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09-14 投稿



unimpaired 发音

英:[??n?m?perd]  美:[??n?m?pe?d]

英:  美:

unimpaired 中文意思翻译



unimpaired 同义词

undamaged | perfect | operational | working |entire | unaffected | unhindered

unimpaired 反义词


unimpaired 短语词组

1、unimpaired prestige ─── [法] 未受损害的威望

unimpaired 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Although he's ninety, his mental faculties remain unimpaired. ─── 他虽年届九旬,但头脑仍然清晰。

2、They may be used repeatedly for fresh work,until the time,sometimes very distant,at which they are worn out,while the work already done by them may subsist unimpaired,and when it perishes,does so by its own laws,or by casualties of its own. ─── 工具,可反复用来制作新的物品,直到用坏为止,有时用坏要花很长时间,而用工具制作的物品则会继续存在,制作的物品只会因其自身的规律或其自身的事故而毁坏。

3、The timing and control of his movements were unimpaired. ─── 他身体活动的时间感和控制能力并没有受到损伤。

4、6.The British people are unified with a unity almost unexampled in history for its endurance and its valor, yet that unity co-exists with an unimpaired freedom of criticism and of suggestion. ─── 英国人凭着历史上绝无仅有的忍耐力和勇猛,统一成一个整体,与之俱在丝毫未减的自由批评和建议。

5、unimpaired child ─── 无缺陷儿童, 正常儿童

6、I shall continue to exert all my faculties to maintain the just powers of the Constitution and to transmit unimpaired to posterity the blessings of our Federal Union. ─── 我将继续竭尽全力维护宪法所规定的正当权力,将我们合众国的福扯无损地传至后代。

7、He miraculously survived and was mentally unimpaired, with one exception: his personality. ─── 他奇迹般的幸存下来,且智力没有遭到损害,但有一个例外:他的个性。

8、Fortunately, his head injuries left his bodily functions unimpaired. ─── 幸运的是他的头伤没有影响到身体机能。

9、As long as you are healthy and equipped with a thirst barometer unimpaired by old age or mind-altering drugs, follow Verbalis's advice, "drink to your thirst.It's the best indicator. ─── 如果你身体健康,只要口渴了,你就喝吧,毕竟脱水也很难受的嘛。

10、Results:In WCST test,the patients in the impaired insight group have significantly less categories correct and more perseverative errors than those in the unimpaired insight group(P

11、In addition, thanks to integrated mirror heating, condensation, frost or snow are quickly eliminated soon after the BMW 3 Series Sedan is started, ensuring an unimpaired view at all times. ─── 此外,后视镜加热装置能够在车辆启动之后迅速清除水雾、凝霜和积雪,保证清晰的视线。

12、his speech remained unimpaired. ─── 他说的话仍旧没有受到损害。

13、The government should unimpaired the ordinance system, as well as enlarge the encouragement of the private participation of cultural developments as soon as possible. ─── 五、政府应尽速健全国内民间参与文化建设之法令体系,并应扩大民间参与文化建设之奖励程度。

14、unimpaired view ─── 没有阻挡的视野

15、the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired; he had lost control of his sphincters. ─── 他丧失了对括约肌的控制能力。

16、Head’s patients were at first reported to be colour-blind, until it was found that their vision was unimpaired but that the language machine had become dislocated. ─── 对一些社区,当需要出现,某些想法将必须被包围。

17、unimpaired prestige ─── [法] 未受损害的威望

18、Celia was a good sailor,kept her roses complexion and an unimpaired appitite to the envy of her cabin companion who wilted for a few days. ─── 西莉亚不晕船,好面颊永远红润,胃口也好,同好一个舱的人则受了几天的罪,对西莉亚羡慕之极。

19、Comparison of blood pressure and blood lipid between obese children of different degree and unimpaired children ─── 不同程度肥胖儿童和正常儿童血压和血脂水平的比较

20、but the sources of production would be unimpaired, and the next year there would not necessarily be a smaller produce than if no such interval of inactivity had occurred; ─── 但是,生产的源泉却未受到损害,下一年的产量不一定会比没有出 现这种停产的状况时少;

