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innovating 发音

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英:  美:

innovating 中文意思翻译



innovating 反义词


innovating 常用词组

innovate in ─── 对…革新

innovating 同义词


innovating 词性/词形变化,innovating变形

动词过去式: innovated |名词: innovator |动词过去分词: innovated |形容词: innovatory |动词第三人称单数: innovates |动词现在分词: innovating |

innovating 相似词语短语

1、connotating ─── v.暗示;容纳(等于connote)

2、innovation ─── n.创新,革新;新方法

3、innovational ─── adj.革新的;富有革新精神的

4、innovative ─── adj.革新的,创新的;新颖的;有创新精神的

5、novating ─── v.用新的契约(或义务)代替旧的(novate的现在分词)

6、innervating ─── v.使受神经支配;使神经分布于;刺激活动

7、annotating ─── v.注解,给……作注解(annotate的现在分词)

8、innovations ─── n.创新(innovation的复数);改革

9、renovating ─── n.更新;修补;v.更新;整修(renovate的ing形式)

innovating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On this basis, the main feature is summed up in his choice of biography's hero: diverse and innovating while restoring the old. ─── 在此基础上,总结出钱谦益传主选择的主要特点:多元性和复古基础上的创新;

2、Likes studying, the work is responsible earnestly, the sense of responsibility is very strong, is good at innovating, dares to meet the challenge. ─── 喜欢学习,工作认真负责,责任感很强,善于创新,敢于迎接挑战。

3、Compared with Manson-Coffin equation, the formula is more accurate and applicable. It is not only providing a convenience to solve the practical problem, but also innovating in theory. ─── 与Manson-coffin公式相比,公式具有的准确性和适用性,不仅为工程实际问题的解决提供了方便,而且在理论上具有创新性。

4、innovating system for talent students culturing ─── 创新人才培养体系

5、At the same time, the government should pay attention to perfecting the compensation process, innovating the compensation system, and upping the utilizing rate of Medical Care funds. ─── 在新型农村合作医疗制度快速发展的同时必须重视一个问题,就是完善补偿机制、创新补偿模式、提高新型农村合作医疗的基金使用率。

6、On Innovating Circulation Channel of Trust Products ─── 信托产品的流通机制创新探析

7、This paper probes into environmental tax ,stadies Charge blowdown system and judicial cases and puts forward a series of views for improving and innovating China's environmental legal systems. ─── 但是,我国的环境收费制度目前仍存在一些问题,本文以排污收费制度为视角,探讨了我国环境收费“费改税”的发展模式。

8、Innovating Continuously Exploiting Market Serving Customer ─── 不断创新开拓市场服务客户

9、Develop their team-sprit and innovating sense. ─── 培养学生合作精神和创新意识。

10、Essentially speaking, "Defamiliarization" means the pursuit of creating and innovating. ─── 从本质上来说,“陌生化”意味着创新与求变。

11、Evaluate his contribution on morden poetry,seeking for the art of poetry, introducing in symbolism, inheriting and innovating the traditional spirit of the excellent Chinese classic poems. ─── 从诗歌内容与形式方面评价他对新诗的贡献,他对诗歌艺术的追求,对象征主义的吸收,对我国古典诗歌优秀传统的继承和创新。

12、The new system of "five parts", with its high generalization and openness, will be more innovating today. ─── 在确立教育经济学的教育性任务基础上,具有高度概括性与开放性的“五位一体”学科体系更富有时代的创新意义。

13、Our tenet is “quality is the first, customer is the uppermost”. The management methods is developing and innovating from instant to instant. ─── 公司宗旨是质量第一用户至上。管理手段是持续改进,全员创新。

14、Behaving sincerely is the footstone, innovating in thought is the power, executing practically is the guarantee and making transcendent achievement is the object. ─── 其中为人诚信是基石,思想创新是动力,务实执行是保障,业绩超越是目标。

15、We need to be innovating constantly to keep up with this. ─── 我们需要不断创新,才能跟上它。

16、Another way is to keep innovating so quickly that competitors find it impossible to keep pace. ─── 另一个办法是不断地快速革新,使竞争对手感到不可能跟上这种(革新)速度。

17、For most of the 20th century, Asia asked itself what it could learn from the modern, innovating West. ─── 在20世纪的大部分时间里,亚洲一直在问自己,它能从现代的、不断创新的西方学习到什么。

18、Strategic Objective in Innovating Enterprises'Management Theory ─── 企业管理理论创新的战略目标

19、the innovating talented person ─── 创新人才

20、Motorola: Innovating to become the handset market leader ─── 为成为行动电话市场领先企业的创新

21、It was never located at the heart of the information technology industry, among competitors who might force it to keep innovating. ─── 它也从来没有想要把总部建设在信息产业的中心,然而正是竞争才能维持创新。

