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09-14 投稿



midway 发音

英:[?m?d?we?]  美:['m?d'we]

英:  美:

midway 中文意思翻译




midway 短语词组

1、midway through the matrix ─── 矩阵中间

2、midway island ─── 中途岛

3、battle of midway island ─── 中途岛战役

4、battle of midway theater ─── 中途岛战役

5、Battle of Midway ─── 中途岛战役(1942年6月3—5日日本与美国发生的一次海战)

6、midway house ─── [法] 感化院

7、uss midway ─── 中途岛号

8、midway through ─── 中途通过

9、Midway Islands n. ─── 中途岛 [网络] 小岛 ─── 中途岛; ─── 中途岛之役; ─── 中途群岛

10、annealer midway ─── 中途退火炉

11、battle of midway ibmd ─── 中途岛ibmd战役

12、midway island war ─── 中途岛战争

13、midway university ─── 中途岛大学

14、midway airport n. ─── 米德韦机场(美国地名)

15、midway tactics ─── 中途战术

midway 词性/词形变化,midway变形


midway 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I have never thought that you are such a rude person, don't you know it's quite impolite of you to ring your customers off midway? ─── 我没想到你是这么不懂礼貌的人,你知道这样电话没讲完就直接挂你客户电话是十分不礼貌的行为吗?

2、By the time Barcelona had taken the lead midway throught the first-half, Rhys Taylor had made a fine save. ─── 在上半场巴萨就已取得了领先,雷耶斯.泰勒做出了一个精彩的扑救。

3、The Moray left Midway in a melancholy drizzle . ─── “海鳗号”在阴沉沉的细雨中离开了中途岛。

4、Oft in my waking dreams do I Live o'er again that happy hour, When midway on the mount I lay, Beside the ruin'd tower. ─── 在我醒时的出神中,我常一遍遍重温那幸福时刻;当时我在那山的半腰上,在倒了的塔边躺着。

5、On April 21, the Communists landed at Kiukiang midway between Nanking and Hankow. ─── 四月二十一日,共军在南京与汉口之间的九江登陆。

6、The Blazers went flat after Fernandez went out, and the Lakers closed the gap to 89-73 midway through the fourth quarter. ─── 在费尔南德斯被抬出场后,第四节,湖人队还是在追赶比分,第四节过半,湖人队以73-89依然落后.

7、Already, in June 1942, the Japanese had lost the decisive Battle of Midway. ─── 1942年6月,日本人就已经在有决定意义的中途岛战役中失利。

8、A position midway between two extremes. ─── 一半两端中间的位置

9、Finishes class from Chelsea and the Wahlen midway, he links takes two high quota penalties, went home to be Jiang Taigong to fish. ─── 从切尔西和瓦伦中途下课,他连拿两笔高额违约金,回家做姜太公钓鱼去了。

10、Find out how to stop a SAX parser midway through a document without losing the data already collected, in. ─── 中,了解如何在文档中间停止SAX解析器而不丢失已经采集的数据。

11、But Chelsea began to assert authority.Ayala was booked after jumping with Drogba midway inside his own half. ─── 不过之后切尔西又发起了一波攻势,阿亚拉在与德罗巴争顶时犯规吃到黄牌。

12、In a recent financial report, Eidos has confirmed it already has sequels in development for Battlestations:Midway and Just Cause. ─── 中途岛的续作确认的确是好消息。毕竟二战中还有很多值得回味的海战。期待进一步消息。

13、Midway between the bow and the stern. ─── 在船中部位于船头和船尾的中间位置

14、Spain continued to pile on the pressure and streaked away to establish what turned out to be an unassailable 52-29 lead at the midway point. ─── 之后,西班牙更给塞尔维亚施以重压,半场结束,取得了52-29的决定性优势。

15、This morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island. ─── 今晨,日本军队又袭击了中途岛。

16、The north-south line ran midway between the hour hand and 12 o'clock. ─── 南北线穿过时针和十二点的中间线。

17、The two village are a mile apart, and my house lies midway between them. ─── 两村相距一英里,我家在中间。

18、Morientes left the park to huge acclaim midway through the second-half, replaced by Angulo. ─── 下半场进行到一半,莫伦恩特斯被安古洛替换下场,下场时他得到了主场球迷的喝彩。

19、Chopped off his sentence midway; are going to chop expenses. ─── 他讲到一半时突然截住了话头; 打算削减开支

