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09-14 投稿



hydrographical 中文意思翻译



hydrographical 短语词组

1、hydrographical condition ─── 水文条件

2、hydrographical winch ─── 水文绞车

3、hydrographical ship ─── 水道测量船

hydrographical 相似词语短语

1、hierographical ─── 象形文字

2、hygrographical ─── 湿度计

3、aerographical ─── 气象学

4、hydrographically ─── 水文

5、hyetographical ─── 水文图

6、hypsographical ─── 半影的

7、physiographical ─── adj.地文学的;地形学的

8、heterographical ─── 异形的

9、hydrographic ─── adj.水道测量数的;水道学的

hydrographical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therefore, a 1:40 scaled-down model was used to identify the effect of inflow hydrograph characteristics, volume of detention pond, and the nature of drainage outlet on peak-flow reduction rate. ─── 本研究采用1:40 缩尺模型进行室内试验,以探讨入流历线型、基期、排放口面积与型式及滞洪池长度等组合对洪峰削减率的影响。

2、overland flow hydrograph ─── 地面漫流过程线地表径流过程线

3、An Easy Way to Magnify and Smooth Typical Flood Water Hydrograph ─── 典型洪水过程线放大修匀的简易方法

4、In the linear perturbation Model(LPM),the ordinary lest squares (OLS) method is used in order to obtain the multi-regression cofficients (nonparametric unit hydrograph) of the conuolution summatron of the input and output departures. ─── 在线性扰动模型(LPM)中,输入和输出离均差的卷积求和是采用最小二乘法(OLS)求解,以得到非参数单位线纵标即回归系数。

5、But physical model experimentations andhydraulic calculations commonly have some shortages.The result data only isexpressed by text、hydrograph、isoline or two dimensional graph. ─── 但物理模拟一般存在成本高、周期长,结果数据只用文字、过程线、等值线、二维图表等形式反映出来,缺乏直观效果,也不能体现各物理量的时空动态变化。

6、The Verification of An Unit Hydrograph from Geomorphology ─── 地貌单位线的验证

7、The illustration of the generated flood hydrograph is presented in (). ─── 最后产生的一个洪水过程线如所示。

8、hydrographical chart ─── 水文地理图

9、model flood hydrograph ─── 典型洪水过程线

10、complex hydrograph ─── 复合水文过程线

11、multiple-peaked hydrograph ─── 多峰式水文过程线

12、Without predetermined objectives, the predicted flows cannot catch the real values but follow the traces of the real hydrograph. ─── 故预测时并无法捉到眞值,而只是跟在实际历线后头而已。

13、geomorphology instantaneous unit hydrograph ─── 地貌瞬时单位线

14、interval unit hydrograph ─── 时段单位线

15、hydrographical sextant ─── 水文地理测量六分仪

16、inflow hydrograph ─── 人流过程线

17、Ascertain Unit Hydrograph with Least Square Theory ─── 利用最小二乘方原理推求单位线

18、basic hydrograph ─── 基本水文过程线

19、Multi radar signal and AIS data can be merging displayed and integrated display radar signal, video map, hydrographical meteorology data and database file of the ship. ─── 可将多雷达信号、AIS数据进行融合显示,并综合显示雷达信号、视频地图、水文气象数据及船舶档案数据。

20、hydrographical characteristics ─── 水文特性

21、unit hydrograph ─── 单位过程线单位量曲线单位流量曲线图

22、This paper introduces and discusses the basic concepts and structure of IHACRES model based on unit hydrograph principles. ─── IHACRES模型以单位线为基础,结构简单、概念明确、优选参数少,在国外已被广泛研究和应用,并认为是一个相当成功的流域水文模型。

23、anchor hydrographical station ─── 定泊水文测站

24、hydrographical and meteorological station ─── 水文气象站

25、The design flood hydrograph is computed using observation discharge data. ─── 利用实测流量资料推求设计洪水过程;

26、compound hydrograph ─── 复合过程线

27、Geomorphic instantaneous unit hydrograph model based on linear dynamic wave ─── 基于线性动力波的地貌瞬时单位线模型

28、Application of EXCEL software to calculating instantaneous unit hydrograph in Zhejiang ─── EXCEL软件在浙江省瞬时单位线求解中的应用

29、triangle method for reproducing flood hydrograph ─── 三角形还原法

30、Automation system for the river hydrographical measurement ─── 江河水文测桥自动化系统的设计

31、base flow hydrograph ─── 地下径流过程线

32、geomorpho-climatic instantaneous unit hydrograph ─── 地貌气候瞬时单位线

33、Adopting hydrographic cableways to measure hydrological data is an effective way in traditional hydrograph. ─── 应用水文过河缆道测验在传统水文测验中是一种行之有效的测验手段。

34、hypothetical hydrograph ─── 假设水文过程线

35、The developed rainfall-runoff models with unit hydrograph mainly focus on simulating surface runoff, only a small number of models can be used for subsurface runoff. ─── 摘要过去发展之以单位历线为主之降雨-迳流模式大多只限于模拟地表迳流,对于地表下迳流之演算仅有少数几种模式可资应用。

36、Development of Intelligent Hydrographical Measurement Device ─── 智能型水文数据综合测量仪的研究与设计

37、The design flood hydrograph is computed using observation discharge data.3. ─── 2、利用实测流量资料推求设计洪水过程;

38、Hydrographical Meteorology ─── 水文气象

39、Hydrographical Analysis and Computation ─── 水文分析与计算

40、typical hydrograph ─── 典型过程线

41、In consequence, the method can predict the runoff hydrograph in the ungauged watersheds, so that it can be extended to other areas in the future. ─── 因此,它可用于无资料地区的水文预报,便于应用与推广。

