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peninsular 发音

英:[p??n?ns?l?r]  美:[p??n?nsj?l?(r)]

英:  美:

peninsular 中文意思翻译




peninsular 网络释义

adj. 半岛的;形成半岛的;半岛状的n. 半岛居民

peninsular 常用词组

peninsular malaysia ─── 马来西亚半岛

peninsular 词性/词形变化,peninsular变形

形容词: peninsular |

peninsular 短语词组

1、Peninsular Air Transport ─── 半岛航空运输

2、Peninsular horseshoe bat ─── 半岛马蹄蝙蝠

3、partisans in the peninsular war ─── 半岛战争中的游击队员

4、Peninsular White-Eye ─── 半岛白色染料

5、Peninsular Malaysia ─── 马来西亚半岛

6、Peninsular Campaign ─── 半岛运动

7、Peninsular Base Section ─── 半岛基地部分

peninsular 相似词语短语

1、penannular ─── adj.近乎环状的;形不成闭环的

2、peninsula ─── n.半岛

3、pentangular ─── 五角的

4、peninsularity ─── n.半岛状态;地方观念;狭隘心理

5、peninsulate ─── 使形成半岛

6、peninsulates ─── 使形成半岛

7、peninsulas ─── n.半岛

8、peninsulated ─── 使形成半岛

9、peninsularism ─── 半岛主义

peninsular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, some towns reported more than 15 inches of wet, heavy snow. ─── 在半岛上的美国密歇根州,一些城镇报道了超过15英寸的湿的大雪。

2、It reduced Indochina to its proper scale-a small peninsula on a major continent. ─── 它把印度支那还原到它应有的尺度--一个大陆上的一个不大的半岛。

3、The Tropic of Cancer crosses which three countries on the Arabian Peninsula? ─── 北回归线穿过阿拉伯半岛的哪三个国家?

4、Near the Florida Peninsula,there live lots of dolphins. ─── 佛罗里达半岛附近省份存折很多海豚。

5、The Macau Museum,which opened two years ago,offers an excellent introduction to the peninsula's past and present. ─── 两年前开业的澳门博物馆对半岛的过去和现在提供了极好的介绍。

6、The nuclear issue on the peninsular cannot be resolved easily but to stick to the peace talk process is the sole correct choice. ─── 半岛核问题的解决不可能一帆风顺,但坚持和谈进程是唯一正确的选择。

7、A peninsula of northeast Massachusetts projecting into the Atlantic Ocean northeast of Gloucester. ─── 安海角马萨诸塞州东北部的一个半岛,伸入格洛斯特东北的大西洋中

8、Antarctic Peninsula has the most moderate climate. ─── 南极洲半岛气候最温和。

9、A peninsula in northeastern Egypt; at north end of Red Sea. ─── 位于埃及东北的一个半岛;

10、At the southern tip of the peninsula lies Gibraltar, a British territory. ─── 半岛的南顶部连接着直布罗陀(英属领土)。

11、Of or relating to the Balkan Peninsula or the Balkan Mountains. ─── 巴尔干半岛的,巴尔干山脉的巴尔干半岛或巴尔干山脉的或与之相关的

12、Charcoal is the main mangrove product in Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra (Indonesia), Myanmar and Southern Vietnam. ─── 在泰国、马来西亚半岛、苏门答腊(印度尼西亚)、缅甸和越南南部,木炭是红树林的主要产品。

13、Sheba is thought to be the ancient name of a tribe in the southern Arabian Peninsula. ─── 希巴乃一民族名,位于阿拉伯半岛南部。

14、Balkan:Of or relating to the Balkan peninsula or the Balkan Mountains. ─── 巴尔干半岛的:巴尔干半岛或巴尔干山脉的或与之相关的。

15、The Peninsula is the grande dame of the East, where tea is served in its ornate lobby each afternoon at 3. ─── 半岛酒店是东方名珠。 在其富丽堂皇的门厅中,每天下午三时有茶点供应。

