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intubation 发音

英:[['?ntj?be??n]]  美:[['?ntj?be??n]]

英:  美:

intubation 中文意思翻译



intubation 短语词组

1、intubation lma ─── 插管lma

2、intubation general anesthesia ─── 插管全身麻醉

3、intubation feeding ─── [医] 管饲法

4、tracheal intubation ─── 气管插管术

5、intubation kit ─── 插管套件

6、intubation tray ─── 插管托盘

7、intubation evaluation ─── 插管评估

8、intubation tube ─── [医] 插管

intubation 词性/词形变化,intubation变形

动词第三人称单数: intubates |动词过去分词: intubated |动词现在分词: intubating |形容词: intubational |动词过去式: intubated |名词: intubation |副词: intubationally |

intubation 相似词语短语

1、incubations ─── [动]孵化;[病毒][医]潜伏(期)(incubation的复数)

2、intubating ─── vt.把管子插进

3、intonation ─── n.声调,语调;语音的抑扬

4、incubation ─── n.孵化;[病毒][医]潜伏;抱蛋

5、intimation ─── n.暗示;告知;讽示

6、dinoturbation ─── 动力扰动

7、titubation ─── n.蹒跚

8、intuition ─── n.直觉;直觉力;直觉的知识

9、extubation ─── n.拔管;除管法

intubation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We used success or failure of intubation as the result of our evaluation. ─── 我们使用插管尴失败做为评估的效果。

2、METHODS Sputum cultures from 168 cases of neonatal tracheal intubation were analized. ─── 方法分析168例新生儿气管插管下取痰培养情况。

3、During intubation, the tube was intubated into trachea along fibrobronchoscope tenderly, then fibrochonoscope was retreated and at last the tube was fixed, linked to a respirator. ─── 插管过程密切配合术者将导管沿纤维支气管镜插入气管内,退出镜子,固定导管,接呼吸机通气,及监测生命体征、血氧饱和度和并发症的护理;

4、Abstract: Objective: To observe the effect of the application of silicone tube double-passage annular canalicular intubation in the treameat of canalicular laceration. ─── 文章摘要: 目的:观察硅胶管双路环形置入治疗泪小管断裂的疗效。

5、Exploration of tracheostomy is not uncommon, however, in case a patient with a facial reconstruction flap, trouble may arise because of difficulty in intubation. ─── 摘要气管造口探查术虽不罕见,但在脸部有新造重建皮瓣的病人,却可能因为插管困难而带来麻烦。

6、Anatomical distortion (such as by tumors, trauma, or infection), edema, or obstruction of the airway may also lead to difficult orotracheal intubation. ─── 另外,解剖学畸形(如肿瘤、创伤或感染所致)、水肿、气道阻塞也可能增加气管插管的难度。

7、To observe the change of blood pressure at intubation time, 24 cases who did not receive intravenous anesthesia were allocated to group yishuji and group control. ─── 其中非静脉诱导插管24例病人根据插管前是否泵入异舒吉分为异舒吉组和对照组,观察插管前后血压变化。

8、The uteroscope enters the womb from the vagina, after mesenchymal tube intubation the high-pressure waterflood, may flush the adhesion the oviduct. ─── 宫腔镜从阴道进入子宫,经间质管插管后高压注水,可冲开粘连的输卵管。

9、Methods We had done a retrospective analysis of clinical data on difficult tracheal intubation in 2 825 patients undergoing elective plastic surgery with anesthesia. ─── 方法回顾性分析2825例施择期整形外科手术患者困难气管插管的临床资料。

10、Methods:Under the fluroscopic,12 cases were placed with intubation of stents by peroral-laryngeal. ─── 方法:12例患者全部采用在透视下,经口、经喉气道内支架留置术。

11、Objective To analyse spectrum distribution of pathogens in patients with tracheal intubation and tracheostomy and identify drug sensitivity. ─── 摘要目的分析气管插管和气管切开患者感染的病原菌分布及药敏结果,指导临床用药。

12、Methods New and old lacerated cananiculi are treatd by direct intubation,bend needle,incision on anterior part of eyelid-bend needle,incision on whole layer eyelid. ─── 方法采用直接插入法,弯针法,眼睑前叶切开-弯针法,眼睑全层切开-弯针法治疗新鲜泪小管断裂及陈旧性泪小管断裂。

