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09-13 投稿



indices 发音

英:[??nd?si?z]  美:[??nd?si?z]

英:  美:

indices 中文意思翻译



indices 反义词


indices 词性/词形变化,indices变形

副词: indicatively |

indices 同义词

intention | warning | signal | omen | glimmer | proof | clue | suggestion | hint | mark | reading | sign | reference | inkling | denotation | evidence | token |symptom | meter reading | indicant

indices 短语词组

1、orbital indices ─── [医] ─── [眼]眶指数

2、description of the indices ─── [经] 指数说明

3、orbitonasal indices ─── [医] 眶鼻指数

4、optical indices ─── [医] 光学指数

5、morphological indices ─── [医] 形态指数(躯干体积/肢长)

6、nucleoplasmic indices ─── [医] 核质指数

7、nasal indices ─── [医] 鼻指数

8、opsonic indices ─── [医] 调理指数

9、obesity indices ─── [医] 肥胖指数

10、law of retional indices ─── [机] 有理指数律

11、financial time stock indices ─── [经] 股票价格指数

12、Miller indices ─── [化] 米勒指数 ─── [医] 米勒氏指数

13、critical indices ─── [化] 临界指数

14、indices of performance ─── [电] 作用指引

15、opsonocytophagic indices ─── [医] 调理吞噬指数

16、law of rational indices ─── [计] 有理指定律 ─── [化] 有理指数定律

17、morphologic face indices ─── [医] 全颜面指数

18、monocyte-leukocyte indices ─── [医] 单核细胞白细胞指数

19、of relative refraction indices ─── [医] 比较屈光指数

indices 常用词组

index system ─── [计]索引系统

refractive index ─── 折射率,折光率

performance index ─── 性能指标,工作指数

indices 相似词语短语

1、indicted ─── vt.控告,起诉;[法]揭发

2、indites ─── v.创作,写成文章

3、indigest ─── adj.未经充分考虑的;无明确形状的;未经消化的;混乱的;不成熟的;n.未消化的东西;未必充分估计的混乱状态;v.不能消化

4、indicter ─── n.原告;起诉者

5、indicts ─── vt.控告,起诉;[法]揭发

6、indigens ─── n.本地人;土著;动植物的自生种;本地产的动植物(等于indigene)

7、indicates ─── v.表明(indicate的第三人称单数形式);指示,显示

8、indictee ─── n.被告

9、indies ─── n.印度地方,西印度群岛

indices 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Deletes the component at the specified index. ─── 删除指定下标的成员。

2、She is sorting index card into alphabetical order . ─── 她在按字母顺序整理索引卡。

3、composition of most indices also makes them vulnerable. ─── 绝大多数指数的成份也让它们容易受到伤害。

4、Indices of employment, payrolls, and production steadied in February 1931. ─── 1931年2月,就业、工资额和生产指数稳定。

5、An index value index is pushed onto the stack. ─── 将索引值index推送到堆栈上。

6、Formats the date and time as a sortable index. ─── 将日期和时间格式化为可排序的索引。

7、After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April. ─── 减去食物与能源的费用以后——这两项每月可能大幅变动——成品制造价格指数仍以略快的速度攀升百分零点四,相形之下,四月份仅上升零点二。

8、They had to bring the card index up to date. ─── 他们使得索引卡片跟上发展,不致过时。

9、Different DTI indices have different sensitivity in detection of WM integrity. ─── DTI的不同测量参数在检测脑白质变化中具有不同的敏感性。

10、A single inverted index of one or more documents. ─── 一个或多个文档的单个倒排索引。

11、Path to directory containing search indices. ─── 包含搜索索引的目录路径。

12、Unweighted indices are simple arithmetic or geometric averages. ─── 不加权的指数指简单算术平均或几何平均数。

13、As often with indices like this, there is a question over whether bundling indicators together serves to clarify things or to confuse them. ─── 经常出现的类似指数引出一个疑问,到底综合各种指标这一做法是能够将事情解释清楚还是弄混乱。

14、A reference from one part of a book, index, catalogue, or file to another part containing related information. ─── 互见参照从书、索引、目录或文件的一部分到另一含有相关资料部分的参照

15、Loads the local variable at index. ─── 处的局部变量加载到堆栈上。

16、Create a two-column index on the employee table. ─── 为employee表创建一个有两列的索引。

17、How to select indices to measure financial risks? ─── 如何选择度量金融风险的指标?