22、Innovating in Health Reform to Advance to Span ─── 创新医改促跨越

23、In order to solve these problems, the government has been innovating the appropriation system, but with little effects. ─── 为了解决大学的财政问题,政府不断改革大学拨款制度,但收效甚微。

24、For the last decade, Hollywood and big music have spent time not innovating, but trying to get the U.S. Congress to help them tame the Internet. ─── 在过去的十年里,好莱坞和大唱片公司没有把时间花在创新上,而是试图让美国国会帮助他们驾驭互联网。

25、Meanwhile, the business software has been innovating and upgrading, the concept SOA has headed above water and SAAS has become very hot. ─── 同时,2007年更是管理软件行业创新和提升的一年,SOA从概念落地,SAAS成为热点;

26、With our continuous development and enlarged market shares, we will keep continuously innovating to continue to provide the products of good quality and chap price for both new and old clients on the concept of "Real core+Quality+Service". ─── 伴随着公司不断发展及市场扩大,我们将继续本着“真芯+品质+服务”的理念,不断创新,继续为广大的新老用户提供质优价廉的产品。

27、The hospital should only expand the space, should seek developing, should stand at the undefeated fields in the innovating springtide. ─── 医院只有拓展空间、谋求发展,才能在改革大潮中立于不败之地。

28、Innovating successfully is fiendishly hard to do. ─── 但要成功创新是十分困难的事。

29、A Summation of the Symposium on Chinese "Developing and Innovating" ─── 全国"发展与创新"理论研讨会综述

30、You've got to get out and hear from the entrepreneurs and business owners doing the producing, innovating and hiring in our economy. ─── 我们必须要从办公室里走出来,听取企业家和企业主们谈论他们的生产经营情况,他们公司的革新内容,以及他们的招聘计划。

31、In aerobics teaching, to cultivate the students' consciousness of participation is very important inimproving the students' innovating ability. ─── 在健美操教学中,对学生参与意识的培养,是提高学生创新能力的关键。

32、From 2006, ACE present new product system: EPON, EOC series product based on GEPON technology.It provides CATV operators with an innovating solution for two-way transformation of CATV network. ─── 2006年,ACE中国运营中心--汕头高新区亚威科技有限公司在中国市场推出了基于GEPON技术的宽带接入系统,为广电运营商提供了网络双向改造的新选择。

33、The company believes in people first,exploiting and innovating,growing weith each passing times! ─── 为客户生产出更先进,更高效,更完美的新型设备!

34、Former some joins financing system inextricability already capital " bottleneck " difficult problem, must undertake reforming innovating to joining financing system. ─── 原有的投融资体制已无法解决资 金“瓶颈”的难题,必须对投融资体制 进行改革创新。

35、Innovating the management to create Muyang's masterwork ─── 创新管理打造牧羊精品

36、Introduce the technology contents the authorizing standard; describe the innovating; applying and implementing effect of editing standard. ─── 介绍了标准编制的技术工作及内容,简述标准修订的创新点及应用推广、实施效益情况。

37、Adhering to the philosophy of “Integrity, Innovation, Quality, Efficiency”, the company will keep developing and innovating in order to offer high quality products and perfect service all the time. ─── 中成装备制造公司坚持“诚信、创新、优质、高效”的企业理念,持续改进、不断创新,始终如一地为顾客提供高质量的产品和一流的服务。

38、Innovating the pattern of raising agricultural talented person is the key of improving the quality of raising agricultural talented person. ─── 创新农科人才培养模式,是提高农科人才培养质量的关键。

39、Google is constantly innovating despite being, in Silicon Valley terms, something of a long-beard. ─── 尽管从硅谷的角度来说,谷歌已经是爷爷级的公司了,但它仍在不断创新。

40、Innovating Risk Management Patterns for Power Rate Credit ─── 创新电费信用风险管理模式

41、Basing on our language and geography advantages, EISHI Company keeps innovating and already set a good reputation overseas.?? ─── 伊石依靠良好的语言和地域背景优势,不断开拓创新,已经建立良好的品牌声誉。

42、At the same time, its important to always think of summarizing, improving, innovating and seeking best way for getting best result. ─── 其次,还要开动脑筋,善于总结,不断改进创新,寻求用最好的方法获得最佳的效果。

43、During reformatory of mechanism and system, information technique subsidiary company is exploring, and encircling" Innovating and increasing benefit" to establish perfect management system. ─── 在进行机制体制改革的过程中,信息技术分公司不断探索,围绕"创新增效"建立了日斟完善的经营管理体系。

44、Innovating wall materials offers the important measures for protecting land resources、saving energy、utilizing resources comprehensively and improving environment. ─── 墙体材料革新是保护土地资源,节约能源,资源综合利用,改善环境的重要措施。

