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09-14 投稿



inconformity 发音

英:[['?nk?n'f?:m?t?]]  美:[[??nk?n'f?:m?t?]]

英:  美:

inconformity 中文意思翻译



inconformity 同义词

variety |difference

inconformity 反义词


inconformity 相似词语短语

1、Nonconformity ─── n.不一致;不信奉国教;不墨守成规

2、Nonconformists ─── n.不从国教者;不符合惯例的人(nonconformist的复数)

3、disconformity ─── n.不一致;二平行地层

4、unconforming ─── 不整合

5、non-conformity ─── 不适合;不一致

6、incongruity ─── n.不协调;不一致;不适宜

7、unconformity ─── n.(地质)不整合接触;不一致

8、conformity ─── n.遵守;符合;一致;信奉英国国教

9、incorporeity ─── n.无形体;无实体;非物质性

inconformity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moreover, some knotty problems without solving lead to inconformity in criminating and meting punishment in judicial practice. ─── 而且,司法实践中,一些疑难不足没有解决导致定罪处罚也存在不统一的现象。


3、Kelsen had contributed his lifetime to the pure theory of law, although his viewpoints about law were inconformity. ─── 凯尔森为纯粹法学贡献了毕生精力,尽管他的学术观点前后并不一致。

4、If company arrangement and your wishes is inconformity, whether you would like to obey an arrangement or not? ─── 如果单位的安排与你的愿望不一致,你是否愿意服从安排?

5、New password with just the Importation's password Inconformity! ─── 新的口令与刚输入的口令不一致!

6、Opinion inconformity listen to mine. ─── 意见不一致时听我的。”

7、Finding something inconsistent with the inspection basis, but such inconformity can not be eliminated through technical measures. ─── 发现与检验依据不符,采取技术措施无法消除。

8、From whole to see the law phrase language inconformity solve need to translate the member take concrete law system as according to. ─── 从整体来看法律词语不一致性的解决需要译员以具体的法律体系为参照。

9、If the number of inconformity parts is more than two, a shot detection appears between the adjacent frames. ─── 如果不相似模板个数大于2,那么该相邻帧处发生了镜头切换。

10、Of the entire school 100 teaching anadministrative staff, has 80 professional teachers whose educational levels are inconformity with the requirements of the state for qualification. ─── 在全校100名教职工中,就有专职教师80人,学历全部达标。

11、where there are national or trade standards safeguarding the health or safety of human life and property defect means inconformity to such standards. ─── 产品有保障人体健康,人身、财产安全的国家标准、行业标准的,是指不符合该标准。

12、After excluding inconformity of installation to requirements in 8.26% (10/121), insufficient num ber of lamps in 8.26% (10/121) and both inconformit... ─── (10/121)安装支数不够,1.65%(2/121)安装不合要求且支数不够,仅49.25%(99/201)完全符合要求、说明企业用于消毒室内空气的紫外线灯使用现状应加以改进。

13、Upon finding anything inconsistent with the inspection basis, if such inconformity cannot be eliminated through technical measures, ─── 对于检验发现与检验依据不符,采取技术措施无法消除的

14、3.On the issue concerning the inconformity of the existing operating wharfs with the overall planning of ports. ─── (三)关于现有营运码头与港口总体规划不相符的问题。

15、Drawing and illustrating(eg. Geological conditions, constructing ones indicated on the illustrating file) are in inconformity with actual conditions. ─── 设计图纸和说明文件与工程现场状况不一致,如地质情况等,设计文件所标明的施工条件与实际不符;

16、New password with just the Importation's password Inconformity! ─── 新的口令与刚输入的口令不一致!

17、Conclusion:The X-ray findings of the tuberculosis in children has non-particularity,express inconformity with X-ray im... ─── 结论:小儿肺结核X线表现具有非特异性征,与X线表现不尽一致,只有将X线特点与临床结合,才能做出比较准确的诊断。

18、In the case of inconformity with the overall land use planning or the annual plan and arrangement, we must make timely adjustments and revisions, and reduce the land use scale upon verification. ─── 今后各项建设要优先开发利用空闲、废弃、闲置和低效利用的土地,努力提高建设用地利用效率。

19、Starting navigation in inconformity with the restrictive conditions for safe navigation; Operating in inconformity with the restrictive conditions for safe operations; ─── 不符合安全航行限制条件而开航;不符合安全作业限制条件而作业;

20、but,though they help by their utility,yet they trouble by their inconformity; ─── 如果时间是静止不动的,这一切就都对了。

21、Reduce as far as possible to the inconformity of the others standpoint and the opposition of the affection. ─── 尽量减少对他人观点的不一致和感情的对立。

22、Upon finding anything inconsistent with the inspection basis, if such inconformity can be eliminated through technical measures ─── 对于检验发现与检验依据不符,经采取技术措施可消除的

