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09-14 投稿



innately 发音

英:[??ne?tli]  美:[??ne?tli]

英:  美:

innately 中文意思翻译



innately 词性/词形变化,innately变形

副词: innately |名词: innateness |

innately 同义词

constitutional | inbred | intrinsic | component | original | characteristic | organic | natural |inborn | distinctive | congenital | unlearned | native | born | instinctive | inherent | unconditioned | essential | hereditary

innately 反义词


innately 相似词语短语

1、irately ─── 愤怒地

2、sinuately ─── 弯弯曲曲的

3、pinnately ─── 羽状的;有鳍的

4、lunately ─── 疯狂地

5、innate ─── adj.先天的;固有的;与生俱来的

6、ornately ─── adv.装饰过分地;词藻华丽地

7、connately ─── 原生地;合生地

8、binately ─── 二元的

9、ingrately ─── 忘恩负义

innately 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We cannot innately grasp concepts in probability, horizontal causality, and simultaneous logic. ─── 我们不可能天生理解概率、横向因果关系及同步逻辑方面的各种概念。

2、She likes asking for troubles innately. ─── 她生来喜欢自寻烦恼。

3、Malfurion explained to his brother that magic was innately chaotic and that its use would inevitably lead to widespread corruption and strife.Still, Illidan refused to relinquish his magical powers. ─── 玛法里奥向他的兄弟解释道,魔法是天生的混乱之源,使用魔法最终将导致堕落和纷争,但固执的伊利丹仍然不愿放弃他的魔法力量。

4、A certain type of child is innately[S] backward.His dullness is not due to any outward cause: it is just an Act of God, and God only knows how to cure it. ─── 有一类孩子天生木讷,他们的迟钝没有任何外界的原因,是上帝的意思(不可抗力),只有上帝才知道怎么治。

5、The third reason for marriage, people may say, is companionship.Indeed, we need company because we are innately social and often get lonely. ─── 应该指出的是,佛教所有的观点都是为了破除另一些观点而出现,但它不应该成为你的新主人。

6、Needn't envy again those are full of persons of sport cells innately! ─── 不用再羡慕那些天生就充满运动细胞的人!

7、As we are all created by the flame of soul - innately we all believe in magic. ─── 因为我们全都是被灵魂的火焰创造-天生我们全都相信魔法。

8、Aesthetic intuition demands innately that human and material return to nature and real life state after transcending.Then, human and material in a freedom state reach the natural life of beauty. ─── 妙悟内在地要求人与物的返朴归真,回归超越后的生命本真状态,使人与物在自由的审美观照中,实现由极致而冲淡的自由审美之境。

9、Hunter pets now innately take 90% less damage from area-of-effect abilities like all other class pets.This does not apply to area-of-effect damage caused by other players. ─── 现在猎人的宠物会在PVE战斗中自动的少受90%的AOE伤害,当然在PVP中要全额承受AOE伤害。

10、The heart of the man without cultiva-tion,knowledge and practice is like a piece of land , which could not bear fruit without being farmed and sowed even if it were innately fertile. ─── 没有教养、没有学识、没有实践的人的心灵好比一块田地,这块田地即使天生肥沃,但倘若不经耕耘和播种,也是结不出果实来的。

11、I believe everyone is innately psychic. ─── 我相信每个人都天生具有超自然能力。

12、the army's innately conservative values ─── 军队固有的保守价值观

13、While many scientists are beginning to recognize boys are not innately math whizzes compared with girls, Hyde said, some people might be surprised at the new findings. ─── 虽然已有很多科学家开始意识到,男孩子并非天生就比女孩子具备成为数学能手的禀赋,但是海德女士说,相信还是有人对她们取得的科学发现感到惊讶的。

14、Different from private resource, natural resources, social resource and knowledge resource do not all belong to the private one innately, therefore, can be called the public resource. ─── 与私人资源不同,自然资源、社会资源和知识资源都不是天生属于私人的,因而,可以称为公共资源。

15、So, the classification by belonging to the individual innately, the resources which produce the means of livelihood can be divided into two kinds of public resources and private resources. ─── 所以,以是否天生属于私人来分类,生产生活资料的资源可以分为公共资源和私人资源两种。

