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09-13 投稿



evoke 发音

英:[??vo?k]  美:[??v??k]

英:  美:

evoke 中文意思翻译



evoke 词性/词形变化,evoke变形


evoke 短语词组

1、dirt roads may evoke ─── 土路可能会引发

2、evoke module ─── 订制模块

3、evoke the culture ─── 唤起文化

4、evoke an echo ─── 引起反响

5、evoke response in ─── 在…中引起反响

evoke 相似词语短语

1、revoke ─── vt.撤回,取消;废除;vi.有牌不跟;n.有牌不跟

2、evokes ─── vt.引起,唤起;博得

3、evohe ─── 埃沃赫

4、revoker ─── 撤销人

5、evoked ─── 诱发的

6、revokes ─── vt.撤回,取消;废除;vi.有牌不跟;n.有牌不跟

7、evoker ─── n.魔法导师;召唤师

8、revoked ─── 取消的

9、evoe ─── 埃沃

evoke 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"I grant you the power of pity. You may evoke pity in anyone that sees you. ─── “我赋予你怜悯的力量。当任何一个人看到你,你就可以唤起他们对你的同情心。”

2、Her work is often minimal, impinging on us often through the use of light, its reflection and refraction, to evoke feelings of wonder. ─── 她的作品通常极其微小,通过运用光的反射和折射对观众产生影响,激发好奇之感。

3、A style of the late19th and early20th centuries,using lush and somewhat vague harmony and rhythm to evoke suggestions of mood,place,and natural phenomena. ─── 印象派一种19世纪晚期和20世纪早期的音乐风格,运用丰富且有些种模糊的和声与节奏来唤起对心境、地方和自然现象的印象。

4、A good joke evoke a laugh. ─── 好笑话逗人笑。

5、How does calling evoke faith, become effectual? ─── 呼召如何引发信心,如何成为有效呢?

6、But why does the sound of a wailing banshee evoke the same response? ─── 可是为什么鬼哭神嚎也会引发相同的反应呢?

7、The same is true of the movie “2012,” designed to evoke fearful thoughts that the world really may come to the kind of end that some fundamentalist religions are expecting. ─── 同样的,电影“2012”的上映也有(双重效果),也会唤起恐惧的思想,认为世界就会按照某些宗教所预言的那样,走向末日。

8、Tending or having the power to evoke. ─── 唤起 ... 的,引起 ... 的有能力唤起的

9、Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country, any political party or ethnic should take no incitement to evoke any racial inflammatory remarks. ─── 大马是一个多元种族的国家,任何政党或民族皆不说出贝煽动民族性的言论,也绝对不会姑息玩弄种族政治的政客。

10、In advertising, red is often used to evoke erotic feelings (red lips, red nails, red-light districts, 'Lady in Red', etc). ─── 在广告中,红色经常用于唤起情欲(红唇、红指甲、红灯区、“红衣女郎”等等)。

11、In that house more than anywhere else, perhaps, arise those children's sayings which are so graceful and which evoke a smile that is full of thoughtfulness. ─── “孩儿话”总是饶有风趣的,能令人发笑,发人深省,任何其他地方说的孩儿话也许都不及那修院里的多。

12、Mention Yan'an, can evoke the truest love by countless popular feeling and memory. ─── 一提起延安,就会激起无数人心底最真挚的感情和回忆。

13、Wholly for the sake of God he should proclaim His Message, and with that same spirit accept whatever response his words may evoke in his hearer. ─── 他必须完全为了上帝而传扬祂的信息,还须以同样的精神去接受听者对自己的宣说作出的任何反应。

14、became apparent that smell can evoke strong emotional responses. ─── 明显,气味可以引起强烈的情绪反应。

15、Melody seems to act as a path or a cue to evoke the precise information we are trying to retrieve. ─── 音乐似乎作为路径或暗示要让你精确的信息我们正试图挽回了。

16、Brand Audit shows that Panodol, Tylenol, and Bufferin evoke different association. ─── 品牌检验显示,必理通,泰诺和百服宁有截然不同的品牌联想。

17、Why might gluttonous people evoke complaints even from plants? ─── 为何贪口腹之欲的人,连植物也会抱怨?

