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sanitation 发音

英:[?s?n??te??(?)n]  美:[?s?n??te??(?)n]

英:  美:

sanitation 中文意思翻译



sanitation 网络释义

n. [医] 环境卫生;卫生设备;下水道设施

sanitation 短语词组

1、stream sanitation ─── 河流卫生

2、rural sanitation ─── [医] 农村 ─── [环境]卫生

3、Epidemiology and Sanitation Technic ─── 流行病学和卫生技术

4、airplane sanitation ─── [医] 航空 ─── [环境]卫生

5、sanitation department ─── [网络] 卫生机关;卫生部;环境卫生部门

6、factory sanitation ─── [机] 工厂卫生

7、food sanitation ─── 食品卫生

8、sanitation company ─── 环卫公司

9、sanitation cutting ─── 卫生伐

10、health and sanitation ─── 健康和卫生

11、camp sanitation ─── [医] 野营 ─── [环境]卫生

12、clean water and sanitation ─── 清洁用水和卫生设施

13、sanitation condition ─── 卫生条件

14、watershed sanitation ─── 流域卫生

15、mill sanitation ─── 工厂卫生

16、industrial sanitation ─── 工业卫生

17、sanitation car ─── 卫生车

18、Epidemiology and Sanitation Technician ─── 流行病学和卫生技术员

19、city sanitation ─── 城市卫生

sanitation 常用词组

environmental sanitation ─── 环境卫生

food sanitation ─── 食品卫生

sanitation worker ─── 环卫工人

sanitation 相似词语短语

1、habitation ─── n.居住;住所

2、capitation ─── n.人头税;按人收费;每人均摊费

3、agitation ─── n.激动;搅动;煽动;烦乱

4、cavitation ─── n.[流]气穴现象;空穴作用;成穴

5、insanitation ─── n.卫生设施的缺乏;不卫生

6、saltation ─── n.突变;跳跃

7、latitation ─── 纬度

8、sanitisation ─── n.卫生处理,清洁杀菌,清理;净化,美化

9、sanitization ─── n.卫生处理,清洁杀菌,清理;净化,美化

sanitation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Romans, for instance, constructed aqueducts to bring fresh water to their towns and sewers to provide sanitation. ─── 例如罗马城通过构筑沟渠引清水洗刷城镇,建造下水道提供卫生设施。

2、Action on sanitation was not as successful, and a cholera outbreak in 2000 was a wake-up call. ─── 卫生方面的行动不是那么成功,2000年爆发的一场霍乱敲响了警钟。

3、Design of area and materials used in construction do not facilitate cleaning and sanitation. ─── 区域的设计和建筑使用的材料不利于清洗消毒。

4、As plant microbiologist, provide plant microbiological training (sanitation) and consultation. ─── 作为工厂微生物专家,提供全厂的微生物培训(卫生)和微生物方面的咨询。

5、Compulsory education comes under the same head as sanitation. ─── 义务教育可以和卫生归入一类。

6、The city had administrative departments for finance, harbours, public buildings, sanitation and water supply. ─── 京城有自己的管理部门负责财政、港口、公共建筑、卫生和供水等问题。

7、He said improving sanitation was "an economic and humanitarian opportunity of historic proportions. " ─── 他说,改善卫生条件是“一个历史性的经济与人道主义的机遇”。

8、Ivory kitchen looks clean sanitation, but do not let virescent yellow appear. ─── 乳白色的厨房看上去清洁卫生,但是别让带绿的黄色出现。

9、Division(Force) hospital is often located on the frontage of sanitation employment. ─── 师(旅)医院处于卫生工作的前沿。

10、Value of its physiology sanitation is extremely high, bigger to influence of the person's physiology, mentation. ─── 其生理卫生价值极高,对人的生理、心理状态影响较大。

11、And, the other major item is water and sanitation. ─── 另一个重要的问题就是水和卫生设施。

12、No written program is available in filling area, or instruction do not follow guideline in sanitation manual. Procedure not routinely followed. ─── 在注入区域缺少书面的清洗消毒纲要,或者要求不符合消毒手册中的规定。程序未被日常执行。

13、Meanwhile, health, water and sanitation services remain in a state of collapse. ─── 与此同时,健康、用水和卫生服务停滞在崩溃状态。

14、Does health teach the relation that publicizes with sanitation? ─── 健康教育与卫生宣传的关系?

