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09-14 投稿



insulator 发音

英:['?nsj?le?t?]  美:['?ns?let?]

英:  美:

insulator 中文意思翻译



insulator 反义词


insulator 词性/词形变化,insulator变形


insulator 短语词组

1、delta insulator ─── [电] 塔形绝缘器

2、double cup porcelain insulator ─── [电] 双瓷杯绝缘器

3、heat insulator ─── [化] 隔热材料; 绝热材料; 保温材料; 热绝缘器

4、laminated insulator ─── [医] 胶质绝缘纸

5、knob insulator ─── [电] 捻头绝缘器

6、insulator arc over ─── [电] 绝缘器弧越

7、base insulator ─── [电] 基座绝缘体

8、feedthrough insulator ─── [电] 馈穿绝缘体

9、guy insulator ─── [电] 支线绝缘器

10、insulator breakdown ─── [电] 绝缘破裂

11、insulator flap castings ─── [机] 绝缘体盖冒铸件

12、glass insulator ─── [电] 玻璃绝缘器

13、insulator act ring ─── [电] 绝缘器运作环

14、angle insulator ─── [电] 角绝缘器

15、double cap insulator ─── [电] 双帽绝缘子

16、anchor insulator ─── [机] 拉椿绝缘器

17、double petticoat insulator ─── [电] 双裙绝缘子

18、groove shed insulator ─── [电] 复檐绝缘器

19、cell insulator ─── [建] 电池绝缘器

insulator 同义词

soundproofing | nonconductor | padding | dielectric

insulator 相似词语短语

1、inoculator ─── n.接种者,接种器;注射器

2、insulated ─── v.(使)隔热(或隔音、绝缘);(使)免受不良影响;(使)陆地成岛屿(insulate的过去式及过去分词);adj.有隔热(或隔音、绝缘)保护的

3、insufflator ─── n.吹药器;吹入器;指纹印显示器

4、inhalator ─── n.[临床]吸入器;人工呼吸补助器

5、insulators ─── n.[电]绝缘子;[物]绝缘体;绝缘工(insulator的复数形式)

6、insular ─── adj.孤立的;与世隔绝的;海岛的;岛民的

7、insulation ─── n.绝缘;隔离,孤立

8、inflator ─── n.充气者;打气筒;增压泵

9、insulate ─── vt.隔离,使孤立;使绝缘,使隔热

insulator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Guan Zhicheng, Wang Liming, Zhou Yuanxiang etal.The feasibility of application of composite insulator in 750kV lines in high altitude area[J].HighVoltageEngineering, 2002, 28(2): 34-36. ─── [2]关志成,王黎明,周远翔,等.复合绝缘子用于高海拔区750kV线路的可行性[J].高电压技术,2002,28(2):34-36.

2、To prevent short circuits, the wires are kept from touching one another by being covered with an insulator other by being covered with an insulator such as rubber. ─── 为防止短路,导线必须用橡胶这样的绝缘体包上,使彼此不接触。

3、We produce porcelain insulator, porcelain bushing, fuse cutout, lightning arrester and composite insulator. ─── 我们做电力产品的,如陶瓷绝缘子,陶瓷套管,熔断器,避雷器,复合绝缘子。

4、The FRP is an insulator to electricity, so it is good in safety. ─── 因FRP材质不导电,因而灯杆用电安全性能好。

5、The abrupt failure of an insulator or insulating medium to restrict the flow of current. ─── 击穿绝缘体或绝缘介质突然无法制止电流通过

6、The more common electrical properties include : 1) electrical resistivity and conductivity, and 2) the relative dielectric constant, which relates the accumulated charge across and insulator to the electric field. ─── 常见的电学性能包括:(1)电阻率和电导率,和(2)相对介电常数,即积累电荷和绝缘体向电场之间的关系。

7、Can you discriminate between conductor and insulator? ─── 你能把导体与绝缘体区别开吗?

8、It appeared, at first sight, to be a lightning conductor, mounted on an insulator going through the roof. ─── 一眼看去,它似乎是一根避雷针,安装在穿过屋顶的绝缘体上。

9、Profiles of HVDC post insulator and bushing used in converter station was researched from three aspects including pollution accumulation,artificial pollution test and artificial rain flashover test. ─── 从积污、人工污秽试验、人工雨闪试验3个方面对高压直流换流站直流支柱绝缘子和套管伞形结构进行了研究。

10、With the latest equipment and process to manufacture carpet and insulator, we established our leadship in the Chinese automotive carpet industry. ─── 公司引进国外先进技术设备生产的地毯及隔音垫,在国内外同行中处于领先地位,发泡地毯填补了国内空白。