18、Why not consider an analogous probability that when we evoke God, we create God? ─── 为什麽不考虑一下类比的可能性:当我们召唤上帝时,我们创造上帝?

19、Rather the delicacy of the brow, the projection of the face and the curvature of the rear of the skull evoke H. habilis, the presumed forebear of H. erectus. ─── 他的眉脊不发达、面孔突出,还有后脑壳的弧度都与巧人很像,而学者一般假定巧人是直立人的祖先。

20、Unobstructed, ancient, and open, the compositions evoke a harshly beautiful state of being that exists outside of human perceptions of time. ─── 古老,无碍又开放的作品勾勒出人类时间感以外的粗犷美丽的存在状态。

21、Picking cotton at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola (one of the few places in the U.S. where cotton is still picked by hand), these convicts evoke blues music's ancestry. ─── 在安哥拉(美国仅有的几处仍手工采摘棉花的地方之一)的路易斯安那州立监狱中,囚犯们正在摘棉花,正是他们引发了布鲁斯音乐的产生。

22、A god joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh. ─── 好笑话并不一定逗人大笑。

23、Its primary purpose is to report on and fix problems, but its flexibility and extendibility evoke many other uses limited only by your imagination. ─── 其主要目的是报告和修理问题,但是其灵活性和可扩展性唤起了许多其他在你脑海中受限的用途。

24、These inspiring structures can tantalize and evoke emotions not normally associated with mega structures. ─── 与其它大型建筑不同的是,这些令人震撼的设施常让人热血沸腾。

25、By: Residence Fine Furniture | Sep 6th 2009 - Furnish you bedroom with luxury bed linen and evoke feelings of lavishness, to soothe the soul and revitalize the spirit. ─── 卧室用品,床上用品,床上用品,床上用品床单,亚麻床上用品,豪华床上用品,纯棉床单,美丽的床上用品,

26、The waters of the Danube evoke images at every curve, touching on dreamlike places. ─── 多瑙河水在每个转弯处都会激起人们的遐想,仿佛步入仙境。

27、I will suggest that her actions evoke moral meanings that reside at the heart of her possible influence on her students. ─── 我会建议说,她的行动引起的道德含义,居住于心,她有可能影响她的学生。

28、A literary style characterized by the use of details and mental associations to evoke subjective and sensory impressions rather than the re-creation of objective reality. ─── 印象主义一种文学风格,其特征是利用对细节和感情的描述而不是通过对客观的现实的再创造,来唤起主观的或感觉的印象

29、As far as evoke is concerned, there's very little difference between the _Lorwyn_ creatures and the _Morningtide_ creatures. ─── 只考虑以呼魂来使用的状况下,_洛温_的生物与_晨光_的生物几乎没有分别。

30、Perhaps include a provocative question or two; evoke vivid images or use quotations if appropriate. ─── 可以以问话结为,或适当的引用。

31、The consultation process for corporate materials never fails to evoke gems of wisdom like "No green,please. Qing (raw) numbers are not ripe enough to strike"! ─── 在公司事务的磋商过程中,总不乏智人慧语。例如:“青色不好。青(生)的号码还没有熟,不会是中奖号码”!

