens used to view the image formed at the focal plane. ─── 它是比较复杂的放大影像的透镜,观察焦平面的图象。

15、The magnification of the slot above with the magnifying power of 150x. ─── 上图长方形槽的放大图,放大倍率为150倍。

16、Yang Zhi-gang,Li Jun,Zhang Chun-hong,et al.Analytic solution of a differential action microscopic magnifying mechanism with flexure hinges[J].Piezoelectric &Acoustooptics,2000,22(1):57-61. ─── [6]杨志刚,李军,张春洪,等.具有柔性铰链的差式微位移放大机构的受力分析[J].压电与声光,2000,22(1):57-61.

17、If you have ever taken a magnifying glass and let the sun's rays play through it on some object, you know that as long as the rays were scattered they accomplished nothing. ─── 如果你也曾玩过放大镜的游戏就会知道,如果阳光是分散的照在某样东西上,就算照射的时间再长,也不会引起什么变化;

18、I must not use a magnifying glass, nor instruments of any kind. ─── 我不准用放大镜,也不准用其它任何工具。

19、Open animation window. For first frame hide the second line and logo and unhide magnifying glass, first line and masked text. ─── 打开窗口。在第一帧中隐藏公司名字和图标所在层,将放大镜,文字等图层显示出来。动画

20、Magnification of one segment with the magnifying power of 70x. ─── 切割局部弧形的放大图,放大倍率为70倍。

21、Take the letter of invitation and click it on the magnifying lens to enter it on the journal. ─── 在仓库中把邀请信用放大模式观看并点击它至日志栏。

22、Distortion Analysis of Map sheet Division and Magnifying for Medium and Small Scale Digital Map ─── 中小比例尺数字地形图直线切割分幅放大变形分析

23、To search: Type your query in the search field and either hit "enter" on your keyboard or click the magnifying glass button. ─── 以搜索:键入您的查询,在搜索领域的,不是吃了",进入"关于你的键盘或单击放大镜按钮。

24、His magnifying glass is broken. ─── 他绘图用的放大器坏了。

25、A new servovalve using a pressure control pilot state was introduced, which uses two spools instead of single spool in power magnifying stage. ─── 介绍了一种新型的压力先导控制伺服阀,该阀的功率放大级采用双阀芯结构代替传统单阀芯结构。

26、If you take a close look with a magnifying glass, you'll see that the fibers all line up in the same direction, up and down on the page. ─── 假如你用放大镜仔细地观察一下,你就会发现所有的纤维都是以同一个方向排列的,按报纸版面从上到下地排列。

27、Compatibility with Screen Readers and Screen Magnifying Software ─── 屏幕阅读软件及屏幕放大软件兼容性

28、With a magnifying glass, the rays of the sun can be focused to set grass or paper on fire. ─── 用一面放大镜可以凝聚太阳光,而点燃和纸张。

29、the camera at a white background, and observe this phenomenon with a magnifying glass. ─── 将相机对准白色背景,然后用放大镜观察这种现象。

30、They are, in effect, a magnifying mirror of their elders----like a shaving mirror in which our eyes seem to bulge, our pores to be extinct volcanoes, and our eyebrows thickets of thistles. ─── 事实上,他们是他们长辈的一面放大镜----一面剃须镜,我们在镜子里面看到自己的眼睛突了出来,毛孔像一个个熄灭的火山口,眉毛像一丛丛乱草。

31、Looking very closely under a magnifying glass, the weave of the 70D Multicam taslan is just slightly coarser than XCR, so it makes sense that it'd wet out a bit faster. ─── 在放大镜下非常仔细的观察70D迷彩塔丝隆的织法,可以发现它比XCR粗糙一些,所以它能湿得更快一些。

32、The identification of gastric regenerative mucosal microstructure through magnifying endoscope would help in the diagnosis of the lesions. ─── 以期能提高对病变程度的认识及愈后做出正确的判断。

33、Overall, it seems to me, he exaggerated the importance of manufacturing, magnifying some of his theory's flaws. ─── 总的说来,我觉得他夸大了制造业的重要性,这凸显出他理论中的一些瑕疵。

34、Territory in China, do not have a magnifying glass, you can not find the Suihua. ─── 在中国的版图上,不用放大镜,你是找不到绥化的。


36、Feasibility Analysis of Magnifying the Size of Prototype to Compensate Shrinkage of Silicone Rubber Mould ─── 一种补偿硅橡胶模具收缩的方法研究

37、My idea is there is always something that defies any easy replacement, say, a 21-inch color TV never surrenders itself to a 12-inch TV plus a magnifying glass. ─── 我的意思是说,有些东西是不可替代的,你看21英寸彩色电视,绝不肯代之以12英寸电视加放大镜。

38、When the all-pervading rays of the Buddha's compassion are focused through the magnifying glass of your faith and devotion, the flame of blessings blazes up in your being. ─── 当诸佛的慈悲通过你信心和恭敬心的放大镜时,加持的火焰就在你心中燃起。