13、For fear of that the surgeon inclined awake intubation in order that spinal cord intactness could be confirmed by neurological test on the spot after intubation. ─── 外科医师考量到颈椎伸展可能造成脊髓压迫更严重,于是要求我们使用清醒时气管插管,并于插管后确认病人第一颈椎下的运动功能完好。

14、Methods: 20 cases were applied by nursing interven tion of subclavian vein intubation after tracheotomy. ─── 方法:对20例气管切开患者于锁骨下静脉置管并精心护理。

15、Careful preoperative evaluation and skillful intubation of the fiberoptic bronchoscope are demanded in cases where next general anesthesia is needed. ─── 如果患者需要再次全身麻醉时,术前详细的评估以及熟巧的内视镜插管技术是必需的。

16、The incidence of sore throat following LMA use is less than that associated with tracheal intubation. ─── 使用LMA后咽痛的发生率低于气管插管。

17、A sufficient depth of anesthesia before intubation of the trachea of a person with bronchial asthma minimizes the risk of hyperreactive airway reflexes leading to bronchospasm. ─── 有支气管哮喘的病人,在气管插管前达到足够的麻醉深度,可以将气道痉挛的风险降到最低。

18、It introduced nursing progress and the indication of nasotracheal intubation, airway management, monitoring of respiration and basic nursing care of patients. ─── 介绍了经鼻气管插管术的护理进展。

19、Conclusions To keep the pneogaster from obstructing and improve the cerebral and cardial anoxia, tracheotomy or tracheal intubation in early ... ─── 另外,应积极预防和处理气管切开后的并发症。

20、Methods 94 patients with the dangerous GBS were rescured by tracheotomy or tracheal intubation, nasal feeding, hormane and comprehensive therapy. ─── 方法予气管插管或气管切开、辅助呼吸及鼻饲,采用激素及综合治疗,并预防和处理并发症。

21、Methods 58 patients undergoing tracheal intubation were divided randomly into observational group and control group. ─── 方法将58例气管插管的患者随机分为观察组和对照组:观察组行气囊上滞留物的清除;

22、Alternatiely, after administering succinylcholine for intubation high concentrations of isoflurane could be administered to proide a satisfactory degree of muscle relaxation. ─── 另一个选择是司可林插管后高浓度异氟醚吸入维持肌松满意度。

23、We used success or failure of intubation as the result of our evaluation. ─── 我们使用插管尴失败做为评估的效果。

24、Ratliff CD, Meyer DR. Silicone intubation without intranasal fixation for treatment ofcongenital nasolacrimal duct obstraction, Am J Ophthalmol. 1994, 118:781. ─── 孙叙清戴青.鼻泪管激光重建术治疗慢性泪囊炎[J].中华眼科杂志,:.

25、Objective, To summarize the application of the evidence-based nursing inrespiratory tract conservancy after tracheal intubation and cardiopulmonary bypass. ─── 摘要目的:总结循证护理在体外循环术后气管插管患者呼吸道管理中的应用。

26、Tracheal intubation with ventilator was used for respiratory support on Aug 24 Tracheotomy was done on Aug 27. ─── 8月24日应用气管内插管和呼吸机以支持呼吸功能。8月27日行气管切开术。

27、Methods:Laparoscopic portal verin intubation and embedding subcutaneous pump was performed in 4 advanced liver cancer,and the clinical data were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾分析4例晚期原发性肝癌患者行腹腔镜门静脉插管皮下泵植入术的临床资料。

28、Educating Anesthesiology Residents to Perform Percutaneous Cricothyrotomy, Retrograde Intubation, and Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy Using Preserved Cadavers. ─── 使用防腐的尸体训练麻醉科住院医师实施经皮环甲膜切开,逆行引导插管,以及纤支镜检查。

29、Fiberoptic intubation in the sitting position can be applied to all patients, as long as there is no contraindication of having a patient be sat. ─── 只要没有坐姿的禁忌,坐姿插管可以适用于任何患者。

30、Methods: 23 patients with severe ventricular hemorrhage in this group were treated by drainage of bilateral ventricular intubation and lumbar cistema. ─── 方法:对23例重度脑室出血的病例行双侧脑室外引流及腰池持续引流治疗。

31、BP,HR, and RPP at intubation,and the incidences of HR more than 100 bpm during the observation were significantly higher in the FOB group than in the other two groups (P100bpm的发生率显著高于GSVL组和MDLS组(P

32、Methods Procaine intravenous anesthesia was administered after ketamine basal anesthesia,pentothal sodium induction and intubation. ─── 方法氯胺酮基础麻醉后,硫喷妥钠诱导经口气管插管静脉普鲁卡因复合全麻。

33、Dynamic Electrocardiogram ( DCG )was continuously monitored from 10 minutes before intubation to 15 minutes after intubation. ─── 插管前10分钟至插管后15分钟记录动态心电图变化。 结果以(?)

