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innovates 发音

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英:  美:

innovates 中文意思翻译




innovates 反义词


innovates 同义词


innovates 词性/词形变化,innovates变形

动词过去分词: innovated |名词: innovator |动词过去式: innovated |动词第三人称单数: innovates |动词现在分词: innovating |形容词: innovatory |

innovates 相似词语短语

1、innovations ─── n.创新(innovation的复数);改革

2、innovator ─── n.改革者,创新者

3、innervates ─── v.使受神经支配;使神经分布于;刺激活动

4、novates ─── vt.契约的代替;用新事物代替

5、annotates ─── vi.注释;给…作注释或评注;vt.注释;作注解

6、innovate ─── vi.创新;改革;革新;vt.改变;创立;创始;引人

7、innovators ─── n.创新者;发明家签证;革新消费者(innovator的复数形式)

8、renovates ─── vt.更新;修复;革新;刷新

9、innovated ─── v.改革(innovate的过去分词形式)

innovates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In this essay I will examine Xu Beihong's art theories and art works, talk about how he innovates by archaism and explore the archaic elements of his theories and works. ─── 本文试图检视徐悲鸿艺术理论与实践,讨论徐悲鸿如何藉复古以革新,并探索徐悲鸿艺术理论与创作的复古元素。

2、The article sets out from the anthropomorphize angle of productivity, analysed the meaning of the anthropomorphize mechanism that science and technology innovates and effect. ─── 文章从生产力的人格化角度出发 ,分析了科技创新的人格化机制的含义和作用。

3、She says: "AOL needs to try different thing, need innovates ceaselessly and experiment. ─── 她说:“AOL需要尝试不同的事物,需要不断创新和试验。

4、Product design is an improving process to make product more reasonable and valuable.It succeeds to original products and innovates by redesign. ─── 摘要产品设计是一个不断完善的过程,通过再设计在原有产品基础上继承并创新,使其更趋于合理,提升其价值。

5、The entire auto show gives person's prominent impression is: The automobile entered the steep competition time which new round innovates again. ─── 整个车展给人的突出印象是:汽车已进入新一轮再创新的激烈竞争时代。

6、I feel to innovate should be every enterprise a some devoir, a DNA of this enterprise oneself innovates namely. ─── 我觉得创新应该是每家企业都有的一个本分,这家企业自身的一个DNA就是创新。

7、Innovates again in the Shanghai Composite Index lowly, after breaking 2245 points, this question is also again unable to avoid. ─── 在上证指数再创新低,跌破2245点之后,这个问题再也无法回避。

8、The company with strives for perfection the new times entrepreneurial spirit which, innovates unceasingly, makes its proper contribution for the oral cavity enterprise's development. ─── 公司用精益求精、不断创新的新时代创业精神,为口腔事业的发展作出其应有的贡献。

9、Meets the user need, provides the more perfect network service, innovates unceasingly, the challenge, is goal which we always pursue. ─── 满足用户需求,提供更完善的网络服务,不断创新、挑战,是我们始终追求的目标。

10、People gave the IDEO that leads a design tide more attention, but seldom allude the IDEO that this hour does not forget to ego innovates. ─── 人们将更多的关注给予了引领设计潮流的IDEO,但极少提及这个时刻不忘自我创新的IDEO。

11、The above example showed that if does not have to cause suspicion boldly, dares the question and answer the spirit, is impossible to have innovates. ─── 上述例子说明,如果没有大胆生疑,勇于解疑的精神,就不可能有创新。

12、Study on the Theory Evolution of Enterprise Technical Innov ation Model and its Application in Chinese Enterprises ─── 企业技术创新模式的理论演变及其在我国企业的应用

13、innovates ability ─── 创新能力

14、Innovates infinite, the confidence is eternal. ─── 创新无限,信心永恒。


16、Innovates unceasingly family harmony also for this goal, but diligently. ─── 不断创新的宜家也正为这一目标而努力着。

17、User demand just is the motivation that the product innovates and fountainhead, and sedulous, imitate not be a successful product however coarsely to should be done. ─── 用户需求才是产品创新的动力和源泉,而刻意的、粗糙的模仿却不是一个成功产品的应该做的。

18、Among them, search dog put forward clearly to be bibcock with technical innovation, product innovation, service innovation first not only, drive the development concept that sale innovates. ─── 其中,搜狗不仅首次明确提出了以技术创新、产品创新、服务创新为龙头,带动营销创新的发展理念。

19、Uses the media skillfully, innovates unceasingly. ─── 巧用媒体,不断创新。

20、From the combination and the structure of language, it develops and innovates as well as deviates and violates normal language. ─── 从语言的组合和结构形式上来看,诗歌语言是对常规语言的超脱和违背,同时也是一种创造和发展。

