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09-14 投稿



indited 发音

英:[?n?da?t?d]  美:[?n?da?t?d]

英:  美:

indited 中文意思翻译



indited 词性/词形变化,indited变形

动词过去分词: indited |名词: inditement |动词过去式: indited |动词现在分词: inditing |动词第三人称单数: indites |

indited 相似词语短语

1、inedited ─── adj.未经编辑的;未出版的;未发表的

2、inditer ─── 独立董事

3、incited ─── vt.煽动;激励;刺激

4、invited ─── v.邀请(invite的过去式和过去分词);请求;引诱;招致

5、indicated ─── adj.表明的;指示的;v.表明(indicate的过去分词);指出;显示

6、indites ─── v.创作,写成文章

7、indite ─── v.创作,写成文章

8、indictee ─── n.被告

9、indicted ─── vt.控告,起诉;[法]揭发

indited 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The second chapter demonstrates that Tang Chuanqi indited novels consciously.This argument could be testified by its writers,its dramatic personaes and artistic skills. ─── 第二部分研究唐人传奇始(?)“有意为小说”,这可以从作家的主体意识、作品主人公及艺术技巧诸方面得到论证。

2、Transmit in China,Influencein in China,Indited in??? ─── 传播在中国,影响在中国,创作在???

3、Xianghe song poem was the original performing text of Yuefu Xianghe song, which flourished in the Han and Wei dynasties and was continuously indited by the following literators. ─── 本文运用歌诗艺术生产的理论与方法,把相和歌辞作独立的研究对象,对汉、唐千年间的相和歌辞艺术进行了较为全面和详细的研究。

4、The modern art dispenses with indited rules and need't think over catering to the interest of public. ─── 它无需任何创作规则,无需考虑接受公众的趣味,它不追求公众的认同。

5、He took no further notice of the heaps of scattered scraps of paper on which his pencil writings had been indited. ─── 他毫不在意他用铅笔创作出来的那些散乱成堆的纸片上的作品。

6、Transmit in China,Audiences in China,Indited in??? ─── 传播在中国,观众在中国,创作在???

7、The first part will analyse his complex intention and the backdrop about how the poem in the middle of Tang Dynasty were indited from the society status and the time spirit . ─── 第一部分从社会状况和时代精神两方面分析了中唐前期诗歌产生的时代背景及李益在社会环境的影响下复杂的心态。

8、dramas indited in Yuan dynasty ─── 元代戏曲

9、Antonin Dvorak,who is the most famous musician in Czechoslovakia and one of the organizers of the Czechic Folk Music,has indited lots of music works in his life,which include a lot of vocals. ─── 德沃夏克,捷克最著名的音乐家,捷克民族乐派的创立者之一。他一生创作了为数众多的音乐作品,其中包含有大量声乐作品。

10、indited document ─── 不曾发表过的文件

11、Motherland in My Heart" was indited into the SAC of middle schools and primary schools of Jiangxi Province. ─── 祖国在我心中》编入江西省中、小学教材。

12、She indited a love-poem. ─── 她写了一首情诗。

13、He took no further notice of the heaps of scattered scraps of paper on which his pencil writings had been indited. ─── 他毫不在意他用铅笔创作出来的那些散乱成堆的纸片上的作品。

14、Transmit in China, Influencein in China, Indited in? ? ? ─── 传播在中国,影响在中国,创作在???

15、Pu Song-ling indited his works employed abundance boorish language in his late years. ─── 摘要出生于农村、成长于农村、生活于农村,必然熟悉农村,描写农村。

16、Tang literators indited many plangent stories of marriage and love on the basis of former generations. ─── 唐代文士在前代的基础上,用叙述之笔构筑了许多哀婉欲绝的婚恋故事。

17、They drank and indited, played musical instrument and drew pictures and strolled together. ─── 他们与道士一起饮酒赋诗、弹琴论画、游山玩水。

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