34、Improving the Success of Retrograde Tracheal Intubation. ─── 增加逆行气管插管的成功率。

35、As ARDS continues to the fibrotic phase, it is associated with profound respiratory distress requiring endotracheal intubation and assited ventilation. ─── 在ARDS向纤维变性期发展时,通常会有严重的呼吸窘迫症状,需要行气管内插管和辅助机械通气。

36、Those of the CIIA group were treated with fast induction, endotracheal intubation, inhalated and intravenous anesthetics maintaining the anesthesia and mechanical ventilation. ─── CIIA组采用快速静脉诱导,气管插管,吸入及静脉药维持麻醉,机械通气。

37、Forces sufficient to occlude the esophagus, when applied laterally, hae been shown to displace the glottis and impair intubation (2). ─── 如果可导致食道闭塞的足够压力作用于非正中位(侧面)时,将使声门移位,气管插管受影响[2]。

38、Five patients underwent intubation and mechanical ventilation before admission to the PICU, and one patient had these interventions during admission. ─── 5位病患在住进PICU之前,就接受插管与呼吸器治疗;

39、Just after the intubation,the raising extent of BP. RPP and HR ofGroup P was smaller than that of Group T. ─── 在插管后即刻P组的血压、RPP和HR上升幅度比T组小,说明应用异丙酚时插管刺激引起的高血压反应比硫喷妥钠弱。

40、A low threshold for airway intubation should be maintained (Grade 2B). ─── 低阈值的气管插管应该维护(级别2B)。

41、Cases of unintentional extubation as well as mainstem bronchial intubation hae been reported. ─── 像气管内插管一样,无意识下的气管导管拔除也屡有报道。

42、Should etomidate be used for rapid-sequence intubation induction in critically ill septic patients? ─── 依托咪酯应该用于重症脓毒症患者快速顺序诱导插管吗?

43、Method:25 eyes of lacrimal obstruction and 28 eyes of chronic dacryocystitis were treated with threading combined with intubation of lacrimal passage. ─── 方法:用泪道穿线联合插管治疗泪道阻塞25眼,泪囊炎28眼。

44、Carefully watch the patient for edema of the upper airway with respiratory obstruction. The airway may be maintained by either endotracheal intubation or tracheotomy if necessary. ─── 仔细观察病人是否有带有呼吸阻塞的上呼吸道水肿。如果必要的话,可以通过气管插管或气管切开术来维持呼吸道的畅通。

45、I put on gloves and went behind the head of the bed where the other intern, too, was having difficulty with the intubation . ─── 我带上手套,绕到床头后面。在那里的另一个实习医生也在插气管上遇到了问题。

46、The rate of anesthetic syndrome was 12.5% after unfixing tracheal intubation. ─── 拔管后麻醉并发症的发生率为12。5%。

47、The incidence of successful intubation was 99.7%. ─── 插管成功率为99.7%。

48、If necessary, the stylet can be used to reshape the endotracheal tube, as in the "hockey stick" maneuver, to facilitate intubation of an anterior larynx. ─── 必要时,管芯还起类似“曲棍球”的方法来重塑气管导管,使其易于进入上咽喉部。

49、Four cases of vocal cord immobility which were verified by EMG to be of vocal cord paralysis following endotracheal intubation were reported. ─── 报告4例气管插管所致的声带运动障碍,喉肌电图检查证实为声带麻痹。

50、In some hospitals, respiratory therapists perform endotracheal intubation in addition to supporting ventilation with "bag-and-mask" devices. ─── 在一些医院,呼吸治疗师除了用“袋-面罩”装置支持通气外也施行气管内插管。

51、Choices of Artificial Airway of Patients Requiring Invasive Mechanical ventilation:Nasotracheal or Orotracheal Intubation?Early Tracheostomy? ─── - 有创机械通气患者人工气道的选择:经鼻还是经口插管?是否要早做气管切开?