42、Width function;Fractal simplification;River network;Geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph;Scale effect ─── 关键词:宽度函数;碎形简化;河川网路;地貌型瞬时单位历线;尺度效应

43、depletion hydrograph ─── 亏水过程线

44、At last, the properties of hydrograph of the flood and debris flow are analyzed. ─── 具体分析了溃决洪水过程和冰湖溃决洪水泥石流演变过程。

45、The purpose of the city storm surface runoff model is to draw the surf ace runoff hydrograph and simulate the process of storm runoff. ─── 城市雨水地表径流模型的目的是推求城市雨水地表径流的流量过程线,从而模拟雨水的地表径流过程。

46、unit hydrograph method ─── 单位线法单位过程线法

47、Extracting Fine Resolution Hydrographical Features from Located Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds for Hydraulic Modelling ─── 从空载激光雷达扫描点云提取精细水文特征用于水文建模

48、Hydrographical Test ─── 水文测验

49、the unit hydrograph ─── 单位线

50、trapezoidal hydrograph ─── 梯形过程线

51、Such difference in hydrographical situations has produced a great diversity of animal and plant life in our marine waters. ─── 在这些水文的变化下,香港海域因此拥有许多不同种类的海洋生物。

52、The figure of operating polices of the optimum alternative, the table of operating polices of the optimum alternative and water supply hydrograph of two water demand levels. ─── 5、最优方案的联合调度图、调度线及供水过程图。

53、elemental hydrograph ─── 单位过程线

54、Application Study on Irrigation Management Information System Based on WR-2000 Type Hydrograph ─── 基于WR-2000型水位计的灌溉用水管理信息系统应用研究

55、hydrograph of surface runoff ─── 地面径流过程线

56、runoff hydrograph ─── 径流过程线

57、level hydrograph ─── 水位过程线

58、base-flow hydrograph ─── 基流过程线

59、Unit hydrograph derived from a spatially distributed velocity field and its application ─── 基于空间分布流速场的单位线推求及应用

60、The radial basic core function is introduced in the establishment of the model describing the run-off hydrograph, and the SCE-UA algorithm is applied to identify the parameters of SVM. ─── 在支持向量机建模过程中引入了径向基核函数,简化了非线性问题的求解过程,并应用SCE-UA算法辨识支持向量机的参数。

61、separation of hydrograph components ─── 水文因素分离

62、triangular hydrograph ─── 三角形过程线

63、hydrograph separation ─── 水文分析过程线分割

64、Optimization Method for Calculating Composite Unit Hydrograph ─── 推求水文单位线的优化计算法

65、reservoir inflow hydrograph ─── 水库进水过程线

66、hydrographical curve ─── 水文曲线

67、composite unit hydrograph ─── 复合单位过程线

68、The volume change of retarding basins were obtained by using the non-dimensional detention theory ,with the known flow hydrograph in the detention facility. ─── 为剖析滞洪设施中受制入流历线作用下其滞洪容积变化,以无因次滞洪理论为基础,讨论滞洪池内其滞洪容积对应时间变化情形,进而推求该滞洪池之最小滞洪容积;

69、stage hydrograph ─── 水位曲线

70、The Alekceef s method is a main method to calculate flood hydrograph in the medium and small project planning and designing. ─── “阿氏法”是中小型工程规划设计中洪水过程线计算的主要方法。

71、well hydrograph ─── 井孔出量过程线

72、Instantaneous unit hydrograph of geomorphic climate and its application ─── 地貌气候瞬时单位线及其应用

73、It is shown that the construction and operation of Gezhouba Dam has obvious influence on the variables related to the rise and fall of hydrograph. ─── 对于鱼类,涨水过程是刺激鱼类产卵的必要条件,葛洲坝的修建对鱼类产卵造成了一定影响。

74、The Choice of Hydrographical Database Backup and Recovery Scheme ─── 海道测量数据库备份和恢复方案选择

75、Keywords fuzzy uncertainty analysis;hydrological system;fuzzy clustering;weighted averaging;design flood;fuzzy recognition;fuzzy optimization;design limited water level hydrograph; ─── 模糊不确定性分析;水文系统;模糊聚类;加权平均:设计洪水;模糊识别;模糊优选;设计汛限水位过程;

76、This paper studies the discharge hydrograph separation methods, discusses the concept of base flow, and gives a reasonable definition of base flow. ─── 摘要对流量过程线分割方法进行了深入的研究,讨论了对基流问题的认识,给出了较合理的基流定义;

77、single-peak hydrograph ─── 单峰过程线

78、with the discharge or stage hydrograph specified at the upstream or downstream boundary according to the given flow characteristics. ─── 在上、下游边界处则根据流况给予流量或水位历线。

79、Therefore, the detention volume of compound outlets would be smaller than the rectangular outlets under the same inflow hydrograph. ─── 故本复合式出流口设计,于入流条件相同下,其所需之最小滞洪容积较矩形窄口式为小。

80、Extracting Fine Resolution Hydrographical Features from Located Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds for Hydraulic Modelling ─── 从空载激光雷达扫描点云提取精细水文特征用于水文建模

81、sediment hydrograph ─── 水位含沙量关系过程线

82、Influence of Pulse Flow to the Precision of Measuring Flow for Hydrographical Station ─── 河道脉动水流对水文站测流精度的影响

83、Study of Nash Unit Hydrograph Based on Random Theory ─── 基于随机理论的Nash单位线研究

84、transposition of unit hydrograph ─── 单位过程线移置

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