39、More often than not they looked at other people's shortcomings through a magnifying glass while looking at their own merits with a microscope. ─── 他们总是用放大镜看别人的缺点,用显微镜看自己的优点。

40、Design and Test of the Experimental Complementary Symmetry Power Magnifying Circuit ─── 实验用互补对称功率放大电路的设计与测试

41、These molded dough miniatures need a magnifying glass to be seen clearly. ─── 微雕捏面,要用放大镜才看得清楚。

42、Even with a magnifying glass I couldn't discernany imperfections in the porcelain. ─── 即使有一个放大镜,我也不能发现瓷器上的任何瑕点。

43、"What?" Abby moved her magnifying glass to where her mum was pointing. ─── “什么?”艾比把放大镜移动到妈妈所指的位置。

44、A method of magnifying the deflective angle of a light beam is proposed, in which the measurement sensitivity of speckle photography can be raised. ─── 提出一种光线偏折角放大方法用于提高散斑照相测量灵敏度。

45、The advice of friends, stockbrokers, market advisors, and the like are all likely to have a magnifying effect on the natural elements of fear and greed that are present in every investor. ─── 对每个投资者来说,朋友、股票经纪、市场评论员或与其类似人的建议都会放大本身的恐惧和贪婪。

46、Create a magnifying glass from custom shape tool. ─── 使用自定义形状工具创建一个放大镜的图形。

47、The Paper products have clean, soft features, apply to clean microscope film, camera lens, magnifying glass lens, the TV screen, and other optical equipment. ─── 产品具有纸质洁净、柔软等特点,适用于擦拭显微镜片、照相机镜头、放大镜镜片、电视荧光屏等光学仪器。

48、An Analysis of the Systematic Differentials Caused by the Mal-position in Light-lever Magnifying System ─── 光杠杆放大系统位置不正引起系统误差的分析与研究

49、Many echoed my comments, but in varying degrees of intensity, ranging from merely noting the risk and dismissing it, to magnifying it and predicting doom for our currency link. ─── 我的意见引来很多回响,由置之不理,以至夸大风险并预言联汇制度将会崩溃都有。

50、Resolve to stop magnifying small problems and shooting from the hip. Words that you have to eat can be hard to digest. ─── 坚决不要把小问题扩大化,也不要信口开河乱说话,说错了话要收回可就使你为难了。

51、If you would like to see a preview of an individual certificate, please click on the magnifying glass to the right of the certificate title. ─── 如果你想看到个人证书的预览,请右键点击证书标题,用放大镜观看

52、Magnifying Class:"the closer i look,the more i find to love." ─── 地球仪:在这个世界上你是我唯一的爱!

53、In order to improve the functions of magnifying optics and image expanding machine of amblyopia, we develop a special image enhanced system for amblyopic patients. ─── 在视觉障碍患者中,我们针对弱视的患者给予一套特定的影像强化系统,以改善目前光学放大镜及扩视机之功能。

54、[url=http://soft.v169.com/soft/13935.html][B]ABF Magnifying Tools V1.2[/B][/url ─── 一套图像工具,可以对屏幕上某个指定区域的图像进行放大或者缩小。

55、Captured using a magnifying lens, the photo shows the effect of outside light on droplets of dew in a windowpane. ─── 它是用一个放大的镜头拍摄的,反映的是外界光线透过窗玻璃上的露珠产生的效应。

56、The image analysis system was demarcated in condition of fixed distance and magnifying diploid microscope by experiments and the demarcated results was obtained. ─── 在此基础上,通过实验针对固定物距及放大倍数的体式显微镜等条件对系统进行了标定,并给出了标定结果。

57、You really need to put a magnifying glass on any contract before signing it. ─── 在签署任何合同前,都要认真想好。

58、God is a mean kid with a magnifying glass, and I'm the ant. ─── 上帝是个坏小孩,他坐在那里,手上拿着放大镜,我只是个小蚂蚁。

59、The company J. Hauser GmbH& Co. KG offers services from the ranges Magnifying glasses, Reading systems in addition to Lenses. ─── kg是一家知名的、信的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、门的产品,例如阅读机、读器,透镜、电阻点焊时的)核、镜,放大镜。

60、The displacement of the tank mainly showed magnifying trend under the three dimensional seismic power, and the average extent was 31.83%. ─── 三维激励下位移主要表现为放大趋势,平均放大幅度为31.83%;

61、The fog-against dressing mirror or dressing magnifying glass for guest rooms'bathroom; p. ─── 客房卫生间配备防雾梳妆镜或化妆放大镜;

62、Fame is a magnifying glass. ─── 名誉是放大镜。

63、Design and performance analysis on flexible hinged magnifying mechanism applied to piezoelectric piling-up pump ─── 应用于压电叠堆泵的柔性铰链放大机构的设计和性能分析