15、Unsafe water and sanitation cause an estimated 80 per cent of all diseases in the developing world. ─── 不卫生的水和不清洁的环境估计造成了发展中国家所有疾病的80%。

16、In a displaced person emergency, sanitation facilities to which they were accustomed are no longer available. ─── 灾民所面临的紧急状况下,并不具备人们习惯了的卫生设备。

17、"No single measure would do more to reduce disease and save lives in the developing world than bringing safe water and adequate sanitation to all. ─── “要减少发展中国家的疾病,拯救生命,任何措施都比不上使所有人得到安全的水和合格的卫生条件。”

18、Within the United Nations system,matters relating to freshwater resources,including sanitation,are dealt with by more than 23 different bodies. ─── 在联合国系统内,与淡水资源有关的事务,包括卫生在内,由23 个不同的机构负责。

19、For example, they can not comply with their housing is a mess, but they can happily destruction of public sanitation. ─── 例如,它们可以不符合他们的住房是一个烂摊子,但他们能够愉快地破坏公共环境卫生。

20、WHO was established in 1948, one of its first responsibilities then was to unify the separate international sanitation treaties in a single code. ─── WHO成立于1948年,当时其首要任务之一是要将各个零散的国际卫生条约合并为一个法规。

21、Plant is following guidelines set forth in Division's sanitation manual. No evidence of insect infestation found in any area of the plant. ─── 厂房符合区域公司的卫生手册的指南。厂房内任何区域未发现害虫的痕迹。

22、Meanwhile, health, water, and sanitation services remain in a state of collapse. ─── 同时,卫生、水以及环境卫生设施却仍旧处于崩溃状况。

23、Strengthen food sanitation to manage, metamorphism and food of the pollution that be belonged to by Sramana bacterium forbid to sell. ─── 加强食品卫生管理,变质及被沙门菌属污染食品不准出售。

24、Prisoners and detainees often were kept in overcrowded conditions with poor sanitation. ─── 囚犯与被拘留者通常处于一种人满为患与恶劣的环境内。

25、The provision of drinking water and sanitation services in health facilities is a top priority. ─── 在卫生机构中提供饮用水和卫生设施服务是一项优先重点。

26、Ensuring adequate sanitation of membrane systems, particularly those using cellulose acetate membranes, is difficult. ─── 保证膜系统消毒充分,尤其是使用纤维素醋酸酯时,这很难做到。

27、Himanshu Parikh Consulting Engineers won one for a sanitation project,called Slum net working. ─── 以咨询贫民窟网页工作的项目获胜。

28、Accordingly, of the kitchen decorate adornment to consider practical, safety and sanitation should morely. ─── 因此,厨房的装修装饰应该更多地考虑实用、安全和卫生。

29、Poor water supply and sanitation lead to high rates of water-related diseases,limited economic development options and political and civil tension. ─── 不良的供水和卫生设备导致水媒疾病发病率高,经济发展的选择因而有限,并造成政治和民事关系紧张。

30、Strengthen the management to the stock material, put measure of fireproofing and sanitation in to effect in order to keep the stock in good condition. ─── 加强对库存的物资的管理,落实防火措施及卫生措施,保证库存物品的完好无损。"

31、Sanitation and hygiene promotion programmes resulting from improved facilities and making school environments safe are an increasingly important part of the country programmes. ─── 卫生和卫生推广方案使各项设施得到改善,并使学校环境安全,日益成为国家方案的重要组成部分。

32、Products with electric wire buried-casting: No oxidation, impact-resistant, safe sanitation, andNot Decolonization ect. ─── 产品具有电热丝埋铸式:不氧化、耐撞击、安全卫生、不掉色釉等特点.

33、In 2003, an updated global water supply and sanitation database (country and regional figures) will be produced based on new evidence and analysis. ─── 2003 年将根据新的证据和分析编制一个最近全球供水和卫生数据库(国家和区域数字)。

34、Maize dye becomes building sanitation pottery and porcelain to use the widest lubricious makings variety nowadays. ─── 如今黄色颜料成为建筑卫生陶瓷使用最广泛的色料品种。

35、Poor sanitation leads to infectious diseases that kill more than one and a half million people a year, mostly young children. ─── 恶劣的环境卫生导致传染性疾病的爆发,这些疾病每年导致150万人死亡,大部分是儿童。

