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ichthyology 发音

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ichthyology 中文意思翻译



ichthyology 网络释义

n. 鱼类学;鱼类学著作

ichthyology 词性/词形变化,ichthyology变形

名词: ichthyologist |形容词: ichthyologic |

ichthyology 相似词语短语

1、ichthyologist ─── n.鱼类学者;鱼类研究者

2、ichthyophagy ─── n.食鱼,以鱼为食

3、ichnology ─── n.足迹化石学

4、ichthyologically ─── 鱼类学

5、ichthyologic ─── 鱼类学

6、ichthyolatry ─── n.鱼神崇拜,鱼类崇拜

7、ichthyological ─── 鱼类学

8、ichthyolite ─── 鱼化石

9、ichthyol. ─── n.鱼油精;[药]鱼石脂

ichthyology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、GUO Hong-Yi TANG Wen-Qiao* WEI Kai HU Xue-Lian (Laboratory of Ichthyology; Shanghai Fisheries University; Shanghai 200090; China); ─── 上海水产大学鱼类研究室;上海水产大学鱼类研究室上海;

2、clutch In ichthyology, the number of eggs laid at any one time. May refer to groups of eggs laid in a nest. ─── 巢中卵数在鱼类学中是指单次产卵的总量。或者是单一巢穴中的卵数。

3、Practice and Thinking of Course Construction in Ichthyology ─── 鱼类学课程建设的实践与思考

4、It serves as one of eight International Centers for Ichthyology. ─── 它是八大鱼类学国际中心之一。

5、horny capsule In ichthyology, an egg case as in the Rajidae. ─── 角囊鞘在鱼类学,鳐科的卵荚。

6、alveolar ridge In ichthyology, a bony ridge supporting teeth. ─── 齿槽脊在鱼类学意指支撑牙齿的骨脊。

7、suspensory bone In ichthyology, a bone by which the jaw is attached to the skull. ─── 悬系的硬骨鱼类学用词,将颌部依附于头盖骨的一个硬骨。

8、abdominal pore In ichthyology, an external aperture near the vent communicating with the abdominal cavity. Found in Cyclostomata, Elasmobranchii, and in some Teleostomi, e.g., Salmonidae. ─── 腹孔在鱼类学中,腹腔除了排洩孔之外,另一个外部的孔。发现于板鳃亚纲,与一些真骨鱼类,例如,鲑科。

9、ichthyology The science dealing with the study of fish. ─── 鱼类学研究鱼类的科学。

10、Then will come advanced studies in ichthyology, oceanography, ethology, and other scientific subjects. ─── 然后你将有机会进一步学习鱼类学、海洋学、动物行为学和其他相关学科。

11、Practice Teaching on Hyperplasia Breeding of Ichthyology ─── 鱼类增养殖实习

12、ampullae In ichthyology, swellings of the end of the semicircular canals. ─── 壶腹在鱼类学,半规管的末端膨胀部分。

13、ISH; International Society of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology; ─── 国际鱼类学和流体生物学会;

14、territorial In ichthyology, relating to the defence of an area in fish behaviour. ─── 领域性在鱼类学中指鱼类防卫地盘的行为。

15、In ichthyology, a portion of the gas bladder, rich in capillaries, for the absorption of gases. ─── 椭圆体鱼类学用词,气鳔的部分,有丰富的微血管可吸收气体。

16、(ichthyology) possessing a symmetrical tail that extends beyond the end of the vertebral column (as in most bony fishes). ─── (鱼类学)有一个延伸过脊椎对称的尾(如大多数多骨的鱼)。

17、ampullae In ichthyology, swellings of the end of the semicircular canals. ─── 壶腹在鱼类学,半规管的末端膨胀部分。

18、flank In ichthyology, the side of a fish. ─── 侧面在鱼类学,鱼的侧边。

19、sample In ichthyology a collection of fishes made from a locality; ─── 样本鱼类学用词,意指来自地方的一群鱼类收集品;

20、peripheral In ichthyology, the peripheral division refers to fishes that occur in freshwater but which are very tolerant to salt water, e.g. ─── 周缘性的在鱼类学止,周边区域参考依据为出现在淡水的鱼,但是对咸水域有非常大的容忍力,例如七鳃鳗科、鲟科、鳗科,鰕虎鱼科等。