64、To do a close reading, you choose a specific passage and analyze it in fine detail, as if with a magnifying glass. ─── 练习精读,你首先要选一篇文章并对其进行非常细致的分析,就像用放大镜去观察他一样。

65、Study on a Micro- displacement Magnifying Mechanism Used on Piezo- stack Pump ─── 压电叠堆泵微位移放大机构的试验研究

66、The magnifying Smart Clip for zoom is another easy-to-use Macromedia Flash feature that allows more users to see your content. ─── 帮助系统中那些个描述透彻的提示标签能较好地让人们理解你的那些内容。

67、Resolve to stop magnifying small problems and shooting from the hip.Words that you have to eat can be hard to digest. ─── 坚决不要把小问题扩大化,也不要信 口开河乱说话,说错了话要收回可就使你为 难了。

68、If you have a telescope magnifying at least 30-power, you'll be able to glimpse the famous ring system, which now looks like a bright line that bisects Saturn's disk. ─── 如果你有一个最低放大30倍的望远镜,那么你就能够一睹著名的环系统,该环系统现在看上去象是一条将土星的圆盘一分为二的明亮线条。

69、Algorithm for binary digital image magnifying based on area filling ─── 基于区域填充的二值数字图像放大算法

70、What Screen Magnifying Software Does ─── 屏幕放大软件的功能

71、Print out of the child can use up to 10 times the magnifying glass observation on the printing plate in the outlets. ─── 晒版不入来的版子可以借助10倍的放不小镜查察印版的网不背内幕。

72、A Calculation of the Base Diverging Resistance of Triode Magnifying Circuits ─── 三极管放大电路基极偏置电阻的估算

73、Study of the Theory for Optimum Negative Feedback Magnifying Cir cuit ─── 优化负反馈放大电路理论研究

74、Take with you the pamphlets.some paper a magnifying glass and some pencils. ─── 带上小册子,一些纸张,一幅放大镜和几支铅笔。

75、According to the information that the newer versions of the notes go not only to the paper preembedded in wire and wire on the microfilm can only be used by highly magnifying glass to see the text. ─── 据有关资料称,新版美钞不仅在纸中埋入金属线,而且金属线上缩微了只能用高倍放大镜才能看清的有关文字。

76、Alternatively, you can change the number of weeks per page by magnifying the view. ─── 另外,也可以通过放大视图来更改每页所含的周数。

77、The keystone of the linear magnifying technology, effect factors on scale up in packing size, column dimension and operating method, etc were described. ─── 并对其基本原理以及填料粒径、柱尺寸和操作方式等影响放大的因素作了较为全面的评述;

78、Micro-displacement magnifying mechanism used in piezo-stack pump[J]. ─── 引用该论文 杨志刚,刘登云,吴丽萍,陈洪涛,刘鹏.

79、Some equipments, such as the extruder, extruding die, cooling pool, stretching zoon, drying zoon are designed by magnifying lab’s equipments. ─── 其中的挤出机、挤出口模、冷却水槽、拉伸设备、干燥设备等都是根据实验室的小型设备放大的。

80、She is looking through a glass. A special glass called a magnifying glass. ─── 她正在藉由一种玻璃镜看著东西,一种特别的玻璃镜叫做放大镜。

81、He took out a magnifying glass and lay down on top of his coat to see the marks better. ─── 他拿出一块夸张的玻璃片并躺在他的外套上头,便于仔细看这些痕迹。

82、Do you know how to set a copier in the mode of reduing or magnifying? ─── 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?

83、The existence of aggregate equilibrium interval has a special "magnifying" effect on inflation and deflation and in turn causes numerous side-effects on the operation and regulation of macro-economy. ─── 总量均衡区间的存在将对通货膨胀与通货紧缩产生一种特殊的“放大”效应,从而对宏观经济运行与调控产生诸多负面影响。

84、If I use a magnifying glass, little things look big. ─── 如果我用放大镜,小东西看起来就大了。

85、When people use this magnifying glass to search the way on paper maps, they will recognize that if they use NOKIA GPS mobile phone they will find destinations more easily and quickly. ─── 当受众利用放大镜查找地图时,向受众传达“利用诺基亚手机的地图和导航功能,可以更加方便、快速的找到兴趣点以及前往兴趣点的道路”这一资讯。

86、TONY: Yes. Do you have a magnifying glass? ─── 托尼:是的。你有放大镜吗?

87、My grandmother has poor eyesight and has to use a magnifying glass to thread her needles. ─── 奶奶眼花了,认针的时候总要拿个放大镜。

88、This is a magnifying glass for Windows that gives you the ability to view the screen all the way to the pixel level. ─── 内容撮要:本视窗放大装置,让用者能浏览整个萤幕直至像素的水平。

89、It is unusual for people to press their differences by magnifying them. ─── 对人们来说,以夸大差异的方式强调差异是不正常的。

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