32、His case is unlikely to evoke public sympathy. ─── 他的情况不大可能引起公众的同情。

33、Songs that evoke old memories. ─── 唤起往日回忆的歌曲

34、Still, picturing the jeers her old padded jacket would evoke, she couldn't restrain her tears. ─── 同时,她的想像中就展开了那件旧棉袄惹人讪笑的情形,她忍不住哭起来了。

35、If so, that interaction would explain why even abstract number representations, or the idea of the numbers elicited by days of the week or months, will strongly evoke specific colors. ─── 如果真是这样的话,那样的互动就能够解释,为什麽就算是抽象的数字符号,或是由周日与月份所引起的数字概念,也会强烈引发特定的颜色感。

36、He could evoke her face at will. ─── 他随便什么时候都能回想起她的模样来。

37、Instead its realism, and the author's heartfelt candour, make it one of those rare books that successfully evoke the human spirit. ─── 回忆录的写实风格加上作者发自肺腑的真诚坦率让整本书成为少有的能真正引发人们灵魂深处共鸣的作品之一。

38、Her only resource was the sympathy she could evoke. ─── 她以凭借的唯一力量就是她能从人们心底里激起的同情。

39、A second floor exhibit today displays the monogrammed silver and ice buckets that evoke a more gracious era. ─── 如今一个在二楼的展览里陈列了一些精美的银币和冰桶,让人追忆那个奢华的时代。

40、It would inevitably evoke a strong repercussion among people from different walks of life . ─── 它不可避免会引起不同生活北京的人的强烈反响。

41、Norman argues, moreover, that machines should not only evoke emotional responses in their owners but should also in some sense feel emotions themselves. ─── 再者,诺曼认为,机器不仅应该引发使用者的情绪反应,而且从某个角度来看,它们本身也应该能感觉到情绪。

42、The consultation process for corporate materials never fails to evoke gems of wisdom like "No green, please. Qing (raw) numbers are not ripe enough to strike"! ─── 在公司事务的磋商过程中,总不乏智人慧语。 例如:“青色不好。 青(生)的号码还没有熟,不会是中奖号码”;

43、They evoke no ardor in the male breast. ─── 它激不起男人胸中的热情。

44、Austen fans will enjoy occasional phrases and comments that are meant to evoke one of her novels. ─── 奥斯丁爱好者可以尽情享受偶尔短语和评论说,是为了勾起她的一个小说。

45、Fast curvilinear cutting function: It can cut via any curve fast and consecutively. The laser heads moving in beautiful arc just evoke your imagination of top grade racing car. ─── 、快速曲线切割功能:任意曲线均能快速连续切割,镭射头的运动过程如同顶级赛车划出的优美弧线。

46、Why do the seal's laboratory dives always evoke this response, regardless of their length or depth? ─── 为什么不管它们潜水的长度和深度如何,海豹在实验室潜水时总是会引起这种反应?

47、Yor crowning glory can evoke sighs of despair and oohs of delight and covetousness depending on its condition. ─── 你无比的荣耀可以引起绝望的叹息,欣喜的呼声和贪婪,这随情况而定。

48、A style of the late19th and early20th centuries, using lush and somewhat vague harmony and rhythm to evoke suggestions of mood, place, and natural phenomena. ─── 印象派一种19世纪晚期和20世纪早期的音乐风格,运用丰富且有些种模糊的和声与节奏来唤起对心境、地方和自然现象的印象

49、He used original colour compositions which evoke Slavonic popular art and which are similar to precious watermark works. ─── 他用原来的颜色组成的唤起斯拉夫流行艺术和它类似的珍贵水印作品。

50、Under pathologic status in the nervous system, increased or decreased activities of various PLA2 isozymes can evoke neuropathies in various extent. ─── 在神经系统病理状态下,磷脂酶A2同工酶活性可增强或降低,引起不同程度的神经系统病变。

51、With our allies we need to lead and to evoke greater contributions. ─── 与盟国相处,我们不仅要领导,还要敦促他们多多出力。

52、His case is unlikely to evoke public sympathy. ─── 他的情况不大可能引起公众的同情。

53、Ask the average American about chlamydia, and you will probably evoke an uneasy cringe.Most people think immediately of one of the world's most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). ─── 向一般的美国人提起披衣菌,可能会引起不自在的退缩,因为他们多半会马上联想到世上最常见的性病之一。

54、Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition ; hackneyed. ─── 假话不管怎样重复,也不可能变为真话。