52、Objective To improve the knowledge of laryngeal injury caused by endotracheal intubation. ─── 摘要目的提高对气管内插管并发喉损伤的认识。

53、In many cases, a neuromuscular-blocking agent and a potent sedative are needed to facilitate intubation. ─── 在许多病例中,需要使用神经肌肉阻断剂和有效的镇静剂。

54、I put on gloves and went behind the head of the bed where the other intern, too, was having difficulty with the intubation. ─── 我带上手套,绕到床头后面。在那里的另一个实习医生也在插气管上遇到了问题。

55、Kindler CH, et all. Effects of intravenous idocaine and /or esmolol on hemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and intubation[J] Clin Anesth 1996sep, 8(6): 491 -6. ─── 傅润乔,于亚洲,孙家骧等.乌拉地尔预防气管插管时心血管反应的观察[J].中华麻醉学杂志.1996,16(4):156-158.

56、It brings more precision for the surgeons to finish intubation operation due to the visible condition. ─── 在可视状态下使医生准确地完成插管。

57、High doses of these analgesics not only produce loss of consciousness, they effectively blunt the blood pressure and heart rate responses to laryngoscopy and intubation. ─── 大剂量不仅产生意识丧失,也使得插管和置入喉镜时血压、心率反应有效地被抑制。

58、The airway may be maintained by either endotracheal intubation or tracheotomy if necessary. ─── 如果必要的话,可以通过气管插管或气管切开术来维持呼吸道的畅通。

59、We report a rare instance of achondroplasia in a 3-month-old female infant with the risk of spinal cord compression during the manipulation of endotracheal intubation. ─── 我们报告一个三个月大患有软骨发育不全症的病例,因枕骨大孔狭窄造成水脑症必须进行枕骨下头颅切开减压手术。

60、Vecuronium even a relatively small dose (0.03 mg/kg) can reduce the degree of increase in SE,RE and BIS values induced by noxious stimulation such as tracheal intubation. ─── 存在伤害性刺激时(如气管插管),即使小剂量(0.03 mg/kg)的维库溴铵也可降低脑电熵指数和BIS的升高幅度。

61、Objective: Discussion trachea intubation patient non-plan cupping factor and countermeasure. ─── 目的:探讨气管插管患者非计划拔管的因素及对策。

62、After the routine anesthesia induction, nasotracheal intubation was performed with the GSVL, MDLS, and FOB, respectively. ─── 常规麻醉诱导后,分别采用GSVL、MDLS或FOB实施经鼻气管插管操作。

63、Laryngeal Mask Airway and Bougie Intubation Failures: The Combitube as a Secondary Rescue Device for In-Hospital Emergency Airway Management. ─── 喉罩和探针插管法失败后:食管-气管导管可以作为医院内紧急气道处理的备选安全设备。

64、Methods:Carries on the analysis to 10 example trachea intubation patient non-plan cupping reason. ─── 方法:对10例气管插管患者非计划拔管的原因进行分析。

65、Laryngoscopy via Macintosh Blade versus GlideScope: Success Rate and Time for Endotracheal Intubation in Untrained Medical Personnel. ─── 人工线性稳定会增加直接喉镜检查和经口腔气管插管使用喉镜窥视片时导致的压力。

66、General Anesthesia: endotracheal intubation, intravenous inhalation anesthesia. ─── 全身麻醉:气管内插管,静脉吸入复合麻醉。

67、It is necessary to check or replace the double lumen endobronchial tubes by using fibroptic bronchoscope routinely after blind intubation and positioning. ─── 在双腔管插管时和放置体位后,宜常规行纤支镜检查定位。

68、Fiberoptic Oral Intubation: The Effect of Model Fidelity on Training for Transfer to Patient Care. ─── 光纤镜下经口气管插管:模型的逼真度对实战的影响。

69、Conclusions Introductory intubation with fiberoptic bronchoscope is an effective technique in management of the acute difficult airway. ─── 结论:纤支镜引导插管对急诊困难气管插管有较高的临床应用价值。

70、Furthermore, the progress of the extracted features is coherent to the diagnostic decisions of the timing of intubation and extubation for SARS patients. ─── 且所撷取之肺炎表徵随病情演进之变化和临床上插管,拔管之时间点能够互相印证。