11、Leak,choosing insulator and triboelectrification,which are usual in electrostatic experiments,are discussed. ─── 对静电实验中常见的漏电现象、绝缘材料的选取、摩擦起电等问题进行了探讨。

12、In a hot climate the condensation will be on the inner surface of the insulator. ─── 在气候炎热时,凝结水将出现在隔热层的内表面。

13、The productuses 4 pairs , Insulation is HDPE insulator, and sheath is PVC. ─── 1本产品规格为4对,绝缘采用高密度聚乙烯绝缘料,护套为聚氯乙烯护套料。

14、When a rubber balloon is rubbed with wool, the negative electric charge cannot move, because rubber is an insulator and so the balloon holds on to its charge. ─── 当橡皮汽球与毛皮摩擦时,负电荷静止不动,因为橡胶是绝缘体,因此,汽球不让电荷跑掉。

15、This paper presented an on-chip integration of SOI (Silicon on insulator) CMOS analog IC and piezoresistive cantilever based on the techniques of MEMS and SOI CMOS. ─── 基于MEMS技术和SOI CMOS技术提出了一个包含放大电路与悬臂梁式压阻传感器的集成化方案。

16、The peak tension in the conductor of the upper crossarm at the suspension point exceeds the design value under insulator rupture. ─── 上横担一组绝缘子破坏失效后,破坏档未破坏端导线的张力超过了技术规程中的设计值;

17、Manufacturers were starving for a better insulator that was easily moldable and inexpensive. ─── 厂商当时正在寻求一种易模塑、廉价的绝缘体。

18、Don't weld the battery with flat soldering because soldering melts battery insulator and damages safety circuit. ─── 不能直接用烙铁焊接电池,因为焊接时会融掉电池的绝缘体及损坏安全电路。

19、Therefore, the operation reliability of electric system has increased, insulator clean and maintenance cost have been decreased evidently. ─── 因而提高了电能输送的可靠性,明显地减少了绝缘子的清洗和维护费用。

20、LAPP Insulator Company prides itself on being among the largest insulator manufacturers in the world with modern factories located in the states of New York and Georgia. ─── 厂商简介: LAPP, with its long history of product innovation and improvements, is an industry leader in the design and production of quality high voltage insulators.

21、Application of PLC(LG Master-k 200s) and touch-panel(Proface GP37W2) system to the assembly of crystal resonance and insulator were introduced. Then some simple examples of designing the program of the touch panel were given. ─── 介绍了LG Master-k 200s可编程逻辑控制器结合Proface GP37W 2触摸屏而组成的控制系统,在石英晶体谐振器组装设备中的应用,同时简要介绍了触摸屏的设计思想。

22、A research group in Munich has demonstrated for the first time the quantum phase transition of a superfluid state to the Mott insulator state of a BEC confined in a 3D optical lattice. ─── 德国Munich研究小组首次在三维光晶格中观察到了超冷原子从BEC超流状态向Mott insulator状态的量子相变.

23、Off-Center Insulator Feet. ─── 偏离中心绝缘子英尺。

24、And a Y-type waveguide coupler on silicon-on-insulator(SOI)wafer used for an Intergrated optoelectronic Model was designed. ─── 设计了一种Y型SOI波导耦合器,用于光纤陀螺光收发模块。

25、Therefore, the probability of carries directly penetrating through the insulator will be reduced with thick high-k film, and then charges can be kept in surfaces. ─── 利用高介电系数的材料作为绝缘层时,就能以更大的厚度降低载子直接穿透的机率,而使大部份的电荷维持在表层。

26、Porcelain prevents electricity from passing through it, which is often used as insulator. ─── 瓷料使电流不能在其中通过,因此它常被用作绝缘体。

27、Few substances can equal fur as an insulator. ─── 作为绝缘体很少有其他材料能与动物皮毛相媲美。

28、The calculation result and the characteristics of the axial electric field distribution of the faulted insulator are described.Testing results at laboratory are given. ─── 介绍了故障绝缘子轴向电场分布的计算结果和特点,并给出了实验室检测试验的结果。

29、A thermally excited cylinder of liquid is required, asymmetrically coated with a ceramic insulator. ─── 我要个圆筒装的热激发液体,圆筒为非对称并涂有陶瓷绝缘体。

30、Semiconductor: Class of crystalline solids with electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and an insulator. ─── 半导体:一类晶体材料,其电导率介于导体和绝缘体之间。

31、A semiconductor device in which the capacitance is sensitive to the applied voltage at the boundary of the semiconductor material and an insulator. ─── 变容二极管,可变电抗器一种半导体装置,其中电容对应用在半导体材料和绝缘体边界线处的电压很敏感