16、That's the difference between a matter of morality and one of mere social convention, and Schulman and others believe kids feel it innately. ─── 这便是一个道德问题与一个纯粹的社会公约之间的区别,舒尔曼和其他人相信孩子们会与生俱来地感觉到这些。

17、Nor was there any need for the written revelation of God in the Bible, since men could know God and his truth innately, through intuition. ─── 既然人可以藉由直觉天生地认识神和他的真理,圣经中所记载神的启示也就没有任何的需要。

18、To be a spiritual warrior means to develop a special kind of courage, one that is innately intelligent, gentle, and fearless. ─── 做为精神战士,必须具备特殊的勇气,天生拥有睿智、温柔和无畏。

19、The local young business or has, the joint capital pasture innately; ─── 本地乳企或者拥有自有、合资的牧场;

20、Those with the Pluto-Moon are innately predisposed to have intense emotional reactions to the world around them. ─── 那些有月冥相位的人倾向于对外界世界有强烈的情绪反映。

21、Guys are innately drawn to big eyes. ─── 男人们天生就被大眼睛所吸引。

22、innately conservative, Confucius was fascinated by the last of these disciplines ─── 由于生性保守,孔子特别推崇“礼”。

23、These children could maintain the connection with nature and ascending humans that they innately know is possible at birth. ─── 这些孩子可以保持和大自然的联系,也可以保持和他们天然认识的提升人类的联系。

24、humans are innately inhumane; this explains much of the misery and suffering in the world; biological weapons are considered too inhumane to be used. ─── 人类天生就是残忍的;这可以解释世界上非常多的悲剧和苦难;生物武器被认为太不人道了,因而不得使用。

25、Maximilian Hecker is not only understand the most beautiful melodies of the British pop music, but he also innately have elegant and melancholy temperament. ─── 麦斯米兰不仅抓住了英国流行音乐中最美妙的旋律,与生俱来就拥有那优雅又忧郁的气质。

26、It is important to understand that a culture, though vastly different from yours, is innately logical to locals. ─── 有些文化,尽管在你看来格格不入,但在当地人的眼里它既自然又合理。

27、She, I think, she is a normal thought that people innately believe. ─── 文化:她,我觉得,就是一个,最普遍的一个想法,就是一个人固有的一个想法。

28、Chinese Confucian philosopher who taught that man is innately good and that one's nature can be enhanced or perverted by one's environment. ─── 孟子中国儒家哲学家,认为人生而具有天赋的“仁心”,一个人的善与恶由其所处的环境决定

29、Therefore, it innately has great control over mana and can passively restore it's own mana pool as it casts spells, restoring the mana pools of it's allies in the process. ─── 因此,它天生就有强大的魔法控制力,可以在施法的时候恢复它和它盟友的法力。

30、Nor was there any need for the written revelation of God in the Bible, since men could know God and his truth innately , through intuition. ─── 既然人可以藉由直觉天生地认识神和他的真理,圣经中所记载神的启示也就没有任何的需要。

31、this requires an ability to innately understand how to modify one's own genetics. ─── 这需要内在懂得如何来调整自身基因的能力。

32、The child is said to be innately disposed to learn language. ─── 据说孩子天生就有学习语言的能力。

33、Both Sinology and Sinology Study were based on multi cultures and should innately have vision of comparative culture. ─── 二者都是在跨文化的基础上进行的,因而应具有自觉的比较文化视野。

34、humans are innately inhumane; ─── 人类天生就是残忍的;

35、"He's an innately good man, what would make him do that. ─── 不管如何来说,主流社会是一个否定爱情的社会。

36、From the time it's formed as a zygote, even every Chinese baby's heart is innately filled with much hate for not only you, but your children as well. ─── 自此他就形成了这样一个联合体,甚至每个中国婴儿的内心天生就恨你们,也恨你们的孩子。

37、Warlocks now innately have an increased 10% spell hit chance on the Enslave Demon spell. ─── 术士的奴役恶魔法术现在天生获得10%的法术命中率加值。

38、Capital is innately driven to seek profitability. ─── 资本天生就追逐盈利。

39、Another, better version of HTML evolved as programmers began to realize that HTML was innately flawed in a variety of ways. ─── 随着HTML版本的不断发展,程序员越来越意识到HTML在很多方面的缺陷。

