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09-14 投稿



hailstone 发音

英:[?he?lsto?n]  美:[?he?lst??n]

英:  美:

hailstone 中文意思翻译




hailstone 网络释义

n. 冰雹n. (Hailstone)人名;(英)黑尔斯通

hailstone 词性/词形变化,hailstone变形


hailstone 短语词组

1、hailstone sputhum ─── [医] 雹样痰

2、chip hailstone ─── 冰雹

hailstone 相似词语短语

1、chalkstone ─── n.[病理]痛风石;[病理]白垩块

2、hailstorm ─── n.雹暴;雹暴般的降临

3、halftone ─── n.网板;由网板制成的风化印版;由网板获得的印图;半音;adj.和网板有关的;在网版中运用的;由网板制成的

4、histone ─── n.[生化]组蛋白

5、marlstone ─── n.硬质的泥灰岩

6、hailstones ─── n.冰雹(hailstone的复数)

7、oilstone ─── n.油磨刀石

8、gallstone ─── n.[病理]胆石

9、Maidstone ─── n.梅德斯通(英国英格兰一城市)

hailstone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A hailstone hit the county on Monday, and caused losses to the banana production. ─── 当日18时30分左右,云南省勐腊县遭遇冰雹袭击,香蕉等作物不同程度遭受损失。

2、The locally strong convective weather such as thunder rain and heavy wind as well as hailstone and lightning strike occurred frequently. ─── 雷雨大风、冰雹、雷击等局地强对流天气发生频繁。


4、hailstone diameter ─── 冰雹直径

5、Gravity is pulling every raindrop and snowflake and hailstone ─── 地心引力在吸引着每一个雨点,每一片雪花和每一块冰雹。

6、Something, such as a hailstone, resembling a stone in shape or hardness. ─── 雹在形状上或硬度上与石头相像之物,如雹块。

7、Such kind of things occur when on Tibetan road over 5000 meters: the coming floating clouds suggest the approaching of hailstone, which makes us stop to have a look and then set out when stopping; ─── 在新藏线,一上五千米,我们就常常做这样的事:看到前面一块云飘过来,知道要下冰雹,就停下来看著它下,等停了再动身;

8、Hailstone weather ─── 冰雹天气

9、Analysis of the Effect on Local Hailstone Prevention ─── 局地冰雹防御效果分析

10、A Shower of rain drove down upon us, each drop stinging like a hailstone ─── 一阵倾盆大雨直泻到我们的身上,每一雨点打来都象冰雹般刺痛。

11、hailstone recorder ─── 冰雹记录仪

12、However, thanks dod that the hailstone was not big and many which can not give lose, at least not this time! ─── 不过,谢天谢地,冰雹个头不大,数量也不多,还不足以造成什么实际损失,至少这次是不会了。

13、The different atmospheric circulation and its evolvement lead to different moving path of Mongolia cold vortex and different area of Ningxia attacked by hailstone. ─── 由于环流形势及其演变的不同,使蒙古冷涡移动路径有所差异,造成宁夏不同区域受到冰雹袭击。

14、15 Natural disasters, mainly drought, gale, hailstone, floods and landslides, affected 22.5 million people, caused 40 deaths and left seven missing in May, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. ─── 2009年06月15日中国民政部最近发布的统计数据显示,今年5月份,全国自然灾害受灾人口2250万人,因灾死亡40人,因灾失踪7人。

15、The distribution of ratio of heavy disaster frequency to the area affected by hailstone is basically contrary. ─── 重灾频率和成灾面积比的分布与受灾频率基本相反。

16、Another was knocked 2)unconscious by a hailstone that came through the open window of his pick-up. ─── 另一位说他小货车的窗户没关,被一颗飞进来的冰雹击中,不省人事。

17、Calculation of Parameters in the Hailstone Impact Experiment ─── 冰雹撞击试验参数的理论计算

18、The growing grass was crushed down by hailstone. ─── 正在生长的草被冰雹压下去了。

19、God Hailstone ─── 雹神

20、This system is designed with a gas-gun to accelerate hailstone , with which the hail will impact the craft surface with a high speed. ─── 文中介绍了一种冰雹撞击试验系统的工作原理,即利用气体炮对冰雹弹丸加速,加速后的冰雹弹丸和飞行器产生高速撞击。

21、The first fact to hailstone in Canada. ─── 加拿大第一次冰雹!