36、Another possible reason your landfill isn't being used is if you reduce the Sanitation Department budget too much. ─── 填埋场未被使用的另一个可能原因是你将垃圾处理部门的经费降的太低了。

37、"Ensuring supply of food and safe drinking water and trying to restore good sanitation are critical. " ─── “保障食品和安全饮用水的供应、尝试恢复良好的卫生条件,这些至关重要。”

38、Bentley Sanitation Co., Ltd. ─── 上海贝克力卫浴有限公司

39、Only 32.65% of the products label the state sanitation standards in their product identifications. ─── 产品标识上标注国家卫生标准的产品占32.65%。

40、Does not conform to sanitation standard food is the national law public proclamation forbids to produce, the sale, it includes:... ─── 不符合卫生标准的食品是国家法律明令禁止生产、销售的,它包括:...

41、Garbage exposed, you can see, the majority of residents are dissatisfied with the Hutong alleys and sanitation. ─── 垃圾暴露、随处可见,大部分胡同居民都不满胡同卫生状况。

42、"Does labor safety sanitation indicate " what are design and meaning? ─── “劳动安全卫生标志”的图案及含义是什么?

43、And the other major item is water and sanitation. ─── 另外一个主要问题是水源和卫生设备。


45、The location is exceptionally poor, viewed from the sanitation point. ─── 从卫生角度来看,这个地段非常糟糕。

46、In the lower picture: the youth medical staff of Wuxi sanitation system are waiting to donate blood. ─── 下图:无锡市卫生系统的青年医务人员在等候献血。

47、Plant is following guidelines set forth in Division's sanitation manual. No evidence of birds found in any area of the plant. ─── 厂房符合区域公司的卫生手册的指南。厂房内任何区域未发现鸟类的痕迹。

48、During the Year,for example,UNICEF intends to focus its global water,environment and sanitation programme to benefit children and vulnerable people. ─── 例如,在国际年期间,儿童基金会打算把全球饮水、环境和卫生方案重点放在为儿童和弱势人士造福上。

49、In 2003,an updated global water supply and sanitation database (country and regional figures) will be produced based on new evidence and analysis. ─── 2003 年将根据新的证据和分析编制一个最近全球供水和卫生数据库(国家和区域数字)。

50、It was agreed that the areas of focus for DFID will be water and sanitation, HIV and AIDS, TB and basic education. ─── 双方商定,英国国际发展部的工作重点将在供水和卫生,艾滋病病毒和艾滋病,肺结核以及基础教育方面。

51、They live in conditions of appalling sanitation. ─── 他们在十分恶劣的卫生条件下生活。

52、CCBA, Chinatown Youth Initiatives, and NYC Department of Sanitation held a Cleanup Chinatown event. ─── 中华公所、华埠青年启蒙计划与纽约市卫生局合办清洁华埠日。

53、How to maintain dental sanitation? ─── 如何保持牙齿卫生?

54、He introduced a system of sanitation, extending from fly control to incineration. ─── 他建立了一个卫生制度,从扑灭苍蝇一直到焚化垃圾。

55、Some 49,000 latrines serving 400,000 people were constructed,and an ambitious target of providing sanitation for all by 2010 was adopted. ─── 为40万人建造了约49 000个厕所,并订立了到2010年为每个国民提供卫生设备这一宏伟目标。

56、The disease is a big problem in large puppy "mills" where sanitation and husbandry is less than ideal. ─── 对于那种管理卫生状况差的幼犬繁育场而言,冠状病毒是一个重要的问题。

57、Women and girls tend to suffer the most as a result of the lack of sanitation facilities. ─── 妇女和女孩由于缺乏卫生设施往往受害最重。

58、The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation, ecology, and politics and the sane living. ─── 处事的金科玉律、爱、卫生常识、生态学、政治学,还有健康的生活。

59、But once had chosen a faucet, hutch sanitation of future need not worry about again alive. ─── 但是一旦选好一个水龙头,未来的厨卫生活就不必再操心了。

60、of those cases can be attributed to contact with contaminated water and a lack of proper sanitation. ─── 这些病例的80%以上可归因于接触了受污染的水和缺乏适当的卫生设施。

61、In the coming days, she said aid workers will distribute water-purification tablets, buckets and soap to promote sanitation in affected communities. ─── 夏芙说,今后几天援助人员将向爆发疫情的社区分发净水药片、水桶和肥皂,让人们注意卫生。

