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09-13 投稿



hymnal 发音

英:[?h?mn?l]  美:[?h?mn?l]

英:  美:

hymnal 中文意思翻译




hymnal 网络释义

adj. 赞美诗的;使用赞美诗的n. 赞美诗集

hymnal 短语词组

1、congregationalist hymnal ─── 会众圣歌

hymnal 词性/词形变化,hymnal变形


hymnal 相似词语短语

1、hymenal ─── 处女膜的

2、hymnary ─── 处女膜

3、hymenial ─── adj.子实层的

4、hymned ─── n.赞美诗;圣歌;欢乐的歌;vt.唱赞美歌;vi.唱赞歌

5、hymeneal ─── n.结婚典礼;婚礼;adj.婚姻的

6、hymeneals ─── n.结婚典礼;婚礼;adj.婚姻的

7、hymner ─── 赞美诗

8、hymnals ─── n.赞美诗集;adj.赞美诗的

9、hymnic ─── 赞美诗

hymnal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Hymnal could be called the Commentary on the Holy Scripture and on Christian experience, ─── 诗歌集可以说是圣经和信徒经验的注释书

2、Hatton, Jessie Seymour Irvine, William Maher, Edward Miller, William Henry Monk, New English Hymnal, John Newton, Alexander Reinagle, William P. ─── 放大图片 创作者: German Anonymous, Swedish Anonymous, Arthur Bliss, William Croft, John Goss, George Frederick Handel, Basil Harwood, John L.

3、The hymnal is controlled from a small screen in the pulpit or lectern and vicars can pre-program their playlist to match their services. ─── 这本电子诗集是由讲坛或诵经台上布置的一个小屏幕控制,牧师可以事先编排好适合在仪式上播放的歌曲的列表。

4、There is a comprehensive list of appropriate Scripture readings and sermon texts in the front of the hymnal, pages 148-149. ─── 在赞美诗集前面有适合读经和讲道经文的全面的目录,148-149页。

5、Program includes hymnal prayers, traditional and contemporary folk songs, evangelization music, Chinese folk songs and dance. ─── 节目有圣咏欣赏、传统及现代民歌、福传音乐、中国民谣、舞蹈等等。

6、a hymnal for young churchmen. ─── 书名/作者 At worship;

7、hymnal n. / adj. ─── 赞美诗集;赞美诗的;

8、But when these words are extended into longer ones,the silent letters become audible:hymnal,condemnation and bombard. ─── 但是当这些单词扩展为一个长的单词后。不发音的部分变为发音:hymnal,condemnation,bombard。这是一般规则。

9、3.Before leaving the Sanctuary today, please place the hymnal or Bible on the book rack under the chair. ─── 请弟兄姊妹在离开聚会厅前,将使用的圣经及诗歌本放在椅子下的架子上。

10、It has 3 parts: music for singing,guitar music, and lyrics for making transparencies.It is a convenient hymnal for churches, cell groups, fellowships and personal devotions. ─── 其中含诗歌旋律、吉他和弦及投影片,以圈页装订,首创以专辑、字数、字母、笔划、和弦编排,精致实用,携带搜寻方便。

11、Sound the Bamboo: CCA Hymnal 2000. Ed. I-to Loh. Taiwan Church Press: Christian Conference of Asia. ─── 台湾基督长老教会排湾中会圣诗编译委员会。

12、Lee had written all of the group's commentaries, its hymnal was assembled by Him and the footnotes of its special translation of the Bible (the Recovery Version) had been written by him as well. ─── 李已经写了该团体的所有圣经注释,该团体的诗歌也是由他编撰,再加上该团体自己特别翻译的圣经(恢复版圣经)的注解也都是由他写的。

13、furthermore, the bird images and pure music images with musical sound-effect, and the songlike hymnal form of the poetry all directly contribute to the outstanding musicality of her poetry. ─── 有声有色的鸟意象和纯音乐意象,以及乐律十足的赞美诗形式则直接赋予诗歌突出的音乐特征。

14、The hymnal that mother gave me is containing more than 600 hymns. ─── 妈妈给我的那本赞美诗集里面有600多首圣歌。

15、Program includes hymnal prayers, traditional and contemporary folk songs, evangelization music, Chinese folk songs and dance. ─── 节目有圣咏欣赏、传统及现代民歌、福传音乐、中国民谣、舞蹈等等。

16、since it was the only hymnal in his church. ─── 因为那是教会里唯一的赞美诗集。

17、Mr. Pitts, will you open your hymnal to page 542? ─── 皮兹先生请翻开你的赞美词542页

18、Rural churches literally have no material for their children's ministry while city churches have keyboards and children's hymnal s. ─── 乡村教会的儿童事工几乎没有任何教材,然城市教会电子琴、儿童诗歌本等一应俱全。

19、9.The Episcopal hymnal is full of rousing things, and I am pleased that the text I wrote in 1959 is now hymn number 104. ─── 圣公会赞美诗集满是鼓舞人的东西,我很高兴我1959年写的这首诗如今成了赞美诗集中的第104首。

20、After years using, the cover of our church's Hymnal were broken and need to be replaced. ─── 教会的诗歌本使用多年,封面多有破损,需待更新。

21、And at times, our prayers and hymnal singing may incur complaints from our neighbours. ─── 以目前的财源要维持一个新会堂的日常支出已是我们能力所及。

22、A choir member from the protestant Nanjing Christian Church reads her hymnal during a Christmas function in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China on December 19, 2009. ─── 来自南京基督教新教读取合唱团成员在南京期间,江苏省中国圣诞功能于2009年12月19号她的赞美诗。

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