71、Methods:Under tracheal intubation anesthesia,thyroid adenoma,node and carcinoma were cut out by ultrasonic knife umder Laparoscope in the path before sternum. ─── 方法:全麻下经胸骨前径路应用腔镜以超声刀切除甲状腺腺瘤和甲状腺结节以及甲状腺癌。

72、Methods: The clinical data of introductory intubation with fiberbronchoscope through the nose was adopted in all 26 cases which were failed through the mouth retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾性分析困难气管插管患者经纤支镜引导下经鼻气管插管26例的临床资料。

73、One hundred of the 152 people were hospitalized, and 40 have since required intubation and respirator support. ─── 在152人中,有100人已住院,并且自那时以来,有40人需要插管和呼吸器支持。

74、Doctor: The foreign body should be removed through the intubation of a bronchoscope. This operation involves some risk for the patient. ─── 医生:异物需要通过插入气管镜摘除,这个手术对病人有一定的危险。

75、A surgical airway should be performed if oral or nasal intubation is contraindicated or cannot be accomplished. ─── 如果患者有插管禁忌或是插管术不成功,则需要外科的手段实现气道的开放。

76、CASE REPORT 30 patients were performed with simple intravenous anesthesia, and 26 patients with tracheal intubation plus combined intravenous inhalational anesthesia. ─── 30例患儿应用单纯静脉麻醉方法,26例患儿应用气管插管加静吸复合麻醉方法。

77、SBP and RPP were significantly lower(P

78、Method: a total of 650 cases were selected.Among them, 600 cases underwent right axillary venipuncture intubation and 50 cases underwent left axillary venipuncture intubation. ─── 方法:选取650例手术病人,其中600例行右侧腋静脉穿刺置管,50例行左侧腋静脉穿刺置管,观察置管的成功率及并发症的发生情况。

79、If you plan to use such agents, you must assess the difficulty of intubation before proceeding. ─── 如果你计划使用此类药物,在操作前必须对插管的难点进行评估。

80、Method: Anesthesia was induced with midazolam,propofol,fentanyl and vecuronium by endotracheal intubation and retention with a low concentration of enflurane. ─── 方法:采用咪唑安定、异丙酚、芬太尼、维库溴胺、低浓度安氟醚气管插管静吸复合麻醉。

81、Abstract:Objective To explore the successful ratio and the safety of ERCP with acicular scalpel surgery for difficult intubation. ─── 摘要:目的 探讨使用针形切开刀在插管困难时对ERCP成功率的作用及安全性。

82、PURPOSE: To investigate the application of submandibular endotracheal intubation for treatment of patients with complex maxillofacial fractures. ─── 摘要目的:探讨下颌下径路经口气管内插管在复杂颌面部骨折治疗中的应用。

83、Pharyngoesophageal perforation caused by oral endotracheal intubation is an unusual case clinically. ─── 摘要气管插管时所造成之咽食道破裂在临床上颇为罕见。

84、In severe shock or if ventilation is inadequate, airway intubation with mechanical ventilation is necessary. ─── 严重休克或换气不足者有必要行气管插管进行机械通气。

85、Doctor: The foreign body should be removed through the intubation of a bronchoscope. This operation involves some risk for the patient. ─── 医生:异物需要通过插入气管镜摘除,这个手术对病人有一定的危险。

86、Conclusion: Intensive nursing of incision on trachea and of intubation point can reduce infection rate of trachea. ─── 结论:于气管切开处应用无菌纱布及加强静脉置管处穿刺点的护理,可降低导管感染的发生。

87、Lidocaine aerosol can effectively prevent the cardiovascular response caused by tracheal intubation and it has great value in clinical application. ─── 利舒卡气雾剂能有效地预防气管插管引起的心血管反应 ,值得临床推广使用

88、YANG JS, WANG GQ.Pernasal tracheal intubation gurded by Fiberbwnchoscope in anaethetizing of trachea intubate [J].Guangdong Medical Journal, 2001,22(6):529. ─── [1]杨劲松,王贵谦.纤支镜引导气管插管在麻醉中的应用[J].广东医学,2001,22(6):529.

89、Improving the Success of Retrograde Tracheal Intubation. ─── 增加逆行气管插管的成功率。

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