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09-13 投稿



unsoundness 发音

英:[??n?sa?ndn?s]  美:[??n?sa?ndn?s]

英:  美:

unsoundness 中文意思翻译



unsoundness 短语词组

1、unsoundness of mind ─── [医] 精神不健全

2、mental unsoundness ─── [网络] 精神不健康

unsoundness 反义词


unsoundness 词性/词形变化,unsoundness变形

形容词比较级: unsounder |副词: unsoundly |形容词最高级: unsoundest |名词: unsound-ness |

unsoundness 同义词

irrationality | falsehood | faultiness | fallaciousness |invalidity | inadequacy | inaccuracy

unsoundness 相似词语短语

1、soundless ─── adj.无声的;寂静的

2、unfoundedness ─── 毫无根据

3、roundness ─── n.圆;球形

4、soundness ─── n.健康;稳固;完整;公正

5、boundness ─── 有界性;约束物

6、unstaidness ─── 不协助

7、unboundedness ─── n.[数]无界性

8、unsounded ─── adj.未经探测的,深度未明的;不发音的

9、unkindness ─── n.不亲切;不近人情;不仁慈

unsoundness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、unsound practices ─── 不正之风

2、His lungs were unsound. ─── 他的肺部不健康。

3、Many causes contributed to the crisis, including economic overheating, unsound macroeconomic policies, weakness in banking systems and poor corporate governance. ─── 引发金融危机的因素不少:经济过热、宏观经济政策失当、银行体系积弱、企业管治欠佳等。

4、The Good Management Corollary: A mature process cannot overcome unsound management. ─── 优良管理推论:一个成熟的过程不能解决管理不善的问题。

5、Do not listen to unsound advice. ─── 别去听无根据的劝告。

6、The reasons for it are that factor market is imperfect and that the legitimate rights and interests of peasant-laborers are not safeguard which are caused by unsound legal systems. ─── 它是长期以来我国农民工劳动力要素价格扭曲的结果,其背后的深层次原因,既有要素市场发育不完善的因素,也有制度不健全造成农民工权益缺失的原因。

7、Among them a very important reason lies in unsoundness of incentive mechanism for state owned enterprise managers. ─── 其中一个很重要的原因在于对国企经营者的激励机制不健全。

8、Structure and characteristics of the implicit view of unsound personality in undergraduates ─── 大学生不健全人格的内隐观结构及特征

9、In my opinion, the scheme is unsound. ─── 依我看,这计划不够妥当。

10、unsound mind ─── [法] 精神失常, 神智不清

11、unsoundness growth of fusion function was the major pathogenetic factor in intermittent exotropia. ─── 融合功能发育不全是间歇性外斜视发病机制的主要因素。

12、Credit expansion must now be followed by a period of contraction, because some of the new credit instruments and practices are unsound and unsustainable. ─── 信贷放宽到一定程度便要收紧,因为部分新的信贷工具及措施既不安全,也不可靠。

13、If rationality means omniscience, then it is indeed an unsound premise for economic reasoning. ─── 如果“理性”指的就是“全知全能”,那么,它确实不是经济推理的合理前提。

14、an unsound conclusion. ─── 一个经不起推敲的结论

15、Petrosian continues following his own line, figuring that as long as he has made no unsound moves, nor upset the positional balance, he will not risk finding himself in a losing position. ─── 彼得罗襄继续执行自己的计划,打算尽可能长久地进行无声的调动,只要他不去冒险搅乱局面的平衡,就不会置自己于失败的境地。

16、Been acquitted of any criminal offence or other offence on the grounds of mental illness , insanity or unsoundness of mind ? ─── 因为精神病、精神错乱或者思维不健全原因而被宣布无罪?。

17、The Lawyer may refuse to undertake a case which appears to him unsound. ─── 律师可能拒绝承办他认为站不住脚的案件。

18、Buyer states cargo unsound condition and prepares claiming is await result of our counter survey ─── 买方说货物质量不高,准备提出索赔,并在等待我们提供的相对检验结果。

19、unsoundness of mind ─── [医] 精神不健全

20、He must be of unsound mind to pay so much for a house that is practically falling down. ─── 他一定疯了,竟然花那么多钱去购买一幢实际上快要倒塌的房子。

21、Meanwhile, there are such problems as imperfect regulations and policies, unsound systems and mechanisms, and the lagging behind of relevant technical development. ─── 同时,存在法规、政策不完善,体制、机制不健全,相关技术开发滞后等问题。

22、Because of unsoundness of interrelated legal institutions, the compensation for mental distress is a blank spot in civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings in practice. ─── 实践中,由于相关的法律制度不健全,刑事附带民事诉讼中的精神损害赔偿还是一块空白。

23、The quality and performance of the national economy as a whole remains poor, and unsound aspects of the economic structure are still conspicuous. ─── 国民经济整体素质和效益不高,经济结构不合理的矛盾仍然比较突出。

24、unsoundness of system of operators se I ect i on, act i vat i on system and supervisory system. ─── 企业经营者选拔、激励、监督机制不健全。

25、You come across a good product, packaging the mbarrassment of bad things? Deduction because of the package you ugly / unsound / injured hand, was accused of customers / complaints you? ─── 您遇到过产品好,包装不好的尴尬事情吗?您的打包扣因为难看/不牢/伤手,而遭到客户的指责/投诉吗?