32、Dielectric absorption: the tendency of an insulator to store/release charge over long periods. ─── 介电吸收:绝缘体在长时期内储存或释放电荷的趋向。

33、A semiconductor is a material that is neither a good conductor nor a good insulator. ─── 半导体材料既不是良导体,也不是好的绝缘体。

34、First, the influence of a sound insulator to the noise transfer function is considered when noise is transferred by the air. ─── 一、在空气传声方面考虑隔声罩各参数对噪声传递的影响,并进一步确定隔声罩结构;

35、Yu Defen,Sun Caixin,Gu Leguan,et al.The research to token on flash over characteristics of insulator in the acid wet precipitation[J].Proceedings oftheCSEE,2001,21(4):16-19. ─── [4]余德芬,孙才新,顾乐观,等.酸性湿沉降对绝缘子闪络特性影响的表征量研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2001,21(4):16-19.

36、It is presented that the flashover voltage of parallel insulator is lower than that of single insulator, while the V type insulator's is almost the same as that of single one. ─── 指出并联绝缘子串间击穿电压相比单串时有所降低,而V字型串对击穿电压的影响很小。

37、With finite element analytic software ANSYS,the intensity analysis of the integral structure for typical tubular busbar,support insulator and the pole system was made. ─── 利用有限元分析软件ANSYS,对一个典型的管母线、支柱瓷瓶和电杆系统作整体结构强度分析。

38、The mechanical performanec of a hollow composite insulator depends mainly on its wound glass fibre reinforced epoxy resin tube. ─── 复合空心绝缘子的机械性能,主要决定于其内部的环氧玻璃纤维缠绕管(以下简称缠绕管)。

39、The electric fields far away from the insulator and near the insulator were calcu-lated separately. ─── 对封闭母线中存在空间电荷时远离绝缘子处的电场和绝缘子周围区域的电场进行了计算。

40、We produce various porcelain lampholder, bakelite lampholder, socket, insulator, Knife switch, fuse unit, connector etc.With good quality and low price.We have CE, RoHS certifications etc.For more ... ─── 供应铡刀开关我厂长期大量供应陶瓷灯头,灯座,熔断器,铡刀开关等电瓷类产品 欢迎来电咨询...

41、This article analyses the forming process of miniature superthin insulator and introduces the structure and working principle of the die. ─── 对微型超薄绝缘片成型工艺进行了分析,并介绍了模具的结构及工作原理。

42、All uses such as refrigerant, insulator and deterge nt, etc. ─── 各式用途,如冷媒、包裝材料使用之發泡劑、清潔劑。

43、The content of this thesis can be divided into three parts:1) A real-time measurement method for insulator erosion was developed by utilizing x-ray real-time radiography technique (RTR) and experimental instrument was designed. ─── 1)研制了新的基于X射线实时荧屏分析技术(RTR)的绝热层烧蚀过程动态测量试验装置。

44、Peel the insulator and waterdam from the door. ─── 从车门上剥落绝缘垫和挡水器。

45、This paper mainly presents us the controlling method for noise of some type roots blower and the design for noise insulator. ─── 介绍了某型罗茨鼓风机的噪声控制方法及隔声罩设计,分析了风机的危害,说明了当前隔声罩的研究现状。

46、At the end of 1990s, the startup of Shanghai General Motors program provided an excellent opportunity for us to get involved in th localization of carpet and insulator. ─── 九十年代后期兴建的“上海通用”项目为公司参与汽车地毯及隔音垫国产化提供了契机。

47、It went on to replace rubber, shellac and gutta-percha as an insulator. ─── 它开始取代橡胶、虫胶和杜仲胶,用作绝缘材料。

48、It is highly non-uniform with the line end insulators bearing a higher voltage than that in an ac insulator string on dry condition. ─── 乾燥情况下,直流系统绝缘子串电压分布更加不均匀,导线端绝缘子电压更高。

49、The erosion rate of insulator of SRM will increase remarkably when it was impinged by this dense two-phase flow, this will do harm to SRM operation. ─── 当发动机内绝热层受到这种稠密两相流的冲蚀时,其烧蚀率将急剧增大,从而危及发动机的正常工作,这是目前高速高加速固体火箭发动机研究中需要解决的问题之一。

50、Insulator rupture has no effect on the tower component of the upper crossarm, but it has a significant influence on insulator tension of the upper crossarm. ─── 导线的跌落对破坏档未破坏端的上横担绝缘子受力有较大的影响,而对上横担铁塔杆件没有明显的影响;

