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09-14 投稿



cambogia 发音

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cambogia 中文意思翻译



cambogia 短语词组

1、garcinia cambogia reviews ─── 藤黄

2、cambogia indica ─── [医] 印度藤黄

3、gum cambogia ─── [化] 藤黄

4、garcinia cambogia benefits ─── 藤黄

5、garcinia cambogia weight loss ─── 藤黄减肥

6、Garcinia cambogia ─── 藤黄果

cambogia 相似词语短语

1、camogie ─── n.卡莫奇(女子爱尔兰曲棍球比赛)

2、gambogian ─── 冈比亚

3、alogia ─── n.失语症

4、cambia ─── n.形成层(cambium的复数)

5、camboge ─── 穿孔混凝土块

6、gambogic ─── 藤本的

7、cambio ─── n.(Cambio)人名;(意)坎比奥

8、cambiata ─── n.(Cambiata)人名;(德)坎比亚塔

9、cambial ─── adj.形成层的

cambogia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Contains Garnicia Cambogia, Chitosan, Gymnema Sylvestre and Kola Nut, which together help accelerate metabolism and promote the burning of fat. ─── 含滕王果、蟹壳素、武靴叶及可乐果,有助促进新陈代谢,达到燃烧脂肪的效果。

2、gum cambogia ─── 藤黄科

3、Sheets sized with styrene copolymers showed better ink hold-out for cambogia and soot-ink, but less than ideal hold-out for indigo and carmine. ─── 使用苯乙烯共聚合物的上胶纸,对藤黄及墨汁之托色尚佳,对花青及洋红之托色效果不尽理想。

4、What is Garcinia Cambogia and HCA? Why is it called a 'Miraculous Plant'? ─── 什么是藤黄果和HCA ?为什么称其为“神奇的植物?”

5、cambogia indica ─── [医] 印度藤黄

6、In recent years, Garcinia cambogia has been promoted for weight loss due to various possible effects it may have on the body. ─── 即溶营养餐能为人体提供即均衡且健康的食品。谷物里含有高纤维, 实质的脂肪和其他的营养素。

7、Contains four ingredients effective in reducing and absorbing fats - Garnicia Cambogia, Chitosan, Gymnema Sylvestre and Kola Nut. Suitable for those looking for a trimmer figure. ─── 蕴含四种有效消脂和吸脂成分,包括滕王果、蟹壳素、武靴叶和可乐果,健康而有效地控制体重。适合想均匀纤减全身脂肪的人。

8、Until now Garcinia Cambogia extract was a difficult nutritional supplement to come by. ─── 直到现在,藤黄果提取物仍然是很难提取到的。

9、Here is a typical Chinese pigment specimen hall, Apart from cambogia and cochineal, the pigments used by ancient Chinese were almost all inorganic minerals. ─── 这里是一个最完整的中国历代颜料标本馆。

10、Contains Garnicia Cambogia, Chitosan, Gymnema Sylvestre and Kola Nut, which together help accelerate metabolism and promote the burning of fat. . ─── 含滕王果、蟹壳素、武靴叶及可乐果,有助促进新陈代谢,达到燃烧脂肪的效果。

11、You should also be careful about trying weight loss supplements, such as Garcinia Cambogia. ─── 你也应该小心尝试减肥补充剂,如藤黄果。

12、The supplement contains four highly effective elements - garcinia cambogia, chitosan, kola nut and gymnema sylvestre - that help reduce hunger and body fat absorption, thereby helping to control body weight and keep fat at bay! ─── 纤体乐自2001年4月推出以来,备受用家推崇,更帮助不少纤体人士成功实践纤体目标,回复窈窕身裁,重拾自信。

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