45、In the fiercely competitive market, our company has won trusts from our customers through technology absorbing and innovating, scientific management, excellent service, as well as super quality. ─── 在激烈的市场竞争中,我司产品通过技术吸收和创新、科学的管理、优质的服务、卓越的品质赢得了广大客户的信赖。

46、Innovating Enterprise Culture and Uplifting the Spirit of Yunnan Electricity Group Co. Ltd.--A Rational Reflection of the New Cultural Construction of Yunnan Electricity Group Co. Ltd. ─── 创新企业文化砺炼团队精神--云南电力集团有限公司新文化建设的理性省思。

47、Innovating Implementation Mechanisms to Fulfill Planned Objectives ─── 创新实施机制,保障实现规划目标

48、In the poem theory, he is a senior general of the Xingling Faction.He proposed"The poetry is valued in innovating",His Innovation view was a Cardiotonic for thepoetic world at that time. ─── 在诗学理论界,他是性灵派的一员大将,提出“诗歌贵在创新”的理论,其“创新观”给当时的诗坛可以说是打了一剂强心剂。

49、For the development and future of philately, we will keep innovating, bring philately into modern life as an element of fashion and vitality, and advocate openness and tolerance in philately. ─── 为了集邮的发展和未来,我们将不断创新,把集邮活动融入现代生活的时尚与活力,积极倡导集邮方式的开放与宽容。

50、Building ARES System and Innovating ARES Model are the important missions of agricultural development in the long periods from now on. ─── 加强基层农业科技推广服务体系建设,创新农业科技推广服务模式是当前和今后一段时期发展农业的重要任务。

51、Strengthening the exploring of theory research and practice innovating is the urgent issue for social sustainable development. ─── 加强对创新的理论研究和实践探索,是发展知识经济、增强社会发展动力的紧迫课题。

52、innovating talent cultivation ─── 创新人才培养

53、In addition, we should well handle the relation between developing resources and innovating brands, between promotion by the government and folk operation. ─── 加强我省民间文化品牌建设,必须处理好资源开发和品牌化的关系,政府推进和民间运作的关系。

54、Beset by private labels, new ads invoke a heritage of safety, trust, and performance. Duracell is also innovating, including a battery charger that works in a car. ─── 受困于自有品牌,新的广告突出了安全、可信以及高性能的传统。金霸王正在谋求革新,比如开发车载电池充电器。

55、But the traditional teaching method of handwriting is obsolete and laggard, preventing and depressing the development of innovating education. ─── 但在传统书法教学中一些陈旧、落后的教学法阻碍压抑了创新教育的发展。

56、Students frequently posited that copying is a superior business strategy to inventing and innovating. ─── 学生通常认为抄袭是优于发明和创新的一种商业策略。

57、Strengthening and innovating political and ideological work, and struggling to enhance its pertinence and effect, is an important content of party construction. ─── 加强和改进思想政治工作,努力提高其针对性、实效性,是目前党建工作的重要内容之一。

58、Adhering to the belief, keeping in innovating, we are expecting to stride forward with you to bring forth the broad market of electronics industry. ─── 坚持信念、不断创新,迈鼎国际全体员工真诚期待与您携手,共同开拓电子行业广阔的市场。

59、By learning from foreign countries, we put forward such suggestions as innovating employment contents and forms, labor outputting, developing small enterprises, strengthening professional train etc. ─── 劳务输出实施规划和管理,拓宽就业空间;大力发展小企业,拉动就业增长;加强职业培训,满足振兴吉林老工业基地对人才的需求等建议。

60、The Company has a management level instilled with innovating concept and learning impulse, which hence capable of being apt to the Company's rapid development. ─── 公司有一个能够适应公司快速发展的创新理念和学习型、不断进取的管理型组织。

61、To innovating technologies to latest production practice are UBL's persistent product view. ─── 不断创新技术、创新产品,把先进的技术投入到最新的生产实践中,是瑞柏一贯坚持的产品理念。

62、In the revitalizing the Northeast, governmental innovating idea is necessary. ─── 东北振兴中政府理念创新有其本身的必要性。

63、The supernormal matching has the following two reasons: human’s psychology in cognizing and innovating process and the economy of the advertisement creation as well. ─── 它和这些因素是分不开的:人类认知的求新心理及广告创作的经济性。

64、Advanced fabrication facility, innovating technique, strict QA/QC system and high-efficiency management assure the sustainable development of Chiefnew. ─── 先进的生产设备、不断创新的工艺、严格的质量标准、严谨的管理体系,保证了企业健康稳步的可持续发展。

65、We will provide omnidirectional logistics services for all customers by means of innovating 、ameliorating、fulfiling demands. ─── 在新的形势下,与时俱进,通过不断创新,持续改进、满足需求,更好地为广大客户提供全方位的物流服务。