51、In particular, we were investigating how the thickness of the layers determined whether the superlattice behaved as a metal, with low electrical resistance, or as an insulator, with high resistance. ─── 我们已经知道这种超晶格的电性非常有趣,那时我们特别想了解的,是材料层的厚度变化如何让超晶格成为金属(低电阻)或绝缘体(高电阻)。

52、The FRP is an insulator to electricity,so it is good in safety. ─── 因FRP材质不导电,因而灯杆用电安全性能好。

53、Our main products are porcelain lampholder, insulator, fuse, knife switch, plastic wall switches,socket, outdoor lighting and other lighting components. ─── [相关分类:电缆附件,导线附件,电源和插塞,照明变压器

54、Although the AC flashover performance of a polluted insulator has nationally been studied well, there is few study on the valid creepage distance of various types of insulators. ─── 国内虽对污闪特性研究较多,但对不同绝缘子的有效爬电系数研究不多。

55、A rubbery substance derived from the latex of any of several tropical trees of the genera Palaquium and Payena, used as an electrical insulator, as a waterproofing compound, and in golf balls. ─── 古塔胶从某些胶木属和巴耶榄属热带树的乳胶中提练出的橡胶物质,用作电绝缘体,防水复合物或做高尔夫球

56、And it is certified that the device is very useful to prevent insulated overhead line breakage and insulator damage from lightning overvoltage faults. ─── 作为配电线路中的架空绝缘电缆的过电压保护装置,可有效地防止雷害造成的断线、绝缘子损坏等事故,避免因断路器动作中断供电而影响供电可靠性。

57、It is possible to fabricate ISFET entirely using CMOS process.The gate structure of the ISFET is a multilayer,which consists of insulator,poly and metal. ─── 完全用CMOS工艺实现离子敏场效应型晶体管(ISFET)成为可能,这种ISFET的栅极结构是由绝缘体、多晶硅、金属层叠起来,称之为多层栅结构。

58、As an over-wrap, on one hand, it can economize cost, on the other hand, it can keep electronic components away from static damage caused by insulator rubs mutually. ─── 作为外包装既节约成本又可以保护电子产品不会因绝缘体之间相互摩擦而产生静电损坏电子组件。

59、Base Silicon Layer - The silicon wafer that is located underneath the insulator layer, which supports the silicon film on top of the wafer. ─── 底部硅层-在绝缘层下部的晶圆片,是顶部硅层的基础。

60、The competition between Coulomb repulsion and disorder produces a Coulomb glass which is an amorphous insulator. ─── 库仑排斥与无序之间的竞争导致了一种特殊非晶绝缘体的出现,我们称之为库仑玻璃。

61、The DWA, then, is a tube with an inner wall made of the high-gradient insulator and a series of silicon carbide switches along its length. ─── DWA正是由高沿面绝缘体制成的内壁及连续分布在其周围的金刚砂开关所构成的一个加速腔。

62、It is the greatest insulator we've ever seen," he said. ─── 这是我们见过的最好的隔热材料”,他说。

63、It consists of two electrodes, one inside the other, separated by an insulator. ─── 它由两个电极组成,一个在另一个的内部,由绝缘体分开。

64、A charge-coupled device in which the potential wells are created at the semiconductor insulator interface and the charge is transferred along that interface. ─── 一种电荷耦合器件,其中在器件的半导体-绝缘体界面处建立电势井。电荷沿着该界面传输。

65、Dry air is a good insulator, but sea water is not. ─── 干燥空气是一种好绝缘物,海水则不是。

66、The instrument is made up of an oscillating detector, which converts the distributed voltage of an insulator to ac signal for further treatment, a singlechip-microcomputer unit and a speaker system. ─── 仪器采用振动式探头,把绝缘子的直流电压变成交流信号,处理后,语音直接报出绝缘子的电压值。

67、Shellac also happened to be an effective electrical insulator. ─── 紫胶恰巧还是一种有效的绝缘物。

68、Ice coating on overhead contact line not only will influence contact line's sag and pole capability, but will influence the flashover voltage of insulator. ─── 接触网覆冰不仅影响接触线的弛度、支柱的容量,在一定程度上还影响着接触网绝缘子的闪络电压。

69、The DWA, then, is a tube with an inner wall made of the high-gradient insulator and a series of silicon carbide switches along its length. ─── DWA正是由高沿面绝缘体制成的内壁及连续分布在其周围的金刚砂开关所构成的一个加速腔。

70、Wider blade assembly and shorter blade interval to improve computer inner insulator stripping to be more convenient and efficiency. ─── 宽刀的组合和夹座到刀的短间距,利于剥电脑线之心线及隔离线,使剥线更方便更有效率。