62、No written program is available in evaporation area, or instructions do not follow guidelines in sanitation manual. Procedures not routinely followed. ─── 在蒸汽区域没有书面程序,或指令未遵守消毒手册中的指导方针。程序在日常工作中未被遵守。

63、The location is exceptionally poor, viewed from a sanitation point, so Julia had to devote hertime to finding suitable location for a new school. ─── 从卫生角度来看,这个地段非常糟糕,所以朱利亚不得不花时间找一处适于建新学校的地点。

64、They lived in conditions of appalling sanitation. ─── 他们生活在极为恶劣的卫生环境中。

65、The house has no electricity, sanitation, or fresh water supply. ─── 住房没有水、电和卫生设备。

66、But at present,most farmers have less environmental knowledge,environmental awareness and environmental sanitation. ─── 但目前大部分农民环境知识匮乏、环境意识不强、环境行为落后。

67、Global Water Challenge is a collation coalition of 22 groups working for change in water and sanitation. ─── 全球应对水问题促进会是一个由22个小组所成的联盟,致力于改变水供应和卫生设施。

68、Strict sanitation is used in businesses such as barber shops and restaurants. ─── 在理发店和餐馆等营业场所执行严格的公共卫生制度。

69、What are the quarantine regulations of sanitation and health for foreign cultural and educational experts? ─── 外国文教专家的卫生健康检疫有哪些规定?

70、Make them know the basic requirements of breathing sanitation. ─── 对学生开展呼吸卫生教育,让学生知道呼吸卫生的基本要求。

71、Assort with other department Ensure food quality and sanitation, corporate chef overcome guest complain. ─── 严格保证菜品质量和食品卫生,协助厨师长处理客人投诉等问题。

72、Scagliola sanitation clean has beautiful and easy, strength tall, density is small, acid-proof alkaline, anti-corrosive etc. ─── 人造大理石卫生洁具美观大方、强度高、密度小、耐酸碱、耐腐蚀等。

73、Urban Environmental Sanitation and Cleaning By the end of 2001, the areas of the urban roads being swept and cleaned hit 1.84162 billion m2. ─── 城市环境卫生、保洁工作截止2001年底,城市道路清扫保洁面积184162万平方米。

74、Sanitation oted top medical adance But doctors backed anaesthesia. ─── 卫生设施被选为最佳医学进步,但医生们支持麻醉为最佳。

75、Sanitation facilities - people are defecating in open spaces. ─── 卫生设备缺乏,人们就在空地上大便。

76、Sanitation did not become widespread until the 19th century. ─── 直到19世纪,卫生设施才开始普及。

77、They work in conditions of bad sanitation. ─── 他们在恶劣的卫生条件下工作。

78、Global water challenge is a convolution coalition of 22 groups working for change in water and sanitation. ─── 全球应对水问题促进会是由22个小组组成,致力于改变水和卫生设施。

79、Accordingly, the key of clavus of prevention and cure is to solve problem of the sanitation that wear a shoe. ─── 因此,防治鸡眼的要害是解决穿鞋卫生问题。

80、Everybody should pay attention to sanitation and hygiene. ─── 人人要注意清洁卫生。

81、In "countries that have good sanitation systems, it's never an international organization that's put them in, " she said. ─── 她说:“一个拥有良好卫生系统的国家,绝不是由于国际组织主导他们完成卫生系统改造的。”

82、And, as is true of cold viruses, sanitation and clean drinking water have little power to block transmission. ─── 同时,一如感冒病毒,卫生设施与乾净饮水对遏阻轮状病毒感染的功效并不大。

83、The former job needs no sanitation! ─── 头一个工作是不讲卫生!

84、His select requirements on sanitation will add to our costs. ─── 他在卫生方面的严格要求会增加我们的成本。

85、The use of a whole house water filter is the last means of protection from breakdowns in municipal water treatment and sanitation systems. ─── 家庭整体水净化设备的使用可以防止市政自来水处理和卫生环境系统的崩溃。

86、Development of green area and integrated environmental sanitation control will be strengthened. ─── 加强全市绿化和城市综合整治,构筑三道绿色生态屏障;

87、The heating plate has unique unitary structure, meeting the requirement of food sanitation and avoiding its leakage. ─── 加热板为国内独一无三的整体形结构,符合食品卫生要求和杜绝了加热了加热板的渗漏。

88、The people lived in that city can keep sanitation clean. ─── 住在那个城市的人们能保持公共卫生的清洁。

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