66、The Treasury, after all, is innovating itself silly trying to get us out of this mess. ─── 毕竟,财政部自己为了把将我们拉出这个泥潭,正在发疯般地创新。

67、In the highly formalized organization, the innovating entrepreneur is supplanted by a corps of administrators and technical specialists. ─── 在高度形式化的组织内,有创新精神的企业家被一群管理人员和技术专家所代替。

68、Innovating Thoughts to Advance Pinyin's Rose Industry Development ─── 创新思路促进平阴玫瑰产业发展

69、Reflections on Innovating in the Administrative Mechanism of Modern Customhouse ─── 关于现代海关管理机制创新的一点思考

70、Innovating Industrial Policies to Modulate the Industrial Structure ─── 创新产业政策推进产业结构调整

71、Innovating methods of ideological moral education. ─── 创新思想道德教育方法。

72、innovating with down - to - earth attitude ─── 务实创新

73、Innovating quickly, reliably and effectively is a big advantage in generating profitability and growth. But how do you generate creative ideas and move these ide... ─── 创新快速,可靠和有效是一个很大的优势,创造利润和增长。但你如何产生创意和想法,将这些市场?

74、It would be very advantageous to innovating life insurance products if the differential pricing is widely adopted. ─── 采取差异化定价法有利于推动寿险产品创新。

75、Under Innovating Upon World's New High-Tech Fibers (1) ─── 不断创新的世界高新技术纤维(1)

76、It can be combated by innovating the systems of politics , economy and law, changing both the private and social costs and returns,thus to minimize the private returns of corruption. ─── 从政治、经济、法律等方面进行制度创新,改变腐败活动的私人成本与收益及社会成本与收益,把腐败活动的私人总收益尽量降低,进而达到惩治腐败的目的。

77、Innovating Modern Teaching Equipment to Purify Experimental Space ─── 创新现代教学设备净化实验空间

78、For many years, with developing and innovating, it has become an outstanding enterprise in the field of producing natural (synthetic) diamond tools and PCD, PCBN super-hard tools in China. ─── 历年来,企业不断进步,不断创新,现已发展成为国内生产天然(人造)金刚石工具和PCD、PCBN超硬刀具领域里的佼佼者。

79、In such conditions, innovating the government functions, financial business, private enterprises association functions, and financing channels can improve the ptivate enterprises of Liaocheng city. ─── 因此,以练就内功,构筑融资平台为基础,实现政府职能、金融业务、民营企业协会职能、融资渠道等多方面的创新,是聊城市民营经济不断迈向新台阶的必由之路。

80、All these are sublime brightness of GuanJie International group.Our unremitting goal is to do our best to satisfy customer through continuously innovating and ameliorating of production. ─── ----不断进行产品创新与改进,为客户提供及时有效的服务,力求让客户满意,是我们企业不懈的追求!

81、In view of the enterprise spirit"trustworthy quality ,exploitation and enterprising ,innovating,guests first ",we develope steadily in furious competitive commercial market. ─── 公司本着“质量求精,开拓进取,勇于创新,客户至上”的企业精神,在竞争激烈的商业大潮中稳步发展。

82、In this learning and innovating era,corporate has gained much more attention than ever before. ─── 在不断学习和创新的时代,企业文化的创建受到了前所未有的重视。

83、Only through creating &innovating, can one make progress continuously. ─── 只有开拓创新,才能不断前进。

84、Innovating and expediting the module of base construction impels the reform and improves the quality of education and teaching. ─── 创新基地建设的模式,加快基地建设,推动了教育教学改革,促进了教育教学质量的提高。

85、The company is innovating and also developing the new products constantly, J2.5 gas meter and RTZ regulator is being regarded as the major new products of Chongqing, China. ─── 公司不断创新,不断开发新产品,其中J2.5型燃气表和RTZ调压器被认定为重庆市重点新产品。

86、TianLi closely following the market demands on designing clothes racks with constant innovating, therefore, the appearance and quality of the products have been powerfully optimized. ─── 天利在服装挂衣架设计造型中,积极探索市场需求,每月均开发数款新产品,满足不同类型的服装卖场需求。

87、Vincenzo: To stay ahead in providing our clients with solution for the changing world, BNP Paribas has always been innovating itself. ─── 保持业务创新,在客户解决方案上始终“与时俱进”。

88、Focus on entrepreneurs who apply their business acumen on innovating, restructuring the society. ─── 关注把商业才能运用到社会创新、社会改造中的企业家。

89、With tea industrial management system innovating, the tea chain management may elongate and strengthen the tea chain, increase added value of tea, enhance the competitive power. ─── 作为茶叶生产经营制度的创新,茶叶产业链管理可以拉长茶叶产业链条,增加茶叶的附加值,提高茶叶产业的整体竞争力。

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