22、the chasing of black clouds from the back makes us speed up and if as soon as possible, we can escape the catching of hailstone. ─── 有时乌云从后面追来,我们就骑着自行车狂奔,跑得快的话,一般可以逃过冰雹的袭击。

23、The hailstone took a heavy toll of the crops in our village last night. ─── 昨晚那场冰雹损坏了我们村的庄稼。

24、hailstone embryos ─── 雹胚

25、Application of the Eigenvector of Single-spot Elements to Hailstone Forecasting ─── 单站要素特征量在冰雹天气预报中的应用

26、And this change is from east to west in Inner Mongolia.The climate warming postponed frostless period,decreased snow,hailstone,thunderstorm,gale and day count of dust storm,increased rainfall. ─── 气候变暖使内蒙古地区无霜期延长,积雪、冰雹、雷暴、大风、沙尘暴日数减少,降水量也出现由少转多的变化,对草原类型分布起决定性作用的湿润度几乎没有变化。

27、Today we were visited by a hailstone fall. ─── 今天我们这儿下了一场冰雹。

28、strong Hailstone ─── 大冰雹

29、hailstone paths ─── 冰雹路径

30、At that time, the effect of artificial preventing hailstone example during several years was also analyzed. ─── 同时分析了近几年的防雹实例的效果,结果表明:取得了良好的社会和经济效益。

31、A Expert System of Suppressing and Decreasing Hailstone Disaster ─── 防雹减灾专家系统

32、hailstone sputhum ─── [医] 雹样痰

33、The distribution of ratio of heavy disaster frequency to the area affected by hailstone is basically contrary. ─── 重灾频率和成灾面积比的分布与受灾频率基本相反。

34、Seven mainly meteorological disasters might threaten 2008 Beijing Olympic Game, which are lightning, hailstone, gale, high temperature, rainstorm, fog and haze. ─── 摘要针对北京市奥运会期间的7种主要气象灾害(雷电、冰雹、大风、高温、暴雨、大雾和霾灾害),建立了气象灾害风险承受能力与风险控制能力评价的指标体系。

35、This system is designed with a gas-gun to accelerate hailstone,with which the hail will impact the craft surface with a high speed. ─── 文中介绍了一种冰雹撞击试验系统的工作原理,即利用气体炮对冰雹弹丸加速,加速后的冰雹弹丸和飞行器产生高速撞击。

36、9 Strong ability to resist hailstone, wind and snow: as high borosilicate 3.3 high hardness glass is adopted, it has advantages of high light transmittance, low expansion rate and low emission rate. ─── 9抗冰雹风雪能力强:因选用高硼硅3.3高硬度玻璃,具有高透光率、低膨胀率、低发射率等优点。

37、A shower of rain poured down upon us,each drop stinging like a hailstone. ─── 一阵倾盆大雨直泻在我们身上,每个雨点打来都像冰雹般刺痛。

38、Analysis of the Influence of the Hailstone on the Cotton in Lijin County ─── 利津县冰雹天气的分析

39、hailstone sputum ─── 雹样痰

40、long icicles hung from his beard, and one hailstone after another fell from under the collar of his jacket. ─── 他的胡子上垂著长长的冰柱,一块块的冰雹从他的夹克领子掉下来。

41、Shower of rain drove down upon us, each drop stinging like a hailstone. ─── 一阵倾盆大雨直泻到我们的身上,每一雨点打来都象冰雹般刺痛。

42、A Study on Mechanism of Launching Hailstone by Air Gun ─── 气体炮发射冰雹机理研究

43、hailstone cell ─── 冰雹单体

44、Criterions Analysis for Very Short-range Forecast of Hailstone in Shandong Province ─── 山东省冰雹短时预报判据分析

45、Each request to an Arbiter pushes the circuit toward one stable state or the other, just as a hailstone that falls in the Rocky Mountains can roll downhill toward the Pacific or the Gulf. ─── 仲裁者所接收到的每个请求,都会把电路推向其中一个稳定状态,就好像落在洛矶山脉上的冰雹不是滚向太平洋就是滚向墨西哥湾。

46、Primary Cause Analysis of a Hailstone Weather Process ─── 一次大冰雹过程的成因初探

47、The hailstone is strong and hard. ─── 雹块坚硬

48、On July 9 of 2007, there were many lightning accidents in Qinghuangdao City and hailstone in parts of sites. ─── 2007年7月9日,秦皇岛市发生多起雷击事故,局部地点还出现了冰雹。

49、A shower of rain poured down upon us, each drop stinging like a hailstone . ─── 一阵倾盆大雨直泻到我们身上,每个雨点打来都像冰雹般刺痛。

50、Analysis on Motion Paths of Heavy Hailstone Clouds in Akesu ─── 阿克苏地区强冰雹云移动路径分析

51、At last,the factors related to the hailstone were analyzed. ─── 分析了此次过程中出现冰雹的相关因子。

52、Hailstone are rattling on the window-panes. ─── 劈里啪啦地敲打着窗玻璃。


54、Sera in Tibet means “Hailstone”, legend tills that it hailed during the foundation of this famous monastery. ─── 色拉寺是一所具有代表性的黄教寺院,是藏传佛教格鲁派六大主寺之一,也是拉萨三大寺中建成最晚的一座寺院。

55、Hailstone disaster ─── 冰雹灾害

56、taking a stroll on some of my prize plants. A shower of rain poured down upon us, each drop stinging like a hailstone. ─── 一阵倾盆大雨直泻在我们身上,每个雨点打来都像冰雹般刺痛。

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