18、The cookie is used to speed up index search. ─── Cookie用于加快索引搜索。

19、Example of attachment of an automatic INDEX table. ─── 例如连接自动化引导桌面。

20、the tape seemed a bit heavier with a majority of major indices is sitting right at the bottom of their multi-month trading range. ─── 截至到上周五收盘,大盘看起来有点负担过重,因为大部分主要股指都恰好位于数月来交易区间的底部。

21、Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals. ─── 下标指标必须或者是真实的积极的整数逻辑。

22、Bright sunray dial with luminous index and hands. ─── 光亮的表面,映着银色的指针,有一种璀璨的感觉。

23、The ratio between export and import price indices. ─── 出口和进口价格指数之间的比率。

24、Create a new index, but do not save it. ─── 创建一个新的索引,但不保存它。

25、Advances to the last matching row on the index. ─── 前进至索引中最后一个匹配行。

26、Asian markets have continued to perform strongly, with MSCI country indices across the region posting large rises over the past two years. ─── 亚洲市场近几年一直表现强劲,摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)亚洲国别指数过去两年均大幅上涨。

27、Index file for diffrent directories. ─── 关于不同地址名录的索引文件。

28、But what does a Stock Index Futures SIF contract buy or sell? ─── 可是,“股价指数期货”究竟在买卖些什么呢?

29、The averages of chlorophyl and its ratio with SS were used as the measure indices of biomass. ─── 将叶绿素及其与悬浮质的比值的平均数作为对生物量的衡量指标.

30、It is also responsible for managing the European NYSE Euronext indices. ─── 它还负责管理纽泛交易所的欧洲指数。

31、The index refers the reader to pages in the text. ─── 书的索引为读者列出了正文中的页数.

32、PTC is included in the S&P Midcap 400 and Russell 2000 indices. ─── PTC被标准普尔中型资本产业 400及罗素 2000选取为股市参考指数。

33、Deleting an index entry from index %2 of file %1. ─── 从文件%1的索引%2中删除一个索引项。

34、The index refers the reader to page in the text. ─── 书的索引为读者列出了正文中的页数。

35、The following example rebuilds a single index. ─── 以下示例将重新生成单个索引。

36、Drop spatial index on tablename. ─── 可以删除一个空间索引。

37、Objects, starting at a particular array index. ─── 对象的数组中。

38、The price index has been kiting since last year. ─── 从去年开始物价指数就一直在迅速上升。

39、Have you used the Periodical Index before? ─── 你以前用过期刊索引吗?

40、Click OK to close the New Index dialog box. ─── 单击“确定”关闭“新建索引”对话框。

41、The face is the index of the mind. ─── [谚]脸是心灵的镜子。

42、A Self-Calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index. ─── 干旱强度指数。

43、Speculating with stock index futures? ─── 如何以股价指数期货投机?

44、Advances to the first matching row on the index. ─── 前进至索引中第一个匹配行。

45、With array indices, the closing square bracket (]) marks the end of the index. ─── 对于数组索引,右方括号(])标志着索引的结束。


47、In b3n + x, 3 and n are indices. ─── 在b3n + x式中, 3和n是指数.

48、She flipped to the index and found the information she needed. ─── 她翻到索引,找到了所需的资料。

49、If the index buffer contains 32-bit indices. ─── 如果索引缓冲区包含32位索引,则设置为。

50、Formats the date and time as a GMT sortable index. ─── 将日期和时间格式化为GMT可排序索引。

51、The increasing sale of luxury goods is an index of the country's prosperity. ─── 奢侈商品销售量日增是该国繁荣的标志。

52、Do you know the price index in the city? ─── 你知道这个城市的物价指数吗?

