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09-14 投稿



diminisher 发音

英:[[d?'m?n???]]  美:[[d?'m?n???]]

英:  美:

diminisher 中文意思翻译



diminisher 短语词组

1、diminisher behaviors ─── 递减行为

2、diminisher math ─── 递减数学

3、diminisher meaning ─── 递减意义

4、diminisher definition ─── 递减定义

5、diminisher method ─── 递减法

6、diminisher manager ─── 递减管理器

7、diminisher leader ─── 递减先导

diminisher 相似词语短语

1、undiminished ─── adj.未衰减的;未缩减的;没削弱的;没有降低的

2、diminishing ─── v.减少;递减;衰减;削弱…的权势(diminish的现在分词);adj.逐渐缩小的;衰减的

3、diminishment ─── 缩减(diminish的变体);贬低(diminish的变体)

4、admonisher ─── 训诫者

5、diminish ─── vt.使减少;使变小;vi.减少,缩小;变小

6、diminished ─── adj.减弱的;减退了的;v.减少;削弱(diminish的过去分词)

7、diminishes ─── (使)减少,缩小;减损(diminish的第三人称单数)

8、demolisher ─── n.粉碎者,破坏者;投石车;爆破手,爆破专家

9、finisher ─── n.整理工;修整器;决定性的事件;最后优胜者

diminisher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can consider to if aspirin, diminish inflammation is painful,use anodyne when ache is acuteness etc. ─── 在疼痛剧烈时可考虑用镇痛剂如阿斯匹林、消炎痛等。

2、By learning to recognise our dark side, we diminish its power in our lives. ─── 学 会 承 认 暗 面 就 会 减 少 它 对 我 们 生 活 的 影 响 。

3、An occasional outburst didn't diminish my respect for her. ─── 偶尔的一次发火并未减少我对她的尊敬。

4、But the cessation of his hostility for Pen did not diminish Huxter's attentions to Fanny. ─── 但是对小潘的仇视的消释,并没有减少赫克斯特对芬妮的关心。

5、Later, after a few times of embolization, the efficacy will diminish. ─── 到后来再几次就不行了

6、Diminish, lessen, subside, reduce, curtail The rain did not abate the crowd's enthusiasm for the baseball game. ─── 下雨并没有消减观众看棒球比赛的热情。

7、People were asking: would the marriage diminish the prestige of the British throne? ─── 人们问道,这一婚事是否会影响英国皇家的尊严?

8、The ECB could “diminish rates without adding to inflationary risks in the medium term”, he said. ─── 他表示,欧洲央行可能会“在不增加中期通胀风险的情况下调降利率”。

9、Feverfew: Its leaves can diminish the inflammation mildly. ─── 叶可消炎,温和镇静。

10、The opposition are trying to diminish our achievements. ─── 反对党企图贬低我们的成就.

11、If this extra cost can not be made up for by earnings of new seeds, it will even diminish the profits of GT. ─── 如果说种类多顾客挑选余地大,更容易更多地购买,那么其中的成本问题论者没有提供。

12、The opposition is trying to diminish our achievements. ─── 反对派企图贬低我们的成就。

13、He blessed them, and their numbers greatly increased, and he did not let their herds diminish. ─── 他又赐福给他们,叫他们生养众多,也不叫他们的牲畜减少。

14、If he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish. ─── 10若另娶一个,那女子的吃食,衣服,并好合的事,仍不可减少。

15、As soon as this sign's nurturing qualities are cultivated, their selfishness will diminish. ─── 一旦你变得更有爱心,自私自利的坏毛病就可以彻底消除了。

16、A protracted war with the Invid will only diminish our chances of intercepting the Robotech Masters. ─── 同因维人久拖不决的战事只会让我们拦截机器人统治者的机会越来越小。”

17、The amount of water in the pond will diminish as the dry season continues. ─── 如果旱季还持续下去,池塘中的水量将减少。

18、Consequently, some initiatives continue to consume precious resources, even when events and changes occur that diminish their potential value. ─── 因此,一些计划继续耗费宝贵的资源,甚至事件和变更减少它们的潜在价值。

19、The bland New General Catalog designation of NGC2237 doesn't appear to diminish the appearance of the this flowery emission nebula. ─── 在新总表中所命名的NGC2237,看来并没有减损这个花似的发射星云之外观。

20、The perks of baseball travel soon diminish for many players just because of the season's routine and repetitiveness. ─── 对很多球员而言,棒球旅行的诱因随著球季的固定行程与不断重复而很快消失。

21、Do you know how to make the duplicating macline in diminish(or enlarge)state? ─── 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?