20、Optimist: A person who while falling from Eiffel tower says in midway“ see I am not injured yet. ─── 乐观主义者:从埃菲尔铁塔掉下而在半空中说“瞧我还没有受伤”的人。

21、Down 86-75 midway through the third quarter, Los Angeles closed the gap when Sacramento went a stretch of 4:18 without scoring. ─── 在第三节中间部分,湖人一度以86-75落后,而随后国王在4分18秒的时间里一分未得。

22、Each departure from Midway made him think long dark thoughts. ─── 他每次离开中途岛时,都会陷入长时间阴郁的冥想。

23、If Moore's law could be sustained, your descendants would be able to buy an ultimate laptop midway through the 23rd century. ─── 假如摩尔定律可继续维持下去,你的后代子孙大约可在23世纪来临前买到这种终极笔记型电脑。

24、On her first war patrol from Pearl Harbor, she was ordered to patrol the western approaches to Midway, taking station 280 miles westward during that historic victory. ─── 在第一次的战术巡逻中,她得到命令在中途岛西部沿岸巡逻,并且在那个历史性胜利的发生地以西280英里保持警戒。

25、Carvalho needed more head treatment midway through the half after another collision with Anichebe for which the Everton striker was whistled up. ─── 再又一次和阿尼切比发生碰撞后,卡瓦略的头部接受了治疗。

26、Your sidebar can be on the right or left, or even start midway down the page. ─── 你的边栏可以在左也可在右,甚至可以在页面下方的中间位置。

27、About midway down the South Island stands Mount Cook, the highest peak in the country at 3, 754m, surrounded by giant glaciers. ─── 在南岛的中部屹立着新西兰的最高峰,海拔3754米的库克山,其周围是巨大的冰河。

28、Midway through the second quarter of the football game. ─── 在足球赛下半场的后半段

29、The world's population should hit ten billion midway through the 21st century in the year 2054. ─── 在对世纪中期的2054年,世界人口会达到100亿。

30、Science Park, situated midway between Boston and its major satellite city, Cambridge, offers the Museum of Science. ─── 位于波士顿和其主要卫星城剑桥中间的科学公园内则有科学博物馆。

31、Midway Tactics[lwcool]Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue. ─── 三个互相争生意的商店老板在一条林荫道上租用了毗邻的店铺。旁观者等着瞧好戏。

32、Chelsea were still stuck in the defensive alf, however, and midway through the second period Lampard replaced the still bloody Bridge to make his 300th Chelsea appearance. ─── 切尔西的防线仍然受到冲击,在下半场比赛进行到中间时,兰帕德替补状态仍然很好的布里吉上场,这是他第300次代表球队出场,中场变成了菱形站位。

33、A group of volcanic islands in the S Pacific midway between Hawaii and Australia. ─── 南太平洋的一组火山群岛,位于夏威夷和澳大利亚之间。

34、On 3 June the Japanese mounted their deceptive strike at the Aleutians, and on 4 June the first wave of Japanese aircraft hit Midway. ─── 6月3日,日军派出佯攻舰队,4日对中途岛进行第一轮袭击。

35、Spain continued to pile on the pressure and streaked away to establish what turned out to be an unassailable 52-29 lead at the midway point. ─── 西班牙继续施加压力,并且持续到确立了压倒性的52比29的优势,在半场结束时!

36、A parameter specifies how to round the value if it is midway between two other numbers. ─── 一个参数,指定当一个值正好处于另两个数中间时如何舍入这个值。

37、Midway through 2006, he became the most unpopular president under the French Fifth Republic since polling began. ─── 2006年尚未完结,他已沦落为民调启用以来法兰西第五共和国最不受欢迎的总统。

38、Dave "Abe" Simmons, the one-time wingman of Adm.Jimmy Thach, one of the heroes of the Battle of Midway. ─── "阿布”.西蒙斯举行海葬,他是中途岛的英雄之一,曾是吉米.萨克的僚机。

39、Huddersfield equalised before the break and then took the lead midway through the second half. ─── 哈茨菲尔德半场前扳平,而下半场他们进一步反超比分。

40、As a consequence, the mmf due to the armature current is along the aixs midway between the two adjacent poles, called the quadrature (or q) aixs. ─── 因此,由电枢电流所产生的磁动势沿着相临的两个磁极,并称为正交轴。

41、There she was, like a confused seahorse, paddling madly midway between the bottom and the surface and getting nowhere. ─── 啊,她在那儿,在水面和底部的中央四脚拼命乱刨,象只海马,停在那儿不动。