53、The financial times share index go up five point yesterday. ─── 《金融时报》的股票指数昨天上升了五点。

54、MSCI will do its best not to move the market, and has avoided doing so when it has moved countries in and out of indices in the past. ─── MSCI将尽其全力不去影响市场,在以前将国家纳入和剔除出其指数时,确实也做到了这一点。

55、At the end there may be an index. ─── 在书尾有一个索引。

56、The indices are masking a huge disparity in prices. ─── 房价指数掩盖了具体价格上的巨大差异。

57、About complex index of refraction. ─── 关于复杂折射。

58、The next level of the index has to store 100 rows. ─── 下一级索引必须存储100行。

59、The critical external &internal quality indices (e.g. CPK, PPM value, etc). ─── 关键内、外部质量指标(如CPK、PPM值等)。

60、A geographic dictionary or index. ─── 地名辞典地理学的辞典或索引

61、The attempt to count the address book indices failed. ─── 尝试计算地址簿索引失败。

62、The enter indices that the experts selected localized in the indices about "stasis". ─── 专家意见主要集中于一些反映“瘀”的病史、症状、体征。

63、The index of the image in the list. ─── 图像在列表中的索引。

64、Index creation on a table that contains data. ─── 在包含数据的表上创建索引。

65、Single index partition can be rebuilt. ─── 可以重新生成单个索引分区。

66、If the index buffer has 32-bit indices. ─── 如果索引缓冲区具有32位索引,则为。

67、The primary index is already defined. ─── 主要索引已经定义。

68、Diurnal variation of UV Index on a sunny day. ─── 在阳光充沛的日子里,紫外线指数的日际变化。

69、Index options can be set or modified. ─── 可以设置或修改索引选项。

70、Broken index finger on the right hand. ─── 右手食指受伤。

71、A person's face is often an index of his mood. ─── 一个人的脸部表情常常反映这个人的情绪。

72、Objectives: To determine the agreement among the occlusal indices used to determine the orthodontic treatment need. ─── 目的:观察不同的正畸治疗指数评价正畸治疗需要的一致性。

73、Diacetyl is one of the important indices in beer quality management. ─── 双乙酰是啤酒品质管理的重要指标之一。

74、Dropping an index used by the execution plan. ─── 删除执行计划所使用的索引。

75、Sign your name on the index card. ─── 在图书卡上签上你的名字。

76、You can trace price indices by the use of the computer. ─── 你可以用电脑查找物价指数。

77、Further fields and indices can be added, as required. ─── 可以根据需要进一步添加字段和索引。

78、Reflects the status of the domain index. ─── 反映域索引的状态。

79、The shelves and numbers are the storage system. The card indices are the retrieval system. ─── 书架和书号是存储系统,卡片索引是检索系统。

80、Percentage changes are calculated using the unrounded figures of the indices. ─── 变动百分率是以未进位前的指数数字计算。

81、Look for the book in the subject index. ─── 使用目录索引查书。

82、Other indices were measured by interview. ─── 4类判别函数总的差异有显著性。

83、If the ratio is low, the index is highly selective. ─── 如果比率较低,索引就是高选择性的。

84、The Shanghai Composite has gained 88. 5 per cent since the beginning of the year, beating all major indices around the world. ─── 自今年年初以来,上证综指已累计上涨88.5%,比全球所有主要股指的表现都好。

85、In this equation K is the consistency index. ─── 在这个方程中,K是稠度系数。

86、Will verbosely dump rm file index sections. ─── 会提取一个非常长的rm文件索引。

87、Handbook of index to world ports II. ─── 世界港口索引手册2。

88、To define the first triangle, we therefore provide vertex indices 0, 1 and 4. ─── 定义第一个三角形,然后设置顶点索引0,1,4。

89、Separate complex keys or indices from their surrounding brackets. ─── 对复杂的键或索引,将其与周围的括弧分开。

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