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09-14 投稿



incuse 发音

英:[[?n'kju:z]]  美:[[?n'kju:z]]

英:  美:

incuse 中文意思翻译




incuse 相似词语短语

1、incase ─── v.把……装进箱子;包起,围住(同encase)

2、incus ─── n.[解剖]砧骨(位于中耳)

3、incense ─── n.香;奉承;v.焚香;激怒;熏香

4、incuses ─── n.[解剖]砧骨(位于中耳)

5、incases ─── v.把……装进箱子;包起,围住(同encase)

6、incused ─── adj.铸造的;压印而成的

7、incised ─── adj.雕刻的;切入的;有锯齿状边缘的;v.雕刻(incise的过去分词);切入

8、incise ─── vt.切;切割;雕刻

9、incased ─── 装进箱(incase的过去式和过去分词)

incuse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、seventh nerve-semicircular canal-short process of incus triangle ─── 面神经半规管砧骨短突三角, 三S三角

2、Objective:To study the development of the lenticular process of incus,and to make clear whether the lenticular processes are separated in ossicular chain. ─── 目的:研究人体听骨中砧骨长脚及豆状两骨之间的关系,砧骨长脚末端的豆状突在听骨链解剖中是否为一块独立的骨。

3、Study on lenticular process of the incus ─── 砧骨豆状突的观察和研究

4、Navicula directa var. incus ─── n. 直舟形藻砧骨变种

5、lenticular process of incus ─── 砧骨豆状突

6、Arthrodesmus incus ─── n. 分叉四棘鼓藻

7、Destruction of the incus was by far the most common ossicular defect in all cholesteatoma ears. ─── 对听小骨破坏尤其是砧骨均以鼓室窦型胆脂瘤及鼓膜紧张部型胆鳆瘤病耳最严重。

8、The relationship between the long limbs of incus and the lenticular process was studied by observing the micro structure and tissue section with microscope. ─── 在显微镜下观察豆状突的形态与砧骨长脚之间的关系,观察砧骨长脚与豆状突之间的微细结构和组织切片。

9、superior ligament of incus ─── 砧骨上韧带

10、limb of incus, long ─── 砧骨长脚

11、In breast dash forward when the operation, the incus that is located in bottom bosomy antrum is short dash forward nest of He Zhen bone is the reliable sign that facial nerve provides the 2nd genu. ─── 在乳突手术时,位于鼓窦底的砧骨短突和砧骨窝是面神经管第2膝的可靠标志。

12、Fold for incus ─── 砧骨襞

14、Application :suitable for desiccation,medical treatment amd poultry artifical incu bation. ─── 用途:干燥、医疗和家禽人工孵化。

15、incus hook ─── 砧骨钩

16、It is indicated that incus structure is a necessary consequence of strong development of cumulus. ─── 对解的一个数值计算表明:积云强烈的发展最后必然会使云顶出现砧状结构,从而发展成砧状积雨云。

17、incus replacement prosthesis ─── 砧骨赝复物, 假砧骨, 人工砧骨

18、Tetraëdron incus ─── n. 角棘藻

19、Landmarks for horizontal segment of the facial nerve : the facial nerve tracks forward inferior to short process of incus and anterior to horizontal semicircular canal carina in 30 angel. ─── 面神经水平段标志位于砧骨短突之下; 在水平半规管隆突前缘向前上呈30°行走;

20、During evolution becomes the incus bone of the inner ear of mammals. ─── 在进化的时候,会转变成哺乳动物内耳的砧骨。

21、fossa of incus ─── 砧骨窝

22、Stapedectomy with incus replacement ─── 镫骨切除术伴砧骨置换

23、Incudostapediopexy with incus replacement ─── 砧骨镫骨固定术伴砧骨置换术

24、process of incus ─── 砧骨突

25、posterior ligament of incus ─── 砧骨后韧带

26、Short process of incus ─── 砧骨短突

27、Ludwig's incus hook ─── 路德维希(氏)丰砧骨钩

28、limb of incus, short ─── 砧骨短脚

29、body of incus ─── 砧骨体

30、Malleostapediopexy with incus replacement ─── 锤骨镫骨固定术伴砧骨置换术

31、Hypoplasia of incus: multiplane reformatted technique and CT findings ─── 砧骨发育不良的CT检查

32、Keywords Tomography;X-ray computed;Temporal bone;Stapes;Incus; ─── 关键词体层摄影术;X线计算机;颞骨;镫骨;砧骨;

33、 双语使用场景

34、P lacid us incu rva tus, sp. nov. ─── 并确认小头叶蝉属应隶属于秀头叶蝉亚科。

35、3D CT can vividly demonstrate the shape and spatial relationships of malleus and incus. ─── 三维 CT能生动地显示锤骨、砧骨的立体形态及空间关系 .

36、dislocation of incus ─── 砧骨脱位

37、Tumour of cartilage of bone of minor details of foot of isolated sex Mu reports tumour of cartilage of sufficient ministry bone is few 1 times, the 5 % of incus cartilage tumour. ─── 孤立性坶趾末节骨软骨瘤1例报告足部骨软骨瘤极少,占骨软骨瘤的5%。

38、an incuse design on a coin. ─── 硬币上铸印的图案

39、The configuration of the fossa of the short process of the incus was similar with anatomy on the sagittal of CPR,the distance was 2.88 + 0.41 mm; ─── 矢状位重建图像上砧骨短脚窝形态与解剖相似,与面神经管的最短距离为2.88±0.41mm;

40、Ferrer's incus hook ─── 费勒(氏)砧骨钩

41、crus of incus ─── 砧骨脚

42、instrument for cutting through the long process of the incus ─── 长距离砧骨切除器

43、Dioxys incus ─── n. 双顶藻

44、Type II tympanoplasty: When incus and malleus were eroded off with normal stapes , bone cortex was fixed to the head of stapes in order to make the stapes connect to the artificial tympanic membrane. ─── 型镫骨加高术:镫骨正常,镫骨以外的听骨腐损,在镫骨头上固定骨皮质,使镫骨加高与人工鼓膜相接。

45、Zeroni's incus hook ─── 齐隆尼(氏)砧骨钩

46、some water used to live in arid areas to build park, each hole sowing seeds 2-3, 1-2 to be the growth of incus Miller grafting years later. ─── 一些缺水干旱地区惯用直播建园,每穴播2-3粒种子,待砧苗生长1-2年后嫁接。

47、crura of the incus ─── [医] 砧骨脚

48、Keywords Tympanoplasty;Mastoid Cortex;Incus; ─── 鼓室成型术;乳突皮质骨;砧骨;

49、ligaments of incus ─── [医] 砧骨韧带

50、ligament of short process of incus ─── 砧骨短突韧带, 砧骨短脚韧带, 砧骨后韧带

51、long process of incus ─── [医] 砧骨长突

52、incus anvil ─── 铁砧骨砧

53、traumatic dislocatlon of incus ─── 外伤性砧骨脱位

54、Twenty-four ears treated by canaloplasty of external auditory meatus and tympanoplasty, hammer and incus hypoplasia in 19 ears, stapes abnormity were demonstrated in 11 ears, ossicles absence in 3 ears, vestibular window clausura in 1 ears. ─── 24耳行手术治疗,术中发现锤、砧骨发育不全19耳,镫骨畸形11耳,镫骨缺失3耳,前庭窗闭锁1耳。

55、short crus of incus ─── 砧骨短脚, 砧骨短头

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