42、The United States takes control of Midway Island. ─── 1867年的今天,美国控制了中途岛。

43、Midway through our journey, my driver stopped and demanded that we renegotiate our set fare, doubling the price. ─── 在我们的旅程中的半路上,我的司机停下来,并要求我们重新确定我们的车费,(增加了一倍的价格)。

44、The procedure took longer than he expected, however, and Arndt decided to make a break for the bank midway through surgery. ─── 可是手术时间比他预计的要长,他这才决定中途暂停手术到银行去。

45、Midway up the door was fixed a plate of metal: Simon could not tell if it was a latch or a peephole cover. ─── 这门的中间,固定着一个金属板:Simon不知道它是个插销,还是窥视孔的盖子。

46、And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway island. ─── 今晨日本人袭击了中途岛。

47、Midway Atoll has the second largest population in the world. ─── 全球第二大黑脚信天翁族群即群聚在太平洋的中途岛环礁。

48、Our two subfamilies converged just once a year, after Christmas, midway at my grandfather's house. ─── 我们两家一年中只在圣诞节后在位于两家中间的我爷爷家相聚一次。

49、goal was scored midway through the first half. ─── 上半场中段时攻进一球。

50、The goal was scored midway through the first half. ─── 上半场中段时攻进一球。

51、Midway is one of the islands in the Northwest Hawaiian Island chain that President Bush declared a national marine monument last year. ─── 中间地是其中一个西北夏威夷海岛链子的海岛布什总统去年宣称一座全国海洋纪念碑。

52、Medium: (1) The weight of a typeface midway between light and bold. (2) A British standard size of printing paper, 455x585 mm.18x23 inches). ─── (1)中粗体,(2)中度:(1)字体笔划的粗幼,介乎幼体和黑体间的设计。(2)英国标准印刷纸度之一,455x585毫米(18x23寸)。

53、The other team, holding the whip hand, seemed to relax midway through the first half. ─── 另一支球队控制了场面,所以整个上半场的比赛显得很轻松。

54、When he's midway through,he ticked over. ─── 他讲到一半,就支支吾吾起来。

55、Chopped off his sentence midway;are going to chop expenses. ─── 他讲到一半时突然截住了话头;打算削减开支

56、Formerly a school for freed slaves, Dorchester Academy in Midway, Ga., is deteriorating without funds in sight to save it. ─── 佐治亚州中部的多切斯特学院,以前是一个奴隶自由化的学校,因为没有资金将其保留而正面临恶化。

57、The injured Bianco was replaced by Saturday's hero Lanzafame midway through the first half, and within minutes he had pulled one back. ─── 在上半场的中间阶段,星期六的英雄蓝扎法母在被换上(替下受伤的比安科)后的几分钟内帮助球队攻进1球。

58、He had never acquired such tricks of the trade as demanding exorbitant prices, "selling" fares midway or waiting for one who paid well. ─── 什么故意的绷大价,什么中途倒车,什么死等好座儿,他都没学会。

59、Midway up a break, dressed in a black jeans, come up to eye Lou fierce light, mouth keep scold. ─── 中途上来了一个黑人,穿一身破牛仔裤,一上来就眼露凶光,嘴里面不停的骂。

60、The submediant is the sixth degree of the scale and is midway between the subdominant or lower dominant and the tonic. ─── 下中音是第六级音,在下属音和主音之间。

61、The length from end of nose to stop (midway between the eyes) should be not less than that from stop to back of occipital protuberance (peak). ─── 从鼻尖到止部(两眼中间)的距离不小于从止部到后枕骨突起处的距离。

62、Our conceptual firsts are middle-sized, middle-distanced objects, and our introduction to them and to everything comes midway in the cultural evolution of the race. ─── 在概念上初始的东西是大小和距离都适中的事物,我们对它们以及其他所有东西的引进都发生于人类文化演进的中途。

63、The section of a playing field midway between goals. ─── 中场比赛场地中位于两个球门之间中央的部分

64、When he was midway through, everybody had guessed how the story would come out. ─── 他刚讲了一半,大家就料到故事的结局如何了。

65、Scince Park situated midway between Boston and its major satellite city Cambridge offers the Museum of Science. ─── 位于波士顿和其主要卫星城剑桥中间的科学公园内侧则有科学博物馆。

66、But I fear such midway turn do, whether can you affect an immigration office to reach emigrant process to my view? ─── 但我担心这样中途转办,是否会影响移民局对我的看法及移民过程?

