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09-14 投稿



huskily 发音

英:[?h?sk?li]  美:[?h?sk?li]

英:  美:

huskily 中文意思翻译



huskily 词性/词形变化,huskily变形

形容词比较级: huskier |副词: huskily |形容词最高级: huskiest |名词复数: huskies |

huskily 相似词语短语

1、funkily ─── 有趣的

2、cushily ─── adv.轻松地

3、chunkily ─── 矮胖的

4、huskier ─── 哈士奇

5、muskily ─── 麝香

6、duskily ─── adv.微黑地;微暗地

7、bulkily ─── adv.庞大地;巨大地;笨重地

8、hokily ─── 胡作非为

9、busily ─── adv.忙碌地,起劲地

huskily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"I - I can't afford to pay more than six per cent," he said huskily. ─── “可我最多能出六厘利,”他沙哑了嗓子,说。

2、Suppose," John said, a little huskily, "he were to wake up." ─── 假如,”约翰的声音有点沙哑地说,“他要醒过来了怎么办。”

3、I need you so, Eleanor," he whispered huskily at her soft mouth. ─── 我太需要你了,爱丽诺,"贴着她柔软的嘴,他嘶哑低声说。"

4、kutuzov waked up , cleared his throat huskily , and looked round at the generals. ─── 库图佐夫睡醒了,他吃力地咳了几声清清嗓子,并向将军们环视一周。

5、At first, she had tried to keep from crying out, biting her lips until they were raw, and Scarlett, whose nerves were as raw as the lips, said huskily: "Melly, for God's sake, don't try to be brave. ─── 最初她还强忍着不叫不嚷,狠狠咬着嘴唇,直咬得皮都破了。这时思嘉的神经也快要绷裂了,才粗声嘎气地说:"媚兰,看在上帝份上,别逞强了吧。

6、Kutuzov waked up, cleared his throat huskily, and looked round at the generals. ─── 库图佐夫睡醒了,他吃力地咳了几声清清嗓子,并向将军们环视一周。

7、She swallowed down her anger, shivering in the aftermath. "I was seduced," she accused huskily. ─── 她忍着愤怒,气得颤抖。"我被诱奸了,"她嘶哑责骂道。

8、"Stay!" he whispered huskily. ─── "别走了!"他嘶哑低语。

9、She dropped her eyes to his chest, all but strangled by the mad beat of her heart. "Yes, " she said huskily. "That I care for you. " ─── 她看着他的胸脯,她的心悸动,憋闷得要窒息。“在乎,”她嘶哑说。“我在乎你。”

10、"I - I can't afford to pay more than six per cent, " he said huskily . ─── “可我最多能出六厘利,”他沙哑了嗓子,说。

11、“We had better part,” he articulated huskily. ─── “我们最好分手吧。”

12、"Good-bye, my darling, " he said huskily, "till we meet again! " ─── 他沙哑地说,“直到我们再见。”

13、What's up, love?' he said huskily, panic starting to tighten his jaw. ─── "楚什么事了,亲爱的?"他急促问道,一阵恐惧使得他的下巴开始收紧。

14、What's up, love? ' he said huskily , panic starting to tighten his jaw. ─── “楚什么事了,亲爱的?”他急促问道,一阵恐惧使得他的下巴开始收紧。

15、I need you so, Eleanor, " he whispered huskily at her soft mouth. " ─── 我太需要你了,爱丽诺,“贴着她柔软的嘴,他嘶哑低声说。”

16、He was Blackbeard's bo'sun," John whispered huskily. ─── 他是黑胡子的水手长。”约翰低声沙哑地说道。

17、The freemason cleared his throat huskily, as old men do, and called his servant. ─── 共济会员老态龙钟地、嗓子嘶哑地咳嗽几声,清清喉咙,又向仆人喊了一声。

18、Ready?" I asked huskily. ─── 准备好了吗?”我声音沙哑地问道。

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