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09-13 投稿



interminably 发音


英:  美:

interminably 中文意思翻译



interminably 词性/词形变化,interminably变形

副词: interminably |名词: interminability |

interminably 相似词语短语

1、interminability ─── 不相容性

2、terminably ─── 无限期地

3、interminable ─── adj.冗长的;无止尽的

4、determinably ─── 确定地

5、indeterminable ─── adj.不能解决的;不能确定的

6、exterminable ─── 可消灭的

7、indeclinably ─── 不可逆转的

8、determinable ─── adj.可决定的

9、indeterminably ─── adv.无法决定地

interminably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1. a theological student with whom I argued interminably; her nagging went on endlessly. ─── 一个学神学的学生和一个我一直在和他(她)争论的人;她一直唠叨个不停。收藏指正

2、a theological student with whom I argued interminably; her nagging went on endlessly. ─── 一个学神学的学生和一个我一直在和他(她)争论的人;她一直唠叨个不停。

3、A related variety of non-questions is the I-love-hearing-myself-talk-so-I'm- going-to-bang-on-interminably question. ─── 另一种和这类似的“不成问题的问题”,就是那种“我喜欢听自己讲话,所以要没完没了地抛出好问题”。

4、do not say you love me interminably, tianqing. i already know that. ─── 不要没完没了的说你爱我,天青。我已经知道了。

5、For the same reason, writers talk interminably about their own books. ─── 出于同样的原因,作家没完没了地谈论着他们自己的作品。

6、Interminably winkling out super-imposing For the same reason, writers talk interminably about their own books, winkling out hidden meanings, super-imposing new ones, begging response from those around them. ─── 由于这个原因,作家喋喋不休地谈论自己的书,挖掘其隐晦的含义,增添新的含义,询问周围人的反应。

7、For the same reason, writers talk interminably about their own books. ─── 由于同一道理,作家无休止地谈论自己的书。

8、For this reason, the writer talks interminably about his own books, winkling out hidden meanings, super-imposing new ones, begging response from those around him. ─── 由于这个原因,作家喋喋不休地谈论自己的书,挖掘其隐晦的含义,增添新的含义,询问周围人的反应。

9、Yes, there were those who lived up to the stereotype, those who talked interminably or bullied their staffs; ─── 是的,有一些人墨守成规,还有一些人讲话没完没了或是欺压他们的手下员工。

10、a theological student with whom I argued interminably; her nagging went on endlessly ─── 一个学神学的学生和一个我一直在和他(她)争论的人;她一直唠叨个不停

11、The war bogs down interminably. ─── 战事长期胶着。

12、163. To ponder interminably over the reason for one's own existence or the meaning of life in general seems to me, ─── 对我而言,我们若不断思考自己为何会存在于世以及生命的一般意义究竟为何,

13、To ponder interminably over the reason for one' s own existence or the meaning of life in general seems to me, from an objective point of view, to be sheer folly. ─── 没完没了地深思着自己生存的理由或人生的意义,从客观的观点来看,我觉得近乎愚蠢的行为。

14、Atlanta was only twenty miles away but the train crawled interminably through the wet early autumn afternoon, stopping at every bypath for passengers. ─── 亚特兰大离马里塔只有二十英里,可是火车在多雨的初秋下午断断续续地爬行着,在每条小径旁都要停车让行人通过。

15、do not say you love me interminably, tianqing. i already know that. ─── 不要没完没了的说你爱我,天青。我已经知道了。

16、To ponder interminably over the reason for one's own existence or the meaning of life in general seems to me, from an objectiver point of view, to be sheer folly. ─── 没完没了地沉思着自己生存的理由或人生的意义,从客观的观点来看,我觉得这是近乎愚蠢的行为。

17、But local and national politicians squabbled interminably about new projects. ─── 但是,地方以及中央政府官员却为新上马的工程争吵不断。

18、For the same reason, writers talk interminably about their own books, ─── 由于这个原因,作家喋喋不休地谈论自己的书,

19、The meeting dragged on interminably. ─── 会议没完没了地拖延着。

20、He talked to me interminably about his first wife. ─── 他喋喋不休地给我讲他第一任妻子的事。

21、In past down legs in this market, it's sometimes seemed to drag on interminably. ─── 从过往历史看,有时候这会是一个漫长的下跌过程。

22、For the same reason,writers talk interminably about their own books, ─── 由于这个原因,作家喋喋不休地谈论自己的书

23、To ponder interminably over the reason for one's own existence or the meaning of life in general seems to me, from an objective point of view, to be sheer folly. ─── 总体上在我看来,从客观的角度,没完没了地思考自己为什么会存在,或者是生命有什么意义,是非常愚蠢的行为。

24、Emails can be deleted and ignored while a conference call puts one at the mercy of people gabbling away interminably at what is often an unsociable hour. ─── 可以删除或忽略电子邮件,而电话会议中你得听有些人喋喋不休说个没完,在这一个小时中你也往往没法去跟人结交。

25、For the same reason, writers talk interminably about their own books, winkling out hidden meanings, super-imposing new ones, begging response from those around them. ─── 由于这个原因,作家喋喋不休地谈论自己的书,挖掘其隐晦的含义,询问周围人的反应。

26、For the same reason, writers talk interminably about their own books ─── 出于同样的原因,作家没完没了地谈论着他们自己的作品。

27、To ponder interminably over the reason for one's own existence or the meaning of life in general seems to me, ─── 对我而言,我们若不断思考自己为何会存在于世以及生命的一般意义究竟为何,

28、We had to wait interminably ─── 我们只好乾等着.

29、57.Atlanta was only twenty miles away but the train crawled interminably through the wet early autumn afternoon, stopping at every bypath for passengers. ─── 亚特兰大 离马里塔只有二十英里,可是火车在多雨的初秋下午断断续续地爬行着,在每条小径旁都要停车让行人通过。

30、Buddha-to-be smiled and said to A Nan, “If just now you bent down one time, you do not need to bend down interminably. ─── 于是如来佛笑着对阿难说:“如果你刚才弯一次腰,就不会在后面忙没完没了地弯腰。

31、The war bogs down interminably. ─── 战事长期胶着。

32、Their working life is going to stretch on interminably until they are65 or maybe even older, so there is time enough to find out what it is like inside an office. ─── 这些学生日后的职场生活遥遥无期,会一直延续到65岁,甚至更久,他们会有足够时间去了解职场生活的真相。

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