21、Right now, if sequel innovates person have anticipate faultily, the existence of communal trap can be brought about likely turn over communal tragedy. ─── 此时,如果后续创新者具有不完美预期,则公共地陷阱的存在有可能会导致反公共地悲剧。

22、Basing on the science, guided by the market, innovates continuously, we are offering wonderful products at a reasonable price. ─── 我司以科技为基础,以市场为导向,不断创新,永续经营,不断为客户提供物美价廉的产品。

23、The government of Jiading District adjusts and innovates on government process from three aspect including the structure, sequence, information collection of process. ─── 嘉定区在电子政务建设的过程中,从流程的结构、顺序、信息收集等三方面对政务流程进行调整和改革。

24、But his thinking is actually nimble, the heart innovates quite. ─── 但实际上他思维敏捷,内心比较创新。”

25、Haven innovates even if make haven ceaseless acclimatization changes, adjust perfect ego ceaselessly, hold competitive dominant position ceaselessly, implementation can develop continuously. ─── 港口创新就是使港口不断适应环境变化 ,不断调整完善自我 ,不断保持竞争优势 ,实现可持续发展。

26、From knowledge the organization innovates to knowledge, CKO and " enterprise librarian " can produce main effect. ─── 从知识组织到知识创新,CKO与“企业图书馆员”能够发挥重要作用。

27、Our enterprise seeks survival with quality and innovates to urge development. ─── 企业的经营理念是以质量求生存,以创新促发展。

28、it is the person that the technology innovates and technical transferrer; ─── 是技术创新者和技术转让者;

29、Buddhism is a religion, his thought is a philosophy, he eagerly anticipates the calligraphy amateur to change the former ponder way to attempt, innovates. ─── 佛教是一门宗教,其思想更是涉入哲学,他引领着书法爱好者改变以往的思考方式去尝试、去创新。

30、Need to get used to what this one new-style goods plants to assemble and unassemble, undertook on the foundation of original craft engineering technology innovates, obtained idealer result. ─── 为了适应这一新型货种的装卸需要,在原有工艺的基础上进行了工艺技术创新,取得了比较理想的效果。

31、Third, the services aspect, must by the earnest manner attention target client demand, the method which innovates improve the security check service continually. ─── 三是服务工作方面,要以认真的态度关注服务对象的需求,以创新的手段持续改进安检服务。

32、The competition between new media is final the promotion that is consequence of new media whole and commercial interest, sina, Sohu in this big fight, network advertisement innovates repeatedly tall. ─── 新媒体之间的竞争最终是新媒体整体影响力和商业利益的提升,新浪、搜狐等在这场大战中,网络广告都屡创新高。

33、Shallowly discusses the development which accountant works and innovates ─── 浅议会计工作的发展与创新

34、China's pop song develops from reform and open policy to the present, seizes the market unceasingly, changes unceasingly and innovates. ─── 中国的通俗歌曲从改革开放发展到现在,不断占领市场,不断变化与创新。

35、Ecology city construction, since national recent development idea concrete manifestation, is also the urgent need which the urban development pattern innovates. ─── 生态城市的建设,既是国家新的发展理念的具体体现,又是城市发展模式革新的迫切要求。

36、Country innovates system ─── 国家创新系统

37、For this, must undertake the mechanism innovates, implantation a kind of new development mechanism, make the special zone still goes in countrywide thereinbefore. ─── 为此,必须进行机制创新,培植一种新的发展机制,使特区仍走在全国的前头。

38、The period setting that expands manorial economy is the period setting that innovates open Vietnam to expand manorial economy it is an innovation open. ─── 发展庄园经济的时代背景是革新开放越南发展庄园经济的时代背景是革新开放。

39、The periphery aspect, the global economic integration, inland and Hong Kong economy tends to be the fusion, the science and technology also unceasingly innovates. ─── 外围方面,全球经济一体化、内地与香港经济渐趋融合,科技亦不断创新。

40、5. (P76) Company competitive capability may be judged on how the company innovates, integrates markets and customizes its products and services for its customers .Discuss. ─── 公司竞争能力可以通过公司创新,兼并市场,和使产品和服务顾客化来衡量,评论一下。

41、system innovates ─── 体制创新

42、Objective: Take the market as the guidance, strives for the survival by the quality, innovates strives for the development. ─── 宗旨:以市场为导向,以质量求生存,以创新求发展。

43、Citynet Architectural Design Institute is the business includes planning, architecture, view, indoor design every field, every business challenges and innovates richly. ─── 城际建筑设计院的业务包括规划、建筑、景观、室内设计各领域,每一项业务都富有挑战及创新。

44、The company since was established, innovates unceasingly. ─── 公司自成立以来、不断创新。

45、Our concept is: reputation honesty, innovates administration, seek excellent, outreaches selfhood. ─── 我们的理念是:信誉诚实,创新管理,追求卓越,超越自我。

46、Master Li has inherited traditional skills from his predecessors and innovates his own skills in inside-bottle painting, so his works are very beautiful. ─── 李师傅的内画技艺,既继承了传统又有自己的创新,非常漂亮!