67、About midway down the South Island stands Mount Cook, the highest peak in the country at 3,754m, surrounded by giant glaciers. ─── 在南岛的中部屹立着新西兰的最高峰, 海拔3754米的库克山, 其周围是巨大的冰河。

68、The two villages are a mile apart, and my house lies midway between them. ─── 两村相距一英里, 我家在中间.

69、Yao yelled at head coach Del Harris and his teammates during a time-out midway in the period. ─── 在中场休息的时候姚明朝主教练哈瑞斯以及他的队友们大嚷了起来。

70、Optimist: A person who while falling from Eiffel Tower says in midway "See I am not injured yet. ─── 乐观主义者:从埃菲尔铁塔上跌下来、在半空中说“看,我还没受伤”的人。

71、Hogwart's Great Hall, meanwhile, has been redressed for the Yule Ball, a big dance that occurs midway through the movie. ─── 与此同时,霍格沃茨礼堂已经为了圣诞舞会被修整一新,这场盛大的舞会将在影片半途现身。

72、He said as much to Tesla as they approached an intersection midway along the corridor. "I-I'll wait for you here-you know, s-stand guard. " ─── 他们走到中途的一个通道交叉口时,他说:“我——我在这里等你——你知道,得放——放哨。”

73、About midway down the South Island stands Mount Cook,the highest peak in the country at 3,754m,surrounded by giant glaciers. ─── 在南岛的中部屹立着新西兰的最高峰,海拔3754米的库克山,其周围是巨大的冰河。

74、Eidur Gudjohnsen gave Chelsea the lead after 29 seconds, but Patrick Vieira and Edu had Arsenal ahead by midway through the first-half. ─── 古德扬森开场29秒便帮助切尔西领先,但维埃拉和埃杜的进球上半场便逆转。

75、At 16 weeks the uterus is midway between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus. ─── 16周时,宫底位于耻骨联合与肚脐之间。

76、He crashed midway through the race. ─── 他在赛跑中途突然摔倒。

77、June 3, at the Japanese fleet attacked the Aleutian Islands, Midway Islands campaign started off. ─── 6月3日,日军分舰队袭击阿留申群岛,拉开中途岛战役序幕。

78、Specification for how to round value if it is midway between two other numbers. ─── value在两个数字之间时如何舍入的规范。

79、The Battle of Midway began on June 3, 1942. ─── 中途岛战役开始于1942年6月3日。

80、He was born in 1953, and grew up in London, Ontario, a manufacturing town midway between Toronto and Detroit. ─── 他出生于1953年,在伦敦、安大略省以及多伦多和底特律之间的一个制造业重镇长大。

81、Midway alone the journey of our life, I woke to find myslef in a dark wood. For I had wandered off from the straight path. ─── 在我的生命旅途中,我迷失方向。。。睁开眼,发现自己走进一片黑森林。

82、He finally got a shot to go16 seconds into the second quarter, then really got going midway through the quarter. ─── 他在第二节开始16秒的时候取得了第一个进球,并在这节中继续开火。

83、A naval escort vessel closely tails the repatriation boat as far as the midway Point in the Taiwan Strait. ─── 军舰护送载运偷渡客的渔船,直到海峡中线才结束。

84、From just the entrance, in the southern part of the bay, up to a second slack water area, about midway up the bay, tidal currents are ebbing. ─── 在海湾的南部,从紧靠入口处内侧直到第二平潮区,其间距离大约是到海湾的一半,潮流正在回落。

85、Our trip takes Midway as a starting point. ─── 我们的旅行以中途岛为起点。

86、He scored 14 of his 22 points in the first quarter but had four fouls about midway through the third. ─── 他在第一节得了他22分里面的14分,但是在第三节中段就背了四次犯规。

87、You're at a table in a restaurant for a business dinner. Midway through the meal, you are called to the telephone. What do you do with your napkin? ─── 你正在饭馆吃工作餐。吃饭的时候,有人叫你去听电话。你怎么处理你的餐巾?

88、Midway through the course, he was promoted to head Commerzbank's private banking operations in Singapore. ─── 在就读期间,他被提升为德国商业银行新加坡私人银行业务主管。

89、The team, holding the whip hand, seemed to relax midway through the first half. ─── 占优势的这个队,上半场打到一半时松懈了下来。

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