21、The British people are unified with a unity almost unexampled in history for its endurance and its valor,yet that unity co - exists with an unimpaired freedom of criticism and of suggestion. ─── 英国人凭著历史上绝无仅有的忍耐力和勇猛,统一成一个整体,与之俱在丝毫未减的自由批评和建议。

22、If the "one country,two systems" approach is adopted,not only would China be reunified,but the interests of the United States would remain unimpaired. ─── 如果采用“一国两制”的办法,不仅解决了中国的统一,美国利益也不致受损害。

23、The state of being unimpaired; soundness. ─── 未受损害的状态;安全

24、Barkis made this abrupt announcement of their union, and could not hug me enough in token of her unimpaired affection; ─── 我生出一种很奇特的感觉,这感觉使我装出不认识她的样子,装出在望远方别的什么那样走过去。

25、The Saad group says that its business accounts are “unimpaired”. ─── 萨阿德集团发言人表示,他们的企业账目并没有“受损”。

26、His duty is to administer the present Government as it came to his hands and to transmit it unimpaired by him to his successor. ─── 他的责任是管理交给他的这一届政府,并将它完整地移交给他的继任者。

27、in history for its endurance and its valor, yet that unity co-exists with an unimpaired freedom of criticism and of suggestion. ─── 英国人凭着历史上绝无仅有的忍耐力和勇猛,统一成一个整体,与之俱在丝毫未减的自由批评和建议。

28、His duty is to administer the present Government as it came to his hands and to transmit it unimpaired by him to his successor. ─── 他的责任是管理交给他的这一届政府,并将它完整地移交给他的继任者。

29、Unimpaired territorial integrity ─── 金瓯无缺

30、But the methodology imagines that while house prices drop overall economic growth remains more or less unimpaired. ─── 但这套方法假定,在房价下跌之时,总体经济增长仍然大体上不受影响。

31、That deficit may leave other abilities--including other mathematical abilities--unimpaired. ─── 这一缺陷并不会导致甚至包含其他的数学能力在内的其他能力受损。

32、Michael S.Gazzaniga, director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Dartmouth College, observes that their unimpaired intelligence is inexplicable. ─── 美国达特茅斯学院的认知神经科学中心主任葛詹尼加注意到,这些病人的智力毫无损伤,那可是难以解释。

33、Such of you as are now dissatisfied still have the old Constitution unimpaired, and, on the sensitive point, the laws of your own framing under it; ─── 外人之间订立条约难道还比朋友之间制定法律容易吗?

34、He miraculously survived and was mentally unimpaired, with one exception: his personality. ─── 但他奇迹般的幸存下来,且智力没有遭到损害,但有一个例外:他的个性。

35、She had let go the outer world, but within herself she was unbroken and unimpaired. ─── 她舍弃了外部世界,但在她的内心,她并没有屈服,没有泄气。

36、The Company's current equity will be cancelled, but all other creditor classes will be unimpaired. ─── 该公司目前的股权将被取消,但所有其他债权人班将不受影响。

37、unimpaired capital ─── 未动用资本

38、Although mental activities involving well-practiced routines and familiar conclusions may be unimpaired, any activity that requires a creative approach or a novel solution will show major deficits. ─── 虽然我们做熟悉的、重复性的工作时脑力活动不会受影响,但当我们从事新的创造性的活动时,就会感到脑力明显不足。

39、It is said the magic cellphone ringtone, with a frequency of above 8000HZ, can only be heard by people under the age of 25, whose hearing of high frequency sounds have remained unimpaired. ─── 这种铃声的频率在8000赫兹以上,据说只有25岁以下的人能听到,因为青少年的高频听力还没受损伤。

40、She had let go the outer world, but within herself she was unbroken and unimpaired. ─── 她舍弃了外部世界,但在她的内心,她并没有屈服,没有泄气。

41、Money is flowing into ones that are unimpaired, says Nomura. ─── 野村证券说,资金正在流入未受损害的领域。

42、The aduit of the vendor's qualify system will be fair and unimpaired. ─── 威胜包装将秉持公正态度,进行供应商品质系统稽核。

43、The state of being unimpaired;soundness. ─── 未受损害的状态;

44、His health and vigour were unimpaired by a stroke. ─── 中风并未损害他的健康和活力。

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