16、He has failed to replicate the form he showed in Serie A and may relish a return to the peninsula. ─── 之后他并没有重复在意甲时所显现的良好状态,这也许意味着他将重返亚平宁半岛。

17、Cancun is in Mexico , on the Yucatan Peninsula . ─── 坎昆在墨西哥,尤卡坦半岛的。

18、The interference of Great Powers outside the Peninsular makes the problem much more complicated and difficult to solve. ─── 如果中美关系良性发展,韩半岛统一问题的解决就有很大的希望;

19、Thirty miles off the northwest coast of Peninsular Malaysia is Langkawi -- one of Southeast Asia's most popular holiday destinations. ─── 马来西亚半岛西北海岸的30英里以外,是兰卡威岛(Langkawi),它是东南亚最受欢迎的渡假地之一。

20、Dogleg right, peninsula green which require carry over water. ─── 右狗腿,果岭系半岛型伸出水。

21、What products are produced in the Niagara Peninsula? ─── 什么产品是在尼加拉半岛生产?

22、What was the name of the Peninsula on which they landed? ─── 他们拥有土地的半岛的名字是什么?

23、What are the three most populous cities on the Scandinavian Peninsula? ─── 下列哪三個城市是斯堪的那維亞半島中人口最稠密的城市?

24、Dalian is a Beautiful seaside city on the southern tip of Liaodong Peninsular. ─── 大连是辽东半岛南端的一个美丽的海滨城市。

25、Living on the peninsula , we are often subjected to high winds. ─── 因为住在半岛地区,我们较易受大风的影响。

26、Asia: Mekong and Chao Phraya basins, Malay Peninsula and Indonesia. ─── 亚洲:湄公河与湄南河流域,马来半岛与印尼。

27、A peninsula is a stretch of land surrounded by water on three sides. ─── 半岛是一片三面环海的陆地。

28、Cancun is in Mexico, on the Yucatan Peninsula. ─── 坎昆在墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛。

29、The Sami is an ethnic group with a small population in Scandinavian Peninsular of north Europe. ─── 萨米族是居住在北欧斯堪的维亚半岛的人口较少的少数民族群体。

30、Wales is a principality of the United Kingdom on the western peninsula of the island of Great Britain. ─── 威尔士是英国大不列颠岛西部半岛之一地区。

31、The Miaodao Islands extend northwards from the northern coast of the peninsula. ─── 半岛北岸向北延伸的群岛为妙岛列岛。

32、Peninsula booth An exhibit at the end of an aisle, with aisles on three sides. ─── 半岛展位,展位背对通道顶端,其他三面都是过道。

33、Located in the central of Asia, it consists of the India Peninsular and portions of the south central Asian mainland. ─── 印度位于亚洲中部,版图包括印度半岛及亚洲中部的南方部份土地。

34、A member of one of the ancient peoples that inhabited the Iberian Peninsula. ─── 伊比利亚人居住在伊比利亚半岛的古老民族的一员

35、California peninsula is the biggest peninsula on world. ─── 加利福尼亚半岛是世界上最大的半岛。

36、There was a big battle at the north of the Liaodong Peninsula. ─── 在辽东半岛的北边有一场大战。

37、Its last scene was Allied occupation of Cherbourg, an ancient commercial harbor in Cotentin Peninsular. ─── 其最后一幕是夺取瑟堡,一个科唐坦半岛上有着悠久历史的商业海港。

38、Bangladesh, Borneo, Burma, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. ─── 孟加拉、婆罗洲、缅甸、印度、印度尼西亚、尼泊尔、马来半岛、星加坡、斯里兰卡、泰国及越南。

39、In the untamed frontier of the Kamchatka Peninsula, poaching keeps the bears at risk. ─── 在堪察加半岛蛮荒的边疆,偷猎让俄罗斯熊处于危险之中。

40、Dapeng peninsular: how far between tourism paradise and Dapeng? ─── 大鹏半岛:离旅游天堂还有多远?