55、But, curiously, I do not get a sense of Kong Fu Zi's teaching or much that seems to evoke his presence within these buildings. ─── 但奇怪的是,身处这些建筑之中,我无法感受孔夫子的教诲,也无法寻找到他存在过的痕迹。

56、The lawyers cunningly evoke "Gorbachev", a name respected in the West, to make us think that justice prevailed. ─── 他的律师们狡猾地打出了“戈尔巴乔夫”这个招牌,这一个被西方世界尊重的名字,以期让我们误认为是正义获胜。

57、According to experts, the yellow color is the most effective color to evoke appetite. ─── 专家们研究表明,橙色是最能勾起食欲的颜色。

58、"You have got this wonderful opportunity to evoke a different kind of psychophysiological response. ─── “你会得到绝佳的机会来唤起一种与众不同的心理生理反应。”

59、We will be gratified if our efforts evoke your enthusiasm. ─── 如果我们的努力能激发您的热情,这是我们最大的心愿。

60、And she hopes that this dissertation will evoke more research on Hawthorne"s achievements symbolism and psychoanalytic writing. ─── 另外,霍桑在象征主义和心理分析小说方面的成就也是关于霍桑很好的文学批评素材。

61、Even more damaging, however, was Brasier's suggestion that many of the microscopic structures that evoke life for Schopf may be nothing more than lifeless artifacts. ─── 但还有一个问题更大,伯拉西尔提出,许多被萧普夫认为是生命物质的显微构造,可能根本是无生命的物质。

62、Such atypical clinical poctures of Kawasaki disease may cause delay in the treatment, and the fatality rate can be increased. so, a persistent fever with jaundice should evoke the differential diagnosis of Kawasakidisease. ─── 因此临床上有持续发烧并不明原因的肝?发炎时,在鉴别诊断上必须考虑川崎氏症的可能性。

63、Under pathologic status in the nervous system,increased or decreased activities of various PLA2 isozymes can evoke neuropathies in... ─── 一些磷脂酶A2抑制剂可能延缓病程的进展,达到治疗的目的。

64、If I stay on and die at my post, it is hard to tell what repercussions that might evoke worldwide. ─── 如果不退休,在工作岗位上去世,世界上会引起什么反响很难讲。

65、There have been many attempts, but they don't evoke anywhere near the same responses as puppies, kittens or even hamsters.They are toys, not companions. ─── 出现过许多这样的尝试,不过,它们都没有带来任何接近于对小狗小猫甚或是仓鼠的同样反应,它们只是玩具,不是伙伴。

66、She personifies a certain Iran I've tried to evoke since the beginning of this year. ─── 她把我在今年年初想要唤起的那个伊朗拟人化了。

67、But he knew himself able to evoke laughter as well as tears and shudders. ─── 但他知道自己既能催人落泪和颤抖,也能逗人发笑。

68、The evoke ability makes a return appearance in the _Morningtide_ set. ─── 呼魂异能在_晨光_系列复出。

69、She personifies a certain Iran I’ve tried to evoke since the beginning of this year. ─── 她把我在今年年初想要唤起的那个伊朗拟人化了。

70、The low-slung seating position and the clear structure of the instruments likewise evoke the wish to really experience and savour the dynamic potential of this unique car. ─── 在低矮的座椅位置和文书的结构清晰,也唤起想真正体验和品尝这种独特的汽车动力的潜力。

71、He knew himself able to evoke laughter as well as tears and shudders. ─── 他知道自己既能催人落泪和颤抖,也能逗人发笑。

72、Instead they evoke a series of allegorical meanings that would have mystified all but his coterie of young, aristocratic patrons. ─── 但却充满寓意,迷惑了他几乎所有的年轻的贵族资助者。