40、Stop trying to hold on to positive emotions or experiences, or trying to push away negative emotions or experiences, since doing either is trying to stop something that is innately designed to move. ─── 尝试尽力留住好的情绪和体验或尽力驱逐不好的,两者均在试图停止本质上需要流动的事物。

41、Because camera sensors don't innately act the same way, this gives rise to a white balance control in which the camera picks its reference point for absolute white. ─── 因为摄像传感器自身并不具有这一特性,因此它需要使用参考量作为绝对白色,并对传感器进行调整,这一过程称为称为白平衡控制。

42、The man is stronger innately. ─── 男人天生就比较强壮。

43、Is competitiveness a streak that is innately in Man? After I came JC I seriously lost interest in winning. ─── 如果能让任何人开心,不管是什么,我都会吞下眼泪,拱手让你。

44、For Heidegger, thinking is a mode of Dasein's Being, the essence of which consists in the intentional experience where language is innately directed to body. ─── 对海德格来说,思考是此有的存在方式,其本质在于语言先天指向事物的意向经验。

45、Most human beings seem innately averse to change. ─── 大多数人内心里似乎都不喜欢变化。

46、He believes that humans are innately violent. ─── 他相信人性本恶。

47、These children could maintain the connection with nature and ascending humans that they innately know is possible at birth. ─── 这些孩子可以保持和大自然的联系,也可以保持和他们天然认识的提升人类的联系。

48、Human beings are not innately knowledgeable, who could avoid puzzlement? ─── 人非生而知之者,孰能无惑?

49、“the truth becomes known innately one day, these opinions are do not respect to the dead. ─── “真相自有大白的一天,这些言论是对死者不尊重。”

50、The really potent part of love is that it allows you to carry around beliefs about yourself that make you feel special, desirable, precious, innately good. ─── 爱情中十分猛烈的一部分是它会让你揣着那些让你感觉自己特别、被人爱、珍贵、内在善良的信念。

51、The article reviews the research progress from the three aspects of innat imunity,adaptive immunity and antifungal immunity on this field. ─── 现从固有免疫、适应性免疫以及抗真菌的免疫学治疗3方面探讨该领域的研究进展。

52、My new theory of proto-consciousness takes seriously the possibility that the brain is innately fearful and innately angry. ─── 我在关于原意识的新理论中严肃探讨了一种可能性,即大脑天生是恐惧和生气的。

53、That's the difference between a matter of morality and one of mere social convention, and Schulman and others believe kids feel it innately. ─── 而且,Schulman和其他人认为孩子会本能地感到这种区别。

54、She brings an element of sort of rock and hip, but not just because she's on Twilight, She brings that aura herself innately. ─── 她带来了摇滚兼嘻哈的元素,但不仅仅是因为她在暮光之城系列影片里的演出,而是她带着自己得天独厚的光环。

55、Human being preserves some elementary concept of number innately. ─── 人类天生就具有一些初级的数概念。

56、Could it be because there was something innately bad about her, an inward corruption that attracted its like? ─── 难道她天生就是邪恶的,本质本来败坏,因而要吸引它的同类不成?

57、Different individuals are innately fitted for different kinds of employment. ─── 不同的人适合不同的职业,这是天生的。

58、However they set these creations or Great Central Suns in motion with the intent to extract the knowledge held innately in the blueprint of form; ─── 不过,他们启动这些造物或大中枢太阳们时,带上了汲取这些形体蓝图天然所具备之知识的意图;

59、Yes, the situation is intense, but you have an innately optimistic attitude to pull you through. ─── 虽然情况很激烈,但是你与生俱来的乐观态度将使你度过难关。

60、Whatever you might do, sacrifice messaging to avoid confusion, because the joke that has to be explained is never as funny as the joke you innately get. ─── 不管你可以做些牺牲消息,以避免混淆,因为开玩笑说,要解释的是从来没有好笑的笑话你天生获得。

61、Have we lost trust in Google simply because it is winning, and we innately suspect the worst of a company at its scale? ─── 我们只因为谷歌的胜利失去对它的信任,而且我们生来就用这个标准质疑一间公司的最坏的一面?

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