47、Our company abides pledged: Innovates the technology, provides the high quality product for the user community and the warmest service. ─── 我公司信守承诺:以创新的技术,为广大用户提供优质的产品和最热情的服务。

48、Taking "Health, fashion, vitality" as designing tenet, the company innovates continually and lead the fashion trend. ─── 公司以“健康、时尚、活力”为设计宗旨,不断创新,引领时代潮流。

49、People gave the IDEO that leads a design tide more attention, but seldom allude the IDEO that this hour does not forget to ego innovates. ─── 人们将更多的关注给予了引领设计潮流的IDEO,但极少提及这个时刻不忘自我创新的IDEO。

50、The values which the Haire enterprise culture matter which is approved by all staff the enterprise leader innovates. ─── 海尔企业文化事被全体员工认同的企业领导人创新的价值观。

51、Really, gu Ge has become one furniture to have the company of times mark sex, the technology that innovates a kind the gender introduced to global arena. ─── 的确,谷歌已经成为一家具有时代标志性的公司,将一种革新性的技术推上了全球舞台。

52、Galloping has opened the independent brand foothold high-end, innovates unceasingly, the brand-new time which goes all out. ─── 奔腾开启了自主品牌立足高端,不断创新,锐意进取的崭新时代。

53、Innovate hard -Study hard, Zealously innovate, Absorbed in bringing the innovation of the advantage to customer and company, Firmly believe that innovates that could bring real success ─── 努力创新努力地学习,勇于创新,专注于能为客户和公司带来优势的创新,坚信创新才能带来真正的成功

54、It amalgamates with other subjects ceaselessly and develops and innovates in its contents,methods,etc. ─── 情报学走向多学科融合,既增强了情报学自身的生命力,也有力地促进了相关学科的发展。

55、Take innovates as characteristic the 21st century is one competitive century. ─── 以创新为特征的21世纪是一个充满竞争的世纪。

56、Taking “Health, fashion, vitality” as designing tenet, the company innovates continually and lead the fashion trend. ─── 公司以“健康、时尚、活力”为设计宗旨,不断创新,引领时代潮流。

57、Deep Thinking in Philosophy of Main Object and Relevant Key Element that the Ideological and Political Work Innovates ─── 思想政治工作创新的主客体及相关要素的哲学思考

58、According to the status mentioned above, the article innovates in devisingencouragemefit pattems of managers of state-owned enterprises. ─── 根据上述现状,本文对国企经营者的激励模式进行了创新设计。

59、Jiangdu innovates unceasingly, utilizes each kind “the meal”, plants seven color dreams at heart in the minor, splits open the seven colors of the spectrum to be colored. ─── 江都市不断创新,运用各种“套餐”,在未成年人的心里种下七彩梦,绽开七色花。

60、Keywords Tradition;Innovates;Jingdezhen Ceramics;History;Development; ─── 传统;创新;景德镇陶瓷;历史;发展;

61、This reform is one by which the management system refines and the enterprise operating mechanism shifts and innovates as well. ─── 这种变革既是管理体制的变革,也是对企业管理机制的转型和创新。

62、When the publicity work innovates concept, mechanism and method adapting to change to embody its times, grasp regularity and be creative and to promote our social and economic development. ─── 宣传思想工作只有在主动顺应这种变化中创新理念、机制和方法,才能体现时代性、把握规律性并富于创造,切实发挥其对经济社会发展的促进作用。

63、In line with “the good faith for this, the customer is supreme” the management idea, innovates unceasingly. ─── 本着“诚信为本、客户至上”的经营理念,不断创新。

64、Only then innovates can fundamentally solve the Tibet medicine quality management, can develop the Tibet medicine modernization enterprise, what can be better is the humanity benefits. ─── 只有创新才能从根本上解决藏药质量的管理,才能发展藏药现代化事业,才能更好的为人类造福。

65、Like the music itself, ICONS AMONG US is fresh and constantly surprising, with a spirit and energy that innovates even as it recycles. ─── 《我们身边的偶像》一片自然清新,惊喜不断,就象音乐本身一样,源源不断地为我们提供精神力量。