41、It occurred in Yevpatoria in the Crimea peninsula. ─── 事故发生在克里米亚半岛的叶夫巴多利亚。

42、Asia: Malay Peninsula and Indonesia. ─── 亚洲:马来半岛与印尼。

43、The Shandon Peninsula lives on the northeast of China. ─── 山东半岛在中国的东北部。

44、Troops serving on this second expedition camped on Kowloon Peninsula, as Hong Kong's earliest photographs show. ─── 从本港早期照片所见,参与第二次远征的英军,曾在九龙结营。

45、The mechanism of the effect on the South China Sea summer monsoon of the Indo-China Peninsula is also discussed. ─── 同时还就中南半岛影响南海夏季风建立和维持的机制进行了讨论。

46、Even further south, reflections from 35km depth may correspond to the Moho of peninsular India. ─── 再往南从35公里深度来的反射波是来自印度半岛的莫霍界面.

47、Any tips for Hellfire Peninsula? ─── 对于地狱火半岛有什么建议?

48、What are the names of the straits that separate Singapore from Peninsular Malaysia and Indonesia? ─── 分隔新加坡与马来半岛和印度尼西亚的海峡叫什么?

49、Fraternisation during the Peninsular War was very common. ─── 半岛战争期间,敌对双方常见交好。

50、Erom a great deal of observed data, a stable southeasterly boundary - layer jet is found over the Leizhou Peninsula. ─── 从大量实测资料中发现,雷州半岛地区存在着一支稳定的东南风边界层急流。

51、Used island water front, create artificial peninsula water front again. ─── 利用了海岛岸线 ,再创造人工半岛岸线。

52、Taiping Zoo located at the Lake Gardens in Taiping, is the only Zoo in the North of Peninsular Malaysia. ─── 太平动物园位于太平湖边,是马来西亚半岛北部为一的动物园,距离槟城越一小时车程。

53、The Kamchatka peninsula is also mountainous. ─── 堪察加半岛也是山地。

54、path to negotiated settlement proved to be the widely supported option for the peninsular issue. ─── 实践证明,通过谈判解决问题的道路受到了各方的广泛支持。

55、The tip of Kowloon Peninsula that faces the Hong Kong island is where all the action take place. ─── 九龙半岛面向香港岛的一端,尽是都市动感所在。

56、Bangladesh, Burma, China (including Taiwan), India, Peninsular Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand. ─── 孟加拉、缅甸、中国(包括台湾)、印度、马来半岛、尼泊尔、斯里兰卡及泰国。

57、Peninsula Valdes in Patagonia is a site of global significance for the conservation of marine mammals. ─── 位于巴塔哥尼亚地区的瓦尔德斯半岛是全球海洋哺乳动物资源的重点保护区。

58、The Impact of Anthropogenic Land-Cover Change on the Florida Peninsula Sea Breezes and Warm Season Sensible Weather. ─── 人类活动造成的地表变化对弗罗里达半岛海风河暖季敏感天气的影响。

59、Enjoying the cool - taken in the Fuli Peninsula Living Garde, Guangzhou. ─── 享受凉爽的空气-摄于广州富力半岛居住小区.

60、Asia: Mekong and Chao Phraya basins, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo. ─── 亚洲:湄公河与湄南河流域,马来半岛,苏门答腊与婆罗洲。

61、A member of a Mayan people inhabiting the Yucatan Peninsula. ─── 尤卡坦人居住在尤卡坦半岛上的玛雅人的一支

62、The indigenous people of Peninsular Malaysia are known as Orang Asli, which literally means "original man" . ─── 马来半岛的土著被称为原始人(OrangAsli)。

63、Dina La western peninsula - are to Andean in the eastern Carpathian - Laoshan (Balkan) mountain range. ─── 巴尔干半岛大部为山地(约占总面积的十分之七)。

64、When the Japanese invaded the Philippines, ML helped defend the Bataan Peninsula in Manila Bay. ─── 在日本侵略菲律宾时,曼梯·里在马尼拉湾参加保卫巴丹半岛的战斗。

