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09-14 投稿



inconsistently 发音

英:[??nk?n?s?st?ntli]  美:[??nk?n?s?st?ntli]

英:  美:

inconsistently 中文意思翻译



inconsistently 反义词


inconsistently 同义词

inconstantly | unevenly | incongruously | capriciously |contradictorily | paradoxically | erratically | incompatibly | variably | changeably | incoherently

inconsistently 词性/词形变化,inconsistently变形

副词: inconsistently |

inconsistently 短语词组

1、inconsistently redefined ─── 重新定义不一致

2、inconsistently compounded ─── 不一致复合

3、inconsistently applied ─── 应用不一致

inconsistently 相似词语短语

1、inconsciently ─── adv.无知觉地;无意识地

2、incontinently ─── adv.无节制地;不能自制地;轻率地

3、insistently ─── adv.坚持地;强求地

4、inconsistency ─── n.不一致;易变

5、inconsequently ─── adv.矛盾地,不合理地;不切题地

6、inconstantly ─── adv.易变地

7、inconsistence ─── 不一致;不一贯

8、consistently ─── adv.一贯地;一致地;坚实地

9、inconsistent ─── adj.不一致的;前后矛盾的

inconsistently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、he acted inconsistently when he bought these stocks. ─── 他买股票时有点言行不一。

2、However, there exists very few empirical studies and most have resulted inconsistently. ─── 然而,针对此议题之实徵研究数量有限,且研究结果尚无定论。

3、100% cotton, Low Rise Boot Fit, button fly, inconsistently scarred with subtle abrasions, over worn fading, Vintage true religion Wash ─── 棉,适合低崛起开机,按钮飞行,不一致的创伤与微妙擦伤,超过磨损褪色,葡萄酒真正的宗教清洗

4、Manufacturers have advertised inconsistently and many consumers expect better technology is right around the corner. ─── 生产商的广告前后矛盾,而很多消费者预计更好的技术马上就会出现。

5、Sound files, which come in a variety of formats, are handled differently and inconsistently by different browsers and on different computers. ─── 酣然的文件, 哪些进来各种各样的格式, 不同地和不一致地被处理由不同的浏览器和在不同的电脑。

6、Disorient effects are being inconsistently applied to Black Blood of Draenor mobs. ─── 德拉诺黑血怪物有时而并不总是受到迷惑效果的作用。

7、If the girl is inconsistently talking to you for hours on the phone and ignoring you the next day then the case is she is moody. ─── 如果这个女孩反复无常地在电话里和你谈好几个小时但是第二天不顾你,则这种情况是她喜怒无常。

8、But be careful not to act inconsistently toward your friends and make them feel confused about your feelings for them. ─── 要注意不要在朋友面前表现得前后不一并让他们困惑于你对他们的感受。

9、He reflected hopefully and inconsistently,"Alexandra isn't much like other womenfolks." ─── 他满怀希望而又惴惴不安地回答道,“亚历山德拉可不象其他的女人。”

10、Inconsistently,the demission rate for this year s graduates keep very high. ─── 但与此不协调的是,应届大学毕业生的离职率却居高不下。

11、Worse, IFRS are inconsistently applied across Europe. ─── 更糟的是IFRS不一致地应用于全欧。

12、Such litigants often face laws that are ambiguous, courts that rule inconsistently and patchy enforcement of rulings. ─── 然而,这些诉讼人常常遇到法律规定模糊、法庭判决不一致和裁决执行不利等问题。

13、Such litigants often face laws that are ambiguous, courts that rule inconsistently and patchy enforcement of rulings. ─── 然而,这些诉讼人常常遇到法律规定模糊、法庭判决不一致和裁决执行不利等问题。

14、The terms-axioms, assumptions, conventions, concepts, generalizations, methods, rules, doctrines, techniques, postulates, standards and canons are used freely and inconsistently in the same sense. ─── 可以在同等意义上自由而且前后不一致地运用各种术语,如公理、假定、协定、概念、普遍化、方法、规范、学说、技巧、假设、标准以及总则。

15、As Milan and Fiorentina are both weighed down by heavy points deductions and other teams are playing quite inconsistently, the Biancocelesti really have got their best chance in years. ─── 在米兰和佛罗伦萨被罚分所拖累以及其他球队的表现并不稳定的时候,拉齐奥获得近几年来最好的机会。

16、If the girl is inconsistently talking to you for hours on the phone and ignoring you the next day then the case is she is moody. ─── 如果这个女孩反复无常地在电话里和你谈好几个小时但是第二天不顾你,则这种情况是她喜怒无常。

17、In practice, the us government applies discount rates inconsistently. ─── 在时间中,美国政府实用的贴现率,无一定之规。

18、The term is inconsistently used: some would argue it is interchangeable with health care informatics, while others use it in the narrower sense of healthcare practice using the Internet. ─── 不一致地使用了这个术语: 某些或许争论它是与医疗保健信息学是可互换的,同时其他人在医疗保健实践中利用因特网的狭隘意义的使用这个术语。

19、He seemed surprised — very inconsistently so, as he had just told me to go. ─── 他似乎很吃惊——完全是前后不一,因为他刚打发我走。

20、This warning indicates that the calling function has inconsistently allocated memory with a function from one memory allocation family and freed it with a function from another memory allocation family. ─── 此警告意味着调用函数存在下面的不一致现象:它使用一个内存分配系列中的某个函数分配内存,但却用另一个内存分配系列中的函数释放内存。

21、229. Management who discipline inconsistently only earn disrespect. ─── 纪律要求不一致的管理方式只会失去员工的尊重。

22、The underclass comprised very poor individuals who worked inconsistently, if at all, in the most menial jobs. ─── 下层阶级包括非常穷困的人,他们偶尔才有工作,而且即使有,也是最卑贱的工作。