22、Nothing could diminish her enthusiasm for the project. ─── 什麽也不能影响她对这项计划的热忱。

23、Property listed above which will deteriorate or diminish in valueif not realized immediately. ─── 上述所列载如不立即变卖便会变坏或眨值的财产。

24、If the government provides accurate reports on the distribution of relief funds, they could efficiently diminish corruption and immoral acts. ─── 如果政府能就这些赈灾物资的分配提供准确报告的话,就可以有效地减少腐败和不道德行为。

25、Netscape made the browser the user interface to the Web and is now trying to diminish the role of the underlying operating systems. ─── Netscape已把浏览器变成Web的用户界面,现在努力削弱基础操作系统的作用。

26、Love untouched for too long,the affections diminish imperceptibly or the lock gets rusty. ─── 如果让爱情长久地锁于心中,它便会无声无息地消失,心房的门锁也因此而变得锈迹斑斑。

27、It even has a rear anti-sway bar to diminish understeer during highway cornering. ─── 它甚至有一个后方防摇酒吧以减少在公路不足转弯。

28、As the weights of the atoms increase, the frequeucies of the ribrations diminish. ─── 当原子的重量增加时,振动的频率减少。

29、When fighting corruption, it is more useful to try to diminish it rather than eradicate it. ─── 在反腐败斗争中,努力减少腐败比根除腐败更有效。

30、President Bush says the failure of North Korea's long-range missile dose not diminish his goal to deal with the country's nuclear program. ─── 布什总统说北韩长程飞弹失败没有削弱他处理国家核计划目标。

31、Since our faith is everywhere the same, no one who can say more augments it, nor can anyone who says less diminish it. ─── 多说话并不能增加信仰,说得少也不能减少信仰:因为所拥有的是同一的信仰。

33、Your economic achievements will only stand on firm ground if you diminish corruption. ─── 如果你减少贿赂,你的经济成就就能建立在扎实的经济基础之上。

34、They don't want to find out about anything else, since that might diminish their arguments'force. ─── 任何不能引出新问题的知识都会迅速灭亡;

35、Body weight and physical strength diminish rapidly. ─── 体重和体力迅速下降。

36、To diminish idling in solution of faults. ─── 减少故障造成设备的停机;

37、What legal measures can diminish corruption? ─── 什么法律措施可以减少腐败?

38、Now, with Constellation, Netscape is trying to further diminish the role of the underlying operating system, which is usually Windows. ─── 利用Constellation,Netscape现正设法进一步削弱基础操作系统(通常是Windows)的作用。

39、KJV] If he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish. ─── [新译]如果他另娶一个妻子,那么,对她的饮食、着和性的需要,仍然不可减少。

40、Yao's improved significantly on a number of skills. And not to diminish the importance of the others, but his HANDS this year are friggin incredible! ─── 姚的这种技术都有显著的提高,并且这种进步不是以牺牲其他人的重要来换取的。姚今年的手感太难以置信了!

41、Any "frivolous" uses would detract from this important role and diminish the drug's reputation. ─── 任何“轻

42、There was a time when the small (TV) screen seemed to diminish the choreographer's work. But now producers have learned how to translate ballet on to the box. ─── 小屏幕电视似乎曾经减少芭蕾舞蹈动作设计人的工作,可是现在制片人已学会了如何将芭蕾舞搬上电视。

43、As the company grows, and the technical staff represents a smaller part of it, the feeling of ownership tends to diminish. ─── 当公司发展壮大了,技术员工所占股份可能减少,他们的主人翁感觉日益减少。

44、 双语使用场景

45、As the weights of the atoms increase, the frequencies of the vibrations diminish. ─── 当原子的重量增加时,振动的频率减少。

46、That is, not to diminish the loss, which was horrific, but to affirm our duty to his memory and to the living. ─── 她这样做并不是为了减轻可怕的丧亲之痛,而是为了我们能够更好地纪念死者、照顾生者。

47、By learning to recognise our dark side,we diminish its power in our lives. ─── 学会承认暗面就会减少它对我们生活的影响。

48、Does participation in UNCITRAL diminish state sovereignty? ─── 参加贸易法委员会是否削弱了国家主权?

49、Hot melt edge-gluing and glue-coated string applications enable to diminish production cost. ─── 使用热溶胶涂布于中板边缘及多元脂丝沾胶粘贴于板面,降低生产成本。

50、His wiles and quirks do not diminish his humanity. ─── 他的把戏和怪癖无损于他的人道精神。

51、Measures have been taken to diminish friction. ─── 已经采取措施来减少摩擦。

52、The idea has worked well for decades, but it's always contained an Achilles' heel: Damage the lens, and you lose or diminish the ability to see. ─── 几十年来,该原理运行得很好,但总是有一个致命的弱点:如果镜头损坏,就会失去或减弱摄像能力。

53、Quick Unpack for rapid shell from some common, such as : UPX, ASPack, FSG.MEW, PE Diminisher, PECompact, PE-PACK.PackMan, WinUPack, and so on. ─── Quick Unpack 用以快速脱一些常见的壳,如:UPX, ASPack, FSG, MEW, PE Diminisher, PECompact, PE-PACK, PackMan, WinUPack,等等。