73、Yet the only thing that makes Anas feel like a real man is when he's at work where he can sit in his stylish executive chair behind his big strong executive desk and naturally evoke a sense of power. ─── 从投入子弹停止艾略特通过他的中年成为秃头的头的唯一的事来临运作每天那里他能在有生产力在他符合人体工程学地设计事务所椅子和感觉象一个真正的球员。

74、Oddly, this most suburban American invention was supposed to evoke a European city centre. ─── 令人匪夷所思的是,这最具郊区特质的美国发明据说塑造了一个欧洲城市中心。

75、After application of 3,4-diaminopyridine to evoke [3H]NE release and PDB to enhance this release, the Li+-evoked [3H]NE release was significantly inhibited. ─── 如先用3,4-二氨基吡啶诱发NE释放,并用PDB加强这一释放,则Li~+诱发NE释放的作用被抑制。

76、It's said that he can evoke spirits from the other world. ─── 听说他可以从另一个世界召唤鬼魂。

77、Pieces of fine art may evoke emotional or spiritual responses in us. ─── 一件件精美的艺术品可以唤起我们情感和精神上的响应。

78、Only when in some extreme personal situation we evoke God, believing or not, we cause God to exist. ─── 只有在某些极端个人的情境,我们召唤上帝时,无论信或不信,我们才使上帝存在。

79、Unlike the above two methods, FrameNet is based on the word's different meaning in different sematic framework to evoke different framework in order to understand the meaning of the word. ─── 不同于以上两种方法,框架网则是根据单词的不同的义项对应不同的语义框架,用不同的语义唤醒激活不同的框架,从而理解词语的语义。

80、Any requirement that may be construed as 'compulsory' will evoke some rebelliousness. ─── 任何可以解释成“必须做的”要求都会激起一些反动情绪。

81、The loyalties they create, evoke, or reflect are steeped in humanity’s characteristic tribalism. ─── 它们所创造、唤起或者表现出的忠诚都深深地扎根于人类特有的部落文化。

82、They can evoke the memory in people bottom of the heart, experience to the individual, lead a wandering life career, to familiar thing and the feeling to nature. ─── 它们能够唤起人们心底深处的记忆,对个人经历、漂泊生涯,对熟悉的事物和对自然的感慨。

83、No, any object whatsoever obliges me to evoke you as a witness, not even to have the approval of what I see. ─── 不,任何的客体都会激励我召唤你充当一个证人,甚至不必徵求我同意,对于她看见的东西。

84、Depending upon his relationship to the dog and the zone he is in, a trespasser can evoke different behavior when he crosses the invisible lines which are meaningful to the dog. ─── 依据他和狗的关系和他所在的地域,一个入侵者可以唤醒狗不同的反应当他穿越对狗而言意义重大的无形界限时。

85、"Temporal lobe stimulation," he said, "can evoke the feeling of a presence, disorientation, and perceptual irregularities. ─── “颞叶刺激,”他说到,“能引起一个存在的感觉,方向知觉的丧失,和知觉无规律。

86、And the only way one person can modify the mind of another is by using physical conditions, crude or artificial, so as to evoke some answering activity from him. ─── 一个人要能改变别人的心理,唯一的方法是利用天然的或人为的物质条件,引出别人某种应答性的活动。

87、In order to evoke the consciousness of the people, resolve these matters effectively, we need the help of the advertisement, especially the commonweal advertisement. ─── 为了唤起人们的意识,更加有效解决这些问题,我们需要广告事业的支持,特别是公益广告。

88、The news of this session and its documents can be expected to evoke widespread and favourable response not only inside our Party and among the whole Chinese people but also in the rest of the world. ─── 会议的消息和文件公布以后,不仅在党内、在全国各族人民中,而且在国际上,都会引起很大很好的反响。

89、By coupling the recombinant protein with a potent new-generation adjuvant, scientists may be able to evoke good protective immunity relatively quickly with only one or two injections. ─── 如果可以把重组蛋白质连结到有效的新一代佐药,也许只需一两次的接种,就可以更快引起有效保护的免疫反应。

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