23、Many manufacturers did not follow the standard precisely, or inconsistently interpreted or completely ignored the references to EIA-485. ─── 许多厂家没有完全遵循本标准,有些厂家则完全忽视EIA-485的规定。

24、While the roads were inconsistently maintained, sometimes concrete, sometimes dirt and rock, the scenery was beautiful.Everything was green and lush and mostly overgrown. ─── 马路的维修没有一致,有的是混凝土,有的是泥土跟石子路,景色相当的美,一切事物都是绿色的,而且茂盛到几乎长满了植物。

25、The base cases are then handled inconsistently by client code. ─── 客户端代码对基本例处理不一致。

26、Previously Haste and Slow effects worked inconsistently, with spells working differently from weapons, and hastes and slows not acting as inverses of each other. ─── 在此前,加速和减速效果的工作原理并不一致,法术和武器造成的效果并不相同,并且加速和减速效果并不是完全按照彼此相反的方式工作。

27、Change in the degree of microalbuminuria is inconsistently associated with decline in renal function or progression of morphologic lesions. ─── 微量白蛋白尿程度的变化与肾功能减低或肾脏病理形态损伤的进展相关性很不稳定。

28、Meanwhile, Chinese officials have responded inconsistently. ─── 同时,中国官员的回应也不一致。

29、The ground symbols shown in Figure 10.15 are used in this book when you see wiring diagrams. Be aware, however, that you will find these same symbols used inconsistently among engineers. ─── 本书中电路图中地信号的标识符如图10.15所示。不过,你可能会发现在工程上同样的地信号使用的符号是不一样的。

30、Amgen and J&J representatives argued Thursday that the problems cited by FDA have been inconsistently reported across dozens of studies. ─── 周四,安进和强生的代表们提出对于FDA所提出的问题,目前数十个研究的结果报道尚有争议。

31、My list column headers are inconsistently truncated. ─── 我的列表的列标题的截断位置不一致。

32、Jackson, 35, will be asked to add a veteran presence and outside touch to a team that has shot inconsistently throughout the season but is fighting for a playoff spot. ─── 35 岁的杰克森将会被要求把退伍军人出现和在触觉之外加入一个已经到处不一致地射击季节但是正在为一个延长加赛地点对抗的队。

33、But the best security workers immediately recognize that weak passwords come about only because of a weak or inconsistently followed password policy. ─── 但是,好的安全专家会立即意识到,密码之所以脆弱是现行密码策略的脆弱或不一致造成的。

34、Encouraging news from Xiamen, but it seems the legal framework for public participation in China, though ultimately progressive, is ill-defined and inconsistently enforced. ─── 很高兴看到厦门事件的胜利。环保决不是政府和组织机构的事务,更重要的是关系到人们群众的切身利益。

35、VOICE: So it must be worse among those who use them inconsistently. ─── 那对于那些不经常使用者的比率一定更高!

36、When iFrame portlets are used, the Back, Forward, and Refresh buttons browser appear to operate inconsistently. ─── 使用iF rame Portlet时,浏览器的“后退”、“前进”和“刷新”按钮会导致操作不一致。

37、Meanwhile, Chinese officials have responded inconsistently. ─── 同时,中国官员的回应也不一致。

38、And it inconsistently predicts recoveries, bottoming 2.5 months before the past two recessions ended, but seven months before the 1981-82 recession ended. ─── 前两次经济衰退时,根据这一数据预测的衰退结束时间比实际结束时间早了两个半月,1981-82那次经济衰退时该指数预示的衰退结束时间更是比实际结束时间早了七个月。

39、Be aware, however, that you will find these same symbols used inconsistently among engineers. ─── 不过,你可能会发现在工程上同样的地信号使用的符号是不一样的。

40、Various industrial as well as industrial interior various trades enlarge employment inconsistently. ─── 产业结构与就业结构发展的不协调性;

41、Methods of sample agitation have not been provided, as they are likely to inconsistently distort the analysis of results. ─── 由于没有提供样品搅拌的方法,很可能会影响对于试验结果的分析。

42、Definitions are used inconsistently and incorrectly. ─── 定义被错误的矛盾的使用着。

43、We were not supposed to trade markets inconsistently. ─── 我们得到建议,不要不一致地参与市场交易。

44、Shared Bonds cast by Sister of Pain is applied inconsistently and is not able to be dispelled. ─── 大星术士在被激活后不再会把整个房间的小怪全部拖进战斗(话说这么改是不是可以少清点小怪了?)

45、The three visual skills were inconsistently affected by age and reading skill. ─── 3种视觉技巧受年龄和阅读技巧的不同程度的影响。

46、As you might have guessed, I call this pattern the Null Flag bug pattern because it is caused by inconsistently using null pointers as flags for exceptional conditions. ─── 您可能会猜想,之所以称这种模式为空标志错误模式,是因为它是不一致地使用空指针作为异常情况的标志引起的。

47、For about ten years , lots of Chinese legal teacher advocated importing case method in order to reform our legal education , but they understood it inconsistently. ─── 当前,我国不少法律教育工作者主张引进判例教学法但是对它的认识又不尽一致。

48、Panchaud, alias Printanier, alias Bigrenaille, and Demi-Liard, alias Deux-Milliards, who had been inconsistently condemned, after a hearing of both sides of the case, to ten years in the galleys. ─── 还有半文钱,又叫二十亿,他们被审讯并判处十年苦役。

49、He reflected hopefully and inconsistently, "Alexandra isn't much like other womenfolks." ─── 他满怀希望而又惴惴不安地回答道,“亚历山德拉可不象其他的女人。”

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