54、The legal risks should diminish, however, if you don't own the domain names at all -- and that's the secret behind the cameroon play. ─── 如果你不拥有域名,违法的风险性就会减少,这就是隐藏在喀麦隆诡计后面的秘密。

55、He had not remembered how beautiful she was, and he felt his face grow pale and his voice diminish to a poor sigh in his throat. ─── 乔治原来已不记得琼基尔有多美了,现在他觉得两颊发白,声音缩到了嗓子眼里,变成了几声嗫嚅。

56、This may all be true, but it does not diminish his achievements. ─── 也许大家说的都没错,但是这并不会抹杀他的功绩。

57、We cannot claim greater access if we ignore what is available or diminish its worth because it is not half-concealed. ─── 如果我们因为某事某物并非完全被掩盖着,就予以忽视或贬低其价值,那么,我们就不能声称为大众提供了更多的信息。

58、The people wanted to diminish the power of the king. ─── 人民想削弱国王的权力。

59、And what happened today does nothing to diminish it. ─── 今天发生的事情一丝一毫不会改变我的信念。

60、In the human management of distributed control, hierarchies of a certain type will proliferate rather than diminish. ─── 在人类的分布式控制管理体系中,某些特定类型的层级会得到加强而非减小消失。

61、It did not operate to diminish the anti-Negro passions of the southern masses. ─── 它没有起到减少南部群众反对黑人情绪的作用。

62、His constant attempts to diminish his colleagues' achievements eventually caused his dismissal. ─── 他一再试图贬低同事的成绩,终于导致被辞职。

63、Concerns that takeover activity could diminish overshadowed the fundamentally sound European economy. ─── 对收购行为可能减少的担心超越了发展稳健的欧洲经济带来的支持。

64、Rouge mum: Its leaves can diminish the inflammation. ─── 叶可以消炎。

65、Historians have tended "write the Spanish out of their history books or diminish their contributions. So Americans have inherited that. ─── 历史学家们往往"写西班牙文出自己的历史书籍或减少其会费。所以美国人都继承了这一点。

66、Some of these problems will hopefully diminish with the planned designation of new“ economic zones,” which promise a reduced regulatory burden. ─── 一些问题有望随着计划建立新“经济带”而消失,该计划承诺减轻管制负担。

67、You feel taken advantage of and burned out, and loving feelings diminish. ─── 你感到自己上当了,精疲力竭了,于是爱的情感逐渐消逝。

68、They don't want to find out about anything else,since that might diminish their arguments'force. ─── 任何不能引出新问题的知识都会迅速灭亡。

69、Is dot skin diminish inflammation good with iodic bend over good with tincture of iodine still? ─── 小孩子皮肤消炎是用碘伏好还是用碘酒好?

70、Recommendations and rulings of the DSB cannot add to or diminish the rights and obligations provided in the covered agreements. ─── DSB的建议和裁决不能增加或减少适用协定所规定的权利和义务。

71、Encounters of like charges act to diminish the coagulation rate. ─── 同性带电粒子间的碰撞作用减少凝聚率。

72、Containing allantoin which may diminish inflammation, it is applicable for young skin. ─── 同时含有具消炎效果的尿囊素等成分,适合于年轻肌肤。

73、Release of the heat of fusion is believed to alter the pressure gradient in such a way as to diminish the destructive winds near the storm center. ─── 人们认为融解热的释放可以改变气压梯度,结果减小风暴中心附近的破坏性风力。

74、He likes to diminish the skills of others. ─── 他喜欢贬低别人的技能。

75、To diminish or destroy the strength or vitality of. ─── 使失去生命;使伤元气使生命失去生命力或使伤元气

76、He likes to diminish the skill of others. ─── 他喜欢贬低别人的技术。

77、Analyze a corrupt situation with which you are familiar. Suggest concrete steps that could be taken to diminish the corruption. ─── 分析你熟悉的一种腐败形式。可以采取什么具体措施减少这种腐败?请提出一些建议。

78、Diminish your wants instead of increasing your needs. ─── 增加需求,不如减少欲求。

79、What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it. ─── 凡我所吩咐的,你们都要谨守遵行,不可加添,也不可删减。

80、Increasing physical activity levels will diminish any existing insulin resistance and will also discourage the deposition of fat around the abdomen. ─── 增加活动量能够降低现有的胰岛素抵抗,并且还能减少脂肪在腹部的沉积。

81、If OPEC surpluses disappear, the supply of funds into the banks will diminish. ─── 如果石油输出国组织没有盈余,银行存款的来源也将断绝。

82、Inadequate recovery will diminish the value of this workout. ─── 不充分的恢复会削弱锻炼效果。

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