26、But the path being taken is ecologically and socially unsound. ─── 一般城市折腾不起,拉萨更折腾不起。

27、the author also points that this preconception, even fallacy,should not be shelted, therebysuggests that artists must possess healthy personalities and the public should not advocate and admire unsound psychology. ─── 作者指出这一偏见乃至谬误不应该得到庇护,从而提出,艺术家必须有健康的人格心理,社会不应该倡导和推崇不健康的人格心理。

28、She is psychologically unsound. ─── 她心理上不健全。

29、The Empire's unsound practices further spoiled the ecology of the planet, irradiating a vast stretch of land with toxic waste. ─── 帝国的非良性作业进一步恶化了行星的生态,导致大面积土地被有毒废料污染。

30、If that political goal is unsound the guns will speak and the blood will flow in vain. ─── 如果政治目的是谬误的,那么炮声就会是白响的,鲜血就会是白流的。

31、Unsound, unstable, and unreliable. ─── 不可靠的不合理的,不稳定的和不可靠的

32、The use of disposable products is considered ecologically unsound. ─── 使用一次性产品被认为是没有顾及对生态的影响。

33、So segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, but it is morally wrong and sinful. ─── 因而种族隔离不仅在政治上、经济上、社会学意义上是荒谬的,而且在道德上也是错误和有罪的。

34、unsound deformation ─── 不安全变形

35、The company has just been established and is still on unsound footing. ─── 公司刚成立,根基还很差。

36、But she said she never had reason to believe the building was structurally unsound and never filed any written complaints with higher officials. ─── 但是她说自己从没理由相信学校建筑存在结构上的问题,也从未向上级领导递交过书面控诉。

37、unsound theory ─── 不健全理论

38、If, then, a man should make this exception and contend that statements and opinions are capable of admitting contrary qualities, his contention is unsound. ─── 如果有人据此例外而反驳道判断和意见能容纳对反性质,那么他的反驳不健全。

39、Because legitimacy has different senses and is undertheorized, it is very easy to make claims about legitimacy that are ambiguous or theoretically unsound. ─── 因为“正当性”这个概念拥有多个面相,且远未达到高度理论化要求,所以我们一不小心就会使这个概念变得模糊不清,或是论证得不够充分。

40、Perhaps no person can be a poet, or even enjoy poetry, without a certain unsoundness of mind. ─── 也许无人可以成为一个诗人,或甚至欣赏诗歌,假如他没有一点神经质的话。

41、Museums, museums, museums, object-lessons rigged out to illustrate the unsound theories of archaeologists, crazy attempts to co-ordinate and get into a fixed order that which has no fixed order and will not be co-ordinated ! ─── 博物馆、博物馆、博物馆,都是一些斑斑可考的教训,足以证明考古学家理论的不正确:他们一厢情愿地想把原先无法协调、无秩序的浑沌,规划成为有条理的系统。

42、Although it had decided the time increases, will strengthen unsoundness. ─── 它决定了虽时间增加,无序性会加强。

43、If it consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance or is for any other reason unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food; ─── 如果其存在不洁的,腐烂的,已分解的物质或因任何原因的不安全,不卫生,不健康,或其他方面不适宜于人类食物。

44、Nevertheless, victory made him less prudent, so that in his later years some unsound features and unsound ideas, chiefly "Left" ones, began to emerge. ─── 但是,由于胜利,他不够谨慎了,在他晚年有些不健康的因素、不健康的思想逐渐露头,主要是一些“左”的思想。

45、It was a very unsound investment,as he's now found out to his cost. ─── 他付出了代价,现在才发现那是一项很不保险的投资。

46、Any indication of unsoundness in legs and feet, front or rear, standing or moving, is to be considered a serious fault. ─── 不论是前面还是后面,不论是站立还是移动,腿和足爪有任何问题都属于严重缺陷。

47、unsoundness of feet ─── 四肢不健全

48、"What we need to learn from these survey results is that our moral infrastructure is unsound and in serious need of repair. ─── “我们必须从这些调查结果中醒悟,我们的道德建设并不稳固且亟待修复。

49、the second, the mechanism of plerosis is unsoundness, certain tipe or certain locus damage is not easy to plerosis. ─── 另一种则是修复机制不健全,某类型某部位的损伤不易修复。

50、Unsound mind, like unsound body, if you feed, you poison. ─── 不健全的思想犹如不健康的身体,吃下去要中毒。

51、unsound plaster ─── 劣质不安定灰泥

52、unsound grain ─── 不完善粒

53、unsound cement ─── 变质水泥不安定水泥不坚固水泥

54、In other words, censorship as hegemonic suture is any act intended to keep students from reading, seeing or hearing any materials that some person deems objectionable or morally unsound. ─── 因此,我们可以说审查制度扮演著霸权缝合的角色,主要是避免学生读到、看到或听到任何文化与道德政治上不正确的东西。