71、It is fireproof, and can also be used as an insulator, thus allowing it to become very popular during the Industrial Revolution. ─── 它既可以防火,也可以用来绝缘,因而在工业革命时期广受欢迎。

72、Insert it in the front to block on-coming cold air, and in the back to conserve core body heat and act as an insulator. ─── 它插入前阻止即将到来的冷空气,并在后面保护核心体温和作为绝缘体。

73、Do not insolate, firing or iron the Fir Pad to avoid damage the insulator of heating conductor. ─── 不能暴晒、洪烤、熨烫,避免造成发热线绝缘损坏。

74、Fat is an excellent insulator against the cold. ─── 脂肪是极好的抵御寒冷的隔热材料。

75、According to the transfer function, a detailed construction of the sound insulator is defined. ─── 二、在固体传声方面将电梯系统视为刚度-质量-阻尼系统,分析系统振动特性。

76、Contact: Copper Alloy.Contact Plated: Gold or Tin over Nickel Plated.Material Insulator: PBT+30% Glass Fib... ─── 品牌: SZ . 原产地: 中国 . 产品描述: Material Insulator: PBT+30% Glass Fiber (Meet UL94V-0).

77、SF6 is the electric power industry's preferred gaseous dielectric (nonconductor) used in high voltage insulator or arc interrupter of circuit breakers, switchgear and other electric equipment. ─── SF6气体在电力工业中用于断路器、开关设备及其他电气设备的绝缘或灭弧。

78、Always uses gloves or towel as heat insulator when holding something hot. ─── 应用隔热手套或毛巾拿取热东西。

79、If the insulator is thin enough (about two nanometers), electrons can cross from one side of the barrier to the other by a process known as quantum-mechanical tunneling. ─── 如果绝缘层够薄(约为两奈米),电子就可透过量子力学中的穿隧效应,从障壁一边跨越到另一边。

80、In this paper,space charge distribution in DC composite insulator FRP rod materials after negative DC high voltage application was measured by PEA method and the results were analyzed and discussed. ─── 使用PEA法空间电荷测量系统测量了负直流高压电场作用后复合绝缘子芯棒材料中空间电荷分布,并进行了相关的分析和讨论。

81、At absolute zero, a pure semiconductor has all of its electrons tightly bound and acts as an insulator. ─── 在绝对零度时,纯半导体所有电子都紧紧结合在一起,因而显示了绝缘体的性质。

82、At last, after years of ageing, line surge arresters located on input section can not perform correctly and insulator series are in disrepair. ─── 在此模型基础上进行了大量耐雷水平和绕击输电线路耐雷水平等的计算。

83、Mueller's legacy as the inventor of the alligator clip is still innovating as the world's leading manufacturer of a full line of electrical test clips and insulator boots. ─── 密勒作为先驱者发明了电夹,今天的密勒依然不断革新,以其完整的电气测试电夹和绝缘护套生产线保持着在这一领域全球领导者的地位。

84、In 1999 Yasunobu Nakamura and his coworkers at NEC in Japan demonstrated coherence in a sliver of aluminum separated a short distance by an insulator from another piece of aluminum. ─── 1999年,日本电气株式会社(NEC)的中村泰信与其同僚,便利用绝缘体将两片铝隔开一小段距离而展示了同调性。

85、It is helpful to consumers in selecting the insulator of electric dust collector. ─── 为用户合理地选择电除尘器绝缘子提供了帮助。

86、ZnS:Sm, Cl Red Thin Film Electroluminescent Devices with Ceramic Thick Film as Insulator Layer[J]. ─── 引用该论文 唐春玖,朱文清,赵伟明,刘祖刚,蒋雪茵,张志林,许少鸿.

87、Yu Defen,Gu Leguan,Sun Caixin,et al.The research to token on flashover characteristics of insulator in the acid wet precipitation [J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2001,21(4):15-19(in Chinese). ─── [9]余德芬,顾乐观,孙才新,等.酸性湿沉降对绝缘子闪络特性的表征量研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2001,21(4):15-19.

88、The entire assembly is usually submerged in an oil both which serves as an electric insulator and a cooling medium. ─── 整个装置通常是放置在石油中的,既作为电绝缘体又做冷却介质。

89、Uses:Packing of high tension electrical equipment,expoxy pouring packing material,plastic pacing material,dry type transformer,high tension mutual inductance equipment,insulator. ─── 产品用途:高压电器件的绝缘浇注料、环氧灌封料、塑封料、包封料、绝缘子、干式变压器、高压互感器、填料等。

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