66、Absorptive Capacity and R%26D Cooperation Innovates and Incentives and R%26D Subsidy Policy ─── 吸收能力、研发合作创新激励与补贴政策

67、CCTV-10 Innovates 2006 ─── CCTV-10创新2006

68、Below this kind of circumstance, what the technology innovates is fast diffuse the new characteristic that makes present an interdepend and mutual confluence with inland relation littoral. ─── 在这种情况下 ,技术创新的快速扩散使沿海与内陆关系呈现出互相依靠与互相融合的新特点。

69、Those who serve commerce is arisen make production is on different link fractionize, the bag outside the service also drives next acquisition in what the technology innovates huge develops. ─── 服务贸易的兴起使得生产在不同的环节上细分,服务外包也在技术创新的推动下获得了极大的发展。

70、"Internet is the network that a technology innovates, it can help us cast off economic predicament, with 2001 when just contrary. ─── “互联网是一个技术革新的网络,它可以帮我们摆脱经济困境,跟2001年的时候刚好相反。”

71、In parallel,it constantly innovates to either follow the Chinese market and provide alarge and complete range of doors to satisfythe specific needs of each customer. ─── 巴士德新技术公司靠技术创新并及时采用世界一流的先进技术,同时又根据中国的具体国情研制开发多种档次的产品,以满足广大客户的需要。

72、This article innovates the electric circuit design, basically has solved in the measurement system the electric instrument nternal resistance to the measurement result influence. ─── 本文创新电路的设计,基本解决了测量系统中电表内阻对测量结果的影响。

73、The New Realm of Openning up Development of Marxism in Order to the Spirit That Innovates ─── 以创新的精神开拓马克思主义发展的新境界

74、After reform and opening, land tenure system not only persists land collective ownership but also innovates the form of property rights. ─── 改革开放以来的农地制度既坚持了农地集体所有制,又创新了农地产权的实现形式。

75、The business management specialized university student innovates ability raise curriculum system research ─── 工商管理专业大学生创新能力培养的课程体系研究

76、Innovates unceasingly in the traditional process. ─── 在传统工艺上不断创新。

77、Since the reform and open, the historical line of campus culture construction develops in the complications and innovates in the development. ─── 改革开放以来校园文化建设的历史轨迹是在曲折中发展,在发展中创新;

78、, emancipatory thought, reform innovates, ability and when all is entered, always nurture vigor. ─── 只有立足实践,解放思想,改革创新,才能与时俱进,永葆活力。

79、Can say, bead the development that trigonometry area technology innovates, brought the innovation of new development of economy and system necessarily. ─── 可以说,珠三角地区技术创新的发展,必然带来了经济的新发展和体制的创新。

80、The country innovates systematic setting-up, is a collective action, is an enormousand complicated system that each department coordinated , cooperated with each othereach other. ─── 国家创新系统的建立,是一个集体的行动,是各个部门相互协调、相互配合的巨大复杂的系统。

81、The importance that article explain palpability innovates to be able to develop continuously to resource city. ─── 本文阐明了创新对资源型城市可持续发展的重要性。

82、Systematize of a course stands really, mean it already incline to is mature, but the difficulty that this course oneself innovates also was increased. ─── 一个学科体系化的确立,意味着它已趋向成熟,但该学科自身创新的难度也加大了。

83、The article differentiates labor to work for innovation labor and blame innovation, elaborated the substaintial characteristic that labor innovates below new economy condition. ─── 本文将劳动划分为创新劳动与非创新劳动,阐述了新经济条件下创新劳动的本质特点。

84、Abstract: Analogism FunctionAbstract: Analogy and the induction are discovered the present truth the important way,the analogy law,it is in particular innovates the thought important method. ─── 摘 要: 类比与归纳是发现真理的重要途径,尤其是类比法是创新思维的重要手段。

85、The dynamical mechanism that the technology innovates rises from monism development above all, develop what in-house element turns from exterior element again after n duality and pluralistic; ─── 技术创新的动力机制首先是从一元论发展起来的,进而发展到二元和多元论;

86、I feel to innovate should be every enterprise a some devoir , a DNA of this enterprise oneself innovates namely. ─── 我觉得创新应该是每家企业都有的一个本分,这家企业自身的一个DNA就是创新。

87、The company does a great job, innovates and becomes a monopoly or close to it in some field, and then the quality of the product becomes less important. ─── 这些公司干得很出色,开拓创新,在某一领域取得了或接近了垄断地位。然后,产品的质量就变得不那么重要了。

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