23、Without finding any inconformity with the inspection basis; finding something inconsistent with the inspection basis, but such inconformity can be eliminated through technical measures; ─── 未发现与检验依据不符;发现与检验依据不符,经采取技术措施可消除;

24、unit inconformity ─── 单位不一致

25、Meanwhile, the inconformity of the fluorescence intensity in hepatocytes suggested the existence of the second subarea of free calcium distribution. ─── 同时肝细胞内荧光强度的不均匀分布亦表明游离钙的分布存在着亚分区现象。

26、If serious inconformity or serious supply shorage occurred, and is not handled in time, leading serious impact on the company's production, it is handled according to grade-D supplier. ─── 出现严重不合格或出现供货严重短缺且不及时处理的情况,给公司生产带来严重影响时,按D级供方进行处理。

27、It is resulted the carburization of plate surface, the inclusion and gas bubble are mainly reasons causing plate cold bending porperty inconformity. ─── 结果表明,钢的表面局部增碳、钢中皮下气泡和非金属夹杂物的存在是导致冷弯不合格的主要原因。

28、Why does the coast line of England measure to prohibit?Because the surname in Europe's one dimension measure with the Wei of the coast line count inconformity. ─── 英国的海岸线为什么测不准?因为欧氏一维测度与海岸线的维数不一致。

29、The illegal drug advertisements char-acterized by inconformity in contents,overdue,unmarked or wrong of license No. ─── 违法广告主要表现为内容不符、广告批准文号过期、未标注广告批准文号及广告批准文号错误等。

30、inconformity to ─── n. 和 ... 不一致

31、The actual quantity of thick plate has not been inconformity with those as shown in commerical invoice. ─── 请赐教!!你是如何赚到那么多财富值的?请教了!!!

32、Food industry has its natural disadvantages.That is the inconformity of produce cycle and work opportunities. ─── 摘要粮食产业有其不利的自然特性,即生产周期与劳动机会的不一致。

33、The real object shall prevail in case of any inconformity between the picture and the real object. ─── 看到一句话, 想了几想才明白过来, 请问是山寨版还是正式版.

34、In the networked environment the cataloguing quality is impacted by the quality of external data resources, inconformity of description rules, and the quality of cataloguing stuffs. ─── 网络环境下,外部数据源的质量、著录规则不一致、编目人员的素质等因素都影响着编目质量。

35、If company arrangement and your wishes is inconformity , whether you would like to obey an arrangement or not? ─── 如果单位的安排与妳的愿望不一致,妳是否愿意服从安排?


37、Talking about the Problem of the Inconformity of Books'Former and Later Classifications ─── 浅谈图书归类的前后不一致问题

38、Impact of Delayed Reactive Compensation on Inconformity Coulomb Value of Unbalanced Bus ─── 无功补偿不及时对母线不平衡电量值超标的影响

39、Letter of the Ministry of Finance on Dealing the Inconformity between the Enterprise Financing Regulations and Tax Laws and Regulations ─── 财政部关于企业财务制度与税收法规不一致情况下的处理意见的函

40、Acceptance beyond the time period of the offer or not inconformity with the offer is regarded as a new offer. ─── 迟于要约规定期限的承诺,或者与要约不相符的承诺,视为新的要约。

41、Letter of the Ministry of Finance on Dealing the Inconformity between the Enterprise Financing Regulations and Tax Laws and Regulations ─── 财政部关于企业财务制度与税收法规不一致情况下的处理意见的函

42、The term "sales return" refers to the return of goods sold by an enterprise as a result of the unqualified quality of the goods or inconformity with the required variety, or for other reasons. ─── 销售退回,是指企业售出的商品由于质量、品种不符合要求等原因而发生的退货。

43、if inconformity to safety rules set for mines, and technical standards of the trade, is found, check and acceptance procedure cannot be performed, and the project cannot be put in operation or use. ─── 非值班电气人员,不得进行电气作业。操作电气设备的人员,应当有可靠的绝缘保护。检修电气设备时,不得带电作业。

44、Upon finding anything inconsistent with the inspection basis, if such inconformity can be eliminated through technical measures, ─── 对于检验发现与检验依据不符,经采取技术措施可消除的

45、The inconformity of a law of language phrase language is a law to translate one of the biggest difficulties. ─── 语言间法律词语的不一致性是法律翻译最大的困难之一。

46、Why with the own calculation inconformity? ─── 何以与自己的计算不一致呢?

47、Control of Inconformity Item in Laboratory for Inspection and Measurement of Quality of Construction Engineering ─── 建设工程质量检测实验室不符合项控制

48、Food industry has its natural disadvantages. That is the inconformity of produce cycle and work opportunities. ─── 粮食产业有其不利的自然特性,即生产周期与劳动机会的不一致。

49、If company arrangement and your wishes is inconformity, whether you would like to obey an arrangement or not? ─── 如果单位的安排与妳的愿望不一致,妳是否愿意服从安排?

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