65、Kalu Mu peninsula largest iron ore. ─── 卡卢姆半岛有大铁矿。

66、Dalian is in the south of the Liaodong Peninsula. ─── 大连位于辽东半岛南部。

67、Bangladesh, Burma, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Peninsular Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam. ─── 孟加拉、缅甸、中国、印度、印度尼西亚、老挝、斯里兰卡、马来半岛、尼泊尔、泰国及越南。

68、They agreed that realization of denuclearization of the Peninsular is the shared goal of all parties. ─── 他 们表示,实现半岛无核化是各方的共同目标。

69、The south consists of the narrow KRACHT Isthmus that widens into the Malay Peninsula. ─── 南部选区的狭隘KRACHT 地峡扩大到马来半岛。

70、Gazetteer Asia: Malay Peninsula to Sumatra, Indonesia. ─── 亚洲:马来半岛到印尼的苏门答腊。

71、South Asia, the Arabian Peninsula and the coast of East Africa. ─── 南亚、阿拉伯半岛和东非沿海。

72、Peninsular & Oriental Steam Nav. ─── 半岛东方航运(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地英国,主要经营船运)

73、It successfully hit the designated target on the Kamchatka Peninsula, the spokesman added. ─── 它成功击中了在堪察加半岛的指定目标,发言人继续说。

74、Borneo, Burma, China (not include Taiwan), India, Peninsular Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand. ─── 婆罗洲、缅甸、中国(台湾除外)、印度、马来半岛、菲律宾、新加坡、斯里兰卡及泰国。

75、As they advanced, they trapped 100,000 of the enemy in the Cherbourg Peninsula. ─── 在进行中,他们又在瑟堡半岛诱捕了10万名德军。

76、Of or relating to the Iberian Peninsula or its modern peoples, languages, or cultures. ─── 伊比利亚半岛的伊比利亚半岛或其现代民族、语言或文化的;或与这些有关的

77、Israel had captured the entire Sinai peninsula and the Gaza Strip. ─── 以色列已经占领了整个西奈半岛和加沙地带。

78、Ah, if you would only go on with us!An agent of the Peninsular Company, you know, can't stop on the way! ─── 从这一天起路路通跟费克斯就经常见面,可是费克斯在他这位朋友面前非常谨慎,一句话也不多问。

79、Tourists sail through dramatic arches of an iceberg on the Antarctica peninsular. ─── 游客乘船通过令人震撼不已的南极冰拱。

80、An agent of the Peninsular Company, you know, can't stop on the way ! ─── 瞧,作为东方半岛公司的代理人,您怎么能半路留下来呢。

81、Found in Spain, Portugal, along the coastal areas of Italy, Balkan Peninsula, India, Northern Europe, and America. ─── 分布于西班牙?葡萄牙?义大利沿海地区?巴尔干半岛?印度?北欧及美国。

82、The controversial Hunghom Peninsula housing estate will be torn down and replaced with luxury apartments. ─── 备受争议的红湾半岛将会拆卸,改建豪宅。

83、Position: Is located the European north west Iberia peninsula. ─── 位置: 位于欧洲西南部伊比利亚半岛。

84、Gazetteer Asia: Peninsular India from Deccan rivers up to Krishna river system. ─── 亚洲:来自德干河的印度半岛向上到克里希纳河河流域。

85、Gazetteer Asia: Peninsular India from Deccan rivers up to Krishna river system. ─── 亚洲:来自德干河的印度半岛向上到克里希纳河河流域。

86、A native or inhabitant of the Iberian Peninsula. ─── 伊比利亚人伊比利亚半岛的土著人或居民

87、Seth escapes to Asia, seizes the Sinai peninsula and Canaan. ─── 塞斯逃到了亚洲,夺取西奈半岛和迦南。

88、Islam was the product of the political and economic development in the Arabian Peninsular in the 7th century. ─── 伊斯兰教的产生是7世纪阿拉伯半岛政治、经济发展的产物。

89、His house is located on the tip of the peninsula. ─── 他的房子位于半岛的顶端。

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