21、marine ichthyology ─── 海洋鱼类学

22、Ichthyology is the study of fishes. ─── 鱼类学是研究鱼类的科学

23、(ichthyology) possessing a symmetrical tail that extends beyond the end of the vertebral column (as in most bony fishes) ─── (鱼类学)有一个延伸过脊椎对称的尾(如大多数多骨的鱼)

24、extrusion In ichthyology, the process of pushing out eggs by a spawning female. ─── 挤出在鱼类学,一个产卵母鱼将卵推出的过程。

25、(ichthyology) possessing a tail with the upper lobe larger than the lower and with the vertebral column prolonged into the upper lobe. ─── (鱼类学)有上片大于下片、脊椎延伸入上片中的尾鳍。

26、(ichthyology) possessing a tail with the upper lobe larger than the lower and with the vertebral column prolonged into the upper lobe ─── (鱼类学)有上片大于下片、脊椎延伸入上片中的尾鳍

27、The purpose of our study is to develop a new approach of identification species for forensic ichthyology. ─── 本课题旨在研究用于法医鱼类学种属鉴别的新技术。

28、suspensorium In ichthyology, the chain of cartilages and bones from the hyomandibular to the palatine, suspending the jaws from the neurocranium. ─── 悬骨鱼类学用词,由舌颌骨到腭骨的软骨和硬骨结合物,自脑颅悬吊著双颌。

29、extrinsic In ichthyology, gas bladder muscles with one end inserting on the gas bladder and the other end inserting elsewhere, as opposed to intrinsic. ─── 非固有的在鱼类学,气鳔肌肉有一端插入其他地方与另一个端插入鱼鳔,相对于固有的。

30、feeding ground In ichthyology, where fish feed or where food is abundant and available. ─── 觅食地在鱼类学,鱼觅食或食物丰富而易于取得的地方。

31、But, restrained by his Massachusetts culture, he played out the game in this mild form of botany and ichthyology. ─── 可是受到自己马萨诸塞州文化的限制,他只好玩了这种温和点的植物学和鱼类学游戏。

32、IWR is a web site dedicated to providing a comprehensive directory of online ichthyology resources organised for scientists, higher education students, and other professional level users. ─── 此站点为科学家、大学生及其它专业人士提供丰富的鱼类学网络资源。

33、poach In ichthyology, to catch and take away fish illegally. ─── 盗渔指非法捕捉且带走鱼获。

34、ventral disk In ichthyology, sucker formed by the pelvic fins. ─── 腹面圆盘在鱼类学,吸盘由腹鳍形成的。

35、The European Ichthyological Society (EIS) founded in 1976 is an international, non-governmental organisation of scientists and individuals interested in ichthyology. ─── 欧洲鱼类协会(EIS)成立于1976年,是一个由鱼类学科学家和个别对鱼类学感兴趣的人事组成的国际非政府组织。

36、rings In ichthyology, circular structures on scales and bones laid down annually and indicative of age and growth. ─── 环纹鱼类学用词,鳞片与硬骨上的圆形结构会每年地记录下年龄与成长的指标。

37、The entire library collection covers marine ecology, marine biology, marine geology, aquaculture, fisheries management, and pollution, marine zoology (ichthyology) and oceanography, analytical chemistry, sediments and remote sensing. ─── 藏书中包括海洋生态学、海洋生物学、海洋地质学、水产养殖学、渔业管理、污染、海洋动物学(鱼类学)和海洋学、以及分析化学、沉积学和遥感方面的书籍。

38、homogenous Uniform; in ichthyology used to describe egg yolk in larval fishes as opposed to segmented. ─── 同质的均匀的;鱼类学里用来描述仔鱼卵黄,相对于仔鱼的卵黄分段的。

39、facet In ichthyology, an articulating bone surface, either flat or slightly curved. ─── 刻面在鱼类学,一个接合硬骨表面,平坦的或些微地弯曲。

40、Then, you will need to study for another year to complete an honours degree in ichthyology. ─── 然后,你还要再学习一年来获得鱼类研究荣誉学位。

41、ISH; International Society of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology; ─── 国际鱼类学和流体生物学会;


ICH( International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use)人用药物注册技术要求国际协调会。


ICH(I/O controller hub)直译的意思是“输入/输出控制器中心”,负责连接PCI总线,IDE设备,I/O设备等,是英特尔的南桥芯片系列名称。 南桥芯片(South Bridge)是主板芯片组的重要组成部分,一般位于主板上离CPU插槽较远的下方,PCI插槽的附近,这种布局是考虑到它所连接的I/O总线较多,离处理器远一点有利于布线。

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