55、unsoundness of mind sufficient in the judgment of a civil court to render a person unfit to maintain a contractual or other legal relationship or to warrant commitment to a mental health facility ─── 为民事法庭所判定的心智不健全状态,处于此状态下的个人被认为不适于维持合同或其他法律关系或应送交精神健康机构

56、unsound corporation ─── [法] 财产上有问题的公司

57、The aging and the unsound cells of the organs are replaced by the newly regenerative cells with the normal physiological structures and functions, which eradicate the diseases. ─── 主体方法就是配制人体器官再生的全营养再生物质组合,通过消化道吸收后,对各器官再生营养。

58、In a sickly or unsound manner; not well. ─── 恶劣地以一种病态的或不好的方式;不好地

59、Several knowledgeable State Department Arabists were prevented from going to Iraq because they were deemed ideologically unsound. ─── 国务院中若干见识广博的阿拉伯语专家被挡在伊拉克国门之外,因为他们被认为在意识形态上不可靠。

60、3) If you have an exception, then that statement is unsound or imprecise. ─── 3) 如果你是一个例外,那么这种说法是不合理的或不准确的。

61、unsound geologic condition ─── 不良地质

62、The Unsoundness of Social Security System from the Point of High Saving Ratio ─── 从居民高储蓄率看我国社会保障制度的不健全

63、unsound aggregate ─── 劣质骨料

64、Buyer state cargo unsound condition and prepare claim is await result of our counter survey ─── 买方说货物质量不高,准备提出索赔,并在等待我们提邮的相对检验结果。

65、I believe it is unsound for banking institutions to have the right to go to the Federal Reserve while pursuing lines of business that could result in such a combustible mix. ─── 我认为,银行业机构一方面有权求助于美联储,另一方面却开展可能形成此类危险组合的业务,这是不妥当的。

66、The result is misallocation of resources .It also generates explosive growth of unsound credit. ─── 其结果就是资源的配置不当,不健全的信贷呈暴炸性的增长。

67、Unlike Mr Obama, she has proposed a deeply unsound five-year freeze on interest payments for subprime borrowers, which would surely result in higher rates and scarcer credit for future borrowers. ─── 不像奥巴马,她提出了一个非常荒谬的提案,冻结次按借贷者五年的还款利率,这将使得未来的贷款者要承受更高的利率以及更危险的信贷状况。

68、Theintroduction by banks of a discrepancyfeehas highlighted the importance ofthis issue,especially when the underlying discrepancies have been found to be dubious or unsound. ─── 又因银行不符点费用,特别是当隐晦的不符点已被发现是不能确认或为谬误时仍予收取,更彰显出需要修订的重要性。

69、Unsound or disordered. ─── 不健全的,混乱的

70、The proofs were attacked as unsound. ─── 它的证明被攻击为是不可靠的。

71、That bridge looks unsound to me. ─── 以我看那桥不安全。

72、His proposal was roundly dismissed as being diplomatically unsound as well as physically impossible. ─── 但这个建议被完全驳了下来,理由是这不但在外交上无法接受,在实际操作上也不可能。

73、unsoundness in mechanism of combining production with teaching and cooperation between university and factory; ─── 校企合作、产学结合的机制不健全;教材建设相对落后;

74、have an unsound heart ─── 心脏不健全

75、unsound casting ─── 不致密铸件

76、In a sickly or unsound manner;not well. ─── 恶劣地以一种病态的或不好的方式;

77、Likewise it is unsound and mistaken to separate language from the society and culture. ─── 同样,把语言独立于其所属的文化和社会之外也是不明智和错误的。

78、Thirdly, the principal body of microeconomy competition has been failed to be established because of unsoundness of the development of our companies" mechanism. ─── 再次,我国企业机制自身发展的不健全使得微观经济的竞争主体没有最终确立。

79、Why do these comrades make such an unsound appraisal? ─── 为什么这些同志作出这种不妥当的估计呢?

80、3.Cloning has not parents, not relatives, are more vulnerable to eccentric, psychological unsound. ─── 3. 克隆人没有父母,没有亲属,更容易感到孤僻,心理不健全。

81、Unsound reasoning,judgement,advice ─── 不当的推理、判断、劝告

82、The suicide was of unsound mind when she committed the deed. ─── 她自杀时精神失常。

83、I am afraid that it is an unsound investment. ─── 我担心这项投资靠不住。

84、We are now so far from the road to truth, that religious teachers dispute and hate each other, and speculative men are esteemed unsound and frivolous. ─── 如今,我们已经铺就了通往真理的大路,使得宗教界的人们整日在相互辩论和嫉恨中过活;

85、The methods used were unsound. ─── 所使用的方法不可靠。

86、The Unsoundness of Social Security System from the Point of High Saving Ratio ─── 从居民高储蓄率看我国社会保障制度的不健全

87、unsound reasoning, judgement, advice ─── 不